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Psychrometry and psychrometric properties

or humidity ratio or moisture content

or Absolute humidity

hg at tdp=21.2 degree C

Remember: at Tdb=Tdp=Twb , RH =100% and vice versa; Psat at Tdp in steam table is Pv
and Psat at tdb in steam table is Pvs ;
Psychrometric chart

Only applicable to working pressure of 101325 Pa
Psychrometric processes
Water at DBT
sprayed in
Water at temp flowing air Water or steam
between WBT
at temp greater
and DBT sprayed
Water at WBT sprayed than DBT sprayed
in flowing air
in flowing air, in flowing air
isenthalpic process
Water at temp between
DPT and WBT sprayed
in flowing air Air passing over coil at temp
Above DBT
Water at DPT sprayed in
flowing air or air passing Pavan Kulkarni

over coil at temp

between DPT and DBT Silica gel
Water at temp less than DPT
sprayed in flowing air or air isenthalpic process
passing over refrigerant evap
coil at temp less than DPT Not possible directly but can be made possible by first cooling
and dehumidification and then heating
Observe the effect of various processes on various psychrometric properties such as DBT, DPT, WBT, h,RH,W, Vsp, Pv;
cooling and dehumidification is also called summer air conditioning, heating and humidification is called winter air
Psycrometric Mixing process (mixing of recircuated air with fresh air)
Psychrometric chart
While heating or cooling a bypass factor is to be considered because of Bypassing of some qty
of air without getting cooled (inefficiency)
BF=1-contact factor =0.06 to 0.15= mass of air bypassed /total mass of air passed over the coil
=(Coil effective temperature-Air DBT after the coil)/(Coil effective temperature-Air DBT before coil)
Coil effective temperature is called ADP (apparatus due point)

Contact factor or efficiency=

Actual air temperature change (air temp at inlet of duct having a coil- air temp at outlet of duct)
divided by Maximum possible air temperature change (air temp at inlet of duct- temperature
of coil)

Similarly humidifier efficiency= (Air DBT before humidifier-Air DBT after humidifier)/(Air DBT before
humidifier-WBT of air entering the humidifier)
=Actual temperature drop/maximum possible temperature drop

While heating or cooling with humidification or dehumidification the total heat to be added or
removed can be resolved in two components as sensible heat (heat responsible for change in DBT)
and latent heat (heat responsible for change in phase of water i.e. change in specific humidity) So
a factor is to be considered called sensible heat factor SHF
SHF=sensible heat/total heat


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