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A New Understanding and a Minimalist

Approach for Rhinoplasty
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Teoman Dogan, MD, PhD

Summary: In this article, a new understanding and minimalist rhinoplasty
Istanbul, Turkey approach is presented. This technique has many novelties, and this article aims
to simplify, make the operation more predictable, and correct primary deformi-
ties with a 20-step procedure. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 152: 549, 2023.)

hinoplasty is known as a difficult, complex marginal incisions, and the technique is unique
and unpredictable operation, and the rhi- for this feature. There are two reasons: (1) multi-
noplasty surgeon is advised to be ready to ple incisions disturb the integrity of the nose and
use different techniques for each case.1 In this cause disorientation, and (2) each incision is an
article, a rhinoplasty approach that aims to sim- additional trauma.
plify, make the operation more predictable, and
correct basic primary deformities is presented.
There are 20 basic steps that are used in each A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF BREATH
case, and some complementary maneuvers are PHYSIOLOGY
added when necessary. By definition, respiration describes the
This approach is only for primary cases with- amount of air reaching the alveolar level, and to
out obvious congenital deformities or severe reach the alveolar level air must accelerate and
trauma sequelae. Some steps may be used for gain kinetic energy. According to a rule of physics
clefts or secondary cases, but these cases are more known as the Venturi effect, air flows much faster
a reconstruction rather than an aesthetic proce- through narrower channels than wider ones,
dure with a deformed anatomy, and surgical tech- and the same principle applies to the respiratory
nique must be adapted for each case. physiology. Inspired air is accelerated at the rest-
The technique is published by the author as a ing angle that is formed between lateral crura
self-published textbook2 and has been presented and upper lateral cartilage,8 and have a decisive
at many meetings. Most steps are minor modifica- effect on aesthetics and function. If the lateral
tions of well-known and published techniques3–7; crus of the alar cartilage stays flat facing the dor-
other steps that cover unique and innovative sur- sal surface, the lateral crus will receive the load
gical ideas are as follows. from the side and will stand stable. This nose tip
breathes well and is aesthetically appealing to the
eye (Fig. 1).
INCISIONS One also should note that there is some
The technique can be performed open or amount of deviation and base crest on each
closed. Closed approach is performed only by nose. These are parts of normal human anat-
omy, are not pathologic, and function to accel-
erate airflow. Therefore, it is neither necessary
From the Department of Plastic Surgery, American Hospital. nor correct to clean each crest, to correct each
Received for publication December 9, 2021; accepted August deviation.
11, 2022.
Presented at the Moroccan Society of Aesthetic and Plastic
Surgeons Meeting, in Marrakech, Morocco, November
26 through 27, 2021; the 48th Annual International Disclosure statements are at the end of this article,
Symposium Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in Puerto Vallarta,
following the correspondence information.
Jalisco, Mexico, November 11 through 14, 2021; and the
44th Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Facial
Plastic Surgery, in Nice, France, September 15 through 18,
2021. Related digital media are available in the full-text
Copyright © 2023 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons version of the article on
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010213 549
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2023
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Fig. 1. Resting angle determines aesthetics and function. (Above) When the lateral crus is flat, it is
resistant to collapse during inhalation. This is also the best shape aesthetically. (Below) When the
crus is vertically positioned, it is weak, collapses easily, and is aesthetically poor.

PLANNING AND ANALYSIS legs, with techniques such as medial or lateral cru-
In this technique, no measurement is made, ral struts, will not add to the length of the tripod
and no golden ratio or imaginary polygons are and will be ineffective for the projection.
used. The plan is made simply by shaping the tip Ligament suspension techniques are also
with fingertips and finding the new dome point overrated in terms of their effect on projection.
and correcting the resting angle. The only cri- The Pitanguy ligament originates from the nasal
terion is to create a new nose shape pleasing to dorsum, and this soft tissue cannot have any effect
the eye. on a point above that level.
For this reason, a new strut graft is described.
The strut graft acts like an invisible elastic mono-
PROJECTION BASED ON A MONOPOD pod that will hold the tip in place and still allow
CONCEPT the tip to be mobile (Fig. 2).
Tip drop in the postoperative period occurs
more or less in all cases, and tip projection is still THE “L PROFILE” CONCEPT
an unresolved dilemma after many decades. The In ideal conditions, two medial crura have
suture thread has an active force on the tissues a 90-degree angle in between. This architecture
they hold together. This will typically make the tip gives the two cartilages a shape of an L profile and
stronger at the end of the operation. In contrast, makes the columellar leg of the tripod stronger.
with tissue healing, tension on tip sutures relaxes (Fig. 3).
in days to weeks.
In a natural nose, the tip stands on a tripod,
with left and right lateral crura and two medial NO DISSECTION PUSH-DOWN DORSAL
crura, which together form the third leg. In this REDUCTION
model, tip projection is related to the length of Large dissections cause edema and disturb
the legs of the tripod, and not to the shape or the integrity of the nasal dorsum. If the bony pyr-
strength. amid is infractured during manipulations, there
A short alar cartilage will always result in will be nothing but the skin envelope to hold the
underprojection. Strengthening of the tripod broken bone pieces together. For this reason, the

Volume 152, Number 3 • A New, Minimalist Approach for Rhinoplasty
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Fig. 4. Finding the new dome point. Cartilage is then marked

Fig. 2. This is an elastic triangular cartilage fixed to the septum. with percutaneous methylene blue injection.
Its top point is fixed to the dome. This is the only attachment
between the tip and the graft.
1. Marking
The ideal tip point is found and marked.
This is the most important stage of the surgery,
and very similar to marking the new nipple-areola
position in reduction mammaplasty operations.
Looking from the immediate side, the tip is
folded with index fingers and thumbs of both
hands, and a tip shape that is most appealing to
the eye is formed (Fig. 4). By doing so, lateral
crura will bend on a new tip point and will turn
inward, and the resting angle is also corrected.
Then, the new dome points are marked on carti-
lage by percutaneous methylene blue injections
Fig. 3. To strengthen the columella in the cephalocaudal direc-
with 27-gauge needles. [See Video 1 (online),
tion, the L profile shape configuration of medial crura is restored
which demonstrates marking of the new dome
by suturing the soft-tissue attachments between medial crura.

2. Injection
skin envelop is not dissected except a 4-mm-wide
dorsal tunnel. The tip and osteotomy lines are infiltrated
with 6 cc of 1:50,000 adrenaline with 2% lido-
caine. The septum is then infiltrated with 6 cc of
NO-CAST APPROACH WITH A NEW 1:200,000 adrenaline and 2% lidocaine.
DORSAL STABILIZATION SUTURE A 27-gauge long (0.4 × 40 mm) needle is used
This is the first and only rhinoplasty tech- for injection. All tip injections are made through
nique where a cast is not used. The idea behind it mucosa. Septal injection should always start at the
is simple. When the bony pyramid is pushed down far back and the highest point, so that the closest
into the nasal antrum, the bony edges of the bony point to the skull base is well infiltrated.
pyramid become trapped and will fix the mobile
bony unit in lateral directions. Then, the bony 3. Incisions
pyramid is fixed to the septum by a new percu- In the closed approach, only marginal inci-
taneous suture technique and immobilized. This sions are used. For the open approach, only a col-
suture also flattens the dorsum. umellar incision is added. To make the dissection
easier, in the next step, a modified intercartilagi-
nous marginal incision that leaves a small segment
SURGICAL STEPS of lateral crural rim on the skin edge is used.
There are 20 steps in this technique, as Medial crura is also incised on the rim level.
follows. Then, both incisions are connected. For the open

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2023
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Fig. 5. Subperichondrial plane is dissected with a fine-tip instru- Fig. 6. In the closed approach, soft tissue between the alar carti-
ment. Leaving a small segment of lateral crural rim on the skin lages is cut for delivery.
edge helps for finding the dissection plane.
7. Opening the Window
approach, an inverted-V incision is added to the The soft tissue that remains intact between
columella. the two alar cartilages is cut to the level of the
methylene blue traces in the soft tissues. In the
4. Tip Dissection open approach, this tissue is cut after columel-
There are two options for the dissection: sub- lar incision. In the closed approach, it is cut by
perichondrial and supraperichondrial. In the stretching the columella skin with the Crile retrac-
author’s experience in the follow-up with the tor (Fig. 6).
patients who had different dissection planes on
the right and left sides, no difference in terms of 8. Dorsal Tunnel and Rasping
edema, shape, or prognosis has been detected. Rasping is done only for weakening the
Although the subperichondrial plane creates a K point. This is done through a dorsal tunnel
cleaner surgical field and allows for more control using a thin rasp designed for this purpose.
over the anatomy, it weakens the alar cartilage; A tiny tunnel is dissected with the periost ele-
this can be a disadvantage in weak cartilages, such vator. The dissection plane is supraperichondrial
as in Latino phenotypes. on upper lateral cartilage, and subperiosteal at
The dissection starts at the level of intercarti- the bony level. The tunnel should only be wide
laginous cut on lateral crura (Fig. 5). [See Video 2 enough to insert the 4-mm rasp. Then, the thin
(online), which demonstrates subperichondrial bony cover at the apex of the dorsal hump is
plane dissection of alar cartilages.] rasped (Fig. 7).

5. Checking the Dome Points

Symmetry and the position of the new dome
points are checked by pulling out the cartilages
equally with two forceps and comparing the posi-
tions of the blue marks. If the dome points are to
be adjusted during surgery, the ideal dome points
are generally where the tip is most projected.

6. Cephalic Resection
Cephalic resection aims to create room for the
hemitransdomal sutures, and to free the lateral
crus from its medial attachments to turn inward
for correction of the resting angle. The incision is
made parallel to the rim. The remaining cartilage
width should be 6 mm at the new dome level in Fig. 7. The dorsal tunnel is dissected and the bony hump is
both sexes. rasped. Rasping is done only to weaken the K area.

Volume 152, Number 3 • A New, Minimalist Approach for Rhinoplasty

9. Septum Dissection With a high radix, a step deformity will be pal-

The upper half of the septal cartilage is dis- pated. Removal of this bony excess will deepen the
sected at the subperichondrial plane. All septum radix. This can be done by rasping the step with the
work is done through the marginal incision. 4-mm rasp, or the step can be crashed with a 2-mm
osteotome as multiple superficial microfractures. As
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10. Strip Removal from the Septum there has been no skin dissection, bone segments will
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behave like the broken pieces of a hard-boiled egg

A superior strip that is larger on cephalic
shell and will remain in place. [See Video 5 (online),
end is removed.9 This cartilage will be used for
which demonstrates the push-down maneuver.]
the strut (Fig. 8). [See Video 3 (online), which
demonstrates superior strip removal from the
septum.] 13. Dorsal Fixation Suture
A new percutaneous suture technique is
11. Osteotomies described for stabilization of the dorsum. A 5-0
polydioxanone (PDS) suture is passed through
The bone structure is made a mobile as one
the middle of the septum. Then, a 22-gauge hypo-
piece with osteotomies. Percutaneous radix and
dermic needle is inserted at the K area, and the
transfer osteotomies with a 2-mm chisel, and lat-
free end of the PDS is passed through the sharp
eral osteotomies with standard lateral osteotomes
end and pulled out from the other end. The nee-
are performed.
dle is retracted out but stays under the skin and
The radix is very close to the skull base, and
is slid toward the other side. The thread is then
one should never perform a high radix cut. The
taken out from the tip of the needle. The suture
safe zone is the caudal inclination of the radix
has two effects: (1) it locks down the bony pyra-
toward the nasal dorsum. [See Video 4 (online),
mid in the nasal antrum; and (2) it flattens the
which shows osteotomies.]
As a general rule, the bony pyramid will always
12. Push Down tend to elevate over time but never descend and
First, the bony dorsum is mobilized by moving cause a saddle deformity at the bony level.10 The
it to the sides and simply pressing down into the sutures will prevent the hump recurrence.
nasal cavity. There is no size limit for hump reduc- At least two sutures are necessary. The sutures
tion. When the dorsum descends, it will flatten at are not removed and are left to resorb, which usu-
the K point. ally takes 3 weeks. [See Video 6 (online), which
demonstrates the dorsal fixation suture.]

14. Upper Lateral Cartilage Excision

When the hump is pushed down, the upper
lateral cartilage almost always widens.11 To correct
this deformity, the junction of the upper lateral car-
tilage and the septum is simply cut with iris scissors
on its dorsal surface. Excess cartilage is trimmed
if necessary. To prevent a potential late middle
vault collapse, only two-thirds of the length of the
upper lateral cartilage is cut, and the cartilage ends
are fixed on both sides with absorbable sutures to
reconstruct a stable cartilaginous dorsum.

15. Gruber Hemitransdomal Sutures

Fig. 8. After a straight upper cut under the upper lateral carti- These sutures construct the new dome and
lage level, a second lower cut is performed with the angled scis- correct the resting angle12 (Fig. 9). [See Video 7
sors parallel to the first incision in the supratip area and by going (online), which demonstrates the Gruber domal
deeper to harvest a graft of suitable size for the tip strut. Lastly, sutures.]
the strip is separated from the bony septum with the periost ele-
vator. Only one-fifth of patients will require resection of the bony 16. A New Strut for Projection
septum, and this must be done cautiously with a Caplan scissors A triangular graft approximately 6 to 8 mm
under good vision with headlights and magnification. wide and long enough for the desired projection

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2023
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Fig. 9. Three 6-0 polypropylene sutures on the medial rim,

approximately 2 mm below the new dome. The goal is to capture
an expanding angle like the capital letter A. Fig. 11. Both domes are fixed at the tip of the strut graft.

is harvested from the high strip material. extra loop sutures are necessary for secure fixa-
The graft can be sutured on the left or right tion (Fig. 11).
side, and the surgeon should decide which side
fits better for the facial asymmetry and har- 17. L Profile Reconstruction
mony. As the human face is asymmetric with- Medial crura will be fixed to each other at a
out exception, one side is always better than 90-degree angle. The remnants of the soft tissue
the midline. The angle of the graft determines cut when opening the window in step 7 are sutured
the tip rotation, and the point where the dome with a few 6-0 PDS stitches. A standard medial crural
is fixed on the graft determines the projection overlap may be necessary if there is bowstringing.
(Fig. 10).
A figure-of-eight suture is used for inter- 18. Lateral Crural Excision
domal fixation. The free ends of the figure-of-
At the end of the operation, the lateral crura
eight suture are then wrapped around the strut
are always too long and cause bowstring defor-
and the dome point is fixed to the strut. Two
mity, resulting in bulbosity. The cartilage is cut in
full thickness 2 to 3 mm close to its cephalic end.
The free ends of the cartilage are left free to over-
lap and are fixed when the mucosa is sutured at
this level (Fig. 12).

19. Ozkan Test

This simple test described by Ozkan Kahveciler
simulates what will occur in the long run. Viewing
the nose from the side, the tip is gently pressed
down with fingertips, applying a very small amount
of pressure. This is done four or five times in a row.
What one sees is what one will get in the long
term. With a strut properly placed, the tip should
be very elastic and there should not be any change
in tip shape or projection. [See Video 8 (online),
Fig. 10. The graft is fixed to the septum with 6-0 polypropylene which demonstrates the Ozkan test in different
sutures. situations.]

Volume 152, Number 3 • A New, Minimalist Approach for Rhinoplasty

A patient operated on with these 20 steps at 19

months postoperatively is shown (Fig. 14).

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Some extra steps may be added in selected

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cases. In case of overresection of the septum in

the supratip area, correction is simple and is done
by insertion of alar cephalic resection materials
into the tiny dorsal tunnel created in step 8. No
fixation is necessary.
In some cases, alar rims are too weak to stand
straight, or have retracted. Standard rim grafts are
the best solution in these cases.
Rim excisions may also be a choice in selected
cases. Similarly, a strong nasal spine or caudal sep-
Fig. 12. Lateral crural excess is corrected with a simple cut, and tal excess can be removed to shorten the nose. Or
the edges are left to overlap freely. This should be done in all adding a thin piece of alar cartilage will increase
cases to prevent bowstringing of the crura. the projection, sharpen the tip, and lengthen the
tip lobule.
20. Closing
The final step is to stitch everything with
6-0 polyglactin 910, in both closed and open
approaches. Next, the septum is sutured over and Correction of a deviation is necessary only if it
over to prevent a dead space with 4-0 polyglactin causes an aesthetic problem or completely blocks
910. the airway. These extra parts are performed dur-
No intranasal splint is necessary. The nose is ing steps 10 and 11.
taped with 1.27-cm (0.5-inch) Micropore surgical
tape for 5 days (Fig. 13). Septal Deviations
If the septum is deviated, this is always because
it is too large to fit into the nasal cavity. In most
cases, removing the high strip will relax the sep-
tum and correct the deviation. A lower strip can
be removed if the deviation persists after this step.
The smaller the amount of cartilage removed
from the bottom, the more stable the septum. In
extreme cases with severe septal angulations, scor-
ing is necessary.

Bony Pyramid Asymmetries

Bony pyramid asymmetries are corrected dur-
ing the push-down maneuver by simply pushing
one side more than the other.

The main difference of the technique is its
philosophy, rather than its innovative surgical
maneuvers. The approach is based on the follow-
ing principles, which are the personal opinion of
the author based on experience over the years:

Fig. 13. The nose is only taped, and no cast is used (the frontal 1. Aesthetics and function are related. Human
area is taped for fat injection). beauty perception is related to function, and

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2023
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Fig. 14. (Left) Preoperative frontal and side views. (Right) Frontal and side views at 19
months postoperatively.

for this reason beautiful noses breathe well, if necessary. Preserving and leaving the
and a nose that breathes well is beautiful. same anatomy behind gives the advantage
2. The surgeon must trust his or her own eye of being able to use the basic technique
and sense of aesthetics. Sense of beauty is in all cases. This technique is focused
by instincts; it is universal and cannot be on the end result rather than the defor-
taught or be simplified by golden ratios. mity. Overprojection deformity is treated
3. Excellent results can be achieved by pre- exactly like the underprojection defor-
serving the existing anatomy and perform- mity by finding the ideal dome point on
ing a minimalist surgical approach. the strut graft. Similarly, preoperative
4. The basic 20 steps are the same for each rotation will not change the operation
nose and additional steps are added only plans, because rotation is determined by

Volume 152, Number 3 • A New, Minimalist Approach for Rhinoplasty

the angle of strut fixed on the septum in DISCLOSURE

all cases. The author receives royalties from the publication
of the self-edited book Teorhinoplasty, A Minimalist
This gives many advantages to the surgeon. Approach (Istanbul: Ofset Yapimevi, 2020. ISBN: 978-
First of all, preoperative planning becomes sim- 625-400-265-6) and self-produced surgical instruments.
fQneGesK9K6Qk0G8N7nRL8+9JJHP91hfdAvJxqdG3EtHNkyGLj77I7kixrMW8yuNMgxki+ov2vde+GwuMML6U on 09/21/2023

pler, and the surgeon will mostly focus on the final

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aesthetic of the nose, rather than the preoperative

deformity. Second, he or she will perform a very PATIENT CONSENT
similar technique in each case and will master one Patients provided written informed consent for the
approach. use of their images.
For each step, the surgeon has to decide how
much of it is useful. Some steps may not be neces-
sary in some cases, and some may be exaggerated. REFERENCES
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