Verb2 Past Tense

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1. Find the verbs in the text. Put one line under the regular verbs and two lines under
the irregular verbs.

Yesterday I made hamburgers for lunch. It was really easy. I bought some ground
beef, mixed it with eggs and bread crumbs and formed it into hamburgers. Then I
baked them in the oven. I ate three hamburgers. Delicious!

2. How do we form the past tense of regular verbs?

Past regular verbs are formed by adding -ed to the verb

3. Write the three forms of the four irregular verbs you found in the text.
Made making made

was/were been

bought buying bought

ate eating

4. The verb to be (at være) has a special pattern. In the past tense there are two forms:
was and were. Put was and were in the right places below: 1
I was we were

you were you were

he/she/it was they were

5. Fill in the blanks.

Last week my sister Sue and I had to (skulle) make dinner. We bought (købte)

everything we needed (havde brug for) the day before and we really were looking Grammar Worksheet © Alinea

forward to it. We planned (planlagde) to have our favourite, Spaghetti Bolognaise.

Sue fried (stegte) the ground beef, while I mixed (blandede) the salad.
A Piece of Cake 8

Then we sat (dækkede) the table. When our mum came (kom) in she
ate (spiste) a spoonful, then she took (tog) a drink. She tasted

(smagte) it again and asked (spurgte) “Did you check the recipe?”

“Sure” we said (sagde), but when we looked (kiggede) again we

saw (så) that it said 1 teaspoon of salt, not tablespoon which we had read!

At that moment Dad came (kom) home from work. He took (tog) a

mouthful and then he invited (inviterede) us all to a pizzeria. I can understand why!

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