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In one instance, I was chosen to lead five classes of senior six students in an advanced-level program at

E.s.kanombe School. Our task was to utilize the computer room for learning purposes, aiming to obtain
digital competency certificates through online tests and prepared lessons. However, I encountered
several challenges in this leadership role.

One major challenge was the lack of clarity among some of the leaders regarding their roles and
responsibilities. To address this, I prioritized transparency and honesty in my communication. I
consistently communicated the truth to my peers, but in a convincing and respectful manner. By clearly
defining each person's role and responsibilities and emphasizing the importance of our collective goal, I
was able to mitigate confusion and foster a sense of purpose among the team.

Another challenge was managing the logistics of accessing the computer room, as it required
coordination and scheduling to accommodate all students effectively. To overcome this, I implemented
a system where I provided a key to open the room for anyone who wanted to share it, while also
scheduling specific times for individual use. Additionally, I allocated extra hours to cover any unforeseen
delays or interruptions, ensuring that everyone had equal opportunities to utilize the resources

Furthermore, maintaining open communication and providing regular updates to the team was crucial
for building trust and camaraderie. I made it a priority to check in with my peers daily, not only to
provide updates on our progress but also to foster a sense of friendship and support. By creating a
positive and inclusive environment, I aimed to eliminate any feelings of jealousy or resentment among
the team members and promote a culture of collaboration and mutual respect.

Overall, my leadership had a positive impact on the outcome of our project. By prioritizing transparency,
effective communication, and fairness, I was able to navigate the challenges we faced and ensure that
everyone had equal opportunities to succeed. Our collective efforts resulted in the successful
completion of our learning objectives, with each member of the team feeling valued and supported
throughout the process.
To create a thriving continent with equal opportunities in Africa, leaders need to prioritize transparency,
inclusivity, and accountability. They should know their constituents and lead with integrity, fostering
trust and cooperation. By ensuring access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for all,
leaders can pave the way for a brighter future.

As a prospective Ashesi student, contributing to such a future starts with embracing these values and
actively engaging in initiatives that promote equality and progress. You can participate in community
development projects, advocate for policies that address social inequalities, and leverage your skills and
knowledge to empower others. By embodying leadership qualities like empathy, integrity, and
resilience, you can inspire positive change and contribute to building a more equitable and prosperous

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