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Framework for Automated Model-Based e-Permitting System

for Municipal Jurisdictions

Kamellia Shahi1; Brenda Y. McCabe, M.ASCE2; and Arash Shahi3

Abstract: Recent technological advances in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, including the implementation of
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building information modeling (BIM) and automated data-capturing tools, have enabled the AEC industry to commence its digital journey in
the era of big data. Over the last decade, e-permitting practices have been introduced in many municipal jurisdictions around the world, aimed
at replacing the traditional and inefficient paper-based practices. In this paper, these recent international developments are investigated, and
three distinct levels of e-permitting are defined based on their varying levels of automation and integration. A framework is then developed that
considers the impact of each level of e-permitting on the entire life cycle of the project, from submission of permitting document through
construction, operation, and maintenance of the built facility. The developed framework can be used as a road map for any municipality for
advancing from traditional paper-based permitting practices (Level 0) to a fully integrated city planning tool (Level 3), thus enabling several
smart urban management applications, including city-level planning reviews, integrated logistics planning, and smart urban asset management.
The framework as a whole was validated by a group of experts on construction permitting practices. Specific elements of its lower levels have
been implemented by municipalities around the world, which have reported significant productivity improvements. Finally, this paper inves-
tigates several barriers to implementing the higher levels of e-permitting, along with corresponding strategies for municipalities to mitigate and
overcome these challenges. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000712. Ó 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: e-Permitting; Model-based; Building information modeling (BIM); Code compliance checking; GIS integration; Smart
urban management; City planning.

Introduction Obtaining permits and approvals for building construction in

large cities is a complex undertaking and often involves a wide
Growing populations in major cities have increased the demand for range of regulatory agencies. These approvals range from official
construction of new housing supply. Focused on achieving more plan and zoning amendments to demolition, construction, and in-
sustainable built infrastructure, regulators are continually looking to spection permits. Traditionally, these processes include heavy paper
improve and extend requirements for obtaining construction per- trails, time-consuming manual review procedures, and lack of
mits. These factors have placed tremendous pressure on munici- transparency in the review and approval process.
palities and their limited resources to keep pace with the demands of Increased emphasis on improving productivity in the architec-
their local construction industry. Analysis of the permitting pro- ture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry in recent years
cesses of 162 tall residential towers in the City of Toronto, Canada, has drawn attention toward expediting and streamlining the manual
showed that the average duration for a successful rezoning permit and labor-intensive permitting processes. Jurisdictions around the
increased from less than 1 year in 2006 to over 3 years in 2016 (Shahi globe have adopted and implemented a range of strategies to im-
et al. 2017). With over 100,000 new residents moving to the Greater prove their review processes for construction permits. These gen-
Toronto Area (GTA) every year (Ontario Ministry of Finance 2017), erally include implementation of an information and document
the growing timeline for obtaining construction and rezoning per- management system that aims to reduce or replace the paper-based
mits delays the supply of much-needed new housing units (Shahi permitting system with digital submission of drawings. These have
et al. 2017). The increased demand for housing, coupled with the commonly been referred to as e-permitting systems (Fiatech 2008).
lack of supply of new units, has also created significant volatilities in It has been shown that municipalities’ willingness to adopt
the housing market (Clayton and Amborski 2017) and has contrib- process innovations is positively correlated with increases in their
uted to a mounting affordability problem in North America’s fourth- cost efficiency (Lampe 2017). A recent technology with strong
largest city (Statistics Canada 2015). promise of revolutionizing the AEC industry is building infor-
mation modeling (BIM) (Eastman et al. 2008). It has been shown
that the effectiveness of BIM implementations depends on the
Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Civil and Mineral Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, industry’s readiness to take advantage of BIM’s potentials (Lee
35 St. George St., Toronto, ON, M5S 1A4 (corresponding author). ORCID: et al. 2015). In addition to providing an accurate three-dimensional Email: (3D) representation of the building, and providing other dimen-
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Mineral Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, sions of information, such as schedule and cost for a project, BIM
35 St. George St., Toronto, ON, M5S 1A4. captures semantic information such as material properties and re-
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Civil and Mineral Engineering, Univ. of
lationships between elements within the model. The benefits of
Toronto, 35 St. George St., Toronto, ON, M5S 1A4.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on June 6, 2018; approved on
BIM have been extensively studied by many researchers in the
March 12, 2019; published online on August 5, 2019. Discussion period construction domain. These studies address a wide range of issues,
open until January 5, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted for from organizational change and interoperability to clash detection
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Management in analysis and quantity takeoffs and even more advanced applica-
Engineering, Ó ASCE, ISSN 0742-597X. tions using fourth- and fifth-dimension (4D and 5D) models (Azhar
© ASCE 04019025-1 J. Manage. Eng.

J. Manage. Eng., 2019, 35(6): 04019025

2011; Chong et al. 2016; Farghaly et al. 2018; Liao and Ai Lin Teo system on the document submissions, document review, construc-
2018). tion, and operation of a facility. Also, an additional Level 3 e-
While the advantages of BIM are more widely exploited by permitting was introduced to represent potential integrations that
architects in the design stage, there is tremendous potential in using can exist for each phase of the project, to fully leverage BIM in all
BIM during the construction phase and, perhaps most important, aspects of permitting, construction, and operation and maintenance
during facility operation and management, highlighted by the of the built infrastructure. Level 3 e-permitting is envisioned as a
emergence of market demands around model-based facility moni- fully integrated city planning tool, which can enable several smart
toring applications (Giel and Issa 2014; Khan and Hornbæk 2011; urban management applications, including city-level planning re-
Mayo and Issa 2016). An annual BIM implementation survey in the views, integrated logistics planning, and smart urban asset man-
United Kingdom reported a 300% increase in BIM implementation agement.
on projects between 2011 and 2017 and a 30% increase since 2015, The framework detailed in this paper can be used as a road map
which clearly shows that BIM utilization is on the rise (NBS 2017). for advancing from traditional paper-based permitting practices to a
Interestingly, 84% of the respondents in this survey believed that fully integrated city planning tool. The framework as a whole was
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they need to be able to automatically check the compliance of BIM validated by a panel of eight experts in the area of electronic per-
with standards, and 79% agreed that guidance provided in standards mitting. This panel was coordinated by the Residential Construction
will need to link to building models in the near future (NBS 2017), Council of Ontario (RESCON), which was mandated by the gov-
which can pave the way for higher levels of e-permitting as defined ernment of Ontario to provide a comprehensive report, “Stream-
and explained in this paper. lining the Development and Building Approvals Process in Ontar-
This research focuses on improving the permitting process in io.” As part of their report, the panel reviewed the framework
municipalities by taking full advantage of recent technological ad- developed in this research, provided feedback, and finally validated
vances in the AEC industry, including BIM. The next section pro- and accepted the framework to be used as a road map for munici-
vides a detailed description of the methodology of this research, palities in Ontario to advance from traditional permitting practices
which is followed by a global review of existing e-permitting prac- to an automated and integrated e-permitting system (RESCON 2018).
tices and the developed framework of this research. In addition to the validation by experts, the e-permitting systems
classified as Levels 1 and 2 in this framework have been partially
implemented by some municipalities around the world, which have
Research Methodology reported significant productivity improvements. These implemen-
tations are reviewed and discussed.
This paper investigates the development and implementation of Finally, based on documented and reviewed international im-
e-permitting systems in municipal jurisdictions around the world plementation of various levels of e-permitting, and through further
and presents a three-level framework for an advanced, automated, literature review on best practices for BIM implementation, a set of
and model-based e-permitting system that is aligned with recent barriers to implementation of the developed framework and a
technological advancements in the AEC industry. number of best practices to deal with these barriers are presented.
The term e-permitting has been used to refer to a wide range of
applications within the AEC industry, and therefore the methodol-
ogy of this research included a review of basic elements of e- Traditional Permitting versus e-Permitting Systems
permitting systems and their main differentiators from traditional
permitting practices. In a traditional building permit office, government agencies require
A thorough traditional literature review of published and im- applicants to submit paper copies of all drawings and specifications
plemented e-permitting systems in municipal jurisdictions in the for rezoning, new building, engineering, inspection, and occupancy
United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia was then conducted, and permits. Multiple copies are often needed so that relevant divisions,
the unique characteristics, as well as common elements, of these such as fire prevention and traffic control, can review the applica-
systems were identified. tion simultaneously. Drawings that were revised to address previous
The existing permitting systems in municipal jurisdictions comments and recommendations by the numerous internal and
around the world were categorized (Levels 0, 1, and 2) based on external reviewers may be part of that package. However, most, if
their level of automation and technological sophistication (Fig. 1). not all, drawings submitted on paper for the application submission
Level 0 represents traditional paper-based permitting practices with and review process are designed and prepared using computers and
no automation; Level 1 represents basic e-permitting capabilities, advanced software packages. The disadvantages of the traditional
which often included digital submission of two-dimensional (2D) system extend beyond the environmental costs of using tremendous
drawings and simple workflows; and Level 2 e-permitting allows amounts of paper to include storage and management of docu-
for digital submission of digital models and can include various ments, difficulty in distributing documents, and manual and time-
levels of processing automation. consuming review procedures. Also, the lack of process transpar-
As part of the contributions of this research, the categorization in ency limits the process efficiencies that can be implemented for
Fig. 1 was then expanded to include the impact of each permitting permitting practices (Hui 2017). Finally, lack of coordination be-
tween internal and external parties who need to review the docu-
ments often results in inconsistent and contradictory review deci-
sions (Shahi et al. 2017).
An e-permitting system consists of an online platform and doc-
ument workplace that connects municipalities and other government
agencies with AEC professionals to complete building permit sub-
missions, reviews, and approval processes (Foo Sing and Zhong
2001). It provides a one-stop shop for permitting with reported
success at municipal jurisdictions around the world (World Bank
Fig. 1. Categories of existing e-permitting systems.
and IFC 2013).
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Given their global success, e-permitting systems have been over $2.5 million (Singh 2017). In 2011, the City of New York
growing in popularity in recent years. While there are many var- launched the Development Hub, a digital platform that enabled
iations, most existing systems are built on a centralized document online submission of plan review applications along with required
management platform, often with a built-in workflow engine in the forms and payments. New York’s system was similar to Finland’s
background. The goal is to connect all the stakeholders, including approach, in which plan examiners reviewed applications in their
agencies that need to approve the drawings and plans, within one technologically advanced offices with large viewing screens and
platform and manage the electronic distribution and flow of doc- smart boards. Webcams and video conferencing tools facilitated
uments within the system. Once documents are digitally submitted, communication between plan examiners and applicants (City of
they are routed to the appropriate agencies and stakeholders, al- New York 2017). As of 2018, New York’s system accepted draw-
lowing simultaneous review when appropriate and enabling effec- ings only as portable document format (PDF) files, which limited the
tive communication between the agencies and stakeholders. The capabilities of its system. While New York has not published any
improved communication between AEC professionals and govern- metrics, the City of Boston started using a similar system in 2014,
ing agencies and the increased transparency in the review and ap- and in its first year it processed 21% more applications in 18% less
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proval process are important advantages that effective e-permitting time (Lawrence 2015).
platforms can provide. Specifically, increased transparency can be In January 2016, the City of Mississauga, in Ontario, Canada,
achieved through dashboards and reports to applicants regarding the implemented e-plans, an online e-processing platform for submis-
status of their application and through metadata reports to the in- sion and review of building plans for building permits, zoning
dustry and the public on performance metrics related to the review certificates, site plan approvals, and preliminary development ap-
process itself. plications. While e-plans does not currently support BIM submis-
sion, it has many elements of the CORENET and Evolta systems,
including a workflow engine, simultaneous reviewing, and plan
Review of Existing e-Permitting Systems markup capabilities. It also provides a client-facing dashboard with
status updates on applications (City of Mississauga 2017). As a
Successful implementations of e-permitting practices include those result of implementing e-plans, Mississauga reported that the time
in Singapore, the United States, Finland, and Canada. Singapore, a needed for the first review of applications was reduced by 30%, and
city-state in Southeast Asia, is a pioneer in the development and the overall time to issue a building permit was reduced by 8%, in the
implementation of e-permitting systems. In 1995, Singapore laun- first year of implementation (Hinton 2017). Among other reported
ched the Construction and Real Estate Network (CORENET) system benefits of e-plan are a drastic reduction in storage space for printed
with the aim of allowing building project stakeholders to readily plans, improved reviewing capacity, reduced time for each appli-
exchange information digitally (Foo Sing and Zhong 2001). In 2002, cation to transit between city staff for review, and improved quality
CORENET was equipped with e-submission capacity to accept 2D and efficiency in permit services (City of Mississauga 2017).
drawings for planning and engineering permits over the internet. By Mississauga’s lead was followed by other Canadian cities. For
2009, Singapore had reduced its time for processing construction example, the City of Markham implemented e-plans in 2017 for
permits from 102 days to 38 days (novaCITYNETS 2017). Its suc- building permits and zoning preliminary review applications (City
cess led to continued improvements and innovations. In January of Markham 2017). Vancouver, Edmonton, and Hamilton were
2010, CORENET started accepting architectural BIM e-submissions, reportedly investigating alternatives for implementing e-permitting
followed by structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing models systems for their communities (Avolve 2017).
in 2011 (BCA 2011b). The processing time was further reduced to
25 days (novaCITYNETS 2017). In 2015, the use of BIM for all new
construction projects in Singapore became mandatory. These Developed Framework
changes in submission formats would not have been possible with-
out Singapore’s phased-in mandate for BIM e-submission starting in Based on the review of international best practices in e-permitting
July 2013. The government’s requirement for the construction in- capabilities, a framework with three levels of e-permitting was de-
dustry to use BIM resulted in AEC-wide benefits by 2015 (BCA veloped and compared with traditional permitting practices. These
2013). Today, Singapore is leading the way in automated code levels and their differentiating elements corresponding to the de-
compliance checking. sign, review, construction, and operation and maintenance phases of
Singapore’s success can be attributed in part to its city-state a project are illustrated in Fig. 2. Level 0 refers to the traditional
structure, in which a centralized agency oversees permitting pro- paper-based permitting process, with no automation and no elec-
cesses for the entire country of 5.6 million people. In contrast, tronic submission capabilities. Levels 1–3 indicate increasing levels
Finland has approximately the same population as Singapore but of sophistication, automation, and integration of the e-permitting
comprises 311 municipalities (Official Statistics of Finland 2017), systems and can be used as a road map for advancing from tradi-
some of which have fewer than 6,000 residents. Most of the mu- tional paper-based permitting practices to a fully integrated e-
nicipalities have their own process to approve permits, which un- permitting system. The transition from Level 0 to Level 3 is not
derstandably complicates the implementation of a national system. crisp, and the completion of one level is not required before an
Despite these complications, Finland introduced an e-permitting agency can move to the next level; nor must all aspects of one level
system in 2013, and by 2017 it had buy-in from 60% of Finnish be implemented.
municipalities (Evolta 2017a). Part of Finland’s success was the Most existing e-permitting systems reviewed as part of this re-
comprehensiveness of its implementation; the system could manage search were categorized as Level 1, including those implemented in
100 different permit application types and a volume of over 8,000 New York, Boston, Mississauga, Markham, and Finland. Singa-
applications per month (Evolta 2017b). pore’s CORENET system has recently moved to what this research
North American municipalities have been following in the categorizes as Level 2, since it allows for e-submissions via BIM
footsteps of Singapore. The United States started to mandate BIM platforms and for limited automation in code compliance checking.
for some government projects in 2008, and in 2010 it did so for Those categorized in Level 1 are expected to eventually move into
public projects over $5 million and all new construction projects Level 2 as the demand for BIM increases in the AEC industry and as
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Fig. 2. Framework for different levels of e-permitting.

technical sophistication of those municipalities advances. Level 3 e- display screens or smart boards to facilitate viewing of complex and
permitting is introduced as a sophisticated city planning tool that detailed drawings can provide reviewers with the tools to undertake
takes full advantage of the technological advancements in the AEC a comprehensive analysis of the design and the degree to which it
industry and the integration and automation potentials that can be complies with the relevant codes and regulations.
incorporated within an e-permitting system. The following sections Communication opportunities for stakeholders may be available
present each level of the e-permitting framework in detail. but may not be included in all Level 1 systems. For example, video
conferencing, email correspondence, or webcams could be used by
reviewers to discuss issues effectively and in a timely manner to
Level 1: Basic e-Permitting Systems
reconcile conflicts and other issues.
As shown in Fig. 2, Level 1 represents basic e-permitting systems. The document management platform and a workflow engine are
At this level and without regard to how the drawings are produced other unique characteristics of Level 1 e-permitting systems and
in the design stage, they are submitted in a 2D digital format (Level allow for manual and paper-based reports to be digitally associated
1.A), either by email or through a web interface. The key differ- with the application, ensuring their timely retrieval when needed.
entiator between Levels 0 and 1 is that in Level 1, paper is no longer For example, while the inspection permits are typically completed
needed for the application submission. This facilitates immediate, manually, reports can be integrated with the document management
cost-effective, and systematic distribution of the documents to all system in the software platform (Level 1.C). In this manner, in-
agencies that need to review them, allowing the simultaneous re- spectors can upload their reports remotely, providing immediate
view of drawings when appropriate. verification of their findings.
During manual review of drawings by authorities (Level 1.B), Level 1 e-permitting systems are operated by government agen-
some systems facilitate digital markup on the electronic documents. cies, and while they accept digital drawings, no outputs are provided
Allowing reviewers to embed their questions and comments in the to the applicant that could benefit the operation and maintenance
documents makes it easier for them to communicate their concerns phase of a facility (Level 1.D). Therefore, they provide no added
to the applicant. Alternatively, reviewers may prepare a report with functionality to the traditional paper-based system in this regard.
their comments. Special workstations with very large or multiple However, workflow algorithms could be put in place to support the
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analysis of how long each authority takes to review, comment, and searchers to generate computer-executable rules from natural lan-
respond to the application. These statistics could be very useful in guage regulations. These methods can be categorized into two main
automating the identification of bottlenecks in the system. approaches.
In Level 1 e-permitting and upon the submission of building  Artificial intelligence (AI) methods use natural language pro-
drawings to governing agencies, drawings are reviewed by engi- cessing algorithms such as text analytics, content monetization,
neers, designers, and staff for compliance with regulations and automatic classification of content, and text mining. These AI
codes that are in place, including building codes. For the most part, methods aim to enable computers to automatically derive
this process is currently manual, error prone, time-consuming, and meaning from the text and generate logical rules for checking
resource dependent. There are also concerns with the transparency purposes.
and consistency of this review process (Solihin and Eastman 2015).  Markup language methods, such as extensible markup language
Unfortunately, the manual checking of plans against various codes (XML), semiautomate the translation of codes that are available
and guidelines by different departments at agencies often results in in hypertext markup language (HTML), PDF, or hard copy (Na-
inconsistent recommendations, which are mostly due to misinter- wari and Alsaffar 2015).
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pretations and differing interpretations of rules and guidelines Regardless of the method, the goal of this first step is to translate the
(Fiatech 2013). Finally, there are concerns with the accuracy of codes and regulations into a language that a computer-based plat-
traditional review processes, given the error-prone nature of manual form can use. To implement any methodology for code compliance
checking procedures. checking, a digital 3D representation of the building with adequate
semantic information and level of detail is needed. BIM, with suf-
ficient level of detail, easily satisfies this requirement (Solihin and
Level 2: Automated Model-Based e-Permitting Systems
Eastman 2015). With the increased implementation of BIM in
Automated model-based (Level 2) e-permitting is built around a construction projects, automated code compliance checking has
BIM platform, which is developed during the design phase and become more practical than before.
maintained throughout the life of the project. In Level 2.A, a com- Code compliance checking needs to be performed outside of any
prehensive model of the facility is submitted instead of discrete 2D BIM-specific platform, and Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) have
drawings, which enables a wide range of applications, as explained long offered a promising means of domain-independent solutions
in this section. for BIM applications. The current IFC standards are flexible and
An alternative approach to manual reviews of 2D drawings is allow for extraction of types, attributes, and relationships between
the use of technologies for automated code compliance checking objects that can be extracted from any BIM platform (Pauwels et al.
(Level 2.B). These technologies are not bound by traditional time 2011).
and resource constraints and can provide consistent, reliable, and With the BIM data extracted in IFC format, and rules, regula-
transparent reviews. This approach provides the user with summary tions, and guidelines translated into a computable language, a rea-
compliance reports and tools to expedite decision making by plan soning tool or a software solution can efficiently conduct virtually
examiners. This functionality has been validated in the past using all the checks that need to be performed for a given building. This
automated code compliance checking against International Building process can take place within an application attached to design
Code (IBC) 2009 (Fiatech 2012). Fig. 3 illustrates the process and software, such as a BIM platform plug-in; using stand-alone soft-
steps that are required in any automated code-checking system. ware for code compliance checking; or using a web-based appli-
The first step of automated code compliance checking is to cation (Eastman et al. 2009; Gholizadeh et al. 2018).
represent and formulate building codes, standards, and regulations, Government agencies and municipal jurisdictions around the
which are translated from natural language into a computable form. world have started to implement code compliance checking in their
Advancements have been made in automation of the extraction and systems, which have mostly focused on building code compli-
transformation of rules directly from codes and regulatory docu- ance. Table 1 summarizes the extent of automated code compliance
ments. Different modeling techniques have been adopted by re- checking and the jurisdictions for which they were originally de-
In 2002, Singapore started developing and implementing a code-
checking system called FORNAX as a part of its CORENET system
(Lam 2004). FORNAX consists of a library of objects that extend
the building component information of the IFC models with addi-
tional information that is needed for code checking by the rule-
checking engine (Eastman et al. 2009). FORNAX checks proposed
building plans for compliance with fire code specifications, in-
cluding fire escape routes, material use, ceiling heights, and fire

Table 1. State of automated code compliance checking in international

Energy Fire Building Initially
System code code code developed for
FORNAX — X Partial Singapore
Solibri Model Checker — Partial Partial Finland
EDModelChecker — — Partial Norway
DesignCheck — — Partial Australia
Fig. 3. Automated code compliance checking (Level 2.B). (Adapted COMcheck=REScheck X — — United States
from Eastman et al. 2009.) SMARTcodes — — Partial International

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rating. It also checks building services components such as venti- Automated inspection of construction sites is an optional com-
lation, hydraulic, and fire protection systems. The system further ponent of the proposed framework (Level 2.C). In the context of this
allows for evaluation of digital drawings against prescription-based framework, automated inspection is the use of automatic and
development plan guidelines and regulations, such as plot ratio and semiautomatic data-capturing tools, such as photogrammetry and
land use type. 3D laser scanners (Golparvar-Fard et al. 2011), using unmanned
Originally developed in Finland, Solibri Model Checker (SMC) aerial vehicles (drones) (Hamledari et al. 2017; Irizarry and Costa
offers automated code-checking capabilities that can operate on IFC 2016). Such technologies provide automatic schedule updates and
exports from BIM platforms (Preidel and Borrmann 2015). SMC inspection reports directly in the BIM system (Hamledari et al.
checks the model against fire codes and building accessibility 2017).
codes. SMC is empowered by a rule manager, which allows the By transferring BIM to the operation and maintenance phase of a
development of customizable rules and rule sets for model check- facility (Level 2.D), all data captured during the design, review, and
ing. This is not currently available in the FORNAX system. construction phases can be transferred to facility managers. This
EDModelChecker was developed in Norway and utilizes a transferred knowledge may range from semantic information at-
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commercial library of objects, similar to FORNAX but based on the tached to equipment (such as manufacturer and parts information) to
EXPRESS data modeling language, which is an ISO-certified open inspection reports submitted during construction, enabling more
standards language compatible with IFC schema (Eastman et al. informed decision making during the operation and maintenance
2009). phase.
DesignCheck, developed by Australia’s Cooperative Research
Centre (CRC), is capable of checking building plans for access and
Level 3: Fully Integrated e-Permitting Systems
mobility in different stages, from sketch design to detailed drawings
(Ding et al. 2006). SMARTcodes is a system developed by the The increase in BIM implementation in the construction industry
International Code Council in 2006 to check building designs for and the advantages of automated data-driven analysis have already
compliance with international, federal, and state codes (Lee et al. motivated several municipalities around the world to take advantage
2016). of automated code compliance checking (Level 2.B). However,
Automated code checking has not been limited to construction- these technologies have also paved the way for new capabilities that
related codes and regulations. In the United States, the DOE has were not previously feasible. A range of these new capabilities
been supporting and maintaining the International Energy Conser- stems from the integration of BIM and GIS, which captures geodetic
vation Code (IECC) energy codes (for minimum energy efficiency coordinates, spatial information, and relationships between objects
of design and construction) and the American Society of Heating, (Liu et al. 2017). In this research, fully integrated e-permitting
Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard systems, capable of integrating BIM with GIS, are classified as
90.1 (energy standard for buildings except low-rise residential Level 3 e-permitting systems. Level 3 e-permitting is presented as
buildings). In recent years, the DOE launched the COMcheck the future of permitting systems and is compatible with the require-
software application for compliance checking of new commercial or ments of intelligent building systems and smart cities in providing a
high-rise residential buildings against the energy requirements of meaningful digital connection between a facility and its urban
IECC and ASHRAE standards, as well as some state-specific codes context.
(DOE 2014). The DOE also developed REScheck, which performs Used in the GIS platform, City Geography Markup Language
partial automated compliance checking for small residential projects (CityGML) is the comprehensive semantic standard for exchanging
against existing energy codes (Halverson et al. 2009). Interestingly, urban information. Despite having different modeling languages,
the DOE made these platforms available through its own website, IFC and CityGML share several similarities in that both are object-
thus encouraging users to evaluate their designs before they submit based and recognize infrastructure, buildings, and plans as com-
applications. ponents, which allows for their mapping and integration (Level 3.
Even though a fully automated code compliance checking plat- A). However, differences in application domains and user expertise
form capable of analyzing a building model against all relevant complicate collaboration between these two platforms. In the latest
building, fire, and energy codes simultaneously has not yet been version of IFC standards, IFC4, a higher level of interoperability
developed, the progress of software companies and government was considered to support the integration of IFC-based BIM and
agencies demonstrates the industry’s inclination for such a solution. GIS data. The current versions of IFC and CityGML, however, are
The approach taken by the governments of Singapore and the United not yet sophisticated enough to capture the information of the entire
States, in developing and readily providing the solutions, could be a built environment of urban and infrastructure projects (Liu et al.
model for government agencies around the world to offer such 2017).
services in the future. Through the integration of BIM and GIS in Level 3.A, munic-
While the focus of this research and the developed framework ipalities could also provide a much more meaningful review of
was on the e-permitting system itself, the consequences of imple- proposals. Examples include advanced city-level planning reviews
menting higher levels of e-permitting systems on a project’s entire (Level 3.B), integrated construction logistics planning considering
life cycle, from design to construction and operation and mainte- all urban activities in the neighborhood (Level 3.C), and smart
nance of a facility, were also considered. For example, by imple- urban asset management capacities across the entire asset portfolio
menting what this research classifies as Level 2 e-permitting, a of the municipality (Level 3.D). The integrated approach of Level 3
reliable and updated model of the facility with sufficient level of e-permitting could also inform intelligent policy making and reg-
detail can developed and updated during the design and review ulation drafting, which is essential in keeping up with the demands
phase of a project. This model can then be used for automated of future smart cities (Marsal-Llacuna and Segal 2017).
inspection during the construction phase (Level 2.C) and as the In Level 3.B, instead of analyzing buildings as stand-alone en-
basis for model-based building management during operation tities, the integration of BIM and GIS would allow buildings to be
(Level 2.D), thereby leveraging the efforts in development of BIM evaluated in the context of their urban settings and with consider-
to benefit the facility’s entire life cycle, from design to operation ation to their spatial relationship with other buildings, both during
and maintenance. and after construction. Researchers have shown that adjacent
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buildings and their shading on a proposed building can significantly BIM Implementation Is Key
impact that building’s energy performance (Pisello et al. 2012).
The construction industry’s inertia and resistance to the adoption of
Specifically, shading increases heating and lighting loads and de-
new technologies have been acknowledged and well documented
creases cooling loads, while reflection off other buildings can in-
(Nikas et al. 2007). However, for successful implementation of a
crease cooling energy requirements (Han et al. 2017). Integration of
model-based e-permitting system in which BIM implementation is
BIM and GIS is also suggested for analyzing view corridors and in
a key component, the change needs to go beyond the construction
other urban planning considerations to fully understand the impact
industry and into government agencies and municipalities, which
that a new development might have (Rafiee et al. 2014). Archi-
will be a much more difficult undertaking. Having said that, there are
tectural acoustic analysis of the buildings in their urban setting, with
countries around the world that have been more successful than
the help of traffic and noise mapping, would allow for analysis of
others in adopting new technologies and innovative processes, par-
internal noise levels, which affect the quality of life for building
ticularly in relation to the implementation of BIM practices. Singa-
pore has effectively implemented a top-down approach in which the
Dealing with construction site logistics has long been a chal-
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use of BIM for design and later for e-permitting was mandated across
lenge for the construction industry, particularly in dense urban en-
all projects nationally. The United Kingdom is the most successful
vironments (Ali et al. 2016). For example, the City of Toronto’s
country for BIM adoption among western countries. It also imple-
Tall Building Design Guidelines (TBDG) require that towers in
mented a top-down approach by mandating that the industry to move
Toronto be built to the edge of their property line (City of Toronto
to BIM (Kassem and Succar 2017). Governments in Hong Kong and
2013), thus complicating site logistic planning, including the opti-
the United Arab Emirates have followed their lead.
mized locations of tower cranes, storage areas for construction
Canada, on the other hand, has a middle-out dynamic approach
material, and traffic management around the construction site. In
to BIM implementation, which means that large organizations adopt
Level 3.C, the integration of GIS data with BIM would allow traffic
BIM and then push for regulatory bodies and their supply chain to
patterns to be considered in logistics planning, site optimization,
follow (Kassem and Succar 2017). This creates a substantial gap
and traffic management of construction sites. More important, a
between the municipalities using traditional paper-based and manual
city-level planning review could be performed and site logistics
permitting and review processes on one hand and the AEC industry
activities for different construction sites in an area could be coor-
slowly but surely adopting BIM for design and internal code com-
dinated to minimize the overall disturbances to their neighbor-
pliance checking on the other hand. This gap creates significant
hood. Finally, such integration could dramatically enhance the au-
inefficiencies in the review and construction permitting process and
tomatic tracking of materials and deliveries of critical items, which
frustration on the part of industry leaders who have adopted BIM
are currently being performed with a combination of bar code, radio-
practices but are unable to capitalize fully on their investment due to
frequency identification (RFID), ultra-wideband (UWB), and Global
the lack of government support.
Positioning System (GPS) technologies (Ergen et al. 2007; Razavi
The benefit of Canada’s middle-out approach is that once the
and Haas 2010). The latter application is more applicable for pre-
municipalities and the federal government start mandating BIM for
fabricated and preassembled construction strategies, taking advan-
new projects and for e-permitting processes, the learning curve of
tage of lean construction practices and therefore requiring a more
the industry will be much smaller than those experienced by other
advanced level of logistics planning (Sacks et al. 2010).
countries, and the costs involved in training the local industry will be
Use of BIM for automated building and facility management
substantially lower. Taking these factors into consideration, while
(Level 2.D) was identified as one of the advantages of investing in
Canada has been slow in joining other world leaders in adopting
BIM from design through to review, construction, and operation
BIM practices broadly, its mandate of BIM seems inevitable.
and maintenance phases of a facility. In Level 3.D of the developed
framework, the integration of BIM and GIS data allows the facility
management capabilities of BIM to extend beyond a single facility
Managing Transition
and to encompass the entire asset portfolio of a municipality, thus
providing a range of smart urban asset management functionalities. Implementation of the entire automated model-based e-permitting
These applications could range from energy sharing between system, or even its partial implementation, requires both a process
buildings (Kayo et al. 2014) to emergency response systems and and a technology overhaul for most municipalities. As with any
disaster relief efforts (Yamada 1996). other major overhauls in an industry as diverse as the AEC industry,
the transition period is critical and needs to be carefully managed.
The top-down approach of Singapore, the United Kingdom,
Implementation Barriers and Best Practices Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, and others provides more
control but could prove to be expensive for the authorities, whereas
With the recent technological advancements, effective organiza- the transition period in a middle-out approach may be associated
tional change adoption has become a core competency for AEC with long durations of uncertainty but may incur less direct cost to
firms in order to remain competitive in their markets (Lines and the government. Despite the higher direct cost of the top-down
Reddy Vardireddy 2017). Historically, the AEC industry has strug- approach and the level of structure and control that it requires, the
gled with several barriers to implementation of information tech- top-down approach provides leadership and may be the preferred
nology solutions, including cultural resistance to change, cost, and strategy for managing the transition to implementation of an auto-
data-sharing concerns (Fiatech 2007). While some of these con- mated model-based e-permitting system.
cerns still need to be addressed for any IT-application implemen- Managing the transition includes training the highly qualified
tation, the discussions in this section focus specifically on the personnel who will lead the industry during the transition. Many
barriers that have been identified in the international implementa- international and national organizations, such as buildingSMART
tion of various levels of e-permitting as they relate to the developed International, support governments and organizations in imple-
framework of this research. These specific challenges include im- mentation of BIM practices.
plementing BIM, managing the transition, and addressing the legal Singapore’s transition provides a number of lessons for any
concerns. municipality or government agency that may want to engage in a
© ASCE 04019025-7 J. Manage. Eng.

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top-down transition. In addition to the software and hardware costs Based on this review and state-of-the-art technological ad-
of implementing Singapore’s e-permitting system at the govern- vancements in the AEC industry, a three-level e-permitting frame-
ment level, the country’s Building and Construction Authority work was then developed, expanding beyond the existing two levels
(BCA) allocated 4.2 million US dollars (USD) specifically for BIM of e-permitting and spanning a project’s entire life cycle, from
adoption, covering training, consultancy, and software costs in the document submission for construction permitting to operation and
construction sector (BCA 2011a). That translates to approximately maintenance of the built facility. Level 3 e-permitting is introduced
USD 0.75 per capita. The cost would be much higher for larger in this research as a sophisticated city planning tool that takes full
countries to provide the same level of support. On the other hand, advantage of the technological advancements in the AEC industry
the middle-out approach has the lowest direct cost to the govern- and the integration and automation potentials that can be incorpo-
ment as industry leaders and consequently their supply chain absorb rated within an e-permitting system. In particular, the integration of
the training and transition costs prior to any mandate from the BIM with GIS data in Level 3 would allow a building project to be
government. Of course, this results in substantial inefficiencies in evaluated in its urban context, enabling several smart urban man-
the system, which may add up to much higher overall costs to the agement applications. Specifically, a design of the building would
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industry. Regardless, the costs of implementation and transition be evaluated based on its surrounding urban context; its construc-
remain significant barriers to implementation of automated model- tion would be planned with respect to other urban features and
based e-permitting systems. activities in its neighborhood; and its building model would feed
into the city’s smart urban asset management platform, providing
valuable information that otherwise would not be captured, com-
Legal Concerns
municated, and analyzed at a city level.
A number of legal concerns need to be addressed prior to any suc- Review of the barriers to implementation of e-permitting sys-
cessful implementation of an automated model-based e-permitting tems and international best practices concluded that successful
system; some are more challenging than others. For example, the implementation of an e-permitting framework will require the full
submission and transfer of files over the internet originally raised support of local governing agencies.
concerns of confidentiality and security of drawings by AEC in-
dustry professionals. This concern has been substantially mitigated
by use of digital signatures and through mandatory encryption of Limitations and Future Research
files in the submission process (Letch and Teo 2015). There are also
regulations and norms that are specific to a country or a region, such The entire framework of this research was validated by a group of
as those related to privacy, government transparency, and respon- eight experts in an electronic permitting working group as part of
siveness. For example, some Canadian provinces require local the Residential Construction Council of Ontario’s investigation and
governments to store their online information in servers located in report titled “Streamlining the Development and Building Ap-
Canada (Afzalan et al. 2017). provals Process in Ontario” (RESCON 2018). In addition, Levels 1
Another legal challenge is the lack of a single integrated system and 2 of the framework have been implemented in part by munic-
for plan submission that would be adopted by all involved agencies. ipalities around the world. A specific limitation of this research is
While this is a significant challenge, harmonizing and standardizing the lack of implementation of the third level of the framework in a
the rules and the way drawings are delivered to different agencies municipality and therefore the lack of key performance indicators to
would substantially improve efficiency and reduce confusion. For validate the effectiveness of the third level. However, as discussed
example, in Singapore, a set of industry standards by the Singapore in this paper, partial implementations of Levels 1 and 2 have already
chapter of the International Alliance for Interoperability [IAI(S)] resulted in significant productivity improvements in municipalities
was suggested and embraced by the Construction Industry IT around the world.
Standards Committee (CITC). Professional institutions and asso- Future research can focus on implementation of Level 3 in a
ciations also signed a memorandum to commit to the use of those municipality, which will also uncover a wide range of research
standards (Letch and Teo 2015). The UK government implemented opportunities, specifically in terms of integration advantages for
a similar approach but included a phased implementation plan, BIM with GIS and other city planning tools, resulting in city
slowly bringing different sectors of the industry on board, which has planning and evaluation capabilities that were not possible in any
proved to be very successful (McAuley et al. 2017). There are now a permitting or e-permitting platform in the past.
number of international standards that can be adopted, based on
which national guidelines can be developed for each country to
address its unique needs. Acknowledgments

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Natural

Conclusions Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Grant CRDPJ 479087-15 and the Residential Construction Council
This paper presented a thorough review of the existing international of Ontario (RESCON). This work was undertaken through the
e-permitting systems, which were then categorized into specifically University of Toronto’s Building Tall Research Centre.
defined e-permitting levels based on their degrees of automation
and integration. Specifically, Level 1 e-permitting represents sys-
tems that take advantage of a centralized document management
system with an embedded workflow engine. In Level 2 of the
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