Day 2

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Good afternoon doctors,

Our group will be discussing Medieval Philosohpy: St. Thomas Aquinas but before we proceed with
the video I would like to share some details of St. Thomas Aquinas Life before his works.
So St. Thomas Aquinas
a. Italian catholic theologian and Philosopher born in Italy from a wealthy family.
b. While the rest of the family pursued military careers, the family intends Thomas to follow his uncle
into the abbacy, become an abbot – head or superior of the monastery but at the age of 19 he has
changed and pursued to join this Dominican Order devoted to preaching and learning.
c. upsets his family so he was held a prisoner for almost on year in the family castle in attempt to
prevent him. Families desperate to dissuade Thomas, two fo his brothers hires a prostitute to seduce
him. So he drove her away using a wielding burning log and the cross in the wall fell and an angel
showed up. The angels put a girdle into Aquinas and as a sign of purity and told him that he will never
be put into danger again by which he wore until the end of his life. To make the story short Aquinas.
Seeing that despite of their persuasion, Thomas failed and to save their dignity. The mom of Aquinas
arrange Thomas to escape at night through his window because for her escape from detention is less
damaging than openly surrender him to Dominicans.
D. spent 3 years into teaching
a. everything he wrote has survived
1. Summa Theologae – it contains almost all of Aquina’s intellectual concerns which is divided into
four parts:
Prima pars: the nature of God and the created world, including human nature;
Prima Secundae: human action and what shapes it (passion, virtue, vice, law, grace);
the theological and philosophical virtues, in detail;
Tertia pars: Christ and the sacraments (complete through q. 90; his disciples drew on earlier texts to
produce a “supplement” that brings the work to its intended end).
Aquinas writes in the preface that “our intent in this work is to develop those issues that concern the
Christian religion in a way that suits the education of those who are just beginning.”

Thomas Aquinas believed that Faith should be based on reason and that knowledge should b
e based on Scripture. St. Aquinas works were included in the catholic doctrine and education.
Aquinas contributed a lot to how we understood the things in the world, the teaching of the
church and behaviour according to morality. We can

1st presentor- Modern Philosophy: Descartes - Doubt

2nd Presentor – Ancient/Classical Philosophy – all things are interconnected, human, trees,
stars, universe
- Confucious believes in harmony and social order in educ
- Aristotle - SPED

3rd Presentor – St. Thomas Aquinas (Medieval Period) in the context of the church

4th Presentor-

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