Overview of The Challenges and Opportunities in Processing Complex Gold Copper Ores

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Overview of the Challenges and Opportunities in Processing Complex

Gold‑Copper Ores
Sospeter P. Maganga1 · Alphonce Wikedzi1 · Mussa D. Budeba1 · Samwel V. Manyele2

Received: 21 February 2023 / Accepted: 21 September 2023

© Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. 2023

The present study provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities in processing complex gold-copper ores. The
systematic literature review was conducted using Scopus database and seven-step methodological approach. The study
indicates that the major challenges in processing complex gold-copper ores through the conventional cyanidation method
include (1) increase in cyanide consumption; (2) increase in cyanide destruction cost; (3) low gold recovery; (4) decrease
in adsorption efficiency; (5) decrease in electrowinning efficiency, and (6) difficulties in the measurement of free cyanide
concentration in the leaching system. Moreover, the study indicates that several methods have been developed and some
have been implemented in the mining industry for processing complex gold-copper ores. This includes ore segregation,
pre-aeration, pre-treatment methods (e.g., ammonia), alternative lixiviants (e.g., thiosulfate, thiocyanate, glycine), cyanide
destruction methods, and cyanide and copper recovery technologies. The study concluded that using lixiviant mixtures (e.g.,
cyanide-glycine), pre-treatment with environmentally friendly reagents (e.g., glycine) and the integrated membrane-based
process (SuCy process) are new directions in processing complex gold-copper ores. However, more investigations are required
to advance these processes to a commercial scale.

Keywords Complex gold-copper ores · Solubility of copper minerals · Gold leaching lixiviants · Processing gold-copper
ores · Lixiviant mixtures · Cyanide and copper recovery strategies

1 Introduction Among the gold extraction method in the mining indus-

try, cyanidation remained predominant for more than 130
The global decrease in ore mineral grades and increase in ore years since was patented by MacArthur and the Forrest
mineralogical complexity has triggered the modern mining brothers in the 1880s [6]. The key aspects which make cya-
industry and research communities to search for efficient nide widely used in the mining industry for gold extraction
methods of processing ores which were initially considered include low cost, process simplicity, adaptability, low redox
uneconomic [1, 2]. Gold-bearing copper minerals are com- potential, and chemical stability [7–9]. However, the major
mon occurrences in many gold deposits and are generally reported limitations of cyanide in gold leaching include high
considered complex due to the presence of cyanide and toxicity and its inefficiency for gold recovery from complex
oxygen-consuming minerals, which significantly affect the and refractory ores [7, 10, 11]. Other challenges in process-
process efficiency in terms of gold recovery and reagent con- ing gold-copper ores through the conventional cyanidation
sumption [3–5]. method include increase in cyanide consumption; increase
in cyanide destruction cost; decrease in gold adsorption
efficiency; decrease in gold electrowinning efficiency; and
* Sospeter P. Maganga difficulties in measurement of free cyanide concentration in
the leaching system [12].
Department of Mining and Mineral Processing The search for alternative lixiviant to cyanide began in
Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35131, 1901 with the invention of the Hunt process (i.e., ammonia-
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania cyanide leaching) [13]. Thereafter, several alternative lixivi-
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, ants to cyanide have been investigated including thiosulfate,
University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35131, Dar es Salaam, thiourea, thiocyanate, ammonia, bisulfide, chloride, bromide,

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iodide, and glycine with limited commercial success. With conduct systematic overview of the challenges and oppor-
exception to thiosulfate which has reached commercial-scale tunities in processing complex gold-copper ores. The seven-
application for gold extraction from carbonaceous refractory step methodological approach was employed, whereby the
ore at Goldstrike mine, Nevada, which is operated by Bar- publications were searched on November 7, 2022, by using
rick Gold Corporation [14, 15], many of these gold leaching inclusion and exclusion factors as shown in Fig. 1. A total
lixiviants are still in early development stage [1]. of 13,323 documents were obtained after searching within
Following to the inefficiency of conventional cyanidation all fields using the following keywords: “gold-copper ores”
process in processing complex gold-copper ores, the present OR “copper-gold ores” OR “complex gold ores” OR “gold
study aims to identify processing challenges and provide ores.” The documents were reduced to 10,513 by limiting
new directions in the treatment of complex gold-copper ores. publication year from 2000. The number of documents
It covers classification of complex gold ores, challenges in was further reduced to 2685 after limiting subject area to
processing gold-copper ores, solubility of copper minerals in engineering. Furthermore, the number of documents was
cyanide solution, characteristics of gold leaching lixiviants, reduced to 2041 after excluding conference papers, confer-
processing techniques of gold-copper ores, and potential ence reviews, books, book chapters, data papers, editorials,
opportunities in processing gold-copper ores. and letters. Moreover, the number was reduced to 1962 and
1694 after limiting source type to journals and language to
English, respectively. After going through the titles of 1694
2 Scope and Approach documents, articles that were not relevant to the current
study were screened out, and finally 64 articles remained
This study focused on complex gold ores (gold-copper for detailed reading.
ores), while other types of gold ores such as free-milling The detailed reading of screened articles was conducted
and refractory were not part of this study. The study topic and information were organized into Microsoft word by
was selected because of the global trend on decrease in ore summarizing key issues from each study into the problem
mineral grade (e.g., gold) and increase in ore mineralogical addressed, methods used, key results, presentation of results,
complexity. Another reason was based on the availability and significance of the study to the present research. This
of such complex gold-copper ores in Tanzania. The Scopus approach help gathering of the main information from dif-
database (https://​www.​scopus.​com, Elsevier) was used to ferent studies for further analysis. The information was

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Keywords Literature
Screening Organization Synthesizing Structure Write up

Microsoft word Combination of Logic flow, tabular

Thematic approach
information and pictorial forms
Scopus Database
N = 13,323

Filter by publication period (2000 to 2022)

N = 10,513

Filter by subject area (Engineering)

N = 2,685

Filter by document type (Articles and reviews)

N = 2,041

Filter by source type (Journals)

N = 1,962

Filter by language (English)

N = 1,694

Filter by titles

N = 64

Fig. 1  The seven-step methodological approach used in this study

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

analyzed, synthesized, and organized into major themes and gold-copper ores. The detail discussion of these issues is
presented in logic, tabular, and pictorial forms. presented in the “Discussion” section.

3 Literature Review 4 Analysis and Discussion of Past Research

The literature contains various information in processing
complex gold-copper ores. For instance, the classification of 4.1 Classification of Complex Gold Ores
complex gold ores into cyanide-consuming minerals, oxy-
gen-consuming minerals, and preg-robbing materials was Complex gold ores are defined as gold ores which give an
provided by the previous investigators [16, 17]. The solubil- acceptable gold recovery only when significantly higher
ity of copper minerals in cyanide solution varies from one amount of chemical or material are added (e.g., cyanide,
mineral to another and has impacts on gold recovery and rea- oxygen, carbon) [17]. These ores are often classified based
gent consumption in cyanidation process [12, 18]. Further, on cyanide-consuming minerals, oxygen-consuming min-
the literature indicates that processing of gold-copper ores erals, or preg-robbing behavior [16, 17]. The term preg-
through conventional cyanidation is often associated with robbing refers to the phenomenon whereby certain material
several challenges such as increase in cyanide consumption (e.g., carbonaceous material) in the ore can uptake gold from
[13]; increase in cyanide destruction cost [12]; low gold the pregnant solution, thus compete with activated carbon on
recovery [19]; decrease in gold adsorption efficiency [20]; gold recovery [40]. Fig. 2 shows the three characteristics of
decrease in electrowinning efficiency [21]; and difficulties in complex gold ores. The common cyanide-consuming miner-
the measurement of free cyanide concentration [22]. als are copper minerals, although Pb, Zn, and Fe minerals
Moreover, several processing options of gold-copper ores have been reported to consume cyanide by previous inves-
have been developed and implemented in the mining indus- tigators [4]. On the other hand, pyrrhotite and pyrite-mar-
try. This include ores segregation, pre-aeration, pre-leaching, casite represents the common oxygen-consuming minerals,
lixiviant mixtures, cyanide destruction processes such as whereas native carbon, kerogen, iron-containing minerals
INCO ­SO2/air and cyanide and copper recovery processes (e.g., pyrite and chalcopyrite), silicates, and clay represent
like sulfidization, acidification, recycling, and thickening preg-robbing materials [40, 41]. Among the preg-robbing
(SART) process [1, 6, 12, 23–29].
In addition, the literature has shown that each gold leach-
ing lixiviant has different operating conditions of pH and
redox potentials for efficient process performance [1, 30].
Also, each gold leaching lixiviant has unique features and
limitations for gold processing [4–9, 14, 26, 27, 31–39].
More important, the use of lixiviant mixtures or environ-
mentally friendly additives has shown potential for reduc-
ing reagent consumption and improving gold recovery
particularly in processing gold-copper ores [4, 5, 26, 27].
Similarly, the use of integrated membrane process (SuCy
process) has indicated a potential for reducing plant size up
to 90%, capital cost by over 25% and enhancing clarification
effectiveness compared to the conventional SART process
during cyanide and copper recovery [29]. Table 1 shows
the summary of key issues from the literature on complex Fig. 2  Classification of complex gold ores

Table 1  Summary of key issues S/N Key issues References

from the literature on complex
gold-copper ores 1 Classification of complex gold ores [16, 17 ]
2 Solubility of copper minerals in cyanide solution [12, 18]
3 Challenges of copper in gold ore leaching [12, 13, 22, 24, 20]
4 Characteristics of gold leaching lixiviants [4, 7, 14, 32, 36, 34]
5 Importance of lixiviant mixtures in gold-copper ore leaching [4–6, 27, 2639]
6 Processing techniques of gold-copper ores [1, 12, 24, 29, 2823, ]

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materials, native carbon is the major concern in gold ores order: Cu(CN)2− > Cu(CN)32− > Cu(CN)43− [23]. The
due to the high degree of gold adsorption from the leach Cu(CN)32− is the predominant species under the practical
solution [40]. The present study is focused on gold-copper carbon adsorption conditions (i.e., at solution pH of > 9
ores because about 20% of all gold deposits have copper and CN/Cu molar ratio of > 4) and has been recognized as
mineralization [23]. the main competitor for gold adsorption on activated carbon
[20]. The adsorption of copper cyanocomplexes on activated
4.2 Challenges in the Processing of Gold‑Copper carbon usually displaces gold, thereby increasing gold losses
Ores in the solution [12].

4.2.1 Increase in Cyanide Consumption 4.2.5 Decrease in Electrowinning Efficiency

Cyanide consumption is one of the criteria that dictate the Aurodicyanide complex (Au(CN)2−) and tricyanocuprate (I)
economics of the cyanidation process. Muir [13] reported (Cu(CN)32−) have close reduction potentials (i.e., −0.672
that every 1% of reactive copper present in gold ore may V and −0.760 V, respectively) at metal ions concentration
consume up to 30 kg of NaCN/t of ore. When the ore con- of ­10−4 mol/dm3, sodium cyanide concentration of 0.2%,
tains high soluble copper minerals such as covellite, the and sodium hydroxide concentration of 2% [21]. Under high
cyanide consumption can reach up to 51.5 kg/t of ore due to overpotential conditions or when copper concentration is
the formation of thiocyanate and copper cyanide complexes relatively higher than the gold concentration (e.g., 200 ppm
[24]. On the other hand, the typical cyanide consumption for copper versus 5 ppm for gold), co-deposition of copper
observed in agitated leaching systems varies from 0.25 to during gold electrowinning may occur at the cathode which
0.75 kg/t [42]. adversely decreases current efficiency, bullion purity, and
influences the morphology and adhesion of the plated gold
4.2.2 Increase in Cyanide Destruction Cost [21].

The use of a high concentration of cyanide to offset the 4.2.6 Difficulties in the Measurement of Free Cyanide
impact of copper on gold recovery often increases the Concentration
concentration of cyanide in the leach tailings. To meet the
international standards and regulation, the threshold limit The common method for measuring free cyanide concen-
of the weak acid dissociable (WAD) cyanide in the leach tration in gold leaching plants is through titration of solu-
tailings before disposal to the tailings storage facility should tion with silver nitrate using rhodamine indicator [12]. This
be below 50 ppm which requires a cyanide destruction unit. approach overestimates free cyanide concentration in the
This adversely increases the operational cost of the cyanida- solution when the copper content increases since it fails to
tion plant [12]. differentiate between free cyanide and copper cyanide com-
plexes during the measurement, thereby creating difficulty
4.2.3 Low Gold Recovery in regulating free cyanide concentration in gold leaching and
as a result may lead to gold losses [12, 22].
The presence of copper minerals in gold ores often has the
tendency of decreasing the gold recovery during cyanidation 4.3 Solubility of Copper Minerals in Cyanide
due to copper dissolution and formation of copper cyanide Solution
complexes which creates a deficiency of free cyanide in the
solution for reaction with gold particles [4, 5]. Moreover, The broad understanding of copper mineralogy in the ore is
the surface of copper minerals such as chalcopyrite under an important aspect during processing of gold-copper ores
cyanide deficient conditions acts as preg-robbers for gold since copper minerals have different solubility in cyanide
thus decreasing the gold concentration in the solution [43]. solution that yield different responses on gold recovery and
reagent consumption. Table 2 shows various types of cop-
4.2.4 Decrease in Gold Adsorption Efficiency per minerals and their corresponding solubility in cyanide
solution. It can be observed that native copper, secondary
The three types of copper cyanocomplexes: dicyanocuprate copper minerals (such as chalcocite and covellite), copper
(I) (i.e., Cu(CN)2−), tricyanocuprate (I), (i.e., Cu(CN)32−), oxide, and copper carbonate minerals have high solubility
and tetracyanocuprate (I) (i.e., Cu(CN)43−) can be formed in cyanide solution compared to chalcopyrite, chrysocolla
during the cyanidation process of gold-copper ores depend- and tetrahedrite. This implies that the presence of high solu-
ing on the solution pH and cyanide concentration. The ble copper minerals even at nuisance level has a significant
adsorption affinity has been reported to follow the following impact on gold recovery and reagent consumption which

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Table 2  Solubility of copper minerals in 0.1% NaCN solution [12] of different species present in aqueous solution. It is often
Mineral Formula Percentage of cop-
presented by using Pourbaix diagrams (i.e., Eh-pH dia-
per dissolved in 24 grams). Fig. 3 shows an Eh-pH diagram for typical oper-
hours ating conditions of different gold leaching lixiviants. With
23 ° C 45 ° C the exception of cyanide, most gold leaching lixiviants have
a narrow working window particularly for redox potential,
Azurite 2CuCO3Cu(OH)2 94.5 100 which may require close control of the process. In addi-
Malachite 2CuCO3(OH)2 90.2 100 tion to that, the operating redox conditions of gold lixiviant
Chalcocite Cu2S 90.2 100 mixtures (e.g., cyanide-glycine and thiosulfate-glycine) are
Covellite CuS 95.6a - scarce in the literature, making it difficult in understanding
Native copper Cu 90.0 100 the stability behavior of different complexes formed during
Cuprite Cu2O 85.5 100 gold leaching.
Bornite FeS. ­2Cu2S. CuS 70.0 100
Enargite Cu3AsS4 65.8 75.1 4.4.2 Stability of Gold Complex Ion in Different Leaching
Tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13 21.9 43.7 Lixiviants
Chrysocolla CuSiO3. ­H2O 11.8 15.7
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 5.6 8.2 The stability constant refers to the equilibrium constant
aValue was obtained at 5.15g NaCN per g Cu at room temperature for the formation of metal complex species in an aqueous
solution. It is the measure of the strength of the interaction
between a metal and a ligand. The higher the value, the more
ultimately affects the process economics. The threshold limit stable the species in an aqueous solution. Table 3 shows the
of less than 0.5% Cu is generally considered effective for stability constant of Au (I) complexes in different lixivi-
direct cyanidation and has been applied at Red Dome Mine ants follow the following order: Au(CN)2− > Au(HS)2− >
in Australia [23]. However, this depends on the type of cop- Au(S2O3)23− > Au(NH3)2+ > Au(NH2CSNH2)2+ > Au(I)2− >
per mineralogy as Jiang et al. [18] reported that the pres- Au(H2NCH2COO)2− > Au(SCN)2− > ­AuBr2− > ­AuCl2−.
ence of high soluble copper greater than 0.1% Cu dramati- Since gold occurs in association with other metals in the ore,
cally decreases gold recovery below 80% and significantly it is also important to investigate the stability of other metal
increases reagent consumption above 9 kg NaCN/t of ore. complexes during gold leaching.

4.4 Characteristics of Gold Leaching Lixiviants 4.4.3 Unique Properties and Limitations of Gold Leaching
4.4.1 Typical Redox Potential and pH Conditions for Gold
Leaching Lixiviants This section presents the unique properties and limitations
of gold leaching lixiviants. The term unique properties in
Redox potential (Eh) and solution pH play a great role in the present study refer to specific features of lixiviant that
gold leaching particularly in describing the relative stability make it useful for application within the mining industry.

Fig. 3  Eh-pH diagram for typi-

cal operating conditions for gold
leaching lixiviants. Redrawn
after Medina and Anderson [1]

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Table 3  Stability constant of various gold species [1, 44] 4.5.2 Pre‑aeration

S/N Gold species Stability constant
The pre-aeration technique aims to reduce gold passivation
1 Au(CN)2− 38.3 before gold leaching due to the presence of sulfide minerals
2 Au(HS)2− 29.9 in the ore. However, Bas et al. [24] observed that in addition
3 Au(S2O3)23− 28 to increasing gold recovery from 4 to 30%, pre-aeration also
4 Au(NH3)2+ 26 slightly increased cyanide consumption during cyanidation
5 Au(NH2CSNH2)2+ 23.3 probably due to oxidation of copper minerals to more reac-
6 Au(I)2− 18.6 tive forms that reacted with cyanide to form copper cyanide
7 Au(H2NCH2COO)2− 18.6 complexes.
8 Au(SCN)2− 16.98
9 AuBr2− 12 4.5.3 Pre‑leaching
10 AuCl2− 9.1
Several reagents such as sulfuric acid, ammonia, and iron
(III) chloride have been tested as pre-leaching reagents
during gold cyanidation with limited success particularly
Likewise, the term limitations refer to constraints that on the treatment of low-grade and sulfide ores due to high
hinder the application of a particular lixiviant within the consumption of reagent, the requirement for neutralization
mining industry. It covers a broad spectrum from environ- before cyanidation, and the challenge to recover copper from
mental, technical, and economic aspects. Table 4 shows leached solution [23]. On the other hand, the study by Tanda
the summary of unique properties and limitations of gold et al. [25] indicated that glycine (i.e., a non-toxic type of
leaching lixiviants from past research works. It is worth amino acid) is capable of leaching various copper minerals
noting that, except for cyanide and thiosulfate which have (e.g., malachite, azurite, and cuprite) at the alkaline condi-
reached commercial-scale application, many of the gold tion with maximum percentage copper extraction above 80%
leaching lixiviants in Table 4 are still in the development after 24 h; this can be a potential pre-leaching reagent for
stage. copper minerals before gold cyanidation. However, chry-
socolla and chalcopyrite indicated a slow dissolution rate
below 20% after 24 h. In addition, the study by Torres and
4.5 Processing Techniques of Gold‑Copper Ores Lapidus [60] indicated that pre-treatment of complex ore (32
g/t Au, 2.81 kg/t Cu, 2.87 kg/t Pb and 167.69 kg/t Fe) with
In processing complex gold-copper ores, several process- sodium citrate improved gold recovery from 20 to 70% after
ing techniques have been applied in the mining industry leaching with 0.4 mol/L of thiourea. The pre-treatment con-
such as ore segregation [23], pre-aeration [24], pre-leach- ditions used were as follows: particle size between 75 and
ing [23], lixiviant mixtures [4, 5], cyanide destruction 150 μm, stirring speed of 400 rpm, solid-to-liquid ratio of
technologies [23], and cyanide and copper recovery tech- 100 g/L, citrate concentration of 0.5 mol/L, peroxide addi-
nologies [28]. Each technique is described in detail in the tion of 0.1 mol/L per hour, and pre-treatment residence time
following paragraphs. of 6 h.

4.5.4 Lixiviant Mixtures for Processing Gold‑Copper Ores

4.5.1 Ore Segregation
The use of lixiviant mixtures for processing gold-copper
Ore segregation technique has been employed to separate ores has been reported from the literature to offer vari-
low-grade ores less than 0.5% copper (e.g., Red Dome ous benefits such as reduction of reagent consumption and
Gold Mine in Australia) from high-grade ores. The low- improvement of gold recovery. Among the lixiviant mixtures
grade ores are treated by direct cyanidation method, while tested in the literature include cyanide-glycine leaching [4,
the high-grade ores are stockpiled for treatment with flota- 5], thiocyanate-glycine leaching [26], and ammonia-cyanide
tion method [23]. However, this approach depends on the leaching [6, 24, 61]. The detail of key literatures on gold
type of copper mineralogy in the ore such as high- or low- leaching with lixiviant mixtures is presented in the follow-
soluble copper minerals [18]. On the other hand, the flota- ing paragraphs.
tion method is suitable for the concentration of primary
copper minerals (e.g., chalcopyrite) while is not efficient Cyanide‑Glycine Leaching The study by Barani et al. [4] on
for the concentration of oxide copper minerals due to poor leaching polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu) gold ore (containing 13
response on conventional collectors such as xanthates [1]. ppm of gold, 0.23% of copper, 1.75% of zinc, and 4.35% of

Table 4  Unique properties and limitations of gold leaching lixiviants
Lixiviant/stabilizer Unique properties Limitations for industrial application Reference(s)
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Cyanide Process simplicity, adaptability, higher chemical stability, low cost, High toxicity, high reagent consumption and low gold recovery for [7–9]
low redox potential, and capability to achieve high gold recovery complex and refractory ores
above 90% for free milling ores
Thiocyanate Excellent selectivity, low toxicity, and slightly higher leaching rate High redox potential (i.e., 600–700 mV), high reagent consumption, [14, 26, 35, 45]
than cyanide and requirement for expensive equipment
Thiosulfate Relatively cheaper than cyanide, non-toxic, slightly higher leaching High reagent consumption, high detoxification cost, and the difficulty [7, 19, 35, 44, 46, 47]
rate than cyanide and capable to recover gold from refractory ore to recover gold from the leach solution using activated carbon
Thiourea Higher leaching rate compared to thiocyanate and thiosulfate High reagent consumption, serious corrosion of equipment under [33–35, 37, 48]
acidic conditions, and high detoxification cost
Bisulfide Can be generated in situ from gold-bearing sulfide minerals Passivation of gold by sulfur species [7]
Ammonia Serves as an auxiliary additive to other lixiviants to reduce reagent High toxicity and slow gold dissolution rate at ambient condition [6, 39]
consumption in cyanide and thiosulfate leaching systems
Chloride Potential for leaching refractory ores, high gold dissolution rate than Weak selectivity of impurities, corrosive, and oxidative nature [9, 34, 38, 49]
many (if not all) lixiviants requires expensive equipment. Also the high cost of chlorine
Iodide High gold dissolution rate than many lixiviants except chloride High cost of iodine [32, 34]
Bromide High gold dissolution rate than many lixiviants except iodide and High regent consumption and handling challenges of liquid bromine [34]
chloride system
Glycine Non-toxic, low cost, high stability than bromide, chloride, and Slow gold dissolution rate at ambient conditions [4, 5, 25, 27, 31, 36, 50–57]
thiocyanate system. Also, it can be used as an auxiliary lixiviant
to reduce reagent consumption in cyanide and thiosulfate leaching
Citrate Non-toxic reagent and can be used as an additive (stabilizer of cupric Slow gold extraction (< 5%) in absence of lixiviant (e.g., thiosulfate) [58]
ion) in gold leaching system to reduce lixiviant consumption (e.g.,
Sodium dicyanamide Dicyanamide anion can act as a ligand, bridging metal ions to form a Low gold recovery (about 35%), high reagent consumption (about [59]
metal–dicyanamide coordination compound 15 kg/t)

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lead) indicated that the mixture of cyanide and glycine at from low to high copper grade. The authors reported that
cyanide concentration of 500 ppm and glycine concentra- before the change in ore mineralogy, the copper grade was
tion of 0.5 mol/L reduced cyanide consumption by 66% and 0.55% Cu, and cyanide consumption was 5.8 kg CN/t of ore
improved gold recovery from 40 (without glycine) to 90% without the addition of ammonia. When the ore mineral-
(with glycine) after 72 h of leaching. Further, the authors ogy changed to 0.85% Cu, and ammonia was added into the
indicated a reduction of cyanide consumption by 80% when leaching system, cyanide consumption increased to only 7.2
cyanide was reduced to 200 ppm at glycine concentration kg CN/t of ore. The cyanide consumption was anticipated
of 0.5 mol/L; however, the recovery also dropped by 10%. to increase dramatically if ammonia could not be added
This implies that a trade-off between cyanide consumption into the leaching system. On the other hand, the addition of
and gold recovery must be considered. Furthermore, the ammonia into the Gedabek leaching plant was not found to
reported glycine concentration of 0.5 mol/L (equivalent to improve gold recovery (i.e., gold recovery remained constant
37.5 g/L) may accelerate high glycine consumption. More at 72.5%).
investigation on cyanide-glycine leaching system is required Another study by Bas et al. [24] on leaching copper-
particularly on reagent consumption, solution chemistry rich gold ore (56 ppm Au and 1.1% Cu) using mixtures of
(i.e., stability of glycine complexes), and effect of different ammonia and cyanide indicated both improvements in gold
gold-copper ores. recovery and cyanide consumption. The authors reported
improvement in gold recovery from 20 (without ammonia)
Thiocyanate‑Glycine Leaching The study by Wu et al. [26] to 86.7% (with ammonia) at 2 mol/L ammonia, 2.5 g/L
indicated that leaching of gold-bearing concentrate (with (equivalent to 2500 ppm) sodium cyanide, 500 g/L lead
38.46 ppm Au, 14.52% S, 0.23% Cu, 0.24% Zn, 0.18% Pb) nitrate, 25% (w/v) solids, and 24 h. Further, gold recovery
with the mixture between thiocyanate and glycine decreased of 88% was also reported by the authors using a high con-
the oxidation of thiocyanate by ferric ion and lowered thio- centration of cyanide (i.e., 4000 ppm). The application of
cyanate dosage by 25% (i.e., from 0.8 to 0.6 mol/L of thio- ammonia in leaching systems has received little attention
cyanate). The authors reported gold recovery of 93.15% after due to health, safety, and environmental concerns [1].
3 h when glycine concentration of 5 g/L was added into a A brief summary of lixiviant mixtures for processing
leaching system containing ferric ion concentration of 0.05 gold-copper ores is also presented. In this section, lixiviant
mol/L, pH of 2, the temperature of 25 °C, and liquid-to- mixtures were summarized to gain insight into variation in
solid ratio of 4:1. Despite these remarkable results of fast process conditions and gold recovery for different types of
leaching rate and gold recovery, the thiocyanate dosage of gold-copper ores. Table 5 shows a brief summary of lixiviant
0.6 mol/L (equivalent to 45.67 g/L) is still high which may mixtures for processing gold-copper ores where key aspects
affect process economics. Further, the high liquid-to-solid such as type of material leached, kind of lixiviant mixtures,
ratio may require the use of larger or many leaching tanks optimal conditions attained, the gold recovery, challenges,
in the operation which will add to equipment capital cost. and specific remarks are presented. It is worth noting that
lixiviant mixtures have a beneficial effect on the reduction of
Thiosulfate‑Glycine Leaching Another study by Munive et reagent consumption and improving gold recovery. However,
al. [27] reported that reagent mixtures between thiosulfate fundamental aspects such as reaction mechanism, solution
and glycine helped to reduce thiosulfate consumption by chemistry, and reaction kinetics during gold leaching using
60% (i.e., from 5.2 to 2.2 g/L of thiosulfate) and achieved lixiviant mixtures require further studies.
gold recovery of 95% after 24 h. These results were obtained
after leaching gold tailings (containing 0.05 ppm Au, 158
ppm Ag, 0.756% Cu, and 4.48% Zn) at a thiosulfate con- 4.5.5 Cyanide Destruction Technologies
centration of 20 g/L, glycine concentration of 5 g/L, pH of
11, liquid-to-solid ratio of 1:1, and temperature of 30 °C. Cyanide destruction technologies involve oxidation of cya-
The authors also noted that the benefit resulting from using nide to cyanate (less toxic form) and precipitation of copper
glycine was a reduction of thiosulfate consumption rather as copper hydroxide [23, 62]. The most widely used tech-
than gold recovery. nology for cyanide destruction is the Inco ­SO2/air process
[23]. Other cyanide destruction technologies include Caro’s
Ammonia‑Cyanide Leaching The study by Hedjazi and acid, hydrogen peroxide, alkaline chlorination, electro-
Monhemius [6] indicated that the addition of ammonia dur- chemical oxidation, bio-degradation, ultrasonic, and pho-
ing cyanide leaching of gold-copper ore at Gedabek mine tolysis [1, 23]. Although cyanide destruction technologies
in Azerbaijan helped to reduce copper dissolution by half help to reduce the impact of cyanide on the environment by
(i.e., from 41.9 to 21.1% Cu) and ultimately reduced cyanide complying with international standards such as weak acid
consumption when the copper ore mineralogy was changed dissociable (WAD) cyanide less than 50 ppm in leaching

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Table 5  A brief summary of lixiviant mixtures for processing gold-copper ores
Material leached Lixiviant mixtures Optimal conditions Gold Challenges Remarks Reference

Complex gold ore (5.2 ppm Au, Cyanide and glycine 2000 ppm NaCN, 0.5 mol/L 93 Slow gold dissolution in the Improved gold recovery by about [5]
0.1039% Cu, 1.0667% Pb, glycine, pH 10.5, 25% (w/v) absence of cyanide (glycine 60%
0.391% Zn, 2.8193% Fe) solids, 1.5% H­ 2O2, 48 h, room reagent alone)
Polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu) gold ore Cyanide and glycine 500 ppm NaCN, 0.5 mol/L gly- 90 Increasing glycine concentration With glycine, the cyanide con- [4]
(13 ppm Au, 0.23% Cu, 1.75% cine, pH 11, 30% (w/v) solids, also increased dissolution of Pb, sumption was reduced by 80%
Zn, and 4.35% Pb) 2% ­H2O2, 72 h, room tempera- Zn, and Fe minerals, thereby
ture increasing cyanide consumption
Mine tailings Thiosulfate and glycine 20 g/L thiosulfate, 5 g/L glycine, 95 Difficult to recover gold from With glycine, the thiosulfate con- [27]
(0.05 ppm Au, 158 ppm Ag, pH of 11, 30 °C, 24 h, liquid-to- leached solution through acti- sumption was reduced by 60%
0.756% Cu, 4.48% Zn) solid ratio of 1:1 vated carbon
Gold-bearing flotation concen- Thiocyanate and glycine 0.6 mol/L thiocyanate, 0.06 mol/L 93.15 -Decomposition of ammonium -Fast leaching rate [26]
trates glycine, 0.05 mol/L ferric ion, thiocyanate is inevitable in gold -Thiocyanate decomposition and
(38.46 ppm Au, 0.23% Cu, 0.24% liquid-to-solid ratio of 4:1, leaching thereby dosage decreased by
Zn, and 0.18% Pb) leaching time of 3 hours, and -High liquid-to-solid ratio 25% with help of glycine
temperature of 30 °C requires larger or many leaching
Copper rich gold ore (56 ppm Au Ammonia and cyanide 2 mol/L N­ H3, 2500 ppm NaCN, 86.7 Health, safety, and environmental With ammonia, cyanide consump- [24]
and 1.1% Cu) 500 g/L ­PbNO3, 25% (w/v) concerns of ammonia tion was reduced by 37.5%
solids and 24 h

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

tailings before disposal, they add operational cost to the sulfide precipitates which are removed, filtered, and dried
plant especially when high cyanide concentration is used to obtain the sealable copper product. On the other hand,
in the upstream (leaching system) during treatment of gold- the dissolved HCN is neutralized with lime (CaO) at a pH
copper ores [12]. of 10.5 to produce gypsum ­(CaSO4. ­H2O) and calcium cya-
nide (Ca(CN)2). The gypsum is disposed of, while calcium
4.5.6 Cyanide and Copper Recovery Technologies cyanide is recycled to the leaching unit.
Apart from the benefits of the SART process, several
The common cyanide and copper recovery technologies challenges may limit its application within the mining indus-
within the mining industry include sulfidization, acidifica- try. This include high capital cost due to the requirement of
tion, recycling, and thickening (SART) process; acidifica- thickeners, filters, and driers; co-precipitation of gold with
tion, volatilization, and re-neutralization (AVR) process; copper; oxidation of ­Cu2S to CuS; copper losses in over-
activated carbon; ion exchange resin; solvent extraction; flow and re-dissolution of copper sulfide to copper cyanide
membrane technology; and electrowinning [23, 63]. How- complexes; excessive sulfide consumption; and close control
ever, the majority of these methods are faced with several of parameters particularly solution pH, residence time, and
challenges including the requirement for clean solution (free sulfide dosage in the sulfidization reactor [12, 28]. The study
of solids and precipitates) for membrane technologies, resin by Estay et al. [29] attempted to replace the conventional
blockage and osmotic shock for ion exchange resin, and high clarification equipment (thickeners) in the SART process
capital cost as well as a requirement for close control of with membrane-based unit operations in order to minimize
parameters for the SART process [28]. Following the abil- copper losses in the thickener overflow due to poor clarifica-
ity to recover both cyanide and copper, the SART process is tion. The new process (SuCy process) consist of microfil-
further discussed in the following paragraphs. tration to clarify copper precipitates, gas-filled membrane
The SART process is used to recover copper and cya- absorption to produce concentrated cyanide solution, and
nide particularly during processing of gold-copper ores. It membrane ultrafiltration to clarify gypsum generated in
uses the fact that excessive cyanide dosage can be applied the neutralization stage. The authors also reported that the
to the leaching unit to offset the effect of copper on gold novel membrane-based process (SuCy process) for cyanide
recovery, and then both cyanide and copper are recovered and copper recovery reduced the plant size up to 90% and
on the downstream process to increase process economics the capital cost by over 25%. Thus, more investigations are
as well as to reduce the environmental impacts. The SART required to upscale this technology.
process involves dissociation of copper cyanide complexes
at low pH (i.e., 4-5) using sulfuric acid in addition to sulfide 4.6 Potential Opportunities in Processing
ions (either in the form of NaHS, N ­ a2S or H
­ 2S) to form free Gold‑Copper Ores
cyanide and copper precipitates as shown in Eq. (1) [12, 64].
Fig. 5 shows the summary of processing options for gold-
2Cu(CN)3 −2 + 3H2 SO4 + S−2 ↔ Cu2 S(s) + 6HCN (aq) + 3SO4 −2 copper ores and corresponding potential opportunities for
(1) improvement. Three opportunities were identified in the pre-
Fig. 4 shows a simplified block diagram of the SART pro- sent review which requires further research particularly on
cess for recovery of cyanide and copper. The SART process optimization of process parameters, understanding of solu-
receives the feed (cyanide solution) from the leach thickener tion chemistry (i.e., stability of metal complexes and redox
overflow where is acidified and sulfidized to produce copper potential), reaction mechanism, reaction kinetics, reduction

Fig. 4  Simplified block diagram of SART process. Modified from Estay et al. [27]

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Reduction of soluble copper in Minimization of copper solubility

cyanidation feed during leaching

Ore segregation technique cyanide

Flotation method Ammoniacal

Process options for gold-
Pre-leaching using sulfuric acid Cyanide-glycine
copper ores

Pre-leaching using glycine Cyanide-citrate Legend

Industrially used methods

Copper and cyanide recovery Copper-cyanidede struction
technologies technologies
Under development
Acidification based Electrochemical
Solvent extraction technologies (e.g., SART, oxidation Inco SO2 /Air
Biodegradation Caro's acid Potential opportunities
Membrane for improvement
Activated carbon Hydrogen
Utrasonic peroxide
Integrated membrane- Ion exchange resin
based process (SuCy Photolysis Alkaline
process) Electrowinning

Fig. 5  Summary of processing options for gold-copper ores and potential opportunities for improvement. Modified from Dai et al. [23]

of capital cost, and improvement of the clarification stage in unique properties and limitations; thus, future research
the SART process. The opportunities include pre-leaching directions should focus on utilizing the benefits of using
of copper using glycine or sodium citrate followed by gold lixiviant mixtures.
cyanide leaching; leaching with lixiviant mixtures (e.g., cya- The processing techniques for gold-copper ores were
nide and glycine); and the use of integrated membrane-based reviewed including ore segregation, pre-aeration, pre-treat-
process (SuCy process). ment methods (e.g., sulfuric acid, ammonia, and iron (III)
chloride), leaching with lixiviant mixtures (e.g., ammonia-
cyanide), cyanide destruction methods such as Inco S ­ O2/air
5 Conclusions process, and cyanide and copper recovery technologies such
as SART process. The present study identified new direc-
The present study provides an overview of the challenges tions in processing complex gold-copper ores including the
and opportunities in processing complex gold-copper ores use of lixiviant mixtures (e.g., cyanide-glycine), pre-treat-
and provides the following conclusions. ment with environmentally friendly reagents (e.g., glycine or
The major challenges in processing gold-copper ores sodium citrate), and the integrated membrane-based process
through the conventional cyanidation method were iden- (SuCy process) for cyanide and copper recovery processes.
tified and discussed. These include increase in cyanide The use of lixiviant mixtures (e.g., cyanide-glycine) has
consumption, increase in cyanide destruction cost, low indicated potential for reducing reagent consumption and
gold recovery, decrease in adsorption efficiency, decrease improving gold recovery in processing gold-copper ores.
in electrowinning efficiency, and difficulties in the meas- However, many aspects are not well understood and require
urement of free cyanide concentration in the leaching further investigation, such as glycine consumption, optimal
system. Moreover, the native copper, secondary copper process conditions, solution chemistry, reaction mechanism,
minerals such as chalcocite and covellite, copper oxide, and reaction kinetics. Likewise, the integrated membrane-
and copper carbonate minerals (e.g., azurite) have high based process (SuCy process) has also indicated potential
solubility in cyanide solution compared to other copper in the reducing plant size by about 90%, capital cost by over
minerals such as chalcopyrite, chrysocolla, and tetrahe- 25%, and enhancing clarification effectiveness compared to
drite. Furthermore, most gold leaching lixiviants have the conventional SART process. However, this process is in
narrow operating window for redox potential compared to early development stage, and thus, more research is required
cyanide, which may require close control of the leaching for successful upscaling of the technology.
process. Additionally, each gold leaching lixiviants has

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Funding The authors would like to thank the University of Dodoma 16. Vaughan JP (2004) The process mineralogy of gold: the classifica-
for the financial support. tion of ore types. JOM 56(7):46–48
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able upon request. 2nd edn. Elsevier, pp 113–129. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​B978-0-​
Declarations 18. Jiang T, Yang YB, Huang ZC (2001) Influence of copper min-
erals on cyanide leaching of gold. J Cent South Univ Technol
Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests. 8(1):24–28
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