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Caribbean Examination Council

School Based Assessment

Office Administration

Title: A Study Of The Documents Used In The Inventory Management Office At

Yamaja Engines Ltd

Candidate Names: Candidate Numbers:

Shantal Ellis 1001520936
Amanda Earle 1001520863
Bryana Roofe 1001522289

School: Mona High School

Territory: Jamaica
Center Number: 100152
Year: May/ June 2024
Teacher: Ms. S. Laing
Table of Contents

Criteria One: Preparation

Correspondence Letter

Criteria Two: Data Gathering

Questions Posed
Activity Table

Criteria Three: Presentation

As a group we would firstly like to acknowledge that none of this SBA would have been
possible without God, we’d also like to give our families the recognition they deserve for the
help they gave throughout this SBA and for helping us with our research when we didn’t
know where to turn. We’d also like to thank the company that allowed us to shadow their
worker during their checking of inventory and for the hospitality showed throughout our stay.
Criteria One:
A Study Of The Documents Used In The Inventory Management Office At Yamaja
Engines Ltd
 To identify the documents used in the Inventory Management Office at Yamaja

 To investigate how effective the procedure used is at Yamaja Engines.

 To find out how long it takes for inventory to be fully complete at Yamaja Engines.
Functions of the Inventory Office
 To ensure stock is balanced
 To reorder any stock that is short
 To check off new parts when they arrive
 To ensure that parts that are frequently sold are always there
Correspondence Letter
Mona Road
Kingston 6
October 5, 2023

Inventory Department
Yamaja Engines Limited
35 Lady Musgrave Road
Cross Roads

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We are students at Mona High School currently pursuing the subject Office
Administration. One criteria for completing this subject is to complete a School Based
Assessment. This letter serves as a request for permission to be granted for us to visit
your organization to conduct an investigation. This investigation will be carried out in
the form of interviews and questionnaires to be conducted with the employees in this
department. If you decide on allowing us to visit your organization please contact us
via email at with a date and time that’s best for
you. We would appreciate your kind cooperation.

We eagerly await your response. Thank you for your time and consideration

Shantal Ellis
Student of Mona High school
Criteria Two : Data
The research data in this school based assessment was conducted in the form of
interviews and questionnaires. An interview according to the Oxford English
Dictionary is defined as a formal conversation between two or more people where the
interviewer ask questions which the interviewee responds to. The researchers chose
this method so they would get a clearer answer to questions posed to the interviewee.

A questionnaire is a research instrument that consist of questions with possible

answers for the respondents to choose from. This method was chosen by the
researchers as it is time effective and would help the researchers to determine the
percentage of people who answered for the same for each question.

The interview and questionnaires were both conducted on the same day December 1,
Five Questions Asked

1. What is the most used document when taking inventory

2. How long does it take for inventory to be completed

3. How is inventory made easier as it relates to having multiple inventory methods?

4. Is taking inventory hard?

5. What is the easiest part about taking inventory

Activity Table

Date Activity Comment

October 6, Topic and Topic was
2023 Aims chosen and
aims were
October Functions Ms. Laing
15, 2023 found no issue
November Questionnaire Questionnaires
6, 2023 were made
January 8, Written Written report
2024 Report was completed
January Completion SBA was
27, 2024 completed
Our School based Assessment’s topic is A Study Of The Documents Used In The
Inventory Management Office At Yamaja Engines Ltd.


Some difficulties we encountered were:

 Having to change the business we were planning on focusing on multiple

times because of a lack of response from the business places.
 Finding the appropriate time to schedule our interview that would be good for
both us and the business.


The main aim of this SBA was to Study the documents used in the inventory management of
a business. After careful consideration we chose Yamaja Engines Ltd as the business.

To collect the necessary data needed for this research questionnaires we’re distributed
amongst the inventory/ stock management employees at Yamaja Engines Ltd and interviews
were conducted.

What we had been focusing on was what exactly was used to take inventory and how much
easier it made the work in the business. We also, after figuring out what was used and how it
helped make things easier learnt first hand how they did their inventory/ stock taking and
how long the process could be.

We had bar graphs that illustrated what was used in stock taking and also the percentage of
the staff that preferred it, we also had a pie chart showing the amount of area that can be
covered when using each method. Using these graphs we discovered that whilst many had
chosen a certain method, others were less time consuming.
Bar Graph Showing the percentage of the preferred stock/ inventory taking method

Pie chart showing the peeve of area covered by each method within a day
As it relates to inventory management we can be called novices, however we do have
a few recommendations that we think would benefit anyone taking inventory

 Mixing methods of inventory taking as to stay longer times without

taking inventory

 Having each person use their preferred method as to separate work


This SBA has been quite informative for us. We have learned all about inventory
management in the workplace, the different methods and the ups and downs faced when
taking inventory.

For the past few months we have been tirelessly working and researching in order to find out
more about this topic and we can proudly say that whilst inventory management is a hard
task we now understand what it takes more clearly.

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