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Sultan Kudarat Educational Institute

Tacurong City
College of Nursing


BSN 1 – Second Sem SY 2023-2024
Monilyn P. Gregorio, MIB
Why Study Microbiology? #1 Impact on human life

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Example of
synthesized substance is
ammonia being synthesized
from nitrogen and
hydrogen and is used to make,
among other things,
ammonium sulfate, employed
as a fertilizer; vinyl chloride is
made from ethylene e and is
used in the production of
polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Ethyl maltol is used to

impart a sweet,
caramel flavour and is
present in many vanilla,
candy and fruit
Scientists use microorganism to fabricate functional bacterial
Functional materials cellulose in situ

Which bacteria is used for recycling? A common

environmental bacterium, Comamonas testosteroni,
could someday become nature's plastic recycling
center. While most bacteria prefer to eat sugars, C.
testosteroni, instead, has a natural appetite for
complex waste from plants and plastics.
Live Probiotics
Sewage Treatment
What are the microbial activities in soil?

• Soil microorganisms are

involved in many
biogeochemical processes.
They are a very important
functional group of soil
organisms. They are
for mineralisation of
organic matter, element
circulation, synthesis of
proteins, and nucleic
acids, as well as
transformation of
phosphorus forms.
Why Study Microbiology?

Why Study Microbiology? #3
Why Study Microbiology? #4 Microbes are extremely adaptable

Extremophiles are organisms that live

in "extreme environments," under What makes bacteria so adaptable? Bacterial species can adapt
high pressure and temperature. to significant changes in their environment by mutation followed
Bacteria often form on the rocks near
by selection, a phenomenon known as “adaptive evolution.”
the hydrothermal vents (opening).
Adaptive Evolution = evolutionary changes
in an organism that make it suitable to its habitat.
Why Study Microbiology? Models to study biological processes
#5 One of the most significant benefits of
model making is the ability to create
prototypes of products or structures
before the final design is produced.
Prototyping enables designers and
engineers to test and refine their designs
and identify any potential issues before
committing to large-scale production.

The advantages of using bacteria for studies

include their simple noncompartmented
structure, the accessibility of their genetic
material, and the possibility of correlating
the expression of a gene in the intact cell
with its expression in a system composed of
highly purified components.

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