Listening 9 - FREE TIME

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• a. works at the library.wrong

• b. likes watching movies on TV.

• c. is at school.correct


JACK: What do you do in your free time, Ella?

ELLA: I love cooking.
JACK: Great! What sort of food do you cook?
ELLA: International food, like Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian...
JACK: That’s interesting. How do you learn?
ELLA: I get books from the library, and I watch programmes on television, and last year I did a
Japanese cooking course at the college. And, of course, I study food technology at school.

2Where was Ella’s Japanese cooking course?

• a. at the library

• b. at the collegecorrect

• c. at school


ELLA: I get books from the library, and I watch programmes on television, and last year I did a
Japanese cooking course at the college. And, of course, I study food technology at school.

3How many weeks was Ella’s Japanese cooking course?

• a. seven

• b. eightcorrect

• c. nine


JACK: Great! Tell me more about your Japanese cooking course.

ELLA: Well, the classes were every Monday, from seven o’clock until half-past nine. It lasted
eight weeks. At the end, we had a big party. We cooked lots of Japanese food and invited all our
families and friends.
4At the moment, Jack is learning...

• a. how to record music.correct

• b. how to play the violin.

• c. about classical music.


JACK: It sounds great. I’m doing a course at the college too, at the moment.
ELLA: Are you? What?
JACK: Music technology. I’m learning how to record music and set up microphones at concerts.

5What instrument can’t Jack play well?

• a. the violinwrong

• b. the drums
• c. the guitarcorrect


ELLA: That sounds interesting. Do you play an instrument?

JACK: Well, I played the violin when I was young. I was quite good, but I don’t like classical
music. I like rock music. You don’t usually hear violins in rock music! I tried to learn the guitar,
but I was terrible at it! I tried the drums too. I was quite good at that, but my parents didn’t want
me to play them. They said they’re too noisy. So I decided to learn music technology. Then I can
enjoy rock music without playing it!

6How many concerts does Jack plan to see this month?

• a. twocorrect

• b. four
• c. six


ELLA: Good idea! Do you go to many concerts?

JACK: Oh yes, I love them. I went to six last year, and this year I already have tickets for four
concerts. I’m going to two this month! I’d like to see more, but they are expensive.

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