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Ancient India ● Gopas: responsible for accountants etc.

● Nagaraka: incharge of city administration
Administration during different periods ● Sita-adhyaksha: Supervisor of agriculture
● Samastha-Adhyaksha: superintendent of
Adharmika - Those who do not follow the norms of ● Navadhyaksha: Superintendent of ships
Dharma ● Sulkaadhyaksha: Collector of tolls
● Lohadhyaksha: Superintendent of Iron
Adhgajanyayah - Maxim of the blind man and ● Pradeshtris - officer responsible for the
elephant; suppression of criminals
● Akaradhyaksha: Superintendent of mines
Rig Vedic Age ● Pauthavadhyaksha: Superintendent of
Unit - Head weight and measures etc.

• Kula (family) – Kulapa Mauryan Provincial Administration

• Grama (village) – Gramani
• Vis (Jana) – Vispati Province - Capital
• Jana (Clan) - Gopa/Gopati
• Rashtra (Country) - Rajan ● Uttarapatha i.e. Northern Province - Taxila
● Avantirashtra i.e. Western Province - Ujjain
Maurya period ● Prachi i.e. Eastern and Central Province -
Central administration Patlipurta
● Kalinga i.e. Eastern Province - Toshali
According to Kautilya/Chanakya, there are 7 ● Dakshinapatha i.e. Southern Province -
elements of states (Saptanga theory) : Suvaranagiri

Administrative Unit - Head

• Raja (the king)
• Amatya (the secretaries)
• Chakra (i.e. province) - Rashtrapala/Kumara
• Janapada (territory)
• Ahar/Vishaya (i.e. District)-
• Durg (Fort)
• Kosha (the treasure)
• Sangrahana (a group of 10 villages) – Gopa
• Sena (Army)
• Gram (i.e. village) - Gramika
• Mitra (Friend)
Municipal administration
The king was regarded as the soul among all the
seven elements of the state.
• Nagarak - City superintendent
The king was assisted by Mantri Parishad, whose • Gudhapurushas (detectives) - Sansthan
members included: (stationary) and Sanchari (wandering)

● The Yuvaraja (the crown prince) Diplomats

● The purohita (the chief priest)
● The Senapati (the commander-in-chief) • Nisriharthaduta - Full fledged Ambassador
● few other ministers • Parimitarthaduta - could not go beyond his
instruction in negotiation
Important Officials in Mauryan Administration: • Sansaharaduta - Special Messenger

● Sannidhata: Chief treasury officer Army

● Samaharta: collector general of revenue
● Pradeshika: modern district magistrates Megasthenes reports that the administration of
● Sthanika: tax collecting officer under different branches of the army was carried through
Pradeshika a War Office comprising 30 members, obviously
● Durgapala: governor of fort experts in different branches of military art and
● Akshapatala: Accountant general science. It was divided into six Boards of five

members each:

(i) The Board of Admiralty: In charge of the

navy, though interestingly Kautilya does not
mention the navy.
(ii) The Board of Infantry: Headed by
(iii) The Board of Cavalry: Headed by Additional Terms (Starting from Alphabet A):
(iv) The Board of War Chariots: Headed by • Aghnya Not to be killed; cow
Rathadhyaksha • Agranomoi Officials who collected land
(v) The Board of War Elephants: Headed by taxes
Hastyadhyaksha • A-kratu Those who do not perform
(vi) The Board of Transport and Supervision of sacrifices
Equipment • Ananku Magic forces or sacred
• Anguttara Nikaya Land between
Gupta administration Himalayas and Narmada; Buddhist text
Administrative Unit - Head • Anirvasita Patanjali in his Mahabhasya
refers to the Shakas as Anirvasita (pure)
• Bhukti/Bhoga (i.e. Province) - Shudras
• Antavasayin Untouchables; literally
• Vishaya (i.e. District) - Vishyapati/Ayukta meaning living at the end
• Vithika/Nagar (i.e. City) - • Anuvratas Partial or small vows
Nagarpati/Purapala • Annatakula Of unknown lineage
• Gram (i.e. village) - Gramika • Anta-Mahamattas Responsible for the
security of frontier forts
Important Officials
• Agrahatta Persian wheel
• Aswamedha Unquestioned control over an
• Mahabaladhikrita - Commander-in-Chief
area in which the royal horse ran interrupted
• Mahadandanayak - Chief Justice
• Arikamedu Tamil Nadu Coast
• Mahapratihar - Maintenance of Royal
• Arya A cultural/ethnic term etymologically
derived from 'ar' meaning to cultivate,
• Mahasandhivigrahak - Post-war conciliation
literally meaning kinsmen or companion, in
• Dandapashika - Police department head Sanskrit it means favourably disposed new
• Bhandagaradhikreta - Head of Royal comers and later it implied men of good
treasury family 'noble'
• Mahapaksha-patalik - Head of account
department • A-vrata - Who do not obey the ordinances of
• Vinayasthitisansathapak - Head of God
education department • Ardhasitikas Share-croppers working on
• Sarvadhyaksha - Inspector for all central the state owned land; kept half of the
department produce
• Mahashwapati - Controller of cavalry • Arihant - Worthy
• Mahamahipilapati - Controller & executor of • Aryankas - They are called the forest books'
elephantry as they were written mainly by hermits living
• Vinayapura - Official to present different in the jungles for their pupils. They deal with
guests at the King’s court mysticism and philosophy and oppose
• Yuktapurusha - Office to keep account of sacrifice. They emphasise meditation and
war booty are considered to be the concluding portion
• Khadyatpakika - Inspector of Royal Kitchen of the Brahmanas, and interpret rituals in a
• Ranabhandagarika - Officer in charge of philosophical way.
Army Stores • Asura - Class of beings defined by their
• Mahanarpati - Head of infantry opposition to the devas or suras (gods)

• Askini - Chenab river Purusharthas (life goals) such as Dharma

• Avadanas - It is the name given to a type of (righteous conduct), Artha (material well-
Buddhist literature correlating past lives' being), Kama (sensual pleasure), and
virtuous deeds to subsequent lives' events Moksha (liberation from the cycle of life and
• Avadhijnana - Superhuman insight and death).
combination • Dharmashastras are further subdivided into
• Avesta - Primary collection of religious texts Dharmasutras (composed during c.600 300
of Zoroastrianism BCE) and Smritis (composed during c.200
• Axis mundi - Axis of the world BCE 900 cz).
• Ayagapatas - Stone slabs to place objects • Dharmasutra - Concerned with the rituals'
of worship (Jainism) Dharma
• Ayyavole (The Five Hundred) Largest Supra • Dulhitri - Daughter who milk cows
regional merchants Association • Dvarpalas - Gatekeepers of the gods
• Bali - Voluntary tribute
• Bananju-dharma - Code of Conduct Four forms of existence Jainism recognises
four forms of existence - that of
• Bhandagarika - Officials who maintained
record of transactions • gods (deva)
• Bandhanagara - Proper jail • humans (manushya)
• Baudhyan theorem - Length of sides of right • hell beings (naraki)
angle triangle • animals and plants (tiryancha who are
• Bhartiakas - Mercenaries further divided on the basis of the faculty of
• Bheri Ghosha - War drum; later replaced by sense into smaller sub-categories:
dhammaghosa by Ashoka o ekendriyas (single-sense bodies);
o nigodas (lowest of ekendriya having
• Brahmanas - They describe the rules for the
sense of only touch, who are born in
performance of sacrificial ceremonies. Most
clusters and whose lives last only a
important is the Satapatha Brahmana which
fraction of a second).
is attached to the Yajurveda.
• Bhrigukachcha (Broach) - Sea port
• Garvares - Trading castes
• Canonical and non- canonic texts of
• Gavishthi, Gaveshana, Goshu or Gavyat -
Buddhism Canonical texts are those
Fight for cows
texts that are directly linked to Gautama
Buddha in one way or another. • Gavyuti - Measure of distance
• Ghaggar - Saraswati river
• Caste groupings
Idangi (left hand caste groupings) - artisanal and • Ghrita - Butter
trading groups • Godhuli Samgava - Measure of time (Dusk)
Valangi (right hand caste groupings) - agricultural Morning
groups • Godhuma – Wheat

• Charka - Police lock up

• Chandalas - Untouchables Gods in Rig Vedic Age
• Dana - Gifts to priests • Indra or Purandara - destroyer of forts |
• Dhanya - Cereals rain god
• Dakshina - Sacrificial offerings • Agni - fire god | intermediary between the
Gods and people
• Durga - Fortified capital
• Varuna - god of water
• Dushtamatyas - Wicked bureaucrats
• Savitri - god of light
• Dharmapravakta - Promulgator of social
orders • Rudra - god of animals
• Dharamshastra They are the Sanskrit • Brahma/ Prajapati - creator of the
texts dealing specifically with Dharma (code universe
of conduct that conceptually signifies 'a • Vishnu - Patron god of Aryans
righteous moral law which is in consonance • Yama - god of death
with the universal natural law). • Ashwin - god of health
• Dharma also refers to the fulfillment of • Aditi - mother of gods

• Sindhu - river goddess • Pravrajya - Ceremony to mark a person's

• Pushana - protected cattle in early Vedic going forth from home into homelessness
period | God of shudras in later Vedic and his/her becoming a novice under a
period preceptor. Involved shaving the head and
donning ochre robes.
• Upasampada - Ordination ceremony
• Goghna Guest; one who is fed on when the novice becomes a full-fledged
cattle member of the monastic community.
• Gomat One who owned many cattle • Uposatha - Ceremony held on full moon
• Gotra Cow pen; descent from a common and new moon.
ancestor • Parajika - Literally meaning defeat, it
• Gram-vridddhas Village elders included four most serious offences
• Grihyasutra Concerned with involving expulsion from the Sangha
comparatively simpler domestic sacrifices, (sexual intercourse, taking what is not
which require only one fire. It includes given, killing someone, and making false
rituals pertaining to crucial life stages claim of spiritual attainment).
(Samskaras) such as Upanayana
(initiation), Vivaha (marriage), and Antyeshti Pavarana is a Buddhist holy day celebrated on
(funerary practices). Aashvin full moon of the lunar month. It marks
• Hari-hara Half Vishnu Half Shiva the end of the rainy season, sometimes called
• Heggades Revenue officials 'Buddhist Lent'. On this day, each monk must
come before the community of monks (Sangha)
• Hiranya Tax on pesants; paid only in
and atone for an offense he may have committed
during the Vassa (rainy season).
• Ithijika Mahamatta Mahamattas (officials)
in charge lf women's welfare
Upasakas - Male followers who have taken
refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, but
Jaina doctrines who have not taken monastic vows.
• Anekantavada (doctrine of manifold Upasikas - Enlightened beings who have
nature of reality) renounced their own salvation and put off
• Syadavada (the theory of conditioned entering paradise in order to help others attain
predication), enlightenment.
• Nayavada (theory of partial standpoints), Bhikkhu Sangha - Sangha of monks
• Triratna (three gems), Bhikkhuni Sangha - Sangha of nuns
• Pancha Mahavrata (five great vows) Theragatha - Verses of Elder Monks Therigatha -
• Ahimsa (doctrine of non-violence). Verses of Elder Nuns
Shramana/Samana - One who strives to realise
the truth.
Paribbajaka/Parivrajaka - Wanderer
• Kammikas - Custom officials Shakra - God Indra
• Kani rights Right of possession over land
Two types: Key terms related to Jainism
1. Karanmai - right to cultivate • Basadis - Jaina monastic establishment
2. Mitachi - superior position right • Gandharas - Chief disciplines of Mahavira
• Kara Levied on fruits and flower gardens • Siddha - Fully liberated
• Kayasthas Scribes; specialised in writing • Dravya - Substance
• Kevalajnana Omniscience or infinite • Guna - Quality
college • Paryaya - Mode
• Jiva - Soul
Key terms related to Buddhism • Eva - In fact
• Pudgala - Aggregates of atoms which
• Chaityas - Prayer halls of monks have form, colour, taste and smell, and
• Viharas – Monasteries can be touched and felt

• Chaitanya - Consciousness • Aprada - Unsettled land

• Virya - Energy • Vastu - Habitat land
• Mohaniya - Delusion causing karmas • Pataka - Land measure equivalent to 60-80
• Asarva - Flow acres
• Nirjara - Wearing out • Modakas - Modern laddus, which was a
• Gunasthanas - Stages of purification prized sweet of the Guptas
• Arhat - Who has entered the stage of • Panchayatam - A style of temple
kevalajnana. construction
• Trithankara - Arhat who has already • Batas - regular troops
acquired the capability of teaching the • Chhatras - irregular troops
doctrine • Uparika - Tax on tenants
• Udranga - Water tax or police tax
• Vata-bhuta tax - for the maintenance of
Key terms related to Sangam Age rituals for the winds and spirits
• Kalatika - Superintendent of pearl • Halirakara - plough tax
fisheries • Kipta - purchase tax or sales tax
• Kanatikan - Chief of scribes • Upaklipta - additional minor tax
• Nalakars - Reed workers • Vanjika - merchant
• Lonakaras - Salt makers • Pulaiya - untouchable
• Koluvanikam - Trader in ploughshares • Stridhana - presents received by the bride at
• Kolu - Hard iron tip fixed to a wooden the time of marriage
ploughshare • Ganikas - courtesans (admired for their
• Ur - Assembly of village elders beauty but could never attain social
• Emporium - Coastal town associated with respectability)
foreign trade
• Pattinam - Port Key terms related to Chola kings
• Sattavahakula - Family of caravan traders • Eccoru - Obligation of villagers to provide
Kumbhakarakula - Family of potters food for state officials.
Setthikula - Family of merchants cum • Vetti - Obligation of villagers to provide
bankers Kammarakula - Family of metal labour services to state officials.
smiths Atavirakkhikakula - Family of • Kadamai - Land revenue collected in kind.
forest guards Dhannavanijakula - Family • Antarayam - Rural tax realised in cash.
of grain merchants Pannikakula - Family • Dharmasana - Royal court of justice.
of greengrocers Pasankottakakula - • Ur-nattam - Residential quarter of the
Family of stone grinders Sattavahaputta - landowning farmers.
Son of caravan trader Nisadputta - Son of • Paraiyar - Socially and spatially segregated
hunter group of people who were considered
• Vaddhakiputta - Son of carpenter ritually impure.
• Shailalakas/Selavadhaki - Stone masons • Vellalar - Cultivating groups. Kaniyudaiyar -
• Kamara - Blacksmith Land owning farmers. Ulukudi - Tenant
• Gandhika - Perfumer Karshapana - farmers.
Copper coin • Perudan - Highest officials. Sirutaram -
• Niyamakjettha - Head of the sailor's guild Lower officials. Kasu - Gold coins
• Katikai - Assembly of learned persons • Gaudas - Cultivators
• Nettal - Compulsory labour
• Nagaramas - Market centres
• Samanta - Defeated king but still ruling
under the lordship of conquering king
Key terms associated with the Guptas and Vatakas • Kosha Treasury
• Shaulkika - Collector of shulka • Krishna Ayas/Shyama Ayas Iron; a type of
• Khila - Untilled land metal
• Aprahata - Cultivable wasteland • Kshetra Cultivated field

• Kshetrapati Guardian deity of agriculture headed by Jesthaka

fields • Purushni Ravi river
• Kuti For this we need to understand • Purusashukta Hymn 10. 90 of the Rigveda;
social structure of Sangam Age : explains the four varnas
• Rajabhatas Special royal officials to
The basis of stratification was kuti (clan-based safeguard the life and property of travellers
descent groups) where there was no real restriction • Rajasana Royal rescripts
on inter-dining and social interaction among the kuti • Rajsuya Royal consecration which
groups. conferred supreme Power on the king
• Rathmusala Chariot with mace for mass
The ruling class was called arasar, and its killing
members had marriage relation with the vellalas • Sakya-simha Lion among the Sakyas
(rich peasants), which formed the fourth caste of • Salakas and Salaka- gahapaka
peasants. The vellalas held the bulk of land, and
Collector of votes in Santhagara
employed kadaisiyan (agricultural labour) to do the
• Sapta Sindhu Region of the seven rivers.
manual farm work.
This was the region in which the Aryans first
settled when they arrived in India.
• Pariyars - agricultural labourers who worked
• Sarva-palli-patti - Chief of all villages
in animal skins.
• Satamana - Unit of money
• Lauhitya - Brahmputra river
• Satraps/strategos - Military governors
• Mahashilakanataka War engine
• Sattra Free food canteen
• Mandals Chapters of Vedas
• Setthi High level businessman
• Manigraman Prominent guild of the 13
century located in Tamilnadu • Samata Fairness in judicial
• Meridarch Officer in charge of a
designated area (Shakas) • Shad-gunya Kautilya lists Shad-gunya (six
policies) that the king should follow in these
• Maula Hereditary warriors
• Murugan Deity; God
• Policy of Sandhi (peace treaty): If one is
• Kartikeya (war god in Northern India and
weaker than the enemy
was later called Subramanya in mediaeval
• Policy of Vigraha (hostility): If one is
stronger than the enemy
• Nadukal or virukkal Memorial stones
• Policy of Asana (keeping quiet): If ones
raised in honour of those who died in
power is equal to that of the enemy
fighting (Sangam Age)
• Policy of Yana (marching on a military
• Nad-gavundas Hereditary revenue officers
expedition): If one is much stronger than the
• Nandopakramani A particular enemy
measuring standard
• Policy of Samshraya (seeking shelter with
• Nibbana It is the ultimate goal of another king or in a fort): If one is very weak
Buddhist teachings. It is the super natural
• Double policy of Dvaidhibhava (sandhi with
state and attainment which is within the
one king and vigraha with another): If one
reach of all.
can fight the enemy with the help of an ally.
• Nigama Market town which was an
• Santhagara Assembly halls of Gana-
intermediate level between grama and
Sanghas where discussions took place
• Shataka Special type of cloth of
• Nikayas Trained officials (Mauryas)
• Nishka - Unit of currency made up of gold
• Shaulkika/Shulkadhya ksha Toll officials
• Nri-Varaha - Body of a man and head of a
• Shulvasutras Manuals for the preparation
boar; God Vishnu at Udaygiri caves
of the site where Vedic sacrifices and rituals
• Pativedakas and Pulisani Reporters
were to be performed; laid the foundations
• Pindakara Taxes on groups of villages of geometry
• Porana Pakiti Ancient rules and customs • Shrautasutra Concerned with the vedic
• Pranaya Emergency taxes (Maurya) sacrifices that require three or more fires
• Puga Guilds of traders and artisans; • Shresthins Guilds; organisation of

merchants 3. mullai (pastoral tracts);

• Shulka Duties on imported and exported 4. marudam (wet lands);
goods (Mauryas) 5. neital (seacoast).
• Shunyanivesha The Maurya state
founded new agriculture settlements to • Tippayadal Cruel practice of Sati
bring virgin land under cultivation (Sangam Age)
• Soma/Sura Intoxicating drink • Triratnas Jainism provides threefold
• Srini Sickle path known as Triratna (three jewels) for the
• Shruti Which has been heard attainment of Moksha (salvation):
• Sindhu Indus river
• Suparaka (Sopara) Sea port Right faith (Samyag Darsana),
Right knowledge (Samyag Jnana),
Sutras Sutras are very short condensed statements Right conduct (Samyag Caritra).
that are used to express varied ideas. There are six
Sutras. They are: • Types of villages The Pali texts
1. Shiksha (Phonetics) (especially the Vinay Pitaka) suggests three
2. Kalpa (Ritualistic science) types of villages (grama):
3. Jyotisha (Astronomy)
4. Vyakaran (Grammar) (a) Typical villages, inhabited by various
5. Nirukta (Etymology) castes, communities and headed by a headman
6. Chhanda (Metrics) called gramabhojaka, gramini gramakas. The
majority of the villages belonged to this category.
• Sutudri Sutlej river The village headman enjoyed considerable
• Shvapakas Untouchables; Dog breeders importance and had direct links with the kings. They
not only collected taxes from the villagers, but also
• Svaviryopajivins Share-croppers
maintained law and order in their locality.
working on the state owned land; kept one
fourth or one fifth of the produce (mentioned
(b) Suburban villages, which were in the nature
by Kautilya)
of craft villages. For example, carpenters' village
• Tamilakam Land between the Tirupati (vaddhaki-grama), reedmakers' village (nalakara-
hills and southernmost tip of peninsula grama), saltmakers' village (lonakara-grama), and
chariotmakers' villages are mentioned in the texts
Ten virtues of Bodhisattva of the period. These villages served as markets for
1. dana (generosity) other villages and linked the towns with the
2. shila (good conduct), countryside.
3. kshanti (patient forbearance),
4. virya (mental strength), (c) Border villages (aramika-grama), which
5. dhyana (meditation), were situated on the periphery of the countryside
6. prajna (wisdom), and merged into forests. People living in these
7. upayakaushalya (skilfulness in means), villages were mainly hunters and fowlers, who
8. pranidhana (determination), mostly lived on primitive subsistence methods like
9. bala (power), food gathering.
10. jnana (knowledge)
Upanishads - The literal meaning of 'Upanishad' is
Thinais/Tinais The Economy in Sangam Age 'to sit near someone'. There are 108 Upanishads, of
which 13 are the most prominent. The Upanishads
The whole Tamilakam in this period was divided dwell on the 'Atman' and 'Brahman', and focus a lot
into five tinais, or eco zones based on their on the philosophy about life, universe, self, body,
economic resources. sacrifice, etc.
These were: The Mandukyopanishad "Satyamev jayate" is the
largest of all Upanishads.
1. kurinji (hilly region); The Chhandogya Upanishad - Clearly refers to the
2. palai (arid zone);

first three ashrams and discusses the types of • Diwan-i-Risalat (Department of Appeals) -
marriages. dabir-i-mulq
• Diwan-i-Mustakharaj (Department of
• Upasava Tenant Arrears) - founded by Alauddin khilji
• Urvara Fertile fields • Diwan-i-Riyasat (Department of Commerce)
• Urvarajit Winner of fertile lands; Indra - Rais-i-mumalik
• Usury Lending of money at high interest • Diwan-i-Kohi (Department of Agriculture) -
rates founded by MBT
• Vap To sow • Diwan-i-Bandgan (Department of Slaves) -
• Vajpeya Drink of strength; chariot race founded by Firoz Tughlaq
in which the royal chariot was made to win • Diwan-i-Khairat (Department of Charity) -
against all kinsmen founded by Firoz Tughlaq
• Vatista Jhelum river • Diwan-i-Isthiaq (Department of Pensions) -
• Vattakirutal Ritual starvation founded by Firoz Tughlaq
• Vedanta Literally signifies the end of
the Vedas', as they reveal the final aim of
the Vedas. They condemn sacrifices and Administrative Unit - Head
ceremonies and denote the last phase of
the Vedic period. Iqta (Province) - muqti or wali
• Vedanga The word 'Vedanga' means Shiq (district) - siqdar
the limbs of the Vedas'. They are the Paragana (taluka) - chaudhary and Amil
supplementary texts that aid in the proper Gram (Village) - muqaddam,
recitation and understanding of the Vedas.
However, these do not qualify as Shruti as Lands were classified into three categories:
they are considered of human origin (not
revealed by the gods) and are written in the 1. Iqta land - Lands assigned to officials as
form of Sutras. iqtas instead of payment for their services.
• Velir Chieftains
• Vendar Crowned kings 2. Khalisa land - Land under the direct control
• Vessas Merchant streets of the Sultan and the revenues collected were
spent for the maintenance of royal court and royal
• Vihara-yatras Royal please tours; later
replaced by dhamma-yatras by Ashoka
• Vipasa Beas river 3. Inam land - Land assigned or granted to
• Vratya-kshtriyas Second class religious leaders or religious institutions.
kshatriyas; Shakas and Parthians are
described by Manu as Vratya-kshtriyas Mughals
• Vrihi Rice Jagirs
• Yava Barley
• Yavanika Curtain There were various types of jagirs:
• Yavanpriya Pepper
a. Tankha Jagirs: Which were given in lieu of
Mediaeval History salaries and they were transferable every three to
four years.
Delhi Sultanate
Central Administration b. Mashrut Jagirs: Which were given on certain
Department - Head (Founded by) conditions

• Diwan-i-Wizarat (Department of Finance) - C. Watan Jagirs: Which were assigned to zamindar

wazir or rajas in their local dominions. Watan Jagirs were
• Diwan-i-Ariz (Military Department) - ariz-i- hereditary and non transferable. When a zamindar
mumalik was made a Mansabdar, he was given Tankha
• Diwan-i-Insha (Department of Jagir apart from his Watan Jagir at another place, if
Correspondence) - dabir-i- mumalik the salary of his rank was more than the income

from his Watan Jagir. Provincial administration

d. Altamgha Jagirs: Which were given to Muslim • Prants (province) - Subedar

nobles in their family towns or place of birth. • Tarfs (District) - Havaldar
• Parganas (sub-district) - Deshpande
Administration (accounts) and Deshmukh (Law and order)
• Mauzas (Village) - Kulkarni (accounts) and
• Mir Bakshi - Head of judiciary department Patil (Law and order)
• Khan-i-Saman - Head of imperial household • Diwan – secretary
• Mir Maal - Lord privy seal • Mujumdar – auditor and accountant
• Mustaufi - Auditor general • Fadnis – deputy auditor
• Mushriff - Revenue secretary • Sabnis or Daftardar – office incharge
• Waqa-i-Navis - News reporter • Karkhanis – commissary Chitins –
• Mir Arz - In-charge of petitions correspondence clerk Jamdar – treasurer
• Mir Tozak - Master of ceremonies • Potnis – cashier
• Amul Guzar - Head of revenue
administration in parganas Military Personnel
• Bitakchi - Writer/record keeper
• Shiqdar - In-charge of law and order • Sar-i-Naubat (Senapati)- Incharge of army
• Nasq/kankut - Wherein estimate was made • Qiladars- Officers of Forts
of the produce by government officials • Nayak- Head of the member unit of infantry
• Muqtai - Fixed revenue demand leased in • Havaldar- Head of five Nayaks
cash • Jumladar- Head of five Nayaks
• Dahsala/Zabti system - Average produce • Ghuraw- Boats laden with guns
per bigha of each category of land was • Gallivat- Rowing boats 40-50 rowers
ascertained based on past 10 years' • Paik- Foot Soldiers
produce. • Naik - Head of the cavalry

Other key terms

Marathas • Abwab Extra legal charges exacted by
The Asthapradhan
• Adalats Courts
• Ahimsa Non violence
• Peshwa or the Chief Minister- He looked
after general administration. • Akhra Gymnasium
• Amatya or Majumdar- Accountant general, • Anjuman Local muslim association
he later became revenue and finance • Amir-i-Haqib Master of ceremonies
mnister. • Amirs/Chahalgani Nobels/ Group of
• Sachiv or Surunavis- Also called Chitnis; he Forty
looked after the Royal correspondence. • Bagh naka Weapon; tiger claw
• Sumant or Dabir- Foreign affairs and the • Bar-i-Aam Ordinary guest room of
master of Royal ceremonies. Sultan
• Senapati or Sari-i-Naubat- Military • Bar-i-Khas Special Guest room of sultan
commander. He looked after the • Bhadralok Bengali gentlemen
recruitment, training and discipline of army. • Bhaadramahila Bengali gentlewomen
• Mantri or Waqia Navis- Personal safety of • Chakra - Office Job
the king, he looked after the intelligence, • Chauth - One fourth of the revenue
post and household affairs. claimed by the Marathas
• Nyayadhish- Administration of Justice • Dadan Advance;
• Punditrao- Looking after charitable and • Dalam Revolutionary units
religious affairs of the state. He worked for • Dalwai Prime Minister of the Mysore state
the moral upliftment of the people. • Daroga Local Police officer
• Dastaks Permits issued by the East

India Company for tax exemption • Masjlis-i-Khalwat Council of friends

• Diku Foreigner • Malik Highest grade officers
• Diwan-i-Wizarat Finance department • Mameluks Slave officers
headed by wazir • Mistri Jobbers
• Diwan-i-Ishtihlqaq Department of charity • Mofussil Small town
and mint • Mufti Muslim learned person
• Fawazil Excess amount paid to the • Mustafi-i-mammalik Auditor general
exchequer by the iqtadars. • Muttadars Estate holders
• Farmans Mughal imperial order • Muhtasib Officer who kept strict watch
• Fatwa Islamic religious declaration over conduct of people
• Fitna Sedition • Nankar Revenue free land
• Fituris A tradition of Tribal revolts • Pattadars Landowners
• Faujdar Police officer in rural area • Patil Village headman
• Faujdari adalat Criminal court • Patni Subinfeudatory tenures
• Ghatwali Service tenure for village • Patta Written agreement between peasant
watchman and landowner
• Giras Customary dues • Peshkash Fixed amount paid by an
• Gomustah Indian agent of east India autonomous ruler to the Mughal emperor
company • Podu Shifting cultivation
• Jahandari Laws made by sultan • Prati sarakar Parallel government
• Jaziya Tax on non-muslims • Risalas Units of army of Haidar Ali
• Hundi Bill of exchange • Ras batai After separating grains from
• Ijaradari Revenue farming system chaff.
• Jama Estimated land revenue income • Sahajdharis Non Khalsa sikhs
• Janmi Holder of janman tenure • Sahukar moneylender
• Jat Rank of mughal mansabdars • Sajjad nisbins Custodians of sufi shrines
• Jotedar Immediately tenure holders • Sanad Mughal imperial order
• Kanamdar Holder of kanam tenure • Saranjam Transferable land rights
• Kazi Muslim Judge • Subah Mughal province
• Khalisa Royal lands • Taluqdaars Landlords in Awadh
• Khanazad Herediatary muslim • Tinkathia Peasants to produce indigo
asristocracy in three twentieth part of the land
• Khudakasht Peasants With occupancy • Ulgulan Rebellion of Mundas
rights • Umara Plural of amirs
• Khutba Friday prayers at Mosque • Ulema Muslims of religious learning
• Khet batai Land revenue on standing • Utar Forced labour
crop • Wakil-i-Dar Managed royal households
• Kulin Pure castes among Brahamans • Zawabit State laws
• Khuts Smaller landlords
• Khazin Treasurer
• Kotwal Police officer in urban area
• Lank Batai Without separating grain
from chaff.
• Lathiyal Musclemen who fought with
bamboo clubs
• Mahal Fiscal unit in northern India
• Masand A deputy of Sikh guru
• Mulgujar Landholding primary
• Misls Combination of Sikh sardars
• Masahat On the basis of measurement
of land
Popular Modules By Vyasa IAS
• Short Notes of Vision PT365
Magazines 2024
• Summaries of Test Series of
Vision, Vajiram, Forum, Insights
• Revision Notes of PCB10 Handouts
of Mrunal Sir
• Static Subjects Short Notes
• Short Notes of Monthly Magazines
of Vision, Vajiram etc.
• Polity Through Bare Acts

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