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CHP 2: Concepts of Growth and

Development PROFFIT
Growth: Pattern, Variability, and Timing
Q19, Q31

Methods for Studying Physical Growth

Q2, Q6, Q17, Q23, Q28, Q32, Q34, Q40, Q45, Q46, Q47, Q51, Q53, Q54

Sites and Types of Growth in the Craniofacial Complex

 Cranial Base

 Cranial Vault
Q13, Q39, Q49, Q50,

 Mandible
Q9, Q55

 Maxilla (Nasomaxillary Complex)

Q3, Q14, Q10, Q20, Q30, Q50, Q55

Functional Matrix Theory of Growth

Q29, Q49, Q55

Growth of Craniofacial Units (Table 2.1)

Q16, Q33, 39,

Level of Growth Control: Sites Versus Centers of Growth

Q4, Q5, Q8, Q12, Q16, Q22, Q24, Q41, Q52

 CHP 4: Later Stages of Development PROFFIT

 Growth of the Nasomaxillary Complex & Mandible

Q27, Q44

 Rotation of Jaws During Growth

Q11, Q42(TABLE 4.2), Q44
 CHP 5: The Etiology of Orthodontic Problems PROFFIT

 Disturbances in Embryologic Development

Q1, Q7, Q21, Q26,

 Childhood Fractures of the Jaws


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