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Describing appearance Questions

1. How would you describe your hair in three words?

2. Can you think of the silliest hairstyle you've ever seen?
3. If you could invent a new type of clothing, what would it look like?
4. Describe your ideal best friend's appearance. What features would they have?
5. Have you ever seen someone who looks like a famous person? Who was it?
6. If you had to dress up as an emoji for a party, which one would you choose based on
7. Describe the most unique outfit you've ever worn. What made it stand out?
8. If you could magically change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?
9. Describe the costume of your favourite superhero. What makes it special?
10. If you could swap hairstyles with any historical figure, who would it be?
11. Describe the most memorable costume you've worn based on appearance.
12. Describe your favourite cartoon character's outfit based on appearance. Would you wear
something similar?

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