Practial Risk Assesment

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moderately It is corrosive. Handle carefully. If in eye, rinse with tap

concentrated nitric acid Irritant to the skin and Wear suitable eye water and inform Nitric-V-acid.pdf
(1 mol dm –3 ) eyes. protection. teacher. If it comes into 10/05/23 20:37
contact with skin, rinse
ammonia solution (1 Irritates skin and eyes. Wear suitable eye If in eye, rinse with tap
mol dm –3 ) protection. water and inform Ammonia-gas-and-solution.pdf
teacher. If it comes into 10/05/23 20:34
contact with skin, rinse
methyl orange indicator Toxic, health hazard. Reduce the risk of skin If in eye, rinse with tap
Corrosive. contact by wearing water and inform Dyes-and-indicators.pdf
Irritant. disposable gloves. teacher. If it comes into 10/05/23 20:40
Wear eye protection. contact with skin, rinse
Glassware (glass Sharp. Keep away from edge of If broken, do not touch
pipette, conical flask, If broken it can cause workstation and handle and inform the teacher
glass rod) cuts. carefully. immediately.
Bunsen burner Could burn apparatus. Tie any long hair back to Inform teacher and step
Could burn skin and avoid it catching fire. away from affected Using-a-Bunsen-burner.pdf
clothing. Make sure your clothing area. 10/05/23 20:45
does not get in the way
of the flame and don’t
lean over a flame to
reach other apparatus.
Wear eye protection.
Place the Bunsen burner
on a heat resistant mat

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