Disparities of Elders and Gen Z

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Mangaring, Francis Louie D

12 - HUMSS

Disparities of elders and Gen Z

Hello, everyone. Thank you for having me. My name is Francis Mangaring, and I’m going to be
speaking to you today about “The Disparities of Elders And Gen Z”. To begin, the beliefs
between the Elders and Gen Z is important owing to the fact that in this era of rapid societal
transformation and technological advancement, we find ourselves confronted with a pressing
challenge: the dwindling regard for the meaning of human life in our nation. This erosion of
value has created a growing chasm between the wisdom of our elders and the aspirations of
Generation Z, leaving us yearning for a bridge to span this divide.

The meaningfulness of human life is a multifaceted concept that encompasses our purpose,
values, and connections to others. It is a tapestry woven from the threads of our experiences,
our relationships, and our contributions to society. As we navigate the complexities of
modern life, it is imperative that we recognize and appreciate the inherent value of every
human being, regardless of age, background, or circumstance. The elders among us hold a
wealth of knowledge and experience that is invaluable to the younger generations. They have
witnessed the ebb and flow of history, endured trials and tribulations, and emerged with a
profound understanding of life's intricacies. Their stories, their wisdom, and their
perspectives are a treasure trove of insights that can guide us as we navigate the uncharted
waters of the future. Generation Z, on the other hand, brings a unique blend of energy,
creativity, and technological savvy to the forefront. They are the architects of tomorrow, the
ones who will shape the world in which we live. Their idealism, their passion, and their
unwavering belief in the power of change are a source of inspiration and hope for us all. It is
in the intersection of these two generations that we find the potential for a meaningful and
harmonious society. By bridging the gaps that divide them, we can create a world where the
wisdom of the elders is revered and the aspirations of the young are nurtured. This bridging
process requires a conscious effort from both sides. The elders must be willing to share their
wisdom and experiences, to listen to the concerns of the younger generation, and to embrace
new ideas and perspectives. Generation Z, in turn, must be receptive to the wisdom of their
elders, to learn from their mistakes, and to appreciate the value of tradition and history. As
we embark on this journey of reconciliation and understanding, let us remember that the
meaningfulness of human life is not a destination but a continuous pursuit.
It is a journey of self-discovery, of connection, and of contribution. It is a journey that we
must undertake together, hand in hand, if we are to build a future that is worthy of our shared
humanity. In the words of the poet Khalil Gibran, "The meaning of life is not something you
discover, it is something you create." Let us create a world where every human life is valued,
where every voice is heard, and where every individual has the opportunity to live a life of
purpose, fulfillment, and meaning.

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