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1Which bedroom is she describing?

• a. correct

• b.

• c.


My bedroom has a big bed in front of the door. There are two bedside tables, one on each side of the bed (una a
cada lado de la cama). There is a large picture on the wall over the bed and a big rug (alfombra) under the bed.
There is a desk under a window next to the door, with a computer and a lamp on it, and there's a chair in front of
the desk. Next to the desk, there's a wardrobe with some drawers (cajones).
2Which kitchen is she describing?
• a.

• b. correct

• c.


In my kitchen, there's a big fridge with a cupboard over it. Next to the fridge, there are some drawers and a cooker.
There's a microwave next to the cooker between the cooker and the sink. Opposite the sink, there's a table with
some chairs around it. We usually have dinner there. Over the sink, there is a shelf and some more cupboards.
3Which living room is he describing?
• a.

• b. correct

• c.


I live with four other people, so my living room is big. There are some armchairs and coffee tables in front of a sofa.
On the floor, there is a rug under one of the coffee tables. There are some pictures on the wall over the sofa, and
there's a small bookshelf next to it. We have a small TV in front of a window, and there's another bookshelf beside
the TV, behind an armchair.
4Which study is he describing?

• a. wrong

• b.

• c. correct


My study is my favourite room in the house. I have a nice desk with drawers in front of the door. There isn't an
armchair, but my chair is very comfortable. Next to the drawers, there is a beautiful plant, and there are two
shelves above the plant. There is another shelf over the desk with some books and a clock. On the other side of the
desk, there is a bookshelf with more drawers, and I have my computer and a lamp on the desk.
5Which dining room is he describing?
• a.

• b. correct

• c.


In the middle of my dining room, there is a table and chairs between two armchairs. There is a rug under the table,
and next to it, there's a big window with curtains. On one of the walls, there are two big paintings over a chest of
drawers. There are two lamps on this chest of drawers (cajonera), and next to it, there's another chest of drawers
with a plant on it. A small picture is on the wall over this second chest of drawers.
chest of drawers- ccomoda con cajoneras

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