Idiomatic Expression

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First name :Zehor Last name :Allam Group:G175

Lesson Two: Bored in Class?!!

Question 1
Listen carefully to the audio and write down some idiomatic expressions. Fill in
the table below by matching the extracted expressions to their synonyms and
formulate their antonyms.

Idiomatic Expression Synonym Antonym

extremely bored, disengaged Bored to death Eagerly, excitedly
What a bore, what a hassle What a drag Rarely, scarcely
A vast quantity of something Once in a blue moon A small quantity
Scribbling, sketching Doodling Dedicated, focused
Daydreaming, unfocused Minds are wandering Messing around, goofing
Eagerly, excitedly On the edge of my Extremely bored,
seat disengaged
Occurred to me, became It dawned on me Unaware, oblivious
Messing around, goofing off Fooling around Dedicated, focused

Question 2
State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer

1. Jan finds her history class boring because the professor is not passionate about
the subject

False: Jan finds her class boring because the professor doesn't know how to spark their
interest, not necessarily because of a lack of passion.
2. Steve initially struggled academically and was not interested in school.
True: Steve mentions that at the beginning of the semester, he was fooling around and not
taking school seriously. He bombed the first history test.
3. Steve’s interest in his history class grew due to his friendship with the professor.
False : Steve's interest grew because of the professor's enthusiasm for the subject, not
necessarily due to a friendship.
4. Jan expresses disinterest in visiting Steve’s history class.
False, Jan shows curiosity about Steve's history class and expresses interest in visiting.
5. Jan jokes about Steve being in love with his history teacher.

True, Jan makes a sarcastic comment, saying, "Sounds like you're in love with her, Steve," as
a joke.

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