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Andreastar Traut


My name is Andreastar Septembercharlene Traut. I am a 23 year old future

educator. I was born in Jefferson, Missouri, on September 5th of 2000. I grew up on
a small farm as the middle of four siblings.
I have two older brothers and one younger. I was the only girl, but in my
family that didn’t get me any special privileges. I had to work just as hard as my
brothers for anything I wanted.
I was born at 27 weeks. Being born this premature came with many
challenges. As a child I struggled in school and was diagnosed with Attention Deficit
Disorder, as well as developmental disorders.
Due to my under-developed eyes, ears, lungs and even muscles and ligaments,
I struggled to learn to read and write, and had limited physical activity. I was
physically, mentally, emotionally and socially behind my peers. My parents were
told to expect that I would always be behind my peers.
My parents refused to accept that. They never let me say “I can’t.” Instead
they said ”You will,” a sentiment echoed by my fourth grade teacher. Who told me
that it was okay that I was a little behind, that didn’t mean that I couldn’t do it.
It was through their support that by the time I completed middle school I
was academically in the top of my class. I was physically in line with my peers.
In highschool, I joined the national honor society. I was in student
government. I was captain of the flag Corps. I was president of my school’s FCCLA.
I was on the archery team. I played softball and ran track and more, but what I was
most proud of was my volunteer work.
I spent my summers volunteering three days a week at my local library and
two days a week in the pediatric ward of my local hospital. During the school year I
volunteered as a reading buddy for the early elementary students, co-led pre-k
through 1st grade cheer camp and was a band tutor for the middle schoolers.
As I entered college, I believed that what I wanted most in the world was to
be a Pediatric Physical Therapist and help children in the way that someone had
helped me.
After the first semester of my freshman year, my English teacher came to me
and told me he noticed the way I helped my classmates that struggled with English
and asked if I would consider tutoring.
I agreed, and the next year I went to my advisor and switched my major to
elementary education. I had never considered education as a possible career path
for me, although it had been suggested by family and friends for a while, but now
after my student teaching, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
In the end I am still helping children the way someone helped me. As a child,
my parents always told me that I could do anything I put my mind to. I used to
think that was a silly cliche. Now, standing where I am, I have no doubts. Today, I
am a college graduate. Tomorrow I will be an elementary teacher.

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