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Academic Literacy: Abstracts

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Modules 1 to 4

Abstracts: Revision of moves

According to Busch-Lauer (2014), abstracts have turned into one of the most

prominent scientific genres used in academia. They are written to accompany a

scientific research article or paper proposal for an upcoming conference. Besides,

abstracts are required for graduation works such as B.A., M.A. and PhD theses,

grant proposals, short communications and for specific disciplinary purposes. Their

main function is to give the reader orientation on whether to read the complete

text or to evaluate whether a piece of research is worth presenting or publishing.

Moreover, abstracts are used to easily store and retrieve information in online

library catalogues and abstracting journals.

Because an abstract is often reproduced separately from the full paper, it has to

be self-explanatory. Therefore, a research abstract is usually organized in a

pattern of five moves identified by Swales (1993). These moves constitute the

transitions between the different stages of the abstract and each one has a

communicative function. However, it is important to remember that a move’s

length can vary from a phrase to sentences and some moves may be omitted

depending on the abstract’s audience and purpose.


Gábor L. Lövei. Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers: A primer for the non-English speaker

a) Complete the table below with the names of the abstract moves taking
into account the functions described and the prompt questions.

method / aim / results / background / conclusions

Moves Functions Prompt questions

Setting the scene, What has been known about

topic generalization. the field/topic of research?
Introducing the topic. What is currently known?
What is the gap in


Setting the purpose What is the study about?

of the study, What is this study’s aim?
research questions or How does it fill the gap in
hypotheses. knowledge?


Describing the How was research done?

materials, subjects, How was the study
variables, procedures. conducted? Was the data
quantitative, qualitative, or


Reporting the main What did the research find?

findings of the What were the outcomes?
research. What was discovered?


Interpreting the What do the results mean?

results, giving How are the results
recommendations, interpreted? How has this
implications, study contributed to the
applications. field? What do the
Giving suggestions for researchers recommend?
_________________ future research.

Adapted from:
(PDF) Chapter: Abstracts: Cross-linguistic, Disciplinary and Intercultural Perspectices.
Writing Abstracts

b) In this abstract, label the different moves.

Probability of discoveries between research fields to explain scientific and

technological change
Mario Coccia

CNR, National Research Council of Italy, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Via Real Collegio,
30-10024, Moncalieri, Torino, Italy


One of the fundamental problems in science is the understanding of discovery and

innovation process to explain scientific and technological change in society
[1____________________] [2____________________]
. The study confronts this problem here by
analyzing the different probability of unique (singleton) and multiple discoveries
between research fields to clarify the inventive behavior in science and
technology. The method here supposes that the occurrence of discoveries
between research fields follows the Poisson distribution. This probabilistic model
is applied to determine the probability of singletons and multiple discoveries, and
inventions in medicine and physics that are critical research fields to science and
[3 ____________________]
society . We find that, over a period of ten years, the
probability that at least one discovery occurs in physics and medicine is a rather
similar event (11.1%), whereas the probability that at least two discoveries occur
in these research fields is less than 1%, i.e., a very rare event. Results also
suggest that the probability of patented inventions in medicine is higher than
physics. The different probability of patented inventions in medicine can be mainly
due to more opportunistic scholars, scientific institutions and stakeholders,
associated with university-industry collaborations to develop inventions and
commercialize innovations to solve health problems in society. These findings show
the property of heterogeneity in inventive process between research fields and
specificity of scientific and technological paths based on nature and scientific
ecosystem of each discipline . These characteristics contribute
theoretically to extend the theories of scientific change and practically to
improve the decision making of policymakers for better allocating resources and
supporting scientific planning having a positive societal impact of science

Coccia, Mario, 2022. "Probability of discoveries between research fields to explain scientific and technological change," Technology in
Society, Elsevier, vol. 68(C).

c) In the following abstract, which moves can you identify?

Organoids: a systematic review of ethical issues

Published: 23 July 2022

Dide de Jongh, Emma K. Massey, the VANGUARD consortium & Eline M. Bunnik
Stem Cell Research & Therapy, volume 13, Article number: 337 (2022)


Organoids are 3D structures grown from pluripotent stem cells derived from
human tissue and serve as in vitro miniature models of human organs. Organoids
are expected to revolutionize biomedical research and clinical care. However,
organoids are not seen as morally neutral. For instance, tissue donors may perceive
enduring personal connections with their organoids, setting higher bars for
informed consent and patient participation. Also, several organoid sub-types, e.g.,
brain organoids and human–animal chimeric organoids, have raised controversy.
This systematic review provides an overview of ethical discussions as conducted in
the scientific literature on organoids. The review covers both research and clinical
applications of organoid technology and discusses the topics informed consent,
commercialization, personalized medicine, transplantation, brain organoids,
chimeras, and gastruloids. It shows that further ethical research is needed
especially on organoid transplantation, to help ensure the responsible development
and clinical implementation of this technology in this field.

Keywords: organoids, ethics, research oversight, informed consent, personalized

medicine, transplantation, brain organoids, chimeras, gastruloids, stem cell

d) Comprehension check.

1. What is the topic of the abstract?

2. What field of knowledge or discipline does the topic relate to?


Abstracts: Background and Purpose

a) Read the title of the abstract. How do you think officer job satisfaction and
workgroup cultural fit may be related?
b) Read the complete abstract. Check if your guesses were right.

An Examination of Officer Job Satisfaction and Workgroup Cultural Fit

Jason R Ingram, Alexis R Rockwell, Chris Guerra, Eugene A Paoline III

Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages

Published: 07 June 2021


Research has found officer job satisfaction to be correlated with aspects of their
work environment. Police culture serves as a coping mechanism for work environment
stressors. Despite the connections, research has yet to investigate the impact of a
broad range of cultural norms as well as the influence of cultural fit and strength on
job satisfaction. The current study examines how officers' alignments with
traditional police culture norms, relative to their workgroup peers (i.e. cultural fit),
relate to job satisfaction. Results indicated that officers who adhered to traditional
norms, in general, were more satisfied; however, officers who subscribed
substantially less to traditional cultural norms relative to their workgroup peers (i.e.
con-culture misfits) were significantly less satisfied. Being a con-culture misfit was
associated with perceptions of danger and role clarity. Collectively, the findings
provide practical insights for departments concerned with their officers satisfaction
by addressing cultural features of their work environments.

c) Comprehension check.

1. What is the correlation between officer job satisfaction and their work




2. What coping mechanisms does the study aim at investigating?



d) Now, reread the abstract and find the expressions in the text that could be
replaced with the ones below. Which moves do these expressions introduce?

1. This research aims at exploring…

2. Previous studies indicate that…

e) The following phrases and expressions are typically used to present the
background and to express the purpose of an abstract. Sort them out into
the corresponding list.

1. …plays/has an important/vital role in…

2. The aim of this paper is to identify…
3. Current research on… is focused on…
4. Previous studies indicate that…
5. The objective of this study is to explore…
6. The literature on… shows a variety of approaches.
7. This research work aims at presenting…
8. This study seeks to find…
9. …is an important issue for…
10. In the last few years there has been a growing interest in…
11. The current study examines…
12. Research has found…

Background Purpose

f) Read the abstract “Impacts of life satisfaction, job satisfaction and the Big
Five personality traits on satisfaction with the indoor environment” and fill in
the blanks with the following phrases. Then, add these expressions to the
chart above.

1. overlook the influence of

2. we aim to explore the impact of
3. Existing studies mainly analyse
4. is an essential component for

Providing indoor environmental quality (IEQ) that satisfies building occupants

_____________________ sustainable and healthy buildings.
_____________________ the importance of environmental factors on occupant
satisfaction, but often ______________________ personal factors. Here,
__________________ personal factors like life satisfaction, job satisfaction, the
Big Five personality traits, sex, and age on occupant IEQ satisfaction. We conducted
a cross-sectional assessment in nine air-conditioned commercial buildings in Singapore
and surveyed 1162 individuals on their satisfaction with 18 IEQ parameters. Using
proportional odds ordinal logistic regression, we found that occupants with higher job
and life satisfactions were, respectively, 1.3–2.3 and 1.3–2 times more likely satisfied
with the 18 IEQ parameters. The odds ratios (OR) for overall environment
satisfaction and job and life satisfaction were 2.1 (95% CI: 1.8–2.6) and 1.9 (95% CI:
1.6–2.3). We speculate that occupants’ satisfaction with their job and the overall
environment are entwined, meaning that a better workspace could improve job
satisfaction and vice versa. We observed some associations between the Big Five
personality traits and some IEQ parameters, but the corresponding effects were
small. Due to the substantial relationship between job and overall workspace
satisfaction observed in this study, we recommend including job satisfaction
questions in future post occupancy evaluations (POEs).


g) Comprehension check.
1. How many people participated in the study?
2. What is the researchers’ recommendation?

Inglés II


Abstracts: Method and Results

a) If you were asked to carry out a research project on the impact of multiple
intelligences on work performance, what measuring instruments would you use?
What would you expect to find out? Does the abstract below include your

The Impact of Multiple Intelligences on Individual Work Performance

and the Role of Generations
June 2019

S A Mendis
Ajantha S. Dharmasiri
Postgraduate Institute of Management

Recently measurement and enhancement of Individual Work Performance (IWP) of
managers, especially middle managers, have been significant areas of study. To this
end, extant literature on the predictors of IWP have failed to include the impact of
individual differences, such as multiple intelligences and generations, on IWP of
managers. Further, the relationship among multiple intelligences, individual work
performance and generations remains largely untested. Hence, this paper explores the
relationship between multiple intelligences and individual work performance, and the
possible impact of generations on this relationship.
_____________________________________ using pre-validated questionnaires,
and survey data was collected from 294 managers in the Banking and Apparel sectors
in Sri Lanka. _____________________________________ using Structural
Equation Modelling (SEM), and the findings revealed that
_____________________________________ multiple intelligences on individual
work performance. 4_____________________________________ the fact that
there is a moderating effect of generations on the relationship between multiple
intelligences and individual work performance, where Gen Y displayed a higher level of
correlation between multiple intelligences and work performance than Gen X. The
paper makes a significant theoretical contribution by introducing two elements,
multiple intelligences and generations to the Performance Theory, and further

Inglés II

discusses the managerial implications of the findings for organizations, for the
purpose of improving work performance of managers.

Keywords: Individual work performance, Multiple intelligence, Generation X,

Generation Y

b) Reread the text and fill in the blanks with the following phrases. What
move/s do they belong to?

1. Multiple intelligences and individual work performance were measured…

2. There is a positive impact of…
3. The study further supported…
4. The data was analyzed…

c) The following phrases and expressions are typically used to describe the
method and report the results in an abstract. Sort out the following examples
into the corresponding list.

1. The analysis demonstrated/demonstrates/implies/suggests that…

2. We/I started by investigating…
3. It remains to prove that…
4. In order to verify the validity of…
5. It is clear/evident/obvious that…
6. Survey data was collected from…
7. The data was analysed…
8. The findings revealed that…
9. To overcome/avoid this problem/difficulty, it is necessary to (adopt a)...
10. …there is (no) evident relationship between… and…
11. It has been found that…
12. Data collection involved…
13. One possible solution to (this problem) is to ( use)...
14. A new approach was used…
15. These experiments were carried out in…
16. …there is a moderating/positive/negative effect/impact…
17. This solution requires…

Inglés II

Method Results

d) Comprehension check.

1. Who were the participants in the study?



2. What method of data collection was used?



3. How was the data analyzed?



4. What did the results show?



Inglés II


Abstracts: Conclusions and Keywords

a) Read the abstract and decide which of the conclusions below is correct.

A Qualitative Research on the Effect of Chaos and Butterfly Effect on Education

Education Quarterly Reviews, Vol.5 No.2 (2022)

14 Pages Posted: 17 Mar 2023

Okan Sarigoz
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
Date Written: June 2, 2022


Chaos is a scientific approach that refers to the fact that systems or behaviors that
are thought to be irregular, complex, impossible to predict actually occur in an orderly
manner. The aim of this research is to determine what chaos and butterfly effect
mean in terms of education, the importance of chaos and butterfly effect in education
and its effects on students. The research is a qualitative study aimed at determining
the opinions of teachers about chaos and butterfly effect. The case study method
was used in the research. The research was carried out with 23 teachers selected on
a voluntary basis among 44 teachers who are doing master's degrees in educational
sciences. Research data were collected with a semi-structured interview form
developed by the researcher. All the data obtained were analyzed by coding using the
content analysis method. _____________________________________________

1. The paper makes a significant theoretical contribution by introducing two

elements, multiple intelligences and the butterfly effect on education, and further
discusses the implications of the findings for business organizations, with the
purpose of improving the work performance of managers.
2. Due to the substantial relationship between teachers and students observed in
this study, we recommend using semi-structured interview forms to analyse
teachers’ and students’ perceptions on the butterfly effect.

Inglés II

3. In the research, it was concluded that the chaos and butterfly effect positively
affect students' development of different ideas, improve their ability to analyze,
activate metacognitive functions, and give students the ability to solve problems
more quickly by evaluating them from different points of view.

Adapted for pedagogical purposes from:

b) The following phrases and expressions are typically used to present the
conclusion in an abstract. Add the examples from the conclusions above to the


● From the research that has been carried out/conducted/undertaken, it

possible to conclude that…

● Based on the result/From the outcome of our investigation, it can be conclud


● In conclusion, it is evident that…

● The results/data obtained indicate/suggest that…

● The existence of… implies that…

● These characteristics contribute theoretically to extend the theories of … a

practically to improve…

● …the findings provide practical insights for…

Inglés II

What are keywords?

Keywords are words or phrases that collectively describe and summarize a research
article. What’s more, they are a tool for readers to find it using database search
engines. However, to be effective, keywords must be chosen carefully. They should
represent the content of the article and be specific to its field or subfield. An
effective keyword is a word with a specific meaning or significance; generic words
such as study, change, or experiment are not effective words in this context. It is a
good idea not to use words that are already contained in the title because effective
title words are always used for the same purpose.

Each journal has specific guidelines about the number and placement of keywords.
According to APA 7th edition guidelines, the phrase Keywords is to be in italics with
a colon, followed by the keywords or phrases separated by commas. After the last
keyword, no punctuation is used.


c) Taking into account the explanation above, which is the most suitable group of
keywords for the abstract A Qualitative Research on the Effect of Chaos and
Butterfly Effect on Education?

1. Keywords: to predict, to determine, chaos and butterfly effect, case study

method, semi-structured interview form, 44 volunteers
2. Keywords: chaos and butterfly effect, systems or behaviours, unpredictability,
order, meaning in education, effect on students
3. Keywords: chaos and butterfly effect, complex systems, content analysis
method, qualitative research, activate, solve problems

d) Which is the most suitable group of keywords for each abstract title?

1. Organoids: a systematic review of ethical issues

a. Keywords: 3D structures, perceive, needed, personal connections, applications
of technology, topics discussed, further research, discussion
b. Keywords: human organs, medical research, systematic review, ethical
research, implementation of technology, scientific literature
c. Keywords: organoids, ethics, research oversight, informed consent,
personalized medicine, transplantation, brain organoids, chimeras, gastruloids,
stem cell research

Inglés II

2. The Impact of Multiple Intelligences on Individual Work Performance and

the Role of Generations
a. Keywords: Individual work performance, Multiple intelligence, Generation X,
Generation Y
b. Keywords: impact, individuals, generations, great performance, intelligence
c. Keywords: intelligence quotient, evaluation of impact, generations, effective

Inglés II

Integrated Practice

a) Complete the blanks in the abstract below with the following expressions.
There is an extra option.
1. Data collection involved…
2. Hybrid work was perceived to provide the best of both worlds…
3. This paper aims to identify…
4. The results describe…
5. From the outcome of our investigation, it can be concluded that…

Post-Pandemic Office Work: Perceived Challenges and Opportunities

for a Sustainable Work Environment

The widespread adoption of remote and hybrid work due to COVID-19 calls for
studies that explore the ramifications of these scenarios for office workers from an
occupational health and wellbeing perspective. 1_____________________ the needs
and challenges in remote and hybrid work and the potential for a sustainable future
work environment. 2_____________________ two qualitative studies with a total of
53 participants, who represented employees, staff managers, and service/facility
providers at three Swedish public service organisations (primarily healthcare and
infrastructure administration). _____________________ opportunities and
challenges with the adoption of remote and hybrid work from individual, group, and
leadership perspectives. The main benefits of remote work were increased flexibility,
autonomy, work-life balance and individual performance, while major challenges were
social aspects such as lost comradery and isolation. 4_____________________ of
remote and office work, given that employees and managers develop new skills and
competencies to adjust to new ways of working. To achieve the expected individual
and organisational benefits of hybrid work, employers are expected to provide support
and flexibility and re-design the physical and digital workplaces to fit the new and
diverse needs of employees.

Babapour Chafi, M.; Hultberg, A.; Bozic Yams, N. Post-Pandemic Office Work: Perceived Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable
Work Environment. Sustainability 2022, 14, 294.

Inglés II

b) Which is the most suitable group of keywords for the abstract above?

1. Keywords: opportunities and challenges (OaC), main benefits, studies,

scenarios, major challenges, lost comradery, isolation, leadership perspectives


2. Keywords: office work, flexibility, new ways of working (NWoW), remote work,

hybrid work, work-from-home, COVID-19, work environment, occupational

health and safety (OHS), sustainable future work

3. Keywords: explore ramifications, adjust to new ways, a total of 53 participants,

develop new skills (DNS), social aspects, three Swedish public service

organisations (SPSO)

c) Answer these questions.

1. What is the background in this research?
a. The extensive adoption of remote and hybrid work caused by COVID-19.
b. The occupational health and wellbeing perspective of office workers before
c. The widespread hiring of in-person workers as a consequence of COVID-19.

2. Who participated in the study?

a. A total of 53 staff managers from three Swedish public service
organisations (primarily healthcare and infrastructure administration).
b. A total of 53 Swedish public service organisations participated (primarily
from 53 healthcare and infrastructure administration organisations).
c. Three Swedish public service organisations (primarily healthcare and
infrastructure administration)were involved, with 53 participants, who
represented employees, staff managers, and service/facility providers.

3. What method of data collection was used?

a. Two qualitative studies were used.
b. Two quantitative studies were used.
c. 53 qualitative studies were used.

4. What did the results show?

a. The results show the opportunities of remote and hybrid work from
individual, group, and leadership perspectives. The main benefits of remote

Inglés II

work were increased flexibility, autonomy, work-life balance and individual

b. The results show the challenges of remote and hybrid work from individual,
group, and leadership perspectives. The major challenges were social
aspects such as lost comradery and isolation.
c. The results show the opportunities and challenges of remote and hybrid
work from individual, group, and leadership perspectives. The main benefits
of remote work were increased flexibility, autonomy, work-life balance and
individual performance, while major challenges were social aspects such as
lost comradery and isolation.

5. What do the researchers recommend?

a. The researchers recommend employers to maintain the traditional physical
workplaces to fit the new and diverse needs of employees.
b. The researchers recommend employers to provide support and flexibility
and re-design the physical and digital workplaces to fit the new and diverse
needs of employees.
c. To achieve the expected individual and organisational benefits of online
work, employers are expected to end physical workplaces and to create
digital workplaces to fit the new needs of employees.















Organoids are 3D structures grown from pluripotent stem cells derived from human tissue and serve

as in vitro miniature models of human organs. Organoids are expected to revolutionize biomedical

research and clinical care. However, organoids are not seen as morally neutral. For instance, tissue

donors may perceive enduring personal connections with their organoids, setting higher bars for

informed consent and patient participation. Also, several organoid sub-types, e.g., brain organoids and

human–animal chimeric organoids, have raised controversy.


This systematic review provides an overview of ethical discussions as conducted in the scientific

literature on organoids.


The review covers both research and clinical applications of organoid technology and discusses the

topics informed consent, commercialization, personalized medicine, transplantation, brain organoids,

chimeras, and gastruloids.

It shows that further ethical research is needed especially on organoid transplantation,


to help ensure the responsible development and clinical implementation of this technology in this



1. It is an overview of ethical discussions on organoids.

2. Biomedical research, ethics


b. Police job satisfaction is correlated with aspects of the work environment. Police culture serves as

a coping mechanism for work environment stressors.


1. aim

2. background


1. background

2. aim

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. a

8. a

9. b

10. b

11. a

12. b


is an essential component for

Existing studies mainly analyse

overlook the influence of

we aim to explore the impact of


1. 1162 individuals

2. To include including job satisfaction questions in future post occupancy evaluations

a. Students’ own answers

1. Multiple intelligences and individual work performance were measured…1 Method
2. There is a positive impact of…3 Result
3. The study further supported…4 Result
4. The data was analyzed… 2 Method

We / I started by investigating….
A new approach was used…
These experiments were carried out in….
In order to verify the validity of….
Data collection involved …
Survey data was collected from….
The data was analysed…

The findings revealed that…
It has been found that…
…there is (no) evident relationship between… and…
To overcome/ avoid this problem/ difficulty, it is necessary to (adopt a)...
One possible solution to ( this problem ) is to ( use)...

This solution requires…

The analysis demonstrated / demonstrates / implies / suggests that…
….there is a moderating/positive/negative effect/impact…
It is clear/ evident / obvious that….
It remains to prove that…

1. 294 managers in the Banking and Apparel sectors in Sri Lanka
2. pre-validated questionnaires
3. using structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
4. that there is a positive impact of multiple intelligences on individual work performance and that
there is a moderating effect of generations on the relationship between multiple intelligences and
individual work performance.


3. In the research, it was concluded that the chaos and butterfly effect positively affect students'
development of different ideas, improve their ability to analyze, activate metacognitive functions, and
give students the ability to solve problems more quickly by evaluating them from different points of

The paper makes a significant theoretical contribution by introducing
Due to the substantial relationship between …

Keywords: chaos and butterfly effect, systems or behaviours, unpredictability, order, meaning in
education, effect on students

1. Group c
2. Group a

This paper aims to identify…
Data collection involved…
The results describe…
Hybrid work was perceived to provide the best of both worlds…

b) Group 2: Keywords: office work, flexibility, new ways of working (NWoW), remote
work, hybrid work, work-from-home, COVID-19, work environment, occupational health
and safety (OHS), sustainable future work

1. a.
2. c.
3. a.
4. c
5. b

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