2 - DB Design

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GAZI Industrial Engineering

Database Design

Lecturer : Dr. Murat AKIN

e-mail : muratakin@gazi.edu.tr

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes


Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

• To develop database applications in a successful manner:
Required resource

Structured approach to project management.

User training and user involvement.
Team references.
Rigorous technical specification.
Similar software advantages and disadvantages.

Product delivery and decision making method.

Senior management support.

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

• The prerequisite for developing a quality DB application is to determine
the application purpose with sufficient scope and clarity.
Where the users
Who are are located?
What transactions
the users?
will be implemented?

How often will the transaction

How often will the
will be implemented?
reporting periods be?

What reports and results How the data flow will be

will be produced? among the users?

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

Dimensions that improve database design quality.

2- Does not include

repetitive data

3- Has relationship
1- Includes only flexibility
necessary values

5- Increases the database 4- Reduces the workload

management ability as possible

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

The Process of Database Design
Database application
development decision.

collection and Conceptual Logical design Schema Physical
and Security
analysis design phase phase editing design phase

Implementation of
the application.

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

Requirement Collection and Analysis
• A correct solution can’t be produced from a wrongly defined problem.
• The "most expensive" form of learning is living.
For the Requirement Collection and Analysis stage,
• a project team (technical experts, users, administrators) should be established.
• The project team should agree on the following:
 Users of the system,
 Information to be entered into the system,
 Processes to run in the system,
 System outputs,
 Reports to be received from the system.
• A project schedule should be created. The success factors for the activities
should be determined.
Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes
Conceptual Design
• It is the first stage the
transformation of requirements
into a working DB.
• It should be a concise design
free from details.
• Data that will be stored in DB,
relations between them,
restrictions etc. should be
expressed conceptually.
• The conceptual design should
be capable of transforming into
the data model to be used.

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

Logical Design
• In conceptual design, it is converted into database schemas in a structure
suitable for the data model to be used.
• The logical design should express a database that can work in the DBMS
to be used.

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

Schema Editing
• By considering the elements in the logical design one by one, possible
problems are determined and the design is revised in order to eliminate
• Normalization method can be used for schema editing in relational
• The normalization method rearranges the relations in order to bring some
desired attributes to the design.

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

Physical Design
• It focuses on performance and space utilization.
• For this purpose, the features and components that the database should
physically carry are determined and they are physically created.
• Such as; attribute design, physical register design, index design, buffer-
oriented decisions, transaction design, etc.

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

Application and Security Design
Includes the some subjects such as below:
 Units that will use the application,
 Processes to be run by the units,
 Process design,
 Inputs and outputs of processes,
 Inter-process relations,
 Determining the DB objects that each process can and can’t reach etc.

Gazi University Industrial Engineering – Database Management Systems Lecture Notes

DBMS - End of Lesson

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