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1 Palacz - the stokers. The engine is life, fed by coal.

Every child of the clan has their hands

blacked by sooth. They feed the engine. Learn from their elders. Soon their talents will
become apparent and the work teams will take them on.

2 Kolejarz - To be a Kolerjarz, a Storski has to be as comfortable away from the family

locomotive as on it. Railwaymen jump off the train before it has slowed down. They fix the
tracks, scout ahead for ambushes and guard the clan whilst the locomotive is stationed in a
settlement. Kolejarz

2 Bojler - A locomotive is in constant motion. It is also ever changing. A ship of Theseus that
is exchanged one bolt at a time. Yet, always the same train. The Bojlers keeps the train
running. They are honoured for their skill, because without them, the locomotive would fall to
pieces within weeks.

3 Konduktor - The Konduktor checks the names off the passenger list. In the guest
carriages, their word is law. Konduktors handle all passengers and oversee the security of
the carts within their care. They serve as both police and spymasters for the Maszynista.

3 Fracht - A train carries a lot of stuff. Weight and lack of space is always a concern for the
Storski. The Frachts are the masters of transporting cargo and people. A good Fracht can fit
that extra 20% cargo into a carriage. Knows what miles of track can take the weight and how
to quickly load anything onto the train. If a Fracht says there is no more room, their word is
law. When a Fracht trades, he does so in bulk.

4 Maszynista - The driver is the patriarch of the train, it runs on his schedule only. From the
locomotive he plots the path of the clan into an uncertain future. In his mind, the family is like
an engine made out of distinct parts. Every piece has to do its part to drive the train forward,
or be left on the side of the tracks. His law is harsh, his judgement absolute.

5 Hamulec - The breakman is the final safety switch for the train. Respected above all
Storskis, the Hamulec guard tradition. He oversees security and can overrule even the
Maszinista. At any time he can order the train stopped, or impound it at a station until he is
satisfied that it is safe to continue the eternal journey.

5 Zwrotniczy - When a Storski train gets overpopulated, the ambitious set off to build
locomotives of their own. The new Settlement of Storskis does everything united by a
common goal: To build a locomotive and get back on the rail. The process can take decades.
The leader of the community is known as the Zwrotniczy. The settlement also protects
switches for the mother track.

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