Discuss Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Sky Train in Cities

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Getting a job in big cities or hometown

Topic 39: Nowadays, many people decide to leave their hometown to big cities to look
for a

job for themselves instead of staying in their own country to work by its convenience.

Write an essay to show some causes and solutions of this problem.

In today’s society, numerous people determine to leave their hometown to big cities to

search for a suitable job for themselves instead of opting their own country to work by its

convenience. This essay will discuss several causes as well as solutions of this issue.

To begin with, one of the most prominent causes of this problem is low salary for the post

which they are working. This means that the living cost is too high to pay towards a

who has low income in the hustle and bustle of life in local companies. Thus, it could be a

heavy financial burden on themselves and their family to cope with them. To illustrate

point, I would like to mention that a staff working at the company near their house is

difficult for him to address the problem of daily costs such as bills of electricity, water,

food, drink, tuition fees, etc. Therefore, leaving their hometown to big cities is a good

to help them improve their life.

In terms of pivotal solutions, there are two possible main measures for this issue. The first

solution is that governments should encourage domestic and foreign companies to invest

many regions or areas where it has high unemployment rate. It could be a great measure

limit a large number of local people in that area to leave their hometown to big cities to

develop their career prospect in the future.

The second solution is that individuals should be high awareness of serious risks when

leaving their hometown to big cities. The cause of this problem is that they desire to

challenge themselves in a new place but it is really difficult to balance spending and

in busy life in big cities. Moreover, it could trigger homesickness, loneliness and isolation

a new place, so people should be thoughtful to make a decision.

In conclusion, the above mentioned facts have outlined the reasons as well as the

of this issue. The presented suggestions would be very good steps towards solving them. I

hope that my solutions will resolve this problem promptly and effectively.

One way to solve problem of congestion in cities is to build sky trains which run
overhead rather than on or under the ground. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of using this solution to solve congestion.


Traffic congestion is one of the most major concerns in virtually every city. In attempt
to tackle this problem, it is recommended that sky trains should be built rather than
underground ones. This essay will discuss merits and demerits of this solution.

On the one hand, there are several benefits of building sky trains. One of its primary
benefits is that it might be able to decrease the number of private vehicles
participating in the traffic. Sky train is one mean of public transportation, so it can
serve a number of dwellers. This means less commuters use private vehicles, resulting
in lower rate of traffic congestion. Another benefit is that overhead railways occupy
minimal land. They do not require much land space apart from the land required for
constructing pillars and tube stations. Hence, they leave enough space for other forms
of ground transport and eventually reduce traffic congestion.

On the other hands, there are drawbacks of overhead railways that cannot be
overlooked. One of them is that contructing this kind of railways cost exorbitantly. To
build a system of sky trains, it entails a host of expenses including hiring high
qualified engineers and a sheer number of workers as well as buying building
materials. Therefore, constructing sky railways may put an onerous burden on national
budgets. Another disadvantage is the safety of commuters when using overhead tubes.
Since the tubes move on narrow concrete paths, it is considered an extremely unsafe
mode of conveyance.

To conclude, while sky trains can help tackle traffic problems to some degree, they
have not been popular in the world due to high cost and safety concern.

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