Mision 3 Punto 2

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Family life: getting ready to leave

Geetha: Ananda, open the door, please, I’m in a hurry!

Ananda: Sorry, Geetha, first in, first served!
Geetha: Please, you know I can’t be late for work. It isn’t fair, you always rush into
the bathroom as soon as you hear me get up, you know perfectly well I don’t have much
time while you can lie in if you want.
Ananda: What do you mean, 'I can lie in' ? I have a class at nine, and you always
take ages to get ready.
Geetha: Stop it Ananda! I know you always skip classes in the morning, I’ll tell mum you
don’t go to morning classes if you don’t open this door at once!
Ananda: Oh yeah? Last weekend, you complained to her about my untidiness, and you told
her I never helped with the housework, it was very mean of you to do so!
Geetha: Oh stop moaning and let me come in, or I won't even have enough time
to wash!
Ananda: All right, all right, come in, it isn’t locked.

What is the relationship between Ananda and Geetha?

 They are mother and daughter.

 They are sisters.

 They are friends.

What is happening?

 They are upset because they are late for work.

 They are arguing because both girls want to use the bathroom.

 They are getting ready to go to class.

Geetha is in a hurry because

 she has to go to work.

 she was having a lie in.

 her sister woke up first.

Geetha thinks that Ananda should wait to use the bathroom because

 Geetha got up first.

 everyone rushes to the bathroom.

 Ananda has time to sleep longer if she wants.

Ananda says that she goes to the bathroom first because

 she needs to leave at 9 o'clock.

 she has class in the morning.

 she needs more time to get ready.

Geetha threatens to

 tell their mother that Ananda isn't going to class.

 open the door at once.

 never help with the housework again.

Geetha has already complained to their mother about

 Ananda skipping classes.

 Ananda taking too long in the bathroom.

 Ananda not helping with housework.

To get into the bathroom, Geetha

 doesn't need a key.

 must stop moaning.

 must have time to wash


Not arranged in a neat, orderly or tidy way.

He kept complaining about my untidiness, he said I never put things back in their
place, so I left.


To complain about something.

Stop moaning, and smile for a change, you've kept complaining about trivial
things the whole morning.

get up
phrasal verb

To get out of bed.

When I was in the army, I had to get up at six in the morning.


To express dissatisfaction, criticism or resentment.

He is always complaining about something: yesterday it was the cost of living,
tomorrow it will be the weather.

Requiring a key in order to be opened.

The door was locked and I had forgotten my key, so I couldn't come in.

lie in

To stay in bed (longer than usual).

What do you mean ‘I can lie in'? I have to be up at seven every morning!

get ready

To prepare, to make oneself prepared.


She's getting ready to leave, she'll be there in no time.


To hurry; to perform a task with great haste.

She rushed into the shop, because it was nearly closing time.

be in a hurry

Rushed, hurried; short of time.

I've got to go now, I'm in a hurry: I have to catch a train.


To clean oneself with water.

I didn't hear my alarm-clock, and I had no time to wash this morning, I did not
want to be late for work.


A room containing a bath, and commonly also a basin and toilet.

I had a splendid bedroom, with a bathroom en suite, with a huge bath and golden


Domestic household chores/tasks, such as cleaning and tidying, making the beds,
doing laundry, etc.
My husband always helps me with the housework: when I do the washing, he
does the ironing.

I don't have time to have breakfast this morning. I'm

 in a hurry.

 not hungry.

 going to work.

The children are getting ready moaning because they don't want to help with the

Tomorrow is the weekend! I don't have to work so I can have

 housework.
 a wash.

 a lie in.

The boy was playing outside. He has to wash his hands before eating his lunch.
What time do you have to get ready get up tomorrow morning? You have an early class.
I'll be there in a minute. I just need 5 minutes to

 lie in.

 get ready.

 get up.

Can you check the door again? I don't think that it's

 helping.

 locked.

 ready.

You get up late and need to take a shower. Unfortunately, there is already someone in the
bathroom. What do you do?

 You say that you don't have time to wash.

 You start moaning about how it's unfair that you can't have a lie in.

 Knock on the door and explain that you are late for work. You ask if the person can
let you wash first.

Your roommate has been home all day. When you get home from work, the flat is very
untidy. What do you say?

 You tell your roommate to get up.

 You say that everyone must help with the housework.

 You say that you're in a hurry and need to rush to work.

The door was locked and I had forgotten my key, so I couldn't come in.

I've got to go now, I'm in a hurry : I have to catch a train.

What do you mean ‘I can lie in '? I have to be up at seven every morning!

My husband always helps me with the housework : when I do the washing, he

does the ironing.

I didn't hear my alarm-clock, and I had no time to wash this morning, I did not
want to be late for work.
He is always complaining about something: yesterday it was the cost of living,
tomorrow it will be the weather.
She rushed into the shop, because it was nearly closing time.
Stop moaning , and smile for a change, you've kept complaining about trivial
things the whole morning.
I had a splendid bedroom, with a bathroom en suite, with a huge bath and
golden taps.
He kept complaining about my untidiness , he said I never put things back in
their place, so I left.
She's getting ready to leave, she'll be there in no time.

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