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Conference Paper · November 2023

DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2353


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1 author:

Pavlos Zalimidis
School of Pedagogical & Technological Education


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P. Zalimidis
School Of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) (GREECE)

Students of most tertiary engineering departments are required to conduct a final year project during
which they are introduced to near-professional engineering practice, by tackling a practical issue. The
Machine Design Laboratory (MADLAB) of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education
(ASPETE), to support the students in their final year projects, applied the learning-by-doing method in
an attempt to deviate from the classic stereotype which considers final year projects as theoretical
essays, involving mainly mathematical calculations and resulting in an extensive report followed by a
presentation. Two small groups of students were given the opportunity to prepare their final projects in
MADLAB, during which they designed and built an experimental pneumatic conveying setup, which can
be used in lab exercises as well as in research. ASPETE students, being at the same time mechanical
engineers but also competent educators, had to apply technological as well as pedagogical criteria and
specifications to adequately equip the setup with tuning and measurement capabilities, through which
the effect of critical factors on the effectiveness of pneumatic conveying can be experimentally studied.
Students had to apply knowledge from different areas and use methods, tools and techniques, which
they have already learned during their studies. Moreover, they had to cultivate and apply soft skills
required in a contemporary competitive professional environment while simultaneously demonstrated
substantial technical and pedagogical proficiency throughout the project.
Keywords: Learning-by-doing, Final Year Project, Pneumatic Conveying, Mechanical Engineering.

In contrast to taking in information through passive means such as attending lectures, "learning by doing"
refers to the process of gaining knowledge by the accumulation of experiences that are directly related
to one's own activities. [1] The idea of incorporating the Learning-by-Doing methodology into the
curricula of educational institutions was the subject of numerous studies [2–9]. Since it offers
opportunities for skill development, idea testing, and application of theoretical concepts into real practice,
learning by doing is regarded both as a successful technique and a modern trend in contemporary
education. It entails taking part in work processes, coming up with answers, carrying out duties, and
accomplishing projects. It gives students a platform for teambuilding, knowledge and experience
sharing, as well as greater understanding, all of which improve learning outcomes. It also inspires
students to engage thoughtfully in the study process. [9]
Before graduating, engineering students must complete a Final Year Project (FYP), which is a crucial
task. It is a hands-on learning activity where the analytical skills learned in earlier courses are coupled
with engineering practice for a final project. All final year projects could be seen as implementations of
the learning-by-doing approach in this sense, as the term "doing" in its broadest sense refers to all
student-performed learning activities. However, a close examination of FYPs [10,11] demonstrates that
there is still significant room for their advancement and utilization, in addition to that of the Learning-by-
Doing approach. The majority of FYPs involves academic tasks like researching a bibliography and
solving theoretical problems. Without ignoring these characteristics, one might increase the
effectiveness of FYPs by enabling the development of skills and abilities crucial for students' future
participation in the contemporary, extremely demanding, and competitive work environment [12]. The
specifics of this requirement have been the focus of a significant international academic conversation,
the results of which have been reflected in European and global educational protocols like the European
Higher Education Area (EHEA) [13] and the UN AGENDA 2030 Sustainable Development Goal SDG
4.4 [14]. Helping students acquire both engineering and non-technical talents, such as soft skills like

Proceedings of ICERI2023 Conference ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8

13th–15th November 2023, Seville, Spain
organization, interpersonal, and communication, were in high demand. MADLAB laboratory members
carefully examined the final year project process and found that the expected learning outcome was far
from aligned with the prescribed graduate attributes, as determined by European and International
education protocols [15,16] and/or graduate engineer workplace expectations [17]. This served as the
impetus for the issue that prompted Machine Design Laboratory (MADLAD) to plan a number of FYPs
in which the students had the chance to play the role of actual engineers and create actual functional
machines [18]. To support this activity the laboratory built a machine shop with all the necessary
processing and measurement facilities for students. The department provided limited funding to buy lab
device materials and components and specialized personnel was appointed to provide technical support
and knowhow. This paper presents the building of a laboratory equipment designed for the pneumatic
transport of granular materials, which was undertaken as part of a final year project.

Pneumatic transportation systems are extensively utilized in various industries for the conveyance of
granular materials, as well as any substance that might potentially become airborne under specific
conditions. Examples of such substances include among others flour, sugar, chemicals, fertilizers, and
solid fuels. In the transportation of products, air is employed as a working medium, propelled by fans, to
circulate within air ducts. The material is introduced into the air stream using suitable feeder
mechanisms. In other positions of the system, further specialized mechanisms are employed to separate
the substance out of the air. This conveying method has numerous benefits, including a reduced number
of moving components and the ability to efficiently bypass obstacles or constraints of the production
area. Typically, a course on these conveyors is usually delivered using static visual representations,
wherein the instructor tries to explain the processes occurring into the airducts, since it is only
comprehensive knowledge and the right understanding of the complex behavior of granular material
within the ducts which enable the plant engineer to design pneumatic conveyors which will function
safely and operate economically. The objective of this study was to provide a practical laboratory setup
to effectively demonstrate and elucidate the different phenomena associated with material movement
via an air stream, together with the underlying mechanisms responsible for these phenomena. Following
an evaluation of the subject, conducted by the laboratory, the task was assigned to a team of three
students. Simultaneously, the supervising professor was resolute, alongside the laboratory personnel
who would aid the students in their endeavors.

Figure 1. Final Year Projects. Project Monitoring and Student Support Protocol

The laboratory adhered to the protocol outlined in a previous study [18] for conducting this work, as
depicted in Fig.1.
According to the protocol the students prepared, in cooperation with the supervisor, a detailed list of
technical and other specifications, an initial study/design to determine general dimensions, a definition
of the implementation phases with a timetable, an initial budget, and a memo that roughly showed the
group members’ roles. Drawing upon their knowledge as graduate engineers and educators, the
students conducted an analysis of anticipated learning outcomes [19-21]. Through this study, they
identified specific aspects of the theory that might be consolidated through laboratory exercises, which
would be implemented using the proposed experimental layout. Consequently, this prompted the
formulation of a set of specifications outlining the requisite attributes of the machine. These
specifications aimed to enable students, which would attend the experiments in the future, to effectively
discern the phenomena occurring during the operation of the pneumatic conveyor, while also
comprehending the factors influencing those phenomena. When the initial design was over, the
supervisor and lab personnel examined the results. Views were exchanged to help students in the next

phases. The design focused on the design of the components and their standardization. The design
was done in parallel with market research for the components and materials, whose availability caused
reviews and changes the initial design. At the completion of the detailed design, students met with the
supervisor and lab members to examine the design and aprove the budget. After the detailed design
was finalized, the students went on purchasing materials and building components of the pneumatic
conveyor with the support of the lab staff. A detailed production record was maintained to weekly track
progress against the schedule. Special meetings were conducted to resolve issues including major
schedule deviations. When all the components were ready the students met with the supervisor and lab
members and the components were quality rated and assembly concerns were discussed and resolved.
Right after that the conveyor was assembled and tested.

As a result of the analysis of the expected learning outcomes, the students concluded the following: At
the end of the laboratory exercises the participating students should be able:
• To recognize the different parts and components of a Pneumatic Conveyor System and their
• To recognize the characteristics and indications of the different forms of transport of the material
(flow phases) inside the airducts.
• To adjust the fan and material supply in order to achieve the desired conveying phase and avoid
the unstable phase.
Based on the above, the students came up with an initial description of the arrangement which is shown
in the Fig.1.

Figure 3. Pneumatic Conveyor Plan

The flow should be visible in order to ascertain phenomena such as those manifested during dense flow
in contrast to dilute flow. It was thus determined which parts of the airways should be transparent. It was
also determined where sensors should be placed to measure the wind speed and its static pressure.
The above initial design resulted after a series of design cycles in the final form of the experimental
pneumatic conveyor shown in Fig 3.

A fan (1) propelled by an AC motor, operating at a constant speed, was used to create the airflow. An
adjustable throttle (4) valve was positioned downstream, to regulate the velocity of the air within the
duct. The measurement of the air velocity is measured by an anemometer (5). The anemometer also
serves measures the ambient air temperature. The measurement of air humidity is conducted using an
additional instrument. The material intended for transportation is contained within a silo (3), from which
it is delivered into the airflow by means of an airtight screw feeder (7). The regulation of the material
feed is achieved by a direct current (DC) motor, which controls the speed of the screw, and an electronic
controller that enables variable speed adjustments. The material, in conjunction with the surrounding
air, is directed into a cyclonic dust separator (2), where it undergoes separation and subsequent
collection within the destination silo (6). The system operates in a pressure lower that the atmospheric
so Vacuum measuring gauges (8) are installed in various positions on the air-ducts to measure pressure
along the pipeline.

Figure 3. Pneumatic Conveyor. 1.Fan, 2.Dust Separator, 3.Source Silo, 4.Air Flow Control Valve,
5.Anemometer, 6.Destination Silo, 7.Material Feeder, 8.Vacuum Gauge

During test operation of the conveyor, the three major conveying phases that occur, depending on the
air flow conditions, were observed in the air duct that transports the solid material. See Fig.3. During the
dilute phase the material is transported almost dissolved in the moving air. In the dense phase the
material is carried away by the air without losing its contact with the duct wall. During the unstable phase,
the material accumulates at some point in the duct and is then pushed violently by the air. The latter has
been established to be very harmful to the equipment as well as to the conveyed material itself and is
recommended to be avoided. By modifying the air speed on the one hand and the material supply on
the other, it is possible to observe the resulting flow and determine the values of the factors that ensure
a stable, safe and economical operation.

Figure 3. Three major conveying phases that occur, depending on the air flow conditions

Based on these results the students created a laboratory exercise protocol that can be used in the
Laboratory of the Conveyors course of the Mechanical Engineering Educators Curriculum.

The evaluation of the results could not be quantitative as the case concerns only three students and
several of the laboratory collaborators. Instead, the above were invited to participate at the end of the
project in an open discussion where all the members of the laboratory, the students and the professors
of the department were also invited, with the aim of disseminating the information that came from this
experience and exchanging opinions.
The assembly was mainly concerned with three questions:
• To what extent did the project yield a favorable outcome and effectively fulfill its intended objectives?
• Is it feasible to apply this strategy in the context of Final Year Projects?
• What were the perceptions of the participants, specifically the students and the laboratory staff?
With regards to the first question on the project's outcome and the attainment of its objectives, the inquiry
was bifurcated into two sub-inquiries: Firstly, whether the project effectively achieved its intended
purpose, and secondly, whether it proved to be a successful Final Year Project from the perspective of
the students involved.
Regarding the first sub-question, it is clear that since the main purpose of the project was to simulate
the conditions faced by a professional engineer when asked to design and/or build a machine to meet
specific needs, success could be evaluated on the one hand by the quality of the machine itself and on
the other hand by the quality of the process.
The experimental pneumatic conveyor that was designed and constructed during the project exhibits
significant similarities to its industrial counterparts, differing only in its physical dimensions. Additionally,
the device has adjustable features that allows for the manipulation and examination of its functioning
across a wide range of situations. Hence, it presents the potential to facilitate not only laboratory
exercises but also experimental research investigations. The level of standardization of the equipment

is notably high. It contains a considerable number of readily available, standardized components that
could be easily replaced in case of malfunction.
The students, during the project, became familiar with the design, planning and construction processes.
They also successfully implemented financial budgeting and reporting, quality assessment and design
review. The students engaged in market research and, by means of their selections, achieved a
commendable cost-benefit ratio. Due to these choices, it became necessary to undertake a redesign of
the construction process, employing a series of design cycles. However, the project was completed
ahead of schedule as the students effectively adjusted their work pace. These behaviors were a
manifestation of an exceptional sense of teamwork that extended beyond the mere enhancement of
morale. Team spirit was effectively employed in addressing practical challenges through the
implementation of organizational strategies, allocation of tasks, and the assumption of responsibilities
by students throughout their collaborative efforts. The communication exhibited exceptional quality,
characterized by conciseness and comprehensiveness. This attribute proved highly beneficial to both
students and the staff members tasked with providing support. Prudent decisions were made in
instances where there existed even the tiniest opportunity for enhancing the environmental footprint.
Considerable attention was devoted to the detailed design of the device to assure the safety of the
users, namely the students who will attend the exercise in the future, standing near the device.
Regarding the second question, on the possibility of generalizing the use of the method, followed in this
project, the prevailing opinion was that this can only be done in cases where the support of the students
has been ensured in terms of technical infrastructure as well as specialized facilitators with the
appropriate know-how. The initial evaluation of the subjects in relation to the knowledge and abilities
that the students have acquired during their studies is a very important condition for the smooth outcome
and success of the projects.
Regarding the third question on the perceptions of the students who conducted the project and the
laboratory staff who supported them, two common points were found: The first was that the workload
related to the project was significant and exceeded initial estimates. The second common point was that
both students and staff felt a sense of excitement during the project which was a motivating factor. Also,
at the end of the program everyone felt a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

The completion of a Final Year Project (FYP) focused on the development of an experimental pneumatic
conveyor yielded quite favorable outcomes. The students were able to assume the roles of professional
engineers while yet benefiting from a controlled and supportive academic setting. With the assistance
of expert instructional personnel, individuals utilized their previously obtained knowledge from their
academic pursuits to cultivate broad-based competencies that will prove advantageous in their future
careers. The findings should be interpreted with caution as they are based on a limited scope of the
study. Nevertheless, these methods provide strong motivation and serve as a guide for implementing
instructional approaches that effectively replicate authentic scenarios encountered by engineers in their
professional path.

The author acknowledges financial support for the dissemination of this work from the Special Account
for Research of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE) through the funding
program "Strengthening ASPETE’s research”.

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