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Moh. Farid


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana at English Education Study Program
Language and Art Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty



Moh. Farid
A 121 14 192


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana at English Education Study Program
Language and Art Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty










Moh. Farid (A 121 14 192). A Study on the Implementation of Listing

Technique in the Teaching of Writing. Skripsi. English Education Study
Program, Language and Art Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, Tadulako University, under the supervision of Sriati Usman.
The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the findings of the previous
studies regarding the implementation of listing technique in writing classes. This
study was conducted qualitatively through library research design. Listing
Technique is technique purposed to generate ideas in paper. The previous studies
reviewed here were taken from the ones conducted in 2012-2020 by nine
researchers. The result of the descriptive data analysis showed that the
implementation of listing technique helped the students improve their writing,
especially on content, organization, vocabulary, mechanics, and grammar.
Furthermore, all previous studies imply that the implementation of listing
technique provides the students with a number of significances. They are: (1)
simple, quick, and flexible to collect information; (2) easy to explore their
background knowledge; (3) broad opportunity to give to students; and (4) free to
write as many ideas as possible. In conclusion, the students were stimulated to
improve their writing skill and ability because of the benefits that the technique
has. The implication of these previewed articles is that it helps students to avoid
stress during the teaching and learning process.
Key Words: Study, Implementing, Listing, Writing.

Moh. Farid (A 121 14 192). “Studi atas Penerapan Teknik Listing dalam
Pembelajaran Menulis.” Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Universitas Tadulako. Di bawah bimbingan Sriati Usman.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa hasil penelitian
terdahulu terkait dengan penerapan teknik listing di kelas-kelas menulis. Studi ini
dilaksanakan secara kualitatif menggunakan desain penelitian kepustakaan.
Teknik listing adalah teknik yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan atau menuliskan
gagasan di selembar kertas. Peneraan teknik listing di kelas menulis
mempengaruhi pencapaian menulis siswa. Penelitian terdahulu yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini diambil dari penelitian yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2012-
2020 oleh sembilan peneliti. Hasil dari analisis data deskriptif menunjukkan
bahwa penerapan teknik listing meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa,
terutama pada konten, organisasi, kosakata, mekanik, dan tata bahasa.
Selanjutnya, semua penelitian terdahulu mengimplikasikan bahwa penerapan
teknik listing memberikan signifikansi kepada siswa. Yaitu: (1) sederhana, cepat,
dan fleksibel dalam pengumpulan informasi; (2) memudahkan siswa untuk
mengeksplorasi pengetahuan dasar mereka; (3) memberikan siswa kesempatan
yang luas; dan (4) memudahkan siswa untuk berfikir secara bebas dan menulis
gagasan sebanyak mungkin. Kesimpulannya, siswa terstimulasi untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan menulis mereka berkat manfaat yang
dimilikinya. Implikasi dari studi terdahulu yang direview adalah bahwa teknik
listing membantu siswa menghindari stress selama proses belajar mengajar.
Kata kunci: Studi, Listing, Menulis.

Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalamiin, the researcher expresses his highest

gratitude to Allah Subhaanahuu Wa Ta’ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health,

and mercy to complete this skripsi. Shalawat is always sent to Prophet

Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam who has delivered the truth to human

beings in general and Muslims in particular. In writing this Skripsi, a lot of people

have provided motivation, advice, supports, and even remarks that have helped

the researcher.

In this valuable chance, the researcher intends to express his gratitude and

appreciation to all of them. Firstly, the researcher’s deepest appreciation goes to

the key examiner, Dra. Rofiqoh, M.E.d., who has given constructive comments

and suggestions to the researcher. Another appreciation is also sent to the second

examiner, Budi, S.Pd., M.Pd., for his valuable comments, suggestions, and

revisions since writing the proposal until the completion of this Skripsi. In

addition, the researcher would also like to deliver thanks to supervisor, Dr. Hj.

Sriati Usman, M.Hum., who has given ideas and motivation to the researcher.

Moreover, a sincere thanks and appreciation are addressed to Rector of Tadulako

University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahfudz MP, the Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Dr. Ir. Amiruddin Kade, S.Pd., M.Si. the Head of Language

and Art Department, Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum., and the Coordinator of

English Education Study Program, Dra. Rofiqoh, M.Ed.; the lecturers of the

English Education Study Program; and the staff for administrative assistance

After that, the researcher’s deepest appreciation goes to his beloved

parents. The researcher would also like to thank his fellows of Class E of Batch

2014 whom cannot be mentioned one-by-one. They all have given the researcher

valuable experiences, times, memories, and togetherness.

Finally, this skripsi is still far from perfect. Thus, the criticism, idea, and

correction for the improvement are needed. Further, he dedicates this skripsi to his

parents, friends, and to all whom she cannot mention one by one.

Palu, December 2021

The Researcher,

Moh. Farid



1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objective of the Research 3
1.4 Significance of the Research 3
1.5 Scope of the Research 4
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms 4


2.1 Related Literature Review 5
2.1.1 Nature of Writing 5
2.1.2 Writing Ability 6
2.1.3 Components of Writing 7 Grammar 8 Vocabulary 8 Organization 8 Mechanics 9
1) Punctuation 9
2) Capitalization 10
3) Spelling 10
2.1.4 Paragraph 10
2.1.5 Type of Text 11 Narrative Text 11 Descriptive Text 11 Report Text 11 Recount Text 12
2.1.6 Characteristics of a Good Paragraph 12 Unit 12 Coherence 12
2.1.7 Stages of Writing 13
2.1.8 The Concept of Listing Technique 14 The Definition of Listing Technique 14 Explore Innovative Idea Listing 16 The Advantages and Disadvantages of 18

Using Listing Technique The Implementation of Listing 18
Technique in Teaching Writing


3.1 Research Design 25
3.2 Data Source 25
3.3 Technique of Data Collection 26
3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 27


4.1 Findings 29
4.1.1 Procedures of Listing Technique 35
1. Rediansari (2012) 35
2. Fata et al. (2015) 36
3. Miftah (2015) 39
4. Alika et al. (2016) 42
5. Khotimah (2017) 43
6. Siregar (2017) 44
7. Asrofi (2019) 51
8. Kurni (2019) 52
9. Fadhila & Fatimah (2020) 56
4.2 Discussion 59
4.2.1 Similarities and Differences 59
1. Similarities 59
2. Differences 60
4.2.2 Significance and Implication 60


5.1 Conclusion 65
5.2 Suggestions 66



1.1 Background

One of the language skills that should be mastered is writing. Writing is

mostly difficult for students to write and they are required to write on their own

writing, struggling by themselves to refine their writings without any interaction

or feedback from either other friends or teacher. The natural order of learning a

second language is listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading and writing

need to be taken into account as an advance stage of language improvement. One

of the skills that is highly complicated and difficult for the most of foreign

language learners is writing. Even though it is difficult, it is a very important thing

for many students because through writing they can show their knowledge in the

content of written form. This difficulty the students face is not only to write and

organize the ideas, but also to generate the ideas into written form. Besides, to

make a good written form, it needs aspects in language component, for example:

spelling, punctuation, word choice, pronunciations, grammar, and vocabulary. If

language skill of writers is weak and difficult, it will be very difficult for them to

become more proficient.

Writing activity is the most important for students to write English in

written form. Without good writing skill, students cannot share their ideas,

message, opinion or feelings, and information that other people write. In line with


it, writing has an important role in language learning. An essential skill for

learning to write and make a simple text or paragraph is needed. Without

sufficient writing, students cannot communicate and express their feelings both in

written form and spoken form effectively. The more students master writing the

more they can write, read, and listen as they want. Process of writing, in fact,

requires a different approach to the design of instructional activities. The activities

need to fulfill functional requirements and to embrace the different stages

observed in the writing process. The researcher focuses on the

prewriting/rehearsing/revising phase to help student-writers develop ideas,

generate plans, serve initial stimulus for writing and provide motivation, and

specific activities.

Furthermore, in objective of the research, there are relation between ideas

listing technique and pre-writing. Pre-writing activity is the most disregard of

stage. The most important skill to explain and practice through extensively in

writing classes is pre-writing. Pre-writing activity allows the students to write

freely about the topic and look for specific focus. In this case, listing technique

makes a specific purpose to make sub-list word into a simple text or paragraph. In

the process of listing technique, the students are allowed to generate as many

ideas as possible and write down without worrying about appropriateness,

grammar, spelling, or organization.

In addition, listing technique is a process which should be done next to

thing. It means that listing can help students to have a way on what they should

write. Idea listing technique can be built and put into the mind of students in

writing text. It also can improve students’ imagination in writing. In short, l isting

technique is the way to arrange ideas in writing by choosing words and combining

them into sentences and paragraphs in order to ease the students improve their

ideas. In this study, the researcher is interested in analyzing the listing technique

implementation by previous experts. It is also found that the analysis, description,

and explanation of the previous studies about listing technique is necessary.

1.2 Problem Statement

Based on the background, the importance of writing skill and ability in

language learning helps students become better writers and affect their language

development. To help students to be aware of that, the implementation of listing

technique is effective as has been proved by previous studies. In line with it, the

problem statement is formulated as follows: (1) How is the implementation of

listing technique in writing classes by previous researchers?; and (2) What is the

effect of implementation of listing technique in teaching writing?

1.3 Objective of the research

Based on the background and problem statement, the objective of the

research is to describe and analyze the findings of the previous studies regarding

the implementation of listing technique in writing classes or the teaching of


1.4 Significance of the Research

The significance of this study is to introduce or re-introduce the

implementation of listing Ttechnique in English classes of writing. This


strengthens the point that writing be learned in the most fun way which is through

listing ideas. Additionally, this study is also expected to give contributions for

teachers, students, and future researchers. As for teachers, the technique facilitates

and motivates them to help the students undergo their problems in writing. Other

than that, future researchers are provided with benefits and implications that this

study has.

1.5 Scope of the Research

The data analyzed in this research were taken from the findings of the

previous studies conducted. This research focuses on describing and analyzing the

implementation of listing technique in teaching writing from five skripsi and four


1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms

To clarify some terms used in this study, the researcher has provided the

definitions as follows:

a. Study is activity or process in learning which is done by readings, fact and

attending school.

b. Implementing is the execution of any idea, model or method.

c. Listing is a technique that you write some of words on the paper (topic), then

you make list of words or phrases to generate the ideas.

d. Writing is an activity in which person expresses the ideas, thoughts,

expressions, and feelings which are used for communicating with others in

the written form.


2.1 Related Literature Review

2.1.1 Nature of Writing

There are two ways to tell information. They are speaking and writing. But

the fact, in writing we have to try hard to think about what we want to write

systematically. In writing we have to arrange the words to make good sentence

with correct grammar. McCrimmon (1976:6) notes:

Writing is hard work, but writing is also opportunity; to convey

something about yourself, to communicate ideas to people; your
immediate vicinity, to learn something you didn’t know. To make
good use for those opportunities, you need to develop the
confidence that will enable you to overcome whatever frustration a
writing assignment may present.

Writing is one of the communicative ways in using language. In this way,

the researcher can arrange the sentence orderly. It makes the reader easy to find

the information although there is no gesture like we found in speaking

communication. The sentences are related to each other. In relation to this

“Writing is a sequence of sentences arranged in particular order and connected

together in certain ways” (Byrne,1988:1). However, the sequence is very short,

two or three sentences, and even one sentence form coherence provided that they

are put in the aggregate and they have relationship. It is normally called a text.

Writing sometimes come easily if we have a mood or clear purpose, and usually it

is very difficult and “writing some conscious mental effort: we think out our


sentences and consider various ways of combining and arranging them” (Byrne,


2.1.2 Writing Ability

Writing is some activities that people do to produce written form. People

transfer their idea, information through their writing. Oshima & Hogue (1997:1)

state, “Writing is progressive activity. This means that you first write something

down, you have already thinking what you are going to say and how you are

going to say it.” People share experience, knowledge, news, stories into their

writing. All of those stuffs have been existed on their head before they write it.

Writing is a process of putting thought, ideas, opinions, experiences,

events, and histories such as writing letters, notes, shopping list, etc. According to

Atwan & Forrer (1986), writing can be as one way of expressing our feelings.

Writing can also be a hobby to spend our time, but finally in this modern life,

people can get money from doing their writing, like a journalist, novelist, or script

writer. As Albee in Atwan & Vesterman (1987) states that writing is to find out

what we are thinking about. According to Hyland (2002), writing is the evidence

our personal experience and we can be evaluated by reading our own writing. The

purpose of writing, then the increased complexity of its context of use and diverse

background and needs of those wishing to learn, all push the study of writing into

wider frameworks of analysis and understanding. The failure of the students in

writing is likely to happen because of media used by the teacher during teaching

and learning process. Media is proven can increase the students’ curiosity to write

everything in their mind.


There are four basic skills in English. They are listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Writing and speaking include in productive skills while

reading and listening belongs to receptive skills. Comparing with other skills,

writing is the most complicated skill but it can be effective in improving another

skills. The four basic English language skills are divided into two categories such

as receptive skills and productive skills. Reading and listening considered

receptive skills whereas speaking and writing are known as productive skills.

Writing is one of the four basic skills. The start learning to communicate through

written form as they begin to interact with others at school level. The writing skill

is more complicated than that of other language skills (Javed, Juan, & Nazli


Writing skill is more complicated than other language skill because

everybody is able to write something that they want to, but not everybody can

make a good writing. And there are some elements of writing that the writer

should master to produce a good written form. Even this skill is complicated than

another skills, people should still mastering it. Mastering writing skill is important

especially for students. Advance writing skill is an important aspect of academic

performance (Kellog & Raulerson, 2007).

2.1.3 Components of Writing

In order to make a result of a good writing, it needs to be supported by

several components such as organization, grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary as

stated in the scope of the research.

8 Grammar

Grammar mastery is very important in writing a paragraph or an essay. It

helps the writer to produce a good writing and definitely the reader will be easy to

understand. The lack of grammar mastery will make the readers confuse and

difficult to know the ideas of the writing text. The information that is available in

paragraph which tries to share to the readers is useless since the paragraph is not

grammatically arranged. Kane (1988:13) asserts, “Grammar means the rules

which structure our language”. Grammar is the rule that says how words a

changed to show different meaning, and they combine into sentences. It means the

study of grammar helps us to communicate more effectively, especially in writing.

It helps us to convey our message in appropriate way. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and becomes the

most important things in order to provide everybody to be a good writer in writing

performance. Vocabulary is essential in a language instruction. It means that when

we learn a language, of course we learn the vocabulary of that language. Rivers

(1981:462) explains, “It would be impossible to learn a language, without

vocabulary”. Based on that definition, the researcher concludes that vocabulary is

the total number of words, which exists in a language. We can learn a language

because there are a number of words which is called vocabulary. Organization

Organization is concerned with the pattern to express our idea in writing.

Organization or judgment skill is the ability to write in an appropriate manner for


a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an ability to

select, organize and order relevant information. Typically, it refers to the larger

parts of a piece of writing. It also refers to how paragraphs and sentences are

written. It provides readers with the information they are looking for in an orderly

manner. Referring to the explanation above, it can be concluded that organization

is the way how the writer organizes the idea in the sentence to get unity and

coherence. Mechanics

The other component of writing which is too important to create a good

paragraph is mechanics. Mechanics are particularly component in writing. In

order to make the writers can extend their message to readers in a clear and

understandable way, it is important to know the rules of how to use mechanics in

writing. Mechanics of writing covering: Punctuation and capitalization, and


1) Punctuation

Punctuation is needed to express the meaning of a sentence. The use of

punctuation is very important in writing. It is a signal, used to make the message

of our writing is understandable and has sense. Punctuation also function as

signals in written language which help the reader clarify the meaning of sentences

and interpret the correct meaning of the sentences. The punctuation is numerous.

There are eleven major punctuation marks. They are full stop or period (.), comma

(,) hyphen (-), question mark (?), exclamatory (!) inverted commas/single and

double (‘’ and “”), semicolon (;), colon (:), brackets (()) apostrophe (‘) and capital

letter (A, B, C…..).

2) Capitalization

Capitalization or capital letter is also an important element in writing good

English sentences. Capital letter is used at the beginning of sentence and at the

first letter for the names of people, the days of week, the months of the year and

their abbreviation, nationalities and language, etc. is needed to explain name of

place, person and to begin a new sentence when writing a paragraph. If the

sentences are not capitalized correctly, ambiguous meaning and misunderstanding

will appear. It also differentiates one sentence to other. Correct paragraph depend

on the use of capitalization in writing. It also helps the reader to distinguish a

particular and general class of people, place and other things in the paragraph.

3) Spelling

Spelling is also important in writing. To write English well, the writer

should be able to master how to write word well. Because when students make

error in spell the word, it can make the reader does not get the meaning of word.

That is why teacher has to pay attention on teaching spelling. For many students,

especially in Indonesia to write English word is quite difficult because it is strange

for them.

2.1.4 Paragraph

Paragraph is a part of writing which have topic sentences, supporting

ideas, and concluding sentences. A paragraph is a basic of organization in writing


which a group of related sentences develop one mind idea (Oshima & Houge,

1997). Based on the definition above, it can be written that every sentence in

paragraph have connected to the main idea. In developing writing paragraph

general idea or topic sentences should be clearly. Topic sentences can be put in

the first, middle, and the last of the sentences. Meanwhile, to make reader more

understand what the writer means supporting idea must be connected to the topic


2.1.5 Type of Text Narrative Text

Narrative text is kind of text that retells the story, past event or previous

experiences. And the aim of the text is to entertain or amuse readers or listeners

about the story. Narrative text consist three part of generic structure they are

orientation, complication, and resolution. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is kind of the text that describing about something such as

persons, things, and places. In descriptive text the function is to describe the

things, places, or people with the generic structure. Meanwhile, descriptive text

used simple present tense and action verb as the language feature. Report Text

Report text is kind of the text that presents information about something as

the result of the observation analysis. It is the present about things, animal, or

human in general.
12 Recount Text

Recount text is the text that the past experiences by retelling past event or

incidence. The purpose of the recount text is to give information and


2.1.6 Characteristics of a Good Paragraph Unit

Paragraph unit is the main characteristics of a good writing. It is describe

all the sentences in paragraph. Keenan (1990) states that unity means that you

discuss only one main idea in a paragraph. Every good paragraph has unity, which

means that in each paragraph; only the main idea is discussed. That is why, the

topic sentences, supporting ideas, only focus of the main idea. Coherence

A paragraph is coherence when every sentence is connected each other. It

is easy for reader to find out the information in paragraph. Smalley, et al (

2001:30) explain, “Another element that a paragraph need is coherence. A

coherence paragraph contains sentences that are logically arranged and that flow

smoothly “. It means every paragraph are connected to be a good writing such as

topic sentences, supporting ideas, concluding sentences, etc. Besides, using

consistent of choice of element and transitional signal must be one way to achieve

in writing.

2.1.7 Stages of Writing

Writing needs a process to make a good work. To be a good writer there

are some aspects that have to be required. A good writing skill could not appear at

once. It needs several times revision process based on how a persons’ capability in

understand what his/her writing.

As stated by Oshima & Hogue (1997) that writing has four stages, as

follows :

1. Prewriting

Prewriting is the first stage in writing process. There are two steps namely

choosing and narrowing a topic brainstorming.

2. Planning (Outlining)

Planning organizes the ideas the learners generated by brainstorming into an

outline. There are three steps on planning those are: making sub-list, writing

the topic sentence, and outlining.

3. Writing and Revising Draft

In this stage, a writer does three steps, writing the first rough draft, and

organization, and proofreading the second draft.

4. Writing the Final Copy to Hand in

As the final activity in a writing process, a writer has to rework the written

drafts and polish them for the presentation or publication.

Writing cannot be done without going through the certain stages. Every

writer follows their own writing process before making their own final drafts.

Writing is started by choosing topics and brainstorming, and then making outline

papers, arrange sentences and paragraph to make a draft. Then, revise the writing

by increase or decrease the sentence. The process aims to develop the writing and

make sure that no more any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and make

sure that no any sentence that do not have meaning.

2.1.8 The Concept of Listing Technique The Definition of Listing Technique

Listing is the one of a technique in writing. It focuses to generate the ideas

in the paper through topic that is given. Dawe & Dorman (1984:34) state, “There

are about 30 techniques in prewriting, such as, journal writing, brainstorming, free

writing, quick writing, listing, looping, asking question, inventory, scratch outline,

outlining, interviewing, monologues, survey talking, cubing, and etc.” It can help

the students in writing to generate their ideas and develop the topic sentences.

Additionally, idea listing technique is also known as ILT.

Including process of listing technique, the teacher as a guided to generate

the Idea by topic is given for students. The teacher gives some options topic then

the students choose the topic. The students must write what in their mind about

the topic or write every word in their mind. After that, students explore their ideas

into written form. Kaner et al. (2007) add that generating ideas through listing is

to generate a list of innovative solutions or ideas to a difficult problems or topics.

When a problem or topic is more complicated than it generally appeared, using

idea listing is an alternative way to solve it. Students can start sorting out the

topics, and prioritizing the elements they want to tackle first. Thus, idea listing is

often an important first step in reducing the complexity of a difficult task

According to Oshima & Hogue (1997), listing is a brainstorming

technique in which you think about your topic and quickly make a list of whatever

words or phrases come into your mind. Your purpose is to produce as many ideas

as possible in a short time, and your goal is to find a specific focus for your topic.

It means, through this technique students more attractive to get an explanation

about the topic, because they try to develop their ideas into written form.

Furthermore, Rebori & Havercamp (2007) indicate that ILT is a technique

students may use to facilitate discussions for generating innovative ideas for

writing. This technique helps them search for a better understanding of a topic by

eliciting diverse smaller topics and ideas on the given topic (Rebori &

Havercamp, 2007). Moreover, idea listing can be useful to help students either

generate topics or create main points and key details.

Referring to the advantage of ILT, Rebori & Havercamp (2007) state that

this is a helpful technique for a wide range of learners challenge. For example, it

can be used when a learner is discussing new topic, or has polarized ideas on a

topic. The ILT may also be employed when learner feels that a topic appears to be

overwhelming. Thus, it produces a wide range of ideas and is particularly helpful

when a learner needs to break down a complex or general topic into easily

understood smaller components of the topic.

Idea listing technique means a process of exploring ideas, knowledge, or

information in the form of conceptual or a long list. The ILT refers to a way of

generating ideas for the target topic in writing in which this technique is

implemented in prewriting stage. Prewriting stage encourages the generation of

ideas (Brown, 2001), and it is a way of organizing students' thoughts and

beginning to put the information they have. In addition, as indicated by, students

can produce creative and interesting texts when teachers allow them time and

opportunity. Among other things, it is for generating ideas. In fact, the generation

of ideas is very necessarily conducted before students are going to write. Explore Innovative Idea Listing

The following is an example of how to explore innovative idea through the

process of listing idea shown by Oshima & Hogue (1997). The writing assignment

is to write a paragraph a person who has made difference in the world, in the

community, or in the writer’s life. He showed an example of ideas listed which is

produced through ILT.

First, the writer made a list of people who have made a difference. Then he

decided which person to write about and his choice

A Person Who Has Made a Difference

Albert Einstein Bill Gates
Mother Teresa Aunt Sarah
Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. Jakobsen (high school counselor)
Cesar Chavez Grandfather
Adopted from Oshima & Hogue (1997:16)

Next the writer started e new list. He wrote his chosen topic, Grandfather,

at the top of new piece of paper and started writing words and phrases that came

into mind about his grandfather.


uneducated (high school? eighth grade? started hospital in town –
farmer hospital in big area
worked hard first farmer to terrace his land – now every one does
helped his community improved farming techniques in his
started community hospital smart
respected in community read about new things
went to a mosque every week terracing helps prevent soil
got up early listened to experts
worked late thought things over
was the first person in town to buy a car made me laugh when i was little
Adopted from Oshima & Hogue (1997:16)

The writer then looked at his second list and decided to write about how

his grandfather helped his community. He circled that idea. Then he thought about

how his grandfather helped his community. He circled two ideas and marked them

A and B. The writer also crossed out anything that did not belong to these two


uneducated (high school? eighth grade? started hospital in town – only
farmer hospital in big area
worked hard first farmer to terrace his land – now every one does
B helped his community A improved farming techniques in his
started community hospital
respected in community read about new
went to mosque every week terracing helps prevent soil
got up early listened to experts
worked late thought things over
was the first person in town to buy a car made me laugh when i was
Adopted from Oshima & Hogue (1997:17)
18 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Listing Techniques

There are some advantages and disadvantages in listing technique. The

advantages and disadvantages of Listing Technique below are adapted from

Miftah (2012) and Rediansari (2012). The advantages are as follows :

1. The ideas of listing technique is easy to understand

2. through listing technique can be generated the ideas in short time from the


3. It is a good way to produce the ideas

4. It needed several material resources

5. It can rapidly to know information needed from the topic

The disadvantages are as follow :

1. The product of writing more to useful quantity rather than quality

2. It can make the students far from the topic that is an assigned, because the

conceptual is free The Implementation of Listing Technique in Teaching Writing

Writing is the one of productive skill that be master by student to

developing their ability. In process of writing student can be use component of

writing such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and choosing the appropriate

vocabulary to develop their writing skill. That is why, the writer focus on teaching

writing through listing.

Furthermore, in teaching writing, students need more attention to help

them write well. Stuart & Cooney (2008) state that while teachers have very

limited control over most of the intrinsic influences on learning, they do have

control over what is taught and the manner in which it is taught. It mean that’s

method or technique can help student to develop their ability. Many kinds of

media or technique that can be use one of them listing technique. Listing is one of

the techniques in writing. It is a technique that the option of the words or topics

make a list about the topic by words or phrases and generate the ideas. It is very

helpful for the students in developing writing ability. According to Oshima &

Hogue (1997) , there are some steps that must be done in listing process, they are:

1) Write down the general topic at the top of your paper.

2) Then make a list of every idea that comes into your mind about that topic.

Keep the ideas flow. Try to stay on the general topic.however, if you write

down information that is completely off the topic, do not worry about it

because you can cross it out later.

3) Use words, phrases, or sentences.

4) Write down that idea on your paper.

Four steps in listing technique will help students as writer to arrange their

idea into written paragraph. By using the steps, they will be guided to write what

should be written based on the listing steps. In order to finish their writing, the

students have to use the steps orderly. So, they will be easy to explore their ideas

well. Finally, they can make a good writing which is suitable with their needs.

In this research, there are some procedures to conduct of the researcher in

the classroom, especially in teaching writing. The procedure can be seen below.

1) Ask students to write down the general ideas in the papers


2) Ask students to write every ideas that comes in to their mind

3) Ask students to use of words, phrases, or sentences eventhough their spelling

and grammar is not correct

4) Ask students to write descriptive text by using ideas in appropriate to their


In relation to the teaching of writing through Idea Listing Technique, the

utilization of ILT can be through the teaching procedure. The procedures of the

implementation of ILT for writing activities involves the application of the

writing stages adapted from Gebhard (2000), those are, prewriting, drafting,

revising, and editing. The focus of ILT implementation is particularly on

prewriting stage. The prewriting activities focus on implementing Idea Listing

Technique in generating ideas. Prewriting is a preparation to write and the getting-

ready-to-write stage which is like a warming-up for the athletes (Tompkins &

Hoskisson, 1995). The following is the development of teaching procedures of the

ILT implementation have effectively practiced in teaching EFL writing, focused

on writing an expository paragraph by Miftah (2015). The process steps are as


First, teacher leads students to a topic by showing pictures through LCD

followed by some questions as brainstorming. Then he introduces the issue or

topic and tells the instructional objectives. Students are given an allotted time to

respond to the question; however, when necessary, it is important that they remain

flexible in taking additional time. They should be able to complete steps one

through seven within 15 to 30 minutes (Rebori & Havercamp, 2007).


Second, teacher asks students to participate in generating ideas through

ILT. To do so, he distributes a model of an expository paragraph, asks them to sit

in groups of three, and asks a group member to be facilitator to lead the process.

Then he assigned them to analyze the paragraph for focusing on the writing task

of writing an expository paragraph. The use of ILT in prewriting stage enables

students to get ideas because it is similar to the techniques – ways to get started –

used in prewriting stage such as brainstorming, clustering, strategic questioning,

sketching, free writing, exploring the senses, interviewing, and information

gathering (Gebhard, 2000).

Third, teacher distributes a large sheet of paper (A4). It is suggested to

arrange a large sheet of paper (i.e., wall paper, A4 paper, flip chart). Students

often produce more ideas than they expect, thus a sufficient amount of larger

paper is required (Rebori & Havercamp, 2007). He next informs students to be

involved in their group activities and to follow the rules include – all ideas count

even the “crazy” ones and no side conversations during the activities.

Fourth, teacher asks students to explore and share ideas of a general topic

to be smaller ones or sub topics (in words and phrases), and list them on the paper

as the first list. If students begin to discuss ideas while they are still being listed,

the facilitator should remain them of the ground rule that side conversations are

not allowed (Rebori & Havercamp, 2007). In addition, teacher reminds students

that the time will be up, so they might produce additional ideas. It is suggested

that near completion of generating ideas, the teacher announces to students that

“Approximately two minutes remain for generating ideas.” Sometimes this


announcement may produce additional ideas (Rebori & Havercamp, 2007). After

that, he asks them to read the ideas listed and discuss them for clarity and

grouping in categories, and then rearrange the ideas based on the categories. Next

he asks them to choose one of the items listed in the categories to be a smaller

topic to write an expository paragraph.

Fifth, students are asked to generate ideas of the sub topic that have been

decided in words or phrases, and list them on the paper as the second list. It is to

lead students to easily write suitable topic sentence for an expository paragraph.

Any of these ideas can be the controlling idea in their topic sentence, while some

others can be supporting sentences. Teacher also reminds students that the time

will be up, so they might produce additional ideas. After that, to organize their

ideas generated using ILT, he assigns students to make a paragraph outline for an

expository paragraph.

Sixth, teacher assigns students to write first draft in drafting stage.

Drafting stage centers on providing students chances to start writing based on a

paragraph outline idea they have made in the previous stage. Drafting is a stage

designed to allow the writers to put their ideas on paper without worrying about

mechanics or neatness (Roe, Stoodt, & Burns, 1995). In addition, Brown (2001)

points out that drafting is viewed as an important and complex set of strategies,

the mastery of which takes time, patience and trained instruction. In this stage,

students are assigned to write rough draft as their first draft. For so doing, students

are assigned to write a title and start writing their first draft individually based on

the outline they have made.


Seventh, teacher asks students to revise their first draft in revising stage.

The revising stage focuses on providing students chances to revise their first draft

they have made in the drafting stage with emphasis on the content and

organization rather than on the mechanics. Revising is to make the writing clearer

and more interesting to the readers (Glencoe, 2001). Both drafting and revising

stages are the core of the writing process (Brown, 2001). In revising stage

students rethink and rewrite the first draft to form the second draft. To do so,

teacher guides students to revise their writing in terms of content and organization

through peer revising and self-revising. To do peer revising, students are asked to

make a group of three. They are suggested to use Peer Review Checklist for

Expository Paragraph taken from book, Refining Composition Skills: Rhetoric

and Grammar (Smalley, Graff, & Saunders, 2001). They respond to each other’s

drafts by answering the questions of the checklist in their task book. Meanwhile,

for self-revising, students are assigned to revise their own draft by using Revision

Checklist for Expository Paragraph taken from book, Refining Composition

Skills: Rhetoric and Grammar (Smalley et al., 2001). Students answer the

questions of the checklist in their task book, and then write second draft based on

the suggestion from peer and self-revising.

Finally, teacher assigns students to edit their second draft in editing stage.

The editing stage centers on providing students chances to edit the drafts, and

proofread the drafts for accuracy and correctness in spelling, punctuation,

capitalization and grammar. Editing is putting the piece of writing into its final

form. It is the process in which students begin to look at correctness (Stone,


1990). Tompkins & Hoskisson (1995) assert that editing stage primarily focuses

on the content of students' writing. Students need to edit their draft to make sure

their sentences are clear (Glencoe, 2001). To do so, teacher guides students to edit

their second draft through self-editing. They are suggested to use Self Editing

Worksheet taken from book, Introduction to Academic Writing (Oshima &

Hogue, 2007). They respond their own draft by answering the questions of the

worksheet. After that, they are asked to write final version of their writing, and

then to submit.


3.1 Research Design

This research was conducted by using library research design. This design

allowed the researcher to describe and analyze data obtained from the secondary

sources. According to Mirzaqon & Purwoko (2018), library research is a study

conducted through collecting the data with the help of various reading material

found in a library, such as documents, books, articles, etc. Furthermore,

Mirzaqon & Purwoko (2018) add that this research design is a theoretical study in

which references and scientific literature are related to what is being examined. In

line with it, Khatibah (2011) explains that library research design is a

bibliographic and systematic study which involves the process of collecting

reading material or bibliography, related to the purpose of the study. Therefore, in

conducting this research, reading and note-taking are important in order to help

researchers provide the information found in the secondary data sources (Sari &

Asmendri, 2020).

3.2 Data Source

The data are used in discussing the answers of research questions.

Additionally, the data are collected from five skripsi: Rediansari (2012),

Khotimah (2017), Siregar (2017), Asrofi (2019), and Kurni (2019); and four

scientific articles: Fata et al. (2015), Miftah (2015), Alika, Usman, & Hastini

(2016), and Fadhila & Fatimah (2020). Additionally, this technique was proposed

by Oshima & Hogue (1997).


3.3 Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data of the research, the researcher used qualitative

technique. To answer the research questions, the researcher examined the data

from five skripsi: Rediansari (2012), Khotimah (2017), Siregar (2017), Asrofi

(2019), and Kurni (2019); and four scientific articles: Fata et al. (2015), Miftah

(2015), Alika et al. (2016), and Fadhila & Fatimah (2020). In collecting the data,

the researcher used the following steps adapted from Sari & Asmendri (2020).

1) Selecting the topic of the study.

Before getting into the main step, the researcher selected the topic of the

study by deciding on what to focus.

2) Finding out supporting information.

As the first step done, the researcher then found out the supporting

information needed to support the topic of the study.

3) Emphasizing the focus of the study

With the supporting information needed was found, the researcher

emphasized the focus of the study. Therefore, the later discussion is more


4) Finding and selecting bibliography or required reading sources.

Finding and selecting reading sources are highly required to support the main

discussion of this study.

5) Classifying the reading sources found.

After the information from the secondary data sources selected and found, the

researcher classified them to make it organized.


6) Reading the sources found and taking notes of the important points and key


Reading the sources was purposed to help the researcher understood the

content better and taking notes was purposed to help the researcher memorize

the important points and key information of the secondary data sources.

7) Reviewing and enriching the reading sources.

Once the data sources found, the researcher reviewed them to check whether

or not it needed to be enriched.

8) Re-classifying the reading sources and starting to write down the results.

Finally, as the seventh step done, the researcher re-classified them when it

was necessary.

3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data of the research were analyzed, described, and concluded due to

the research questions. After all the steps in technique of data collection done as

the required information obtained, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the data

found in the secondary data sources with the following procedures adapted from

Sari & Asmendri (2020).

1) Reading the data sources found.

The researcher read the data that are used in this current study carefully. The

researcher paid attention to the main information needed.

2) Taking notes of the key information found in the secondary data sources.

After reading the data sources carefully, the researcher also took notes on the

important points needed or the key information found in the secondary data


3) Reviewing and enriching the reading sources as well as the supporting


With all the previous two steps done, the researcher reviewed the data sources

found whether or not they need to be enriched with more explanations.

4) Re-classifying the reading sources.

After the third step, the researcher re-classified the reading sources on which

one needs to be removed or added.

5) Writing down the results.

As the re-classifying process done, the researcher wrote down the results

based on the organization.

6) Describing and organizing the information found in tables.

In order to organize the written information, the researcher described and

organized them in tables to help readers understand it better.

7) Concluding the data sources found by paying attention to the significance.

Finally, after all the steps conducted, the researcher concluded the

information found to draw the overall similarities and differences. This was

also done by paying attention to the significance of the previous studies.


4.1 Findings

This study is about describing and explaining the answer of a qualitative

question. In order to get the answer, the researcher use studies by previous

researchers which are known as the secondary data sources. Additionally, there

are a number of studies that deal with writing skill and ability. However, there are

only nine valid studies regarding the use of Listing Technique in teaching writing.

The used studies are by: Rediansari (2012), Fata et al. (2015), Miftah (2015),

Alika et al. (2016), Khotimah (2017), Siregar (2017), Asrofi (2019), Kurni (2019),

and Fadhila & Fatimah (2020). Furthermore, to help readers understand the

findings of the previous studies, the researcher has classified them based on the

researcher names, year, topic, procedure, method and findings. They are provided

in Table 4.1.

Related to the findings, it is found that generally, there are similar

procedures applied by previous researchers. The teaching of writing using ILT

elaborates teaching media. In line with that, the general procedures include: (1)

leading students to a topic by showing pictures through LCD followed by some

questions as brainstorming; (2) asking students to participate in generating ideas

through ILT; (3) distributing a large sheet of paper (A4); (4) asking students to

explore and share ideas of a general; (5) asking stuents to generate ideas of the

sub topic; (6) asking students to write their first draft; (7) asking students to revise

their draft; and (8) asking students to edit their draft.


Table 4.1
Findings of the Previous Studies

No Researchers Year Topic Procedure Method Findings

1. Rediansari 2012 Writing First, teacher asks the students Quasi Experimental T-counted was found to be 11.661
Descriptive to write down the general topic Research Design higher than F-table. H0 is rejected
Paragraph at the paper top. Second, the and Ha is accepted. In conclusion,
teacher asks the students to students’ ability in writing
make a list of every idea that descriptive paragraph by using
comes into their mind. Third, listing technique is high, and
the teacher Use words, students’ ability in writing
phrases, or sentences, and descriptive paragraph without using
don’t worry about spelling or listing technique is low, and also
grammar. Fourth, students can there is a significant effect of using
write their descriptive listing technique toward ability in
paragraph by using certain writing descriptive paragraph of the
ideas that appropriate to their first year students at State Senior
topic. High School 1 Rengat Indragiri
Hulu Regency.
2. Fata et al. 2015 Writing Skill First of all, there has to be one One Group Pretest- It was found that there was
of descriptive topic to be developed. Second, Posttest Design significant difference of the
text imagine and think all about students’ writing skill between pre-
favorite food. Third, write test and post-test after teaching by
everything that comes in mind using listing technique. To prove
on a paper. Fourth, recheck the the hypothesis, the writer used t-
list. It can be rearranged, score formula. Based on data
edited, or even deleted if it it analysis t-score was 12.5,
unimportant. Fifth, arrange the meanwhile ttable was 2.074. Also,
sentences into a good listing technique could improve

paragraph. students’ ability of writing aspects.

3. Miftah 2015 Writing First, prewriting activities was Classroom Action The results shows that the students’
Ability of done. Second, the lecturer Research achievement in writing expository
expository asked the students to paragraphs in Cycle I was not
paragraph participate in generating ideas. satisfactory yet. It was found that
Third, the lecturer assigned the the percentage of the students
students to analyze the achieving the score greater than or
paragraph. Fourth, the lecturer equal to C (60-69) was only 67.74%
distributed a sheet of paper. (21 students of the class. It was
Fifth, the lecturer asked the found that the average percentage of
students to explore and share the students doing the activities was
ideas of a general topic. Sixth, 69.44% (22 students of the class
the lecturer asked the students were actively involved in the
to write first draft in the writing activities). It means that the
drafting stage. Seventh, the result was fail since it did not meet
lecturer asked the students to the second criterion of success
revise their draft. Eighth, the
lecturer asked the students to
edit and finalize their draft.
During the process, the
students were asked to list
down their ideas.
4. Alika et al. 2016 Writing Skill First, the teacher asks the Quasi Experimental The findings show that t-counted
of descriptive students to write down the Research Design (8.12) was greater than the t-table
paragraph general topic at the top of (1.99) by applying 0.05 level of
paper. Second, the teacher significance and the degree of
asks students to make a list of freedom (df) was 84. The use of
every idea that comes into listing technique is effective to the
their mind about that topic. students’ during writing skill of the
Third, students can starts to eighth grade students at SMP

make a list of every idea about Negeri 3 Palu.

their topic and let them make
it as many as possible. Fourth,
use words, phrase, or
sentences, and don’t worry
about spelling or grammar.
Fifth, students can write their
descriptive paragraph by using
certain ideas that appropriate
to their topic.
5. Khotimah 2017 Students’ 1) Write down the general Qualitative The result of analysis that showed t-
Ability in topic at the top paper; 2) Make (Not mentioned counted (2.44) was higher that t-
Writing a list of every word or phrase clearly) table: (1.69). It meant alternative
Narrative that comes into mind about hypothesis (Ha) was received and
Text topic; 3) Use words, phrases or null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.
sentences. Don’t worry about
spelling or grammar.
Remember, your primary goal
is to write down the ideas as
quickly as they come to you
without worrying about
whether an idea is important,
interesting or related to your
subject. Try to focus on the

6. Siregar 2017 Writing 1) Use a separate, whole Classroom Action The students’ writing ability
Ability in sheet of paper; 2) Write Research improved significantly. The
Writing topic at the top; 3) Write improvement of students’ ability
Recount Text many ideas about the topic; was 58.91 (43.47%) in first cycle

4) Write single words or and 80.34 (91.30%) in the

shorts phrases, but do not second cycle with the calculation
write long sentences; 5) result of t0 is bigger than tt (6.53
Write down every and do ˃ 4.29). The result found during
not worry about whether the the research. The learning
ideas are good or bad; 6) activity was more comfortable
Underline and highlight the for students where they could
good ideas; and 7) Cross out use their critical thinking while
ideas that are not related to learning and teaching process.
the topic.
7. Asrofi 2019 Writing First, hang large sheets on the True Experimental The findings show that the t-
Ability of wall. Second, ask a student to counted value is 10.65, higher than
descriptive be a volunteer for chart t-table value (1.6849) in 5% and
text writing. Third, explain the 2.7079 in 1%. It can be concluded
rules for suspending that Ha is accepted and Ho is
judgement. Fourth, state the rejected. This signifies that there is
students group’s task in the positive and significant effect of
form of question. Fifth, give a Idea Listing Technique on students’
estimate for the activity. Sixth, writing ability of descriptive text.
ask for a student again as a
8. Kurni 2019 Descriptive 1) Select a topic that is an Classroom Action The result shows that the average of
Writing important part of curricular Research students’ score in pre-test is 61.80
Ability unit; 2) Have students write %, the post-test 1 is 70.20% and the
the word or phrase at the top post-test 2 is 83.12 %. It can be
of a sheet of paper and list as inferred that the result has reached
many terms, facts, ideas, out the criteria of the indicator of
concepts, definitions, or success
experiences as they can that
they remember from previous

lessons in other grades or units

of study; 3) Students can also
work in small groups to
develop collective Focused
Lists; 4) Examine the lists or
have small groups post their
charts; and 5) Look for
similarities, noting which
things students readily recall
and whether the ones that are
critical to learning are missing

9. Fadhila & Fatimah 2020 Writing First, write down general topic Experimental Study The findings show that the
Recount Text at the paper top. Second, make (Not mentioned technique is effective and suitable
a list of every word or phrase clearly) to solve the problem and can
that comes in mind. Third, use improve students’ writing, attention,
words, phrases, or sentences. ability, and motivation in writing

4.1.1 Procedures of Listing Technique Implementation

This part covers the findings related to the listing technique

implementation in teaching writing by previous researchers. This also covers the

design, number of samples, sampling technique, and scope which are used by

previous researchers. There are nine previous studies used in this current study.

They are found to be valid in which they have the information of publishers,

volume, and issue (for articles) and clear university or repository names (for

skripsi and theses).

1. Rediansari (2012)

The study by Rediansari (2012) was conducted at the tenth grade students

of SMA Negeri 1 Rengat Indragiri Hulu, Riau. It was a study conducted through

quasi experimental research design. There were 50 students used as the samples

and selected using cluster sampling technique. Additionally, this study focused on

content, organization (identification and description), vocabulary, grammar, and

mechanics (spelling and punctuation). The kind of text used was descriptive text.

Rediansari (2012) explained that there are some procedures implemented

in conducting Listing Technique in writing classes. They were: (1) the researcher

asked the students to write down a general topic at the top of paper. Additionally,

Rediansari explained that writing down a general topic is an important first step of

writing descriptive paragraph using Listing Technique. It would be easy for the

students to develop their ideas if they could decide their general topic in their draft

writing processes. The students would be more focused on things or words to

write that are also appropriate with their general topic; (2) the researcher asked the

students to compile a list of every idea that comes into their mind about that topic.

This includes keeping the ideas flow. Just write down everything in mind and try

to stay on the general topic. However, it has also need to be remembered that if

the students write down information that is completely off the topic, it should not

be considered as problems because they can cross it out later.

After writing down the general topic, Rediansari explained that the

students were instructed to make a list of every idea about a topic and let them

compile it as many as possible because they crossed some ideas if it was not

appropriate to their topic. This brings to procedure number (3) which is about

using words, phrases, or sentences, and not worrying much about spelling or

grammar. Rediansari (2012) emphasized that when compiling a list of the idea,

the students were allowed to any use word, phrase, or sentence, and if they made a

mistake, it was a process of writing a good paragraph; and (4) the students were

asked to write their descriptive paragraph by using certain ideas that appropriate

to their topic.

2. Fata et al. (2015)

The study by Fata et al. (2015) was conducted at the seventh grade

students of SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh. It was conducted through an experimental

research called one group pretest-posttest design. There were 23 students used as

the samples and selected using simple random sampling technique. In addition,

this study focused on descriptive text, content, vocabulary, and grammar.

Based on the findings by Fata et al. (2015), Listing Technique has six main

procedures. The first one is that the researcher or the instructor needs to have one

topic to be developed. For example, the topic selected is “favorite food.” The

second step to do is to imagine and think about all favorite food in mind. It could

be many things and consist of questions such as “what it is”, “the reason”, “where

to find it”, or “how often you eat it.” The third one is that to write everything in

mind about a topic and compile them into a list. The fourth one is that to see and

recheck the list after compiling it. Only then, a researcher or an instructor can

rearrange, edit, or delete the unimportant parts. Also, the list compiled can be

rearranged into a paragraph. In the case of Fata et al., it had to be a descriptive

paragraph. Therefore, the paragraph made by the students should be suitable with

the generic structure of descriptive text. The fifth one is that to arrange the list

compiled into correct sentences and correct grammar after the list was finished by

the students. Finally, the sixth step is that all the correct sentences were written

and arranged into a good paragraph consists of one main idea and four to five

supporting sentences.

Moreover, Fata et al. (2015) explain the detail about the treatment given to

the students using Listing Technique. The treatment was divided into four by

implementing Listing Technique. In the first treatment, they divided the students

into five groups and they were taught how to write a descriptive text. Afterwards,

they gave the students an example of descriptive text entitled “My Mother.” The

purpose of giving Listing Technique was to help the students in developing ideas.

Here, the researcher explained about what Listing Technique is and what the

benefits are. The researcher also explained to the students about nominal and

verbal sentences which were used often in a descriptive text writing. For that, the

researcher gave an instruction to the students as follows: “Please write a

descriptive text entitled “My Mother”, think about your mother, how is she?”

While showing the list to the students, the researcher explained about the parts of

descriptive text: identification and description. It was also explained to the

students a little bit of simple present. Finally, teacher collected the students’


In the second treatment, the researcher informed the students about their

achievement and scores in the first treatment. The researcher divided the students

into five groups again and the groups are different from the previous one. The

groups of students were divided based on their achievement in the first treatment.

The students who obtained good scores were assigned to work with the students

who obtained low score. After that, the researcher reviewed the previous lesson in

the first treatment and explained it again to the students. Here, the researcher

explained about the definition and benefits of Listing Technique again. Next, the

researcher asked the students to make a list of words or phrases about their best

friends. Then, the students were asked to write the list into a descriptive paragraph

with a title “My Best Friend.” Finally, after the students finished the task, the

researcher collected the students’ worksheets.

In the third treatment, the researcher divided the students again into the

same groups as in the second treatment. They were asked to present their texts

complied in the second treatment to the whiteboard and discussed it together with

other groups. The focus of the lesson was about the ideas, vocabulary, and

grammar. After discussing it together with the researcher and knew where did

they do it wrong, the researcher asked the students to rewrite the descriptive text

entitled “My Best Friend.” Finally, after finishing all procedures in the third

treatment, the researcher collected the worksheets from the students.

In the fourth treatment, the researcher focused the lesson on test

preparation. First of all, the researcher informed the students about their scores in

the previous meeting and appreciated the students who obtained good scores.

Second of all, the researcher got into the main focus of the fourth treatment which

was about the test preparation. The researcher gave the topic to the students which

was about “My School.” It was given at the same day as the posttest. It was

purposed to give strength to the students and to improve their knowledge. This

fourth treatment included the teaching of ideas, vocabulary, and grammar. Again,

the researcher divided the students into groups that they had in the second and

third treatment. Here, the researcher asked the students to think about their school

and made a list of words or phrases in their mind when they listened to “My

School.” Next, the researcher asked the students to write the list and make it into a

good paragraph. Finally, the researcher collected the students’ worksheets.

3. Miftah (2015)

The study by Miftah (2015) was conducted through Classroom Action

Research Design to the 31 university students of writing II class of the third

semester of English Department at State Islamic College of Palangka Raya. The

samples were selected through total sampling technique. All students were taken

as the subjects of under the consideration that their writing ability is insufficient.

Additionally, the study focused on enhancing the students’ ability in writing


expository paragraph. The study by Miftah (2015) was divided into two cycles.

Miftah (2015) based the action on the planning of Ideai Listing Technique

development. This included suitable steps on the implementation. In line with

that, there were two writing tasks given to the students and every cycle received

one task. Miftah (2015) also explained that the topics given to the students in the

first cycle were: “University”, “Family”, and “Sport.” On the other hand, the topic

given to the students on the second cycle was “Fruits.”

Furthermore, the procedures implemented by Miftah (2015) dealing with

Ideas Listing Technique were adapted and combined with general writing steps.

They include: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. The focus of

implementation of ILT was particularly on prewriting stage. Miftah (2015)

explained that prewriting activities focused on ILT implementation in generating

ideas. Getting ready to write and warm up are involved in this prewriting stage or

the preparation stage. During this stage, the steps conducted were: (1) the

researcher guided the students to a topic by providing them with pictures and then

followed by questions to trigger their enthusiasm; (2) the researcher introduced

the issue or topic and informed the students about the instructional objectives.

Here, the students were given an allotted time to respond to the questions. The

students should be able to complete the process within 15-30 minutes; (3) the

researcher asked for the students’ participation in generating ideas through the

technique which is Idea Listing. In gaining the objective, the researcher provided

the students with a model of expository paragraph and instructed the students to

sit based on their groups. The researcher also asked a group member to be a

facilitator in the process.

Then, the researcher tasked the students to analyze the paragraph in order

to focus on the writing task. The researcher, Miftah (2015), believed that the use

of Ideas Listing Technique in the prewriting stage make the students get the ideas

easily because it was similar to brainstorming, questioning strategy, clustering,

free writing, and interviewing; (4) the researcher distributed to the students a large

sheet of paper. The purpose of giving the students large sheet of papers was

because the students might produce many ideas than they thought they could do;

(5) the researcher informed the students to be active in group activities. No one

was allowed to be silent or inactive during this stage; (6) the researcher asked the

students to explore and share ideas of a general topic to be sub topics (in words

and phrases) and make it the first list.

In addition, the researcher reminded the students that they had limited time

in conducting the task. Then, (7) the researcher asked the students to read what

they wrote carefully and discuss them for finding out clarity and then grouping it

into categories. After that, the students were asked to rearrange ideas based on the

categories provided. Next, the researcher asked the students to choose one of the

items in the categories to write expository paragraph; (8) the students were asked

to generate ideas of the sub topic in words or phrases. They had to list them on the

paper as the second list. It was to lead them to write suitable topic sentence for

expository paragraph easily. The researcher also reminded the students that the

time would be up, so they might produce additional ideas. After that, to organize

their ideas generated using ILT, he assigned the students to make a paragraph

outline for expository paragraph.

The next stage is drafting stage. Here, the researcher asked the students to

write their first draft. This stage focuses on providing the students with

opportunities to begin writing based on a paragraph outline idea they made in the

prewriting stage. The next stage is called revision stage. In this stage, the

researcher asked the students to revise their first drafts by focusing on the content

and organization rather than on the mechanics. The students rethink and rewrite

the first draft to form the second draft. Based on it, the researcher guided the

students to revise their writing in terms of content and organization using peer

revising and self-revising. For peer revising, the students made a group of three.

They were suggested to use peer review checklist for expository paragraph. For

self-revising, the students were assigned to revise their own drafts through

revision checklist for expository paragraph.

Finally, it came to the editing stage. The researcher asked the students to

edit their second draft. This stage focuses on giving the students opportunities to

edit and revise ther draft. They were asked to check for accuracy and correctness

in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.

4. Alika et al. (2016)

The study by Alika et al. (2016) was conducted through quasi

experimental research design. It was conducted to the eighth grade students of

SMP Negeri 3 Palu. The samples were selected through purposive sampling

technique. Additionally, the scopes of the study were: vocabulary, grammar,

mechanics (punctuation and spelling), and descriptive paragraph.

According to Alika et al. (2016), there were four procedures she

implemented in writing classes using Listing Technique. They were: (1) asking

the students to write down the general topic at the top of paper. This is a a first

step that is important in writing descriptive paragraph; (2) asking the students

make a list of every idea that came into their minds about that topic. Try to stay on

the general topic. However, if they write down information that is completely off

the topic, don not worry about it because it can be crossed out later. After writing

down the general topic, students started to make a list of every idea about their

topic and let them make it as many as possible they want because they cross some

ideas if it is not appropriate with their topic; (3) using words, phrase, or sentences,

and do not worry about spelling or grammar; and (4) students wrote their

descriptive paragraph by using certain ideas that appropriate to their topic. Next,

after listing many ideas, students wrote the descriptive paragraph based on their

topic by using the appropriate ideas.

Unfortunately, Alika et al. (2016) only gave short explanations about the

procedures she used in implementing Listing Technique. The details such as thow

many treatments and in what activities the technique implemented were not


5. Khotimah (2017)

The study by Khotimah (2017) was conducted to the second year students

of UINSU Medan. The study covered 60 samples selected through cluster random

sampling technique. The scopes of the research were: content, organization,

vocabulary, and language use. The study also focused on narrative text as the text

type used. Similar to Alika, et al (2016), the study by Khotimah (2017) did not

mention and explain the detail of the treatment given. It is only explained that the

rocedures covered four main steps. They are: (1) write down the general topic at

the top of paper; (2) make a list of every word or phrase that comes into your

mind about topic.. The harder the students think, the more ideas will flow to their

minds. Of course, it has to refer to the general topic. If, however, the students

write down the information that is completely off the subject, it can be crossed out

later; (3) use words, phrases or sentences. Do not worry about spelling or

grammar. The primary goal is to write down the ideas as quickly as they come to

the students without worrying about whether an idea is important, interesting or

related to your subject. Just try to focus on the topic

6. Siregar (2017)

The study by Siregar (2017) was conducted to 23 students of grade VIII at

SMPN 5 Padangsidimpuan. It was conducted through Classroom Action

Research. However, the sampling technique in the study conducted by Siregar

(2017) was not mentioned. This study focused on recount text, grammar,

vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form. In addition, the study by Siregar

(2017) was divided into two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action,

observation, and reflection stages.

In the first meeting of the first cycle, Siregar (2017) conducted planning

stage. In the planning stage, the students were instructed by the researcher for

each meeting during the research done in the classroom. The researcher made

lesson plan based on the Listing Technique procedure and used material about

recount text. Then, the researcher prepared instruments for the students. Next

stage is called action stage. Here, the researcher came into the class with English

teacher of gare VIII, Elmi Sartika Dewi Lubis. The researcher then explained that

the purpose of this research was to complete data for thesis. During this stage,

Siregar (2017) greeted the students to open the class and then checked the

students’ attendance list. The research also motivated and provided the learning

material to the students. The researcher asked the students to review the material

about recount text. Some of the students answered it doubtfully. None of them

explained what they had in mind confidently. After that, the researcher gave them

feedbacks to what they had explained. The researcher emphasized some points,

such as what is recount text and purpose, the language features, the generic

structure, the grammar and the tenses that used in recount text.

Then, the researcher got into the materials. Firstly, the researcher informed

the students that before begin to write, students had to have one topic to develop.

Researcher provided the students with the topic “school” and wrote at the black

board. Secondly, the researcher asked the students to image and think about ideas

that appropriate with the topic “school.” They were: “friend, teacher, and lesson”.

Thirdly, the researcher asked the students to write things (words or phrases) into

lists. The chosen topic that was “friends” and the lists were: “intimate, table mate

and classmate”. Fourthly, the researcher asked the students again to edit and

rearrange the idea and make sub topic that developed into a paragraph. After

being edited by the students, the last topic was given, it was about “classmate”.

Fifthly, the researcher asked the students to arrange lists about the last

topic. The lists were: “Minang Internasional Hotel, Jam Gadang, Ngarai Ma’aram

Park, Lobang Jepang, Lembah Anai, Zoo, and Aur Kuning”. Finally, the last lists

would be developed together by the researcher and the students to become some

paragraphs. Every one sub topic was a main idea of one paragraph in Bukittinggi

text. Afterwards, the researcher and the students had done to write step by step of

the procedures, the researcher asked the students, “Did you understand?” Some of

the students said yes. At the end of the lesson, the researcher asked the students to

tell what they have learned in the class that day briefly. The researcher concluded

the lesson and then closed the class.

The third stage is called observation. In this stage, the researcher observed

the students’ activity during the teaching and learning process. In class, the

students still had some problems, such as lack motivation when learning writing

recount text, the students did not have full attention when learning writing recount

text, students did not feel enthusiastic when learning writing recount text, the

students did not do all the task, the students did not collect the task on time, and

the students did not do their task appropriately. Therefore, in the next meeting, the

researcher thought that it needed to give more motivation to the students.

The fourth stage is called reflection. The conclusion of applying the action

in this meeting was: (1) there were some students confused about how to write

recount text appropriately with learning material. It might be caused by the fact

that the students did not understand yet about the procedures of Listing

Technique; (2) students had not finished yet task while collecting time. It caused

by the fact that they were lack of interest in doing their task. For this condition,

the researcher realized that the first cycle was less, or the result of the first cycle

was less successful to improve the students’ writing ability. It can be concluded

that the action should be revised and changed for improving the students’ writing


In the second meeting of the first cycle, the researcher also conducted the

planning stage. In this meeting, the researcher evaluated the students. The next

stage that was conducted was action stage. Here, the researcher greeted the

students cheerfully. The researcher then checked their attendance list. They

looked sleepy at that time. After the researcher asked them what actually

happened, they answered that they felt sleepy because of the gloomy day. Then

researcher did not start the class directly. The researcher decided to talk with the

students about things that could build their interest in learning today. After that,

the researcher led them to start focusing on the lesson.

In the second meeting, the researcher asked the students to do the first test.

Before that, the researcher reminded the students again about learning material

that they had learned in the previous meeting. The researcher asked them to write

a recount text. Firstly, researcher gave them a worksheet to do the first test in

which the researcher explained to them what they should do. The students were

asked to write a recount text about their experience. After all the students

understood what they had to do, they started to write. They were doing their task,

the researcher walked around the class to make sure that they worked

individually. When the bell rang, a student helped the researcher to collect their

works. Then, the researcher said good bye, thanks and left the classroom. The

researcher corrected their work and gave a mark as first test of first cycle.

The next stage is observation. Here, the students in this meeting looked

more interested and enthusiastic to write. They had gotten more improvement than

the previous meeting. More than half of the students finished the test on time.

After this stage finished, the next stage was reflection. In this meeting, most of the

students were still confused to answer the test. Based on the observation, most of

the student still had low motivation. The first test in the first cycle was about

Bukittinggi. In this test, few students got score above the passing grade. There

were four students obtained 40 as the final score, there was one student obtained

45, there were five students obtained 50, there was one students obtained 55, there

was one student obtained 60, there was one student obtained 65, and there was 10

students obtained score 75.

After the second meeting on the first cycle done, Siregar (2017) then

moved to the second cycle. The planning stage was conducted to deal with the

students’ problems. The condition on the second cycle was different from the first

cycle. Based on the problem obtained in the first cycle, most of the students still

had low motivation. Therefore, the researcher could give high motivation to make

the students more interested. The second stage was action. The researcher started

the class by greeting the students and checking the attendance list. The researcher

began the lesson by telling the students about the topic they were going to learn

that day. Before giving the example, the researcher gave text about Vacation to

Aek Sijorni. It was completed by the procedures of Listing of Aek Sijorni Text.

There was a draft of procedure listing and recount text in the printed text. The

class members looked surprised and excited. They said that the new printed text

was way more clear and easy to understand because it completed by the draft of

Listing Technique procedures. Hence, they understood more about the lesson. The

researcher asked the students to pay attention to the text. The researcher gave

some questions to the students that led them to get ideas from the text.

Moreover, the researcher asked the students to answer the questions

quickly. Who was the faster to answer was given the plus score and applause.

Only then, the students became more enthusiastic than they were in the first cycle.

The researcher continued to the next activity. Firstly, the researcher asked the

students to try making recount text together by asking them to think about ideas

that were appropriate with topic Vacation to Aek Sijorni. Then, some students

raised their hands and said “family”. Secondly, the researcher asked the students

to image and made lists that appropriate with the topic. The students said

“Celebration the important day, and Vacation”. Thirdly, the researcher asked the

students to write a thing into a list about the topic that had been chosen. All of the

students were silent. They were confused, but one student raised her hand and said

“vacation miss”.

The researcher said good and asked all of the students to give applause.

Fourthly, the researcher asked the students again to arrange and edit that

unimportant part from the topic and the students responded “vacation to Sibolga,

Aek Sijorni, Aek Milas Paringgonan”. Finally, the researcher asked the students

again to choose one and made lists into the correct sentences what they wanted to

develop about the last main idea. Students said “Vacation to Aek Sijorni” and

make list “Swimming pool, Small Waterfalls of Sijorni, and Café”. Then, the

researcher asked the students to develop it, every one list became main idea in one

paragraph. The students became more motivated and active during the activity.

The students also did not hesitate to write their ideas in their written text. The

students also became faster and better in writing their test than in the cycle 1.

The third cycle here is observation. The class condition in the learning

process was better than in the previous cycle. It could be seen from the result of

field notes showing that the students were able to focus and followed the writing

lesson, they enjoyed doing exercise. The students were also more enthusiastic to

learn about the material and that the students had collected their task on time. The

fourth stage is reflection. Reflection stage was carried out after observing the

students. The researcher felt satisfied for the effort to improve the students’

writing skill of recount text. The students understood how to make recount text,

and could explore their ideas easily.

Finally, after conducting all the stages and activities, Siregar then came to

the last meeting of the second cycle. It was also known as the fourth meeting of

all. This included the planning, action, observation, and reflection stages. In this

meeting, the researcher gave the first test in the first cycle about learning material

that was learned previously by the students. The activities conducted were: (1) the

researcher entered the classroom; (2) the researcher greeted the students warmly.

It aimed to relax them before they did the test. Besides, it aimed to remind them

about recount text briefly. The researcher then checked their attendance list. There

were no students absent at that day. In this meeting, the students had to write a

recount text. It was to write about their experience. Their writing was scored as

the test of second cycle; (3) the researcher evaluated about learning material that

the students had learned before. Afterwards, the researcher provided the answer

sheets to the students after the students were ready. The researcher explained what

they had to do. In doing this test, the students had to apply what they had learned

about the recount text in the previous meetings.

After they were ready, (3) the researcher instructed the students to start

writing the recount text. The researcher walked around to control them.

Sometimes, the researcher asked some of them to be quiet. When the researcher

informed the students that there were ten minutes left, they seemed panic. Finally

time was up, the researcher thanked the students and closed the class, then went

outside of the classroom. The students in the last meeting looked more interested

and enthusiastic to write. They had gotten the improvement than the previous

meeting. The students did their test actively and all of the students finished the

test on time. As the reflection from the second test, after calculating the result of

students’ writing ability test that had done in the second cycle showed that the

score of the students improved.

7. Asrofi (2019)

The study by Asrofi (2019) was conducted to the eighth grade of MTs

Raudhotul Jannah, Central Lampung. It was conducted through true experimental


research design. The samples used were 30 students and selected through random

sampling technique. Additionally, the scopes of the research were: organization,

grammar, vocabulary, mechanics (spelling and punctuation), and writing ability of

descriptive paragraph.

In line with procedures, Asrofi (2019) explained that the researcher first,

hung large sheets of paper on the wall. Second, asked for a student (member or

non-group students) as a volunteer to serve as the chart writer. The job of the chart

writer was to write down the students’ ideas without censoring or improving

anything. Third, explained the ground rules for suspending judgment in which: (1)

the students might put anything on the list that seemed relevant; (2) suspended

judgment that no arguing or criticizing permitted; (3) no discussion while the

listing was underway. Ideas were discussed later after the list had been built; (4)

stated the students group’s task in the form of a question. For example “What are

our options for reducing our budget?” Fifth, gave a time estimate for the activity,

and had the group begin. Sixth, asked for a student (member or non-group

students) as a volunteer to serve as the chart writer. (1) honored everything

everyone said; (2) used mirroring as often as possible; (3) summarized complex

sentences for the chart writer; (4) if anyone began arguing or discussing an item, a

student politely reminded the whole group of the ground rules. Seventh, do not

panic when the pace slowed down. It usually meant the students were thinking.

8. Kurni (2019)

The study by Kurni (2019) was conducted through Classroom Action

Research. It was conducted to the second year students (eleventh grade IPA) of

SMA TMI Raudhotul Qur’an Metro. There 24 students used as the samples of this

study and selected through purposive sampling although it is not clearly

mentioned and explained (the students were as the subject of the study since they

had poor ability in descriptive writing). The scopes of the study were: content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, mechanics (spelling, punctuation, and


The study by Kurni (2019) was divided into two cycles. In the planning

stage of cycle one, the researcher collaborated with the English teacher. the

researcher planned to give several things that were linked to the teaching and

learning process such as: the lesson plan, the descriptive material, the instrument

that would be examined, etc. Also, the researcher prepared the tools that were

used in learning descriptive writing, made observation sheet of the students’

activity, recognized the problem and the causes of problems at the first and the

end of learning activities, and the researcher planned to give evaluation to

measure how far the descriptive material that had been taught could be accepted

by the students. In the action stage of the first cycle, two meetings were covered.

The first meeting was used to give the pretest. The second meeting was used to

give posttest.

The first meeting was used as the pretest time before the students were

given action. The collaborator opened the class by greeting, praying, and asking

the students’ condition and that 70 minutes gave to researcher completely. The

researcher gave pretest to the students. The topics in the pretest were “your

brother or sister”, “your mother”. The students chose one the topic to make a

description about it. The second meeting was started by greeting, praying and

checking the attendance list, and asking the students’ condition. Then, the

researcher gave the topics in post-test 1 are “your home”, and “your school”. The

students were supposed to choose one topic and then made a descriptive text

about it. Moreover, the Focused Listing Technique was used by the students in

making the descriptive text. In the posttest I, the result of the students’ test was

better than the students’ test before being given the treatment. In this session, the

researcher got the result of the students’ posttest 1 in cycle 1.

In the observing stage, the observation was done by the researcher and

collaborator during learning process. There were some observations that had been

done such as; observation on the students’ activities, teacher notes, and

observation on the result of the evaluation. Those were explanations from the

points above. In this time, the researcher gave the material to the students, but the

students still faced some difficulties in learning writing descriptive text. Then,

move to the reflecting stage, it was found that there was an improvement on the

result of pretest and posttest 1. The students were interested enough in learning

process although the condition of learning process was still uncontrolled. Some

students still did not focus on the material, and tended to be noisy English

learning process at cycle 1 was successful enough although the students’ average

score was low.

Cycle two was similar to cycle one. It was divided into planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting stages. Additionally, in the planning stage, the

researcher collaborated with the English Teacher. The collaborator wanted to


make and discussed about the lesson plan. Based on the students’ result in cycle I,

The researcher and collaborator concluded that the problems were some students

did not understand how to use grammar and found difficulties to express their

ideas. Therefore, the researcher and collaborator tried to revise the several

problems that appeared in cycle I and arranged lesson plan for re-application in

cycle two.

After the previous stage, the researcher (Kurni) moved to the action stage.

It was divided into two meetings. In the first meeting, the researcher opened the

meeting by greeting, asking students to pray together, checking students’

attendance, and then the researcher tried to talk with the students about the

difficulties in comprehending the text that the students faced in the first cycle.

After that, the researcher announced the result of writing descriptive ability score

from the last meeting. The researcher told that the students should be more active

in the learning process. When the researcher explained, the students were more

active in joining the learning process in which they paid attention to the


After explaining the material, Kurni gave the paper of descriptive text.

Before closing the material, the researcher and the students concluded the

material. During the discussion, the collaborator observed the students’

cooperative and activeness in discussing the material. The condition of the class

was more controlled than the last meeting. The students became more confident to

convey their prediction after comprehending the text. After finishing the

discussion, the researcher closed the meeting. As the first meeting done, the

second meeting was conducted. The researcher began the meeting by greeting,

asking students to pray together, checking students’ attendance, and asking the

students’ condition. Then, the observation stage was done. The observation is

done by the researcher that presented about two meetings in cycle two. In this

stage, the students got more active and enthusiastic in following the teaching

learning process. According to the result of the observation conducted, it can be

concluded that the learning process was successful. It can be inferred that the

learning process had been done well and the students became more active than

they were in cycle one.

9. Fadhila & Fatimah (2020)

The study by Fadhila & Fatimah was conducted to the junior high school

students, grade eight of SMP 2 Tarusan. Unfortunately, the design of the research

was not mentioned. The samples and sampling technique were not mentioned as

well. The text used in this study was recount text and the focus was not


In this study, Fadhila & Fatimah focused on the implementation of Ideas

Listing Technique in the teaching of writing recount text. They explained that

there were various topics of recount text. The topics include factual, procedural,

and personal. To encourage the students, the materials used were taken from

textbook and internet. In line with that, the researcher needed media to help the

students give the instruction during the teaching process. Fadhila & Fatimah

explained that the implementation of Idea Listing Technique was in while activity.

In this pre-teaching activity, the researcher needed to recall the students’


background knowledge. The followings are the procedures the Fadhila & Fatimah

applied in the pre-teaching activities: (1) the researcher greeted the students; (2)

the researcher checked the student’s attendance; (3) the researcher reviewed the

previous lesson; (4) the researcher stated a new topic; (5) the researcher stated the

objective of the lesson; (6) the researcher explained the benefit of the lesson; and

(7) the researcher introduced the technique that was used.

The next stage in the teaching of writing was while teaching activity. In

this activity, the ILT (Ideas Listing Technique) was implemented. This activity

were divided into observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and

communicating. In the observing stage, the researcher showed to the students a

video about someone’s experience. Fadhila & Fatimah believed that this activity

provided the students with an opportunity to observe what happened in the video

themselves. It was also purposed to build up the students’ background knowledge

about recount text. The students were asked to observe the characters involved in

the video they watched. Next, the questioning stage. Here, the students asked the

researcher about the text material. They were also allowed to ask anything they

were not familiar with. The questions the students asked were about the purpose,

language features, generic structure, and social function of recount text. Before

answering the students’ questions, the researcher asked the students first about the

answer based on their opinion. After that, the researcher explained the correct

answer for the students to understand.

Collecting information was the next stage that Fadhila & Fatimah applied.

In this stage, the students collected some information about recount text. The

researcher gave to the students time to find the example of recount text and then

students were asked to find information about generic structure, social function,

and language features of recount text by observing the text given to them. In

addition, the students used text book, material given by the teacher and other

resources to help them do this activity. After that, the students were asked to

compare what they found to the other text that they have learne`1d before. This

activity was in associating stage. Here, the students processed the information that

had been obtained in data collection stage.

Communicating is the next stage after the associating stage. This stage was

the stage to implement the Idea Listing Technique. In this stage, the students were

asked to create a new example of recount text. Firstly, the researcher distributed

large sheet of paper. The researcher distributed the paper, mentioned the topic,

and asked the students to share and explore the idea about the topic in word or

phrases and list them as the first list. In this stage the researcher informed the

students to be involved in their group activities and to follow the rules, including

all the group members had to share their ideas. Also in this stage, the researcher

reminded the group member that the conversation was not allowed.

Post teaching activity was the last activity conducted by Fadhila &

Fatimah. In this stage, the researcher asked the students about what they had

learned and they had to answer it. Then, the teacher concluded the lesson. At the

end of the lesson, the teacher provided individual homework for the students.

Finally, the researcher informed about the topic for the next meeting. Therefore,

the students were well prepared for the next learning process.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 Similarities and Differences

With the procedures of Listing Technique implementation explained in the

previous part, it is also important to compare the previous studies that are used.

The comparison covers the similarities and differences that the previous nine

studies have.

1. Similarities

The previous studies that are used as the secondary data sources in this

current study have similarities to each other. The similarities are: (1) the technique

that they used; (2) the findings of their studies; and (3) some other things. In line

with the similarities, all the previous studies used Listing Technique in the

teaching of writing. However, they used various steps in implementing it in the

writing classes. Another similarity of the previous studies is the results of their

studies. All nine studies have proved that implementing Listing Technique in the

teaching of writing helps the students improve their writing skill and ability.

Additionally, it is also stated that the similarity covers “some other

things.” This is different from the previous numbers. There are some studies

which are similar to each other in terms of design used, scopes, educational level,

and sampling technique. There are four studies used experimental research design.

They are: Rediansari (2012), Fata et al. (2015), Alika et al. (2016), and Asrofi

(2019). Most of the studies also focused on vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

For the educational level, there are four studies conducted to the eighth grade

students. They are: Alika et al. (2016), Siregar (2017), Asrofi (2019), and Fadhila

& Fatimah (2020). Also, most of the previous researchers used random sampling

technique to select their samples.

2. Differences

The previous studies that are used as the secondary data sources in this

study also have differences to each other. The differences include: (1) the research

design used; (2) level of the students; and (3) the texts used. The studies by

Rediansari (2012), Fata et al. (2015), Alika et al. (2016), and Asrofi (2019) used

experimental research design. They are: true experimental (Asrofi, 2019); quasi

experimental (Rediansari, 2012 and Alika et al., 2016); and pre-experimental

(Fata et al., 2015). The studies by Miftah (2015), Siregar (2017), and Kurni (2019)

used CAR. On the other hand, the studies by Khotimah (2017) and Fadhila &

Fatimah (2020) do not mention or state the designs they used. The studies by Fata

et al. (2015), Alika et al. (2016), Siregar (2017), Asrofi (2019), and Fadhila &

Fatimah (2020) focused on the junior high school level. The studies by Rediansari

(2012) and Kurni (2019) focused on the senior high school level. The studies by

Miftah (2015) and Khotimah (2017) focused on the university level.

4.2.2 Significance and Implication

As the similarities and differences found, the researcher then analyzed the

significance and implication of the previous studies conducted by experts from

2012-2020. All the findings of the previous studies using Listing Technique show

that Listing Technique is significant in improving the students’ writing skill and

ability. Rediansari (2012) explained that Listing Technique improved the

students’ writing on content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics


because this technique allows the students to write down everything they have in

mind without worrying too much about the mistakes. This was also because this

technique brainstormed the students’ minds and helped the students to develop

their ideas, according to the findings by Rediansari (2012). Rediansari (2012) also

implied that Listing Technique can help the students to break their blocked-

mindedness in writing.

Next, Fata et al. (2015) also found that Listing Technique helped the

students in writing class, during the treatment, because the students could make

their thoughts on the track. They knew what to do because Listing Technique

provided them with the central point or the topic that they needed to make into a

list. Also, Listing Technique helped the students to arrange their ideas and fire the

students’ imagination. Then, the students enjoyed the teaching and learning

process of writing because of the significances that Listing Technique has. Fata, et

al (2015) explained that the significances help the students improve their writing,

especially on content, vocabulary, and grammar. In addition, the study by Fata, et

al (2015) implied that the implementation of Listing Technique help the students

achieve better scores in writing.

Miftah (2015) found that Listing Technique helped the students do better

on their expository paragraph writing because the technique led the students to the

topic by involving them in brainstorming activity. The process of the

implementation also utilized pictures that were related to the topic given. With

that done, the students could recall their background knowledge and generate their

ideas in a way that conventional technique does not have. Moreover, Miftah

(2015) implied that the best outcomes can only be achieved by applying

appropriate procedures. In the conclusion, Miftah, (2015) state that Listing

Technique is effective and suitable to enhance the students’ ability in writing

expository paragraph.

According to the findings by Alika et al. (2016), the significances of

Listing Technique that can be implied are that the technique helped the students

generated their ideas better in a short period of time. The students could also find

the specific focus for the given topic. This is because the technique guided the

students to pay attention to what they work on. In addition, by listing down ideas,

the students could avoid their stress in writing descriptive paragraph. Moreover,

Alika et al. (2016) gave the implication that this technique is effective to help the

students improve their writing skill.

Explanations by Khotimah (2017) showed that the significances of Listing

Technique help the students improve their writing, especially on content,

organization, vocabulary, and language use because the technique is a democratic

way of generating ideas. It allowed the students to write everything they had in

minds. Also, the concept of listing was very easy for the students to understand.

Listing Technique helped the students to generate their ideas in a short period of

time and it required only a few material resources. Another one is that the

technique helped the students get started when they had no topic in mind. Most

importantly, the technique allowed the students to write down ideas in the form of

words or phrases and not in the form of complete sentences. Finally, it could

quickly identified information needed to support the students’ point of view.


Siregar (2017) explained that the significances that Listing Technique has,

are related to the benefits this technique provides. First, the students could

develop their ideas and focus on the topic. Second, the technique helped the

students to improve their comprehension on their background knowledge because

it elicited smaller topics. In line with it, the researcher (Siregar) had more time to

go into the topic deeply. Therefore, the role of the researcher in teaching the

students was done perfectly well. Furthermore, Asrofi (2019) found that the

significances of Listing Technique during the study are: (1) helped a group to

rapidly identify many aspects of the subject; (2) drew a wide range on a given

topic; (3) helped to solve complicated problems; (4) provided the students and the

teacher with more time to go into depth of the topics; and (5) helped the students

see what their friends were thinking about during the research.

Kurni (2019) explained the significance and implication of Listing

Technique as follows: (1) Listing Technique is simple, quick, and flexible in

collecting information on the students’ background knowledge about a particular

topic; (2) the technique gave the teacher clear ideas of what specific terms and

concepts the students remembered and which ones the students did not; (3) the

technique indicated that most information is from the students’ point of view or it

is about what the students think; and (4) the technique stimulated the students to

remember anything they may relate to about the topic given. Through this, they

were connected to many ideas in a short period of time. In conclusion, Kurni

(2019) implied that Listing Technique, or Focused Listing Technique that he used

can improve the students’ decriptive writing.


The study by Fadhila & Fatimah (2020) does not provide clear

explanations about the significance of Listing Technique. However, it can be

concluded based on the findings that the technique helped the students become

creative writer. This was because the students wrote everything they had in mind

without thinking about making mistakes. They just let their mind thinking about

what to write. Fadhila & Fatimah also signified that the students found this

process enjoyable. To sum up, they implied that Listing Technique helped the

students to write a recount text well.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the data description and analysis, it is then concluded that listing

technique is a good technique to implement in writing classes because it makes

the classmore interesting and fun. This is because listing technique allows the

student to think freely and write as many ideas as possible. Also, the technique

allows the students to explore their background knowledge. The implementation

of listing technique is appropriate for students from junior high school to

university levels as has been proved by previous findings by experts. Based on the

research question formulated, it is found that the implementation of listing

technique was done by previous researchers differently. They used different steps

and combined it with teaching strategies and method in schools. This combination

was done because they had to make it suitable with the students’ condition.

The students of three academic levels from junior high school to university

levels have their writing skill and ability improved. This was because of the listing

technique implementation. The improvement that the students of the previous

studies had is related to the significances that the technique provides. This is

proved by nine previous researchers. The significances that are found allow the

students to explore their background knowledge because it is simple, quick, and

flexible; the technique provided the teacher with clear ideas of what secific terms

the students remembered; it helped the students see what their


friends were thinking about during the research; and the technique helped the

students avoid their stress in writing a text.

5.2 Suggestions

Firstly, the effectiveness of listing technique in classes of writing should

be considered by those who involve in the teaching and learning of English. It has

to be an alternative in the teaching process because it provides the students with

quick, simple, and flexible way as has been proved by nine experts. Secondly, the

researcher suggests that the students should be more active in the process of

learning to improve their writing skill and ability. They are also suggested to be

independently involved in the process of individual writing. Thirdly, the

suggestion goesto other researchers who intend to conduct the similar research to

be more detail about the significance of using listing technique in writing classes.

Additionally, the researcher expects that the research findings can be used as a

starting point for the future researchers who have the same problems. Finally, the

researcher expects that this research can be used as a reference for other


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I. General

1. Name : Moh.farid

2. Place and Date of Birth : Masaingi, januari 28, 1995

3. Gender : Male

4. Parents Name

a. Father : Arham

b. Mother : Nuhuria

5. Religion : Islam

6. Address : Masaingi kec.sindue kab.donggala

II. Education

1. Elementary School : SD Negeri 1 Masaingi

2. Junior High School : SMP Negeri 6 Sindue

3. Senior High School : SMA Negeri 1 Sindue

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