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Valerie Sharnina, MPF233

Review of policy brief «Global Players and Regional Dynamics: Assessing World Powers'
Impact on Central Asian Development and Integration» by Mavluda Shamsherbekova

This policy brief provides insights into the complex dynamics of global powers in Central
Asia. It focuses on international actors, such as Russia and China cooperation in this region,
as well as actions of the United States and European Union to maintain influence in Central

Starting from the strengths of this paper, I want to highlight that Mavluda performed a high-
quality analysis of international players’ actions in Central Asia. Despite the small amount of
text, a policy brief still offers interesting and detailed insights of the strategic goals and
initiatives of global powers in the region. Secondly, the brief provides comprehensive
practical policy recommendations to enhance multilateral cooperation, invest in
infrastructure, diversify economic partnerships, and support good governance in Central Asia.
These recommendations contain actionable and reasonable steps for stakeholders to
contribute to the stability and prosperity of the region. Also, the conclusion is meaningful,
since it highlights the complexities of the geopolitical landscape in the region and the need
for stakeholders to navigate these challenges through multilateral cooperation and diversified
partnerships. In general, the text is well-structured and logical.

Moving on to areas of potential improvement, I should mention a limited focus on specific

case studies. The brief could benefit from including more concrete examples to illustrate the
impact of global powers’ involvement in the economy of Central Asia. Providing concrete
instances of projects, initiatives, or challenges faced by the region could enhance the depth of
analysis. Next, there is a lack of in-depth analysis of Japan’s role. Mavluda mentions Japan’s
growing interest in Central Asia, but if she would delve deeper into this country’s specific
initiatives and interconnection with other actors, such as China, it could benefit the context of
the paper. My other suggestion is to focus more on potential conflicts of interest between
international actors. For instance, the author may include a discussion on competition for
resources or geopolitical tensions among these powers, especially between the US and China.
It could provide more insights into the region’s dynamic.

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