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Bert Dohmen's


The Premier Advisory for Active ETF Traders

“Celebrating Our 46th* Year of Guiding Investors Successfully”

Issue # 62 – April 28, 2022

(Last Fearless ETF Trader sent: April 27, 2022)



The markets didn’t know how to react today, from a quick rise after the opening, then a sharp
decline that erased the gains, and then an upsurge the didn’t seem to stop.

Early in today’s trading the indices opened higher but quickly declined over the first hour.
However, that’s when the PPT support actions stepped it and started buying. The indices
quickly reversed course and soared higher into the close.

Dohmen Capital Holdings

P. O. BOX 7041, Incline Village, NV 89450 |
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The NASDAQ Comp was the big winner today jumping 3.1%, primarily on the back of Facebook
(“Meta”) soaring more than 17% today after reporting positive earnings yesterday after the

The S&P 500 bounced off support on it its chart, which we showed yesterday. The DJI climbed
614-poionts (+1.9%) while the Russell 2000 ended the day 1.8% higher.

Technically, this looks like a good temporary bottom. Yesterday we warned about that
possibility as a number of major indices had hit support, writing, “when indices are at or near
strong support, it typically produces a bounce.” We also cautioned not to be leveraged nor
excessively short.

How high will the bounce or rally go? We look at the chart resistance levels instead of guessing.
The S&P 500 below shows the upper blue line, which is a potential target. It is resistance on the
chart, as well as the 50% Fibonacci retracement of the prior decline from the March high.

Should the rally be stronger than we expect, the next target would be the red line.

Most importantly, today the broader indices all rallied back above their strong support levels
and closed there. This is near-term positive and could lead to another brief bear market rally.

The very broad, unweighted VALUG Index is much weaker than the S&P 500. The upper blue
line is first upside resistance. If that is broken, the rally could get to the lower red line in the 640

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P. O. BOX 7041, Incline Village, NV 89450 |
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Even the VIX cooled off after running into resistance at the 32 area, failing to climb to 2 nd
resistance over the past two days (35-26). This also lends credence to a short bounce.

Amazon announced poor results after the close today. The first plunge in a matter of minutes
brought a loss of 350 points. Then some support came in. At the time of this writing, it was
down over 9%.

Dohmen Capital Holdings

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Those losses will be counted as tomorrow’s trading, having a negative effects on the indices.
We caution our valued members not to trade the first several hours. In fact, many great
professionals prefer to wait until the last hour.

Volume was slightly lower than yesterday with 4.9 billion shares traded on the NYSE. The
internals were all on the positive side, although not as heavy as they were negative yesterday
with today seeing 78% advancing volume on the NYSE and 72% on the NASDAQ.

However, one negative today we saw is the number of new 52-week lows only showed a
marginal improvement compared to yesterday with 820 stocks on the NASDAQ hitting
those levels. If this is a true short-term bottom, and therefore another bear market rally is
ahead, this number will need to improve quite a bit over the next two days.

Remember what we suggested yesterday: “If a market bounce materializes, it would just be
a very brief bear market bounce, although it will not affect all stocks. Anyone leveraged
too heavily on the short side should consider reducing exposure.”

Therefore, closing out short positions may be a good idea.

ECONOMY: Today we heard that the Real US GDP declined last quarter by 1.4%. We write
whether it is “real” or “nominal” (is not inflation adjusted.)

In advance of this number, we did not hear

one economist forecasting that decline. But
now they say it was to be expected and wasn’t
much of a decline.

Nominal GDP is of course up as a result of

inflation, i.e. rising prices.

However, considering that official inflation is

8.5%, and true inflation, as calculated years
ago without all the fudge factors, is 16.1%
according to Dr. John Williams of, then we have a very significant GDP
decline in “real” GDP as calculated without fudge factors.

That is a surprise to all investors that listen to Wall Street commentators, who have been
touting the line of a “hot” economy, “great consumer demand,” and other fairy tales. We just
heard that from the CEO of Visa yesterday. The price increases are the smoke screen hiding

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RECESSION: Biden said today that he is “not concerned about a recession.” Janet Yellen and
others say the same.

As you know, we are looking for a recession to start this year and potentially turn into
something worse. In fact, it could have started already based on today’s GDP number.

We have some company in that forecast: Bloomberg had a news item headed, “Trojan condom
maker warns of recession risk.” We didn’t know we had them as a competitor in the economic
forecasting business.

Perhaps Biden is planning to rebuild the cities of Ukraine thinking that would help US
construction firm that will get the contracts. Today he said the US will give Ukraine another $33
billion. We didn’t hear if the “brokerage fee” is taken out of that or is an “add-on.”

TWITTER: Today the false numbers of Twitter over the last several years were revealed as
“adjusted”, read “corrected.”

It was reported that Twitter had 1.9 million fewer users globally in Q4 2021 than they
initially disclosed. That is NOT a small error. Is that why the Board of Twitter was so fast in
flip-flopping from being against Musk’s offer to being unanimously in favor?

This may be the last chance for Elon Mask to extricate himself from a “margin” trap set
for him. Financing a takeover with loans supported by the listed stocks of your company is very
dangerous. A “bear raid” can collapse that company and force selling of that stock. It may
already have started with Tesla. We have tried to warn Elon, but don’t know if he read
our message.

NEWS ITEM: Today, Germany warn of Russian gas supply stoppage. That fits our forecasts.
Only the ouster or demise of the Russian ruler can stop the Ukraine hostilities. Without that
happening, the sanctions war will escalate. We are now reading more about the possible fatal
illness of Putin. We wrote about that about one month ago. It seems to be getting more

The total destruction of major cities for nothing but a piece of land, and killing of thousands of
women and little children, in our non-medical analysis confirms a malfunction of the brain. It is
not possible to reason with such a person.

Two oligarchs have already been murdered. Perhaps they complained too much.

Dohmen Capital Holdings

P. O. BOX 7041, Incline Village, NV 89450 |
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Note: Watch Bert Dohmen’s latest video interview as he discusses soaring inflation and
his current forecasts for the global markets and economies:


We would close out all positions for now.

$ Day
Symbol Name Price
IWM iShares Russell 2000 ETF 190.45 +3.49

Bounced above support. We would close out.

QQQ Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 328.01 +11.25

Similar to the ETF above, it also bounced back above its support level. We would close out.

SLYG SPDR S&P 600 Small Cap Growth ETF 77.92 +1.68

Climbed higher after hitting a new 15-month low yesterday. We would close out.

KRE SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF 63.85 +0.93

Mild bounce after reaching a 9-month low yesterday. We would close out.

New members: We would not initiate new short positions.


STRATEGY FOR TRADERS: As traders, we have a different strategy then for longer term
investing. We find it preferable to get out of positions when it looks like they might go against us
for a week or so. It is much less painful. The novice trader usually doesn’t want to close out
even with a small loss. Big mistake!

We never look at where we bought or sold short, as that is irrelevant. If it a trade is going to go
against us, it is better to get out.

Dohmen Capital Holdings

P. O. BOX 7041, Incline Village, NV 89450 |
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Wishing you successful trading,

Bert Dohmen and team

IMPORTANT NOTE: we will publish a new issue only when:

1. There is a change in our positions, or

2. There is a new recommendation, or

3. There is an important event we consider significant to our trading strategy

This will also make it less tedious for our valued subscribers. Time is precious for all of us.

We hope you will support us on this clarification of our publishing schedule. We look forward to
continuing to help you become a better, more informed, and more successful trader.

DISCLAIMER for ALL POSITIONS: We (Dohmen Capital) usually try not to have positions in the stocks mentioned
and instead go into the same sector with a similar stock for ourselves. This is to avoid any appearance of conflict.
However, if there are not enough stocks with good volume and fundamentals in the sector so that we have an
alternative for our own accounts, we may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned in the services from time
to time. Those buys and sells may be different than the suggestions in this service.

Important: Always remember that the ultimate decision of what to buy, sell, and sell short is up to the individual.
Our information, forecasts, and securities are merely suggestions. You should always research all investment
opportunities yourself.


The best way to contact us is via e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered, usually
within 24-48 hours.

WHAT “AREA” MEANS IN Fearless ETF Trader™:

When I give advice to buy or sell in certain price area, I do it so that not all of our orders are
sitting at exactly the same price. By “area”, I mean a range. Our rules of thumb are as follows:

[< than $15] =  0.25; [< than $30] =  0.50; [< than $50] =  0.75; [< than $100] = 
$1.00; [> than $100  $1.50.

Dohmen Capital Holdings

P. O. BOX 7041, Incline Village, NV 89450 |
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Dohmen Capital Holdings Inc., hereinafter called “Firm,” is an economic research and Publishing Company and not
a Registered Investment Advisor. The content, analysis and forecasts are based on our research and decades of
experience but is only our opinion, designed to prompt an educational discussion and intellectual curiosity. You
may wish to discuss any of the content with your registered investment advisor.
The information contained herein is for general education purposes and is not intended as specific advice or
recommendations to any person or entity. Any reference to a transaction, trade, position, holding, security, market,
or level is purely meant to educate readers about possible risks and opportunities in the marketplace and are not
meant to imply that any person or entity should take any action whatsoever without first evaluating such action(s)
in light of their own situation either on their own or through a professional advisor.
If a person or entity does not believe they are qualified to make such decisions, they should seek professional
advice. The security prices listed are for reference only and are in no way intended to represent an actual trade,
entry price or exit price conducted by the Firm, or by any principal or employee of the Firm, or any related company
or individual. This information is not a substitute for professional advice of any nature, including tax, legal, and
financial. While we believe the information contained herein to be accurate, all numbers should be verified by the
reader through independent sources. Trading securities, options, futures, or any other security involves risk and
can result in the immediate and substantial loss of the capital invested. Every reader/recipient is responsible for
his or her own investment decisions. At various times the principal of the Firm, portfolios managed by companies
related to the principal of the Firm, may own, buy or sell the securities discussed for the purposes of investment or

BOOKS by Bert Dohmen


The truth behind the global financial crisis of 2008 REVEALED! This book may save you a fortune! Bert Dohmen,
who warned at the beginning of 2008, that starting in September ’08 the global financial markets would teeter on
the brink. (go to


Do you want to know where the global markets are likely to go over the next several years and how to
interpret the clues for yourself instead of listening to the pundits? Here is the book that will show you. It is
a step by step account of the 2008 financial crisis, with charts, technical indicators, and credit market analysis,
which gave us all the clues that in the fall of the year we would encounter something similar to 1929. This book is
the road map for the next global crisis. It’s a collector’s item and can be used as a reference book to see what Wall
Street tells investors to keep them in the markets even while they are selling themselves.
(go to

THE COMING CHINA CRISIS (Edited Edition) ($25)

Bert Dohmen’s SPECIAL E-book on the coming China Crisis presents the case that China will produce a Tsunami
throughout the global economies. China was the locomotive of the globe, the financing mechanism for the
immense US debt, the source of incredible demand for commodities and oil, and the economic power of Asia. That
is changing now.
(go to


Dohmen Capital Holdings
P. O. BOX 7041, Incline Village, NV 89450 |
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In this special follow up e-book to the prescient The Coming China Crisis, Bert Dohmen explains the true China
credit crisis actually started in 2014, when overnight interest rates tripled from one day to the next. That was
quickly covered up with massive credit creation by the government. The result was an immense stock market
bubble. All bubbles eventually implode and that is exactly what happened to the “China bubble,” which burst in
June 2015. Wealth equivalent to half of China’s GDP was wiped out in a matter of weeks. (go to


We respectfully remind you that all FEDERAL copyright laws still apply with email delivery and that the
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in part, without our prior written consent.

The unauthorized disclosure or interception of email is a federal crime. This email is intended only for
the use of those to whom it is addressed. Bert Dohmen’s FEARLESS ETF TRADER and the computer
file which contains it are protected by US copyright laws and international copyright agreements. All
rights are reserved. The service and its content are for personal use of the subscriber only. Copying or
retransmission of this report, except with written permission, is strictly prohibited. You may not,
under any conditions, retransmit or send this report or any portion thereof, by any means, to any
other location within or outside your company. Financial planners or investment professionals who
wish to transmit the service to their clients may be able to obtain multiple subscription discounts. All
commentary is provided for educational purposes only. Information contained in this service is NOT a
solicitation to buy any security. This material is based upon information we consider reliable. However,
accuracy is not guaranteed. Subscribers should always do their own investigation before investing in
any security.

You should not consider our trading ideas as investment advice. We are not acting as your investment
advisor (including, without limitation, in relation to investment, accounting, tax or legal matters) and the
provision of this subscription service to you will not give rise to any
fiduciary or equitable duties on our part.

Dohmen Capital Holdings

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