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Mastering Project Management: Project

Management Fundamentals

Types of Project Stakeholders

Key Points:

• There are four basic types of stakeholders that you need to keep in mind when planning and analyzing
your project.

o Project sponsor – supports the project, provides advice and assistance, is an advocate, and
intervenes on your behalf when the situation exceeds your delegated authority

▪ Having an active sponsor is critical to your project’s success.

o Project team – is assembled for a particular project and needs excellent communication
throughout the entire project

▪ When you have a project team, you have to work extra hard to keep everyone focused
on the goal and in the loop on everyone’s progress.

o Customers – need the deliverables that you are going to address and develop

▪ Keep in mind, there are usually multiple kinds of customers.

o Other interested parties – anybody else who’s got some kind of connection with the project

▪ These are people who are curious about the project, are somewhat affected by it, are
benchmarking the project, or are temporary resources for your project.

• Projects don’t work in isolation; they’re always part of a system.

• Stakeholders are everywhere, and there are likely more of them than you think.

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The types of stakeholders include the project sponsor, project team, customers, and other interested parties.
Who are the stakeholders for your project? How can you ensure they are being accommodated?

My Notes:

© 2017 Business Training Library

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