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Banki oferują karty kredytowe dla coraz młodszych klientow,a uczniów i studentow.

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przedstawiajaca dobre i złe strony takeigo roziwzania.


teenagers are very careless so there will be way more cases of stealing
children will spend a lot of money on some stupid things
there will be problems with paying off debts by kids


nauka dysponowanie pieniędzmi przez dzieci

parents can monitor what their kids are buying
credit card is useful in financial emergencies
with credit card you can buy things online

Banks are now offering credit cards to younger people, like high school and college students. Let's
talk about why this could be good and bad, and then I'll share my thoughts.
Firstly, having a credit card can help students learn how to handle money better. It's like a
lesson in learning how to spend money wisely. This early experience can set them up for a more
secure future.
Secondly, a credit card can be really useful in emergencies. If something unexpected comes
up, like a sudden expense or a medical bill, having a credit card can provide a safety net. It also helps
them start building a credit history, which is important for things like renting an apartment or getting
loans later on.
On the other hand, giving credit cards to students can lead to them racking up debt. Without
proper guide, they might spend more than they can afford to pay back. This could cause big financial
problems down the road, making it harder for them to manage their money.

In my opinion, it's okay to give students credit cards as long as they're taught how to use them
responsibly. They need support to understand how credit works and how to avoid getting into debt.
With the right help, credit cards can be useful for students to learn about money and build a better
financial future.

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