English Essay May 23

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Nicotine and its affect on people

I was six years old when I first had nicotine, I did not know back then
how much it would play a role in my life and who I am today. I hear this
comment all the time “why didn’t stop if you knew it was bad for you”.
If that so why do people still drink alcohol or smoke cannabis, all those
things are bad for you but you still do it right? It’s addicting, the
definition of addiction in the dictionary is I quote addiction is a chronic
dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward, motivation, and
memory. It’s about the way your body craves a substance or behaviour,
especially if it causes a compulsive or obsessive pursuit of “reward” and
lack of concern over consequences.
Why is nicotine so addicting? Many people ask me that question and the
scientific answer is that Nicotine releases a chemical called dopamine in
the same regions of the brain as other addictive drugs. It causes mood-
altering changes that make the person temporarily feel good. Inhaled
smoke delivers nicotine to the brain within 20 seconds, which makes it
very addictive comparable to opioids, alcohol, or cocaine. But
sometimes that not always the case no one every intends to get addicted
to nicotine sometimes you don’t even know it happening till it’s too late.
Did you know that over 22 million vapes were brought just this year and
50% of them are used but under aged kids? 25% of the time kids get
peer pressured into vaping and don’t even know the effect it can have on
you or how fast you can get addicted.
Nicotine has many effects can cause Increased blood pressure, Heart rate
fluctuation and increased the chances of clotting but some effects are
mental not physical. Did you know 59% of nicotine addicts end up with
depression disorder, Anticipatory anxiety or bipolar disorder.

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