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Dr. D. Y.

Patil College of Engineering and Innovation Varale,

Talegaon, Pune

Affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data


Report On

“Contact Management System”

Submitted By

Name Roll No.

Tejal Bodake 56
Sakshi Lanke 62
Add Certificate Page
Sr. No. Contents Page No.
1.1 Introduction
2.1 Problem Statement
2.2 System Architecture
2.3 Algorithms
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Overall Description
4.1 Applications
4.2 Advantages
4.3 Disadvantages
5.1 Result

The purpose of Contact Management System is to automate the existing manual system by the help
of computerized equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so
that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing
and manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available and easy to
work with Contact Management System, as described above, can lead to error free, secure, reliable
and fast management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their other activities rather to
concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help organization in better utilization of
resources. The organization can maintain computerized records without redundant entries. That
means that one need not be distracted by information that is not relevant, while being able to reach
the information The aim is to automate its existing manual system by the help of computerized
equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that their valuable
data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same.
Basically, the project describes how to manage for good performance and better services for the
Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

The "Contact Management System" has been developed to override the problems prevailing in the
practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and, in some cases, reduce the
hardships faced by this existing system. Moreover, this system is designed for the particular need of
the company to carry out operations in a smooth and effective manner.
The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data. It also
error message while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is needed for the user to use this
system. Thus by this all it proves it is user-friendly. Contact Management System, as described
can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to
concentrate on their other activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus, it will help
organization in better utilization of resources.
Every organization, whether big or small, has challenges to overcome and managing the information
of Credential, Contact, Profile, Mobile, Emails. Every Contact Management System has different
Contact needs therefore we design exclusive employee management systems that are adapted to your
managerial requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning, and will help you ensure
that your organization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your future
Also, for those busy executives who are always on the go, our systems come with remote access
features, which will allow you to manage your workforce anytime, at all times. These systems will
ultimately allow you to better manage resources.
Chapter 2

2.1 Problem Statement

The main objective of the Project

on Contact Management System
is to manage the details of
Contact, Credential, Telephone,
Profile, Emails. It manages all
the information about Contact,
Mobile, Emails, Contact. The
project is totally built at
administrative end and thus only
administrator is guaranteed the
access. The purpose of the
project is to build an application
program to reduce the manual
work for managing the Contact,
Credential, Mobile, Telephone.
It tracks all the details about the
Telephone, Profile, Emails.
The main objective of the Project on Contact Management System is to manage the details of
Contact, Credential, Telephone, Profile, Emails. It manages all the information about Contact,
Mobile, Emails, Contact. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the
administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application
program to reduce the manual work for managing the Contact, Credential, Mobile, Telephone.
It tracks all the details about the Telephone, Profile, Emails.

2.2 System Architecture

2.3 Algorithms
Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction
Purpose: To develop a Python-based Snake and Ladder game for entertainment and learning.

Scope: The game will include basic functionalities of a traditional Snake and Ladder game, such as
rolling dice, moving tokens, and winning conditions.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations: Define any technical terms or abbreviations used
throughout the document.

3.2 Overall Description

1. Product Perspective: Describe how the game fits into the overall software environment
2. Product Functions: List and describe the main functions of the game (e.g., rolling dice,
moving tokens, winning the game).
3. User Characteristics: Identify the target users and their technical expertise (e.g., beginner-
level Python programmers, game enthusiasts).
4. Operating Environment: Specify the platforms where the game will run (e.g., Windows,
macOS, Linux).
5. Design and Implementation Constraints: Mention any specific constraints such as
programming languages, libraries, or frameworks to be used (e.g., Python 3.x, pygame

3.3 Specific Requirements

- Functional Requirements:
1. The game shall have a graphical user interface (GUI) to display the game board, dice,
tokens, and game status.
2. The game shall allow players to roll a virtual dice.
3. The game shall move the player's token based on the dice roll and the Snake and Ladder
4. The game shall have Snake and Ladder positions defined on the board.
5. The game shall detect when a player lands on a Snake or Ladder and move the player
6. The game shall have a winning condition where a player reaches the final square (e.g.,
square 100) and announces the winner.
7. The game shall provide an option to restart or quit after a game is finished.

- Non-Functional Requirements:
1. Performance: The game shall run smoothly without noticeable lag on standard hardware
2. Usability: The GUI shall be intuitive and user-friendly, with clear instructions and game
3. Reliability: The game shall handle errors gracefully and not crash due to unexpected
inputs or actions.
4. Compatibility: The game shall be compatible with commonly used web browsers (if
applicable) and screen resolutions.
5. Security: The game shall not collect or transmit any user data or personal information.
6. Maintainability: The code shall be well-structured, documented, and modular for ease of
maintenance and future updates.

- External Interface Requirements

1. User Interfaces: Describe the main screens and user interactions (e.g., game board, dice
rolling button, player turns).
2. Hardware Interfaces: Specify any hardware requirements (e.g., keyboard, mouse,
3. Software Interfaces: Specify any external software components or APIs used (e.g.,
pygame library for graphics).
Chapter 4

4.1 Application
1. Dgd
2. Jv
3. hjk

4.2 Advantages
1. Dgd
2. Jv
3. hjk

4.3 Disadvantages
1. Dgd
2. Jv
3. hjk
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

The Snake and Ladder game project is an exciting endeavor aimed at developing a Python-based
implementation of the classic game for entertainment and educational purposes. Throughout this
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document, we have outlined the various aspects of the
project, including its purpose, scope, requirements, and interfaces.

By defining clear functional and non-functional requirements, we ensure that the game meets user
expectations in terms of gameplay, performance, usability, reliability, security, and maintainability.
The specified functionalities such as rolling dice, moving tokens, handling Snake and Ladder
positions, and determining the winner contribute to an engaging and immersive gaming experience.

The user interfaces, hardware interfaces, and software dependencies have been identified to provide
a comprehensive understanding of the system's external interactions and dependencies. The use of
Python programming language, along with libraries such as pygame for graphical rendering, enables
us to develop a cross-platform game compatible with various operating environments.

Overall, this project aims to deliver a well-designed and functional Snake and Ladder game that not
only entertains players but also serves as a learning tool for Python programming and game
development enthusiasts. The adherence to software engineering principles, documentation
standards, and best practices ensures the project's quality, maintainability, and scalability for future
Source Code

import random

# Define the game board with snakes and ladders

board = {
1: 38, 4: 14, 9: 31, 16: 6, 21: 42,
28: 84, 36: 44, 47: 26, 49: 11, 51: 67,
56: 53, 62: 19, 64: 60, 71: 91, 80: 100,
87: 24, 93: 73, 95: 75, 98: 78

# Function to roll the dice

def roll_dice():
return random.randint(1, 6)

# Function to check for snakes and ladders

def check_snake_or_ladder(position):
if position in board:
new_position = board[position]
if new_position > position:
print(f"You climbed a ladder from {position} to {new_position}!")
print(f"You got bitten by a snake from {position} to {new_position}!")
return new_position
return position

# Function to play the game

def play_game():
player_position = 1
while player_position < 100:
input("Press Enter to roll the dice...")
dice_roll = roll_dice()
print(f"You rolled a {dice_roll}")
player_position += dice_roll
player_position = check_snake_or_ladder(player_position)
if player_position > 100:
player_position = 100
print(f"Your current position is {player_position}\n")
print("Congratulations! You reached 100 and won the game!")

# Start the game


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