Libri Nderitmor - 1-Anesoret - 18 CM

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Muaji-Month : Korrik

Objekti - Building : Prishtina Mall

Mbikqyresi i punëve : Prishtina MALL
Supervisor of the works : IPE PROING SH.P.K
Lokacioni : Prishtinë
Libri ndërtimor - Construction book SITUACIONI No.1
Llogaritja me Poz. Me
Pozicioni i punës-Working positions : Furnizimi me material ofertë ofertë
Account with Pos. with
Anesoret e Betonit offer offer
Parking A
Njesia matese €
me-with… Masa : m2
Unit of measurement € :
A= B= A+B = Mujore :
Vendosja e anesoreve te betonit Parking A and rruga kryesore (100x24x18x13cm) 0
Maj 3,610.70

Sasia: m' =3610.70

Per bartje : 3610.7m'

TOTALI : 3,610.70
Fleta te bashkangjitura : FLETA :1 3610.7m2


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