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Constitutional Body Article Number Composition Who elects Duration Maximum Age Method of Removal from Office Eligible

uration Maximum Age Method of Removal from Office Eligible for reappointment Functions
President with
Conducting elections to the Parliament and State Legislatures,
Election Commission of Chief Election Commissioner and recommendations of 3 Member Impeachment by Parliament with
Article 324 6 years 65 years Yes, once delimitation of constituencies, and maintenance and revision of
India two Election Commissioners committee(PM, Opposition Special Majority
electoral rolls.
Leader & CJI)

Chairman not Eligible, but

Chairperson and 10-11 Members Watch Dog of Merit System, Conducting civil service
President can remove for Members are eligible for
Union Public Service Article 315 to (Half member should hold the examinations for recruitment to the Union and State
President 6 years 65 years misbehaviour but needs to refer to reappointment as Chairman of
Commission Article 323 office for atleast 10 years in Union Governments, It is only Central Recruting Agency and lbsnaa
Supreme court UPSC or other SPSC Expect
or State Government) training comes under department of personnel and training
Same office

Chairperson and 10-11 Members 62 years (41st President can remove for Chairman and Members are Conducting civil service examinations for recruitment to the
State Public Service Article 315 to (Half member should hold the Elected by Governor, But Amendment misbehaviour but needs to refer to eligible for reappointment as State Government, advising the Government on matters
6 years
Commission Article 323 office for atleast 10 years in Union removed only by the President act,1976 made it Supreme court (Governor can only Chairman of UPSC or Member relating to personnel administration, and promoting merit and
or State Government) 62 from 60) Suspend them) of SPSC Expect same office efficiency in the public services.

Removal by President on the Recommending the distribution of revenue between the Union
Article 280 &
Finance Commission Chairperson and four Members President 5 years 65 years recommendation of the Supreme Eligible for Reappointment and the States, and principles governing the grants-in-aid from
Article 281
Court the Union to the States. (Advisory in Nature)
Union Finance Minister Recommending the rates of GST, principles governing the levy
Removal by President on the
Goods and Services Tax (Chairperson), State Finance of GST, and other related matters. For Passing any Decision,
Article 279A Not fixed Not fixed recommendation of the Supreme Not Mentioned
Council [2016] Ministers, and other nominated 3/4 votes are needed(i.e 75%) and Union has 33% Vote while
members State have 66% vote Weightage
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Safeguarding the constitutional and legal rights of Scheduled
National Commission for Removal by President on the
and three Members (Multi member Not eligible for reappointment Castes, investigating complaints of discrimination against
Scheduled Castes Article 338 President 3 years 65 years recommendation of the Supreme
body by 65th Amendment Act for more than two terms Scheduled Castes, and recommending measures to improve
(2004) Court
1990) the conditions of Scheduled Castes.
Article 338A Safeguarding the constitutional and legal rights of Scheduled
Removal by President on the
National Commission for (Bifurcation by Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Not eligible for reappointment Tribes, investigating complaints of discrimination against
President 3 years 65 years recommendation of the Supreme
Scheduled Tribes (2004) 89th Amendment and three Members for more than two terms Scheduled Tribes, and recommending measures to improve
Act 2003) the conditions of Scheduled Tribes.
National Commission for Removal by President on the Investigating complaints of discrimination against Backward
Article 338B Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Not eligible for reappointment
Backward President 3 years 65 years recommendation of the Supreme Classes and recommending measures to improve the
(Statutory Body) and three Members for more than two terms
Classes(1993) Court conditions of Backward Classes.
Commisioner of Linguistic
Special Officer for Safeguarding the rights and interests of linguistic minorities.
Minorities assisted by Deputy
Linguistic Minorities Article 350B President Not fixed Not fixed Removal by President Not eligible for reappointment (Constitution Mentioned only linguistic and Religious Minorities)
Commisioner and Assistant
(1957) Article 29 grants protection on both Minorities

Auditing the accounts of the Union and State Governments,

and reporting to the Parliament and State Legislatures on the
results of the audit. CAG does not audit secret Service
Expenditure. The CAG Submits 3 auridt reports to the
President can remove him/her by president Audit Report on Appropriation Accounts(Compares
Comptroller and Auditor Article 148 to
Appointed by the President President 6 years 65 years Impeachment by Parliament with Not eligible for reappointment the actual expenditure with expenditure sanctioned), Audit
General of India Article 151
Special Majority Reports on Finance Account(Shows the annual receipts and
disbursements of the union government) and Audit report on
Public Undertaking (Complete Audit, Partial Audit(Auditors who
are appointed by Central Government) and No Audit). Playes
the role of only auditor general

Should be Judge of Supreme Advising the Government on legal matters, and representing
Attorney General of Article 76, Article Court or Judge or High for five the Government in courts. Right to speak and take part in the
President Not fixed Not fixed Removal by President any time Yes, once
India 88 and Article 105 years or Advocate at High court proceedings of both the houses of parliament without voting
for 10 Years rights

Highest Law Officer in the State. Advising the State

A Person who is qualified to be
Government on legal matters, and representing the State
Advocate General of the Article 165, Article Judge or Held the Judicial Office
Governor Not fixed Not fixed Removal by Governor Yes, once Government in courts. Right to speak and take part in the
State 177 & Article194 for 10 years or Advocate of High
proceedings of both the houses of State legislature without
Court for 10 years
voting rights
Article Eligible for
Post Number Composition Who elects Duration Maximum Age Method of Removal from Office reappointment Functions

Think tank of the Government of India. It is Divided into 2

Prime Minister as ChairPerson, Chief Ministers of Main Hubs: Team India and Knowledge and Innovation.
all states, Lieutenant Governors of all union There are 7 Guiding Principles Antyodaya, Inclusion, Village,
territories with legislature, Regional Councils, Dempgraphic Dividend, People's Participation, Governance
Special Invitees & Vice Chairperson, Fulltime and Sustainability. It Includes Cooperative
Members, Part Time Members(Max 2), Ex-officio Federalism(Cooperation with Centre and States) and
Members(Max 4), Chief Executive Officer and Yes, any number of Cooperative Federalism i.e. Healthly Competition between
NITI Aayog None Secretariat Prime Minister 5 years No limit Removal by Prime Minister times states and UT with Several Indices

President On
of 6 Member
Chairperson(Retired CJI/Judge of Supreme Court) Speaker, Dy 3 years Eligible for
and 5 members(Serving or Retired Judge of Chairman of RS, (2019 Reappointment & Protects and promotes human rights in India. Armed Forces
National Human Rights Supreme Court & 3 Person with Human Rights Oppostion Leader Amendmen Removal by President with Employment under are excluded from voilation of Human Rights. After 1 year of
Commission (NHRC), Knowledge & atleast 1 Woman ) + 7 Ex-offico & Central Home t Act Made reference to the Supreme Court for Central and State expiration of voilation of human rights, it cannot do enquiry
1993 338A Members Minister) it 3 From 5) 70 years Enquiry Governenment on it

Governor on Eligible for

Recommendation 3 years Reappointment and It can inquire in the voilation of human rights only
of Committee (2019 Not under Central mentioned in State List and Concurrent List. Protects and
State Human Rights Chairperson(Chief Justice or Judge of High Court) (Same as Above Amendmen Removal by President with and State promotes human rights in a state. It provided for the
Commission (SHRC), and 2 members(Serving or Retired High Court with State t Act Made reference to the Supreme Court for Governenment Establishment of Human Rights Court in Every District for
1993 21 Judge or District Judge with 7 Years of Exp) Minister) it 3 From 5) 70 years Enquiry Employment Speedy Trail
Removal by Central Protects and promotes the rights of women in India. Came
National Commission for Chairperson and 5 members (Atleast 1 Member Central Government(Minister of Women up with Concept of Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat for speedy
Women (NCW), 1992 338A should be of SC & ST) + Member Secretary Government 3 years 65 years and Child Development) trail of matters related to marriage and Family Affairs

Central 65 years for Eligible for

National Commission for Chairperson and 6 members with atleast 2 Government Chairperson & 60 Removal by Central Reappointment not Protects and promotes the rights of children in India.
Protection of Child Rights women from Different Fields or Development (Ministry of years for Government(Minister of Women more than two Establishment of Childers Court for speedy trail of offences
(NCPCR), 2007 338A Fields of Child Welfare Women and Child) 3 years Members and Child Development) terms againt Children
National Commission for Central
Minorities (NCM) 338A Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and 5 members Government 3 years 70 years Removal by Central Government Yes, once Protects and promotes the rights of minorities in India

Upholds the right to information under the Right to

Information Act, 2005. To act upon complaints from those
Removal by President with individuals who have not been able to submit information
Central Information Chief Information Commissioner and up to 10 reference to the Supreme Court for Not Eligible for requests to a Central Public Information Officer or State
Commission (CIC), 2005 12 Information Commissioners President 5 years 65 years Enquiry reappointment Public Information Officer.

Upholds the right to information under the Right to

Information Act, 2005. It looks into the complaints made to
it and decides the appeals. It entertains complaints and
Removal by Governor with appeals pertaining to offices, financial institutions, public
State Information Chief Information Commissioner and up to 10 reference to the Supreme Court for Not Eligible for sector undertakings, etc., under the concerned state
Commission (SIC) 15 Information Commissioners Governor 5 years 65 years Enquiry reappointment government.

It was Established on recommendation of Santhanam

Central Vigilance Commissioner and two Committee on prevention of corruption (1962-64). It
Vigilance Commissioners. It Consists of Removal by President with Investigates corruption and other irregularities in
Central Vigilance Secretariat, Chief Technical Examiners Wing and reference to the Supreme Court for Not Eligible for government departments and agencies. Also called as
Commission (CVC) 314 Commissioners for departmental inquires President 4 years 65 years Enquiry reappointment Whistle Blowers Resolution.
Article Eligible for
Post Number Composition Who elects Duration Maximum Age Method of Removal from Office reappointment Functions

Director and other officers which are Joint Investigates serious crimes such as corruption, economic
Directors, Deputy Inspector Generals and offences and Serious & organized Crimes. It acts as National
Central Bureau of Superintendents of Police, Forensic Scientists and Government of Yes, any number of Central Bureau of Interpol in India. It does not need approval
Investigation (CBI), 1963 None Law Officers India Not fixed 65 years Removal by Government of India times for Central Government to probe bureaucrats

The Ombudsman is a constitutional authority and enjoys the

powers to supervise the compliance of laws and regulations
by the public officials, and see that they discharge their
duties properly. Lokpal Deals with Complaints against
Removal by President with ministers and Secretaries at Central and State Level. It lays
reference to the Supreme Court for down Clear Timelines (For Preliminary enquiry 3 months
Chairperson and up to 8 members (50% Should Enquiry with petition signed by at Extendable for 3 months, Investigation 6 months extendable
be Judicial Members & 50 % should be from SC, least one hundred Members of Not Eligible for by another 6 months and Trail one year extendable for one
Lokpal, 2013 None ST, Minorities, OBC and Women) President 5 years 70 years Parliament reappointment more year

Lokyukta deals with complaints against other specified

higher officials. Chief Ministers, Ministers, Members of
Removal by passing an Legislature, Civil Servants, Local Bodies, Corporations
Chairperson and up to 8 members (50% Should impeachment motion by the state Not Eligible for Companies and Socities are included with Jurisdication of
Lokayuktas, 2013 21 be Judicial Members) Governor 5 years 65 years assembly. reappointment Lokpal

It is the central counter-terrorism law enforcement agency

in the country. It works under Ministry of Home Affairs. NIA
is also empowered to probe the offences relating to human
trafficking, counterfeit currency or bank notes, manufacture
National Investigation Central Yes, any number of or sale of prohibited arms, cyber-terrorism and explosive
Agency (NIA), 2008 None Director General and other officers Government Not fixed 65 years Removal by Government of India times substances.
National Disaster
Management Authority Yes, any number of
(NDMA), 2005 21 Chairperson and upto 9 Members Prime Minister Not fixed No limit Removal by Prime Minister times Coordinates disaster management efforts in India.
Chairman, Member Secretary, Full time Members Government of Yes, any number of
Law Commission of India None & Part time Members India Not fixed No limit Removal by Government of India times Advises the Government of India on legal reforms.

Delimits the constituencies for Lok Sabha and State

Legislative Assembly elections. Last delimination was on the
Chairperson, Chief Election Commissioners, State 2001 Census. UT of J&K consists of 114 Seats out of which 24
Election Commissioner appointed by the seats are reserved for POK. Reservation of 9 Assembly
Delimitation Commission President + 5 Members for LS and 5 Members Consitituencies for the STs. Reservation of 7 Assembly
of India 82 from RS President Not fixed No limit Removal by President Yes, once Consitituencies for the SCs.

Elected Members as well as Ex-Offcio members

( Attorney General & Solicitor General) and One Consists of 3 types of advocates: Senior Advocate, Advocate
Member from each State Bar Council(At present on Record(To act as well as to plead for a partyin Supreme
Bar Council of India (BCI) None 24) Elected by lawyers 2 years No Upper Limit court) & Other Advocates.

It Consists of Chairman and Vice Chairman. SBC

with Electorate of 5 thousand - 15 Members, SBC
with Electorate of 10 Thousand - 20 Mem, SBC
with Electorate of >25000 - 25 Members. The
State Bar Council (SBC) None Advocate General is the ex-officio Member Elected by lawyers 5 Years No Upper Limit
Pressure Group Type Pressure Group Name
Business Group Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Business Group Associated Chambers of Commerce of India (ASSOCHAM)
Business Group Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
Business Group Federation of All India Foodgrain Dealers Association (FAIFDA)
Trade Union All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)
Trade Union Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
Trade Union Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS)
Trade Union Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)
Trade Union Centre of Indian Trade Union (CITU)
Agrarian Group All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS)
Agrarian Group Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU)
Agrarian Group Rashtriya Kisan Mazdoor Sangathan (RKMS)
Agrarian Group Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (Gujarat)
Agrarian Group Shetkari Sanghatana (Maharashtra)
Agrarian Group All India Kisan Sammelan
Professional Association Indian Medical Association (IMA)
Professional Association Bar Council of India (BCI)
Professional Association Indian Bar Association (IBA)
Professional Association Indian Federation of Working Journalists (IFWJ)
Professional Association All India Federation of University and College Teachers (AIFUCT)
Student Organization Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP)
Student Organization All India Students Federation (AISF)
Student Organization National Students Union of India (NSUI)
Student Organization Students Federation of India (SFI)
Religious Organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)
Religious Organization Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)
Religious Organization Jamaat-e-Islami Hind
Religious Organization All India Muslim League
Religious Organization All India Conference of Indian Christians
Religious Organization Shriomani Akali Dal
Caste Group Harijan Sevak Sangh
Caste Group Dalit Panther
Caste Group Nadar Case Association in Tamil Nadu
Caste Group Marwani Association
Caste Group Kshatriya Maha Sabha
Caste Group Kayastha Sabha
Tribal Organization National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN)
Tribal Organization People's Liberation Army in Manipur
Tribal Organization Tribal Sangh of Assam
Tribal Organization United Mizo Freedom Organization
Tribal Organization Tribal National Volunteers (TNU)
Linguistic Group Tamil Sangam
Linguistic Group Anjuman Tarraki-i-Urdu
Linguistic Group Hindi Sahitya Sammelan
Linguistic Group Nagari Pracharani Sabha
Linguistic Group Andhra Maha Sabha
Linguistic Group Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha
Ideology Based Group Narmada Bachao Andolan
Ideology Based Group Chipko Movement
Ideology Based Group India Against Corruption
Ideology Based Group Demographics Right Organization
Ideology Based Group Civil Liberty Association
Ideology Based Group Gandhi Peace Foundation
Ideology Based Group Woman Rights Organization
Anomic Groups Dal Khalsa
Anomic Groups Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front
Formation Year First President Affiliated Party Current President
1927 G. D. Birla None Uday Kotak
1920 B. D. Birla None Sumant Sinha
1895 G. D. Birla None Chandrajit Banerjee
1957 Jagdish Prasad Yadav None B. R. Sharma
1920 D. V. Gokhale Communist Party of India K. R. Aravindakshan
1947 V. V. Giri Indian National Congress Dr. Ashok Gehlot
1947 V. B. Karnik Socialist Party of India Ashok Gehlot
1957 Deendayal Upadhyaya Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh C. N. Goel
1970 S. A. Dange Communist Party of India (Marxist) K. R. Aravindakshan
1936 Sahajanand Saraswati Communist Party of India Ashok Dhawle
1972 Mahendra Singh Tikait Bharatiya Janata Party Naresh Tikait
1974 Sharad Joshi None Sharad Joshi
1939 Manibhai Desai Bharatiya Janata Party Chhotubhai Patel
1972 Shripati Hiwale None Sharad Joshi
1953 P. C. Joshi Communist Party of India Ashok Dhawle
1908 B. C. Roy None Dr. J. A. Jayalal
1926 M. C. Setalvad None Manan Kumar Misra
1947 M. C. Setalvad None C. K. Daphtary
1952 D. N. Roy None Sagarika Ghose
1956 K. G. Saiyidain None Dr. R. K. Sinha
1949 Balraj Madhok Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Dr. Surendra J. Singh
1949 H. D. Kamath Communist Party of India Sandeep S.
1968 V. K. Malhotra Indian National Congress Neeraj Kundan
1969 H. D. Kamath Communist Party of India Sandeep S.
1925 K. B. Hedgewar Bharatiya Janata Party Mohan Bhagwat
1984 Ashok Singhal Bharatiya Janata Party Milind Parande
1941 Maulana Maududi None Syed Sadrullah Shah
1906 Muhammad Ali Jinnah None None
1914 V. V. Joseph None Dr. Geevarghese Yohannan
1920 Master Tara Singh None Sukhbir Singh Badal
1932 M. K. Gandhi Indian National Congress Asha Parekh
1972 Namdeo Dhasal None None
1923 Pattabhiraman Nadar None S. P. Velumani
1982 Ramchandra Marawi None John Kisku
1916 Raja Mahendra Pratap None Manvendra Singh
1916 Hazari Prasad Dwivedi None Dr. R. K. Sinha
1975 Thuingalng Angami None Yungbung Jongshi
1978 Rajkumar Meghen None Nongdrenkhomba Nongmeitei
1972 Udayan Bora None Atul Bora
1966 Laldenga None Milind Parande
1986 Jitendra Choudhary None Rabindra Debbarma
1904 P. S. S. Iyer None V. Nedunchezhian
1903 Maulana Muhammad Ali None Syed Sadrullah Shah
1910 Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi None Dr. D. K. Jain
1896 Pandit Madan Mohan MalvNone Dr. R. K. Sinha
1922 P. Subbarayan None None
1910 Govind Ballabh Pant None Dr. A. K. Jain
1988 Medha Patkar None Medha Patkar
1973 Gaura Devi None Sundarlal Bahuguna
2011 Arvind Kejriwal None None
1994 K. N. Govindacharya None Dr. D. K. Jain
1938 C. R. Das None Dr. R. K. Sinha
1959 J. R. D. Tata None Ela Bhatt
1927 Durgabai Deshmukh None Dr. A. K. Jain
1978 Jagjit Singh Chohan None Harmeet Singh Patial
1989 Amanullah Khan None Yasin Malik
ese Yohannan

mba Nongmeitei
Court Composition Appointment

Chief Justice is appointed by

President and Other Judges are
Appointed by President on
Supreme Court Chief Justice and 33 other judges Recommendation of CJI

Chief Justice is appointed by

High Courts (25 President with recommendation of
High Court all over CJI and Other Judges are
India Chief Justice and other judges Appointed by President
Subordinate District and Sessions Judges, By the Governor of state with
Courts/ District Chief Judicial Magistrates, and recommendation from High Court
Courts other judicial officers & SPSC

Tribunals = Central By Central Government on basis

Administrative 1 Chairperson and 69 other of recommendations of a search-
Tribunal && State members (Drawn from both cum-selection committee chaired
Administrative judicial and administrative by CJI or Judge of Supreme
Tribunal streams) Court

Consist of President and other By Central Government on basis

Members greater than 4 and less of recommendations of a search-
Consumer than 11. There should be atleast 1 cum-selection committee chaired
Commision women by CJI

By the Central Government or the

State Government, as the case
Lok Adalat Chairperson and other members may be

Such as special courts, By the Central Government or the

environmental courts, and family State Government, as the case
Other Courts courts may be
Qualification Tenure Removal

Judge of High Court for 5 Years

or Advocate of High Court for 10 The Chief Justice holds
Years or Distinguish Jurist in the the office until the age By the President + Support of
opinion of the President of 65 Parliament with Special Majority

Held Judical office for 10 Years or

Advocate of High Court for 10 The Chief Justice until By the President + Support of
Years the age of 62 Parliament with Special Majority
Advocate or Pleader for 7 Years
OR Recommended by High Court
for Appointment

Term of 4 Years or
until Chariman attains
the age of 70 years &
Age should be greater than 50 Members attain the
Years for Appointment. age of 67 Years

Term of 4 Years or
until President attains
the age of 70 years & By the Central Government or
Age should be greater than 50 Members attain the the State Government, as the
Years for Appointment. age of 67 Years case may be

As determined by the
Central Government or By the Central Government or
the State Government, the State Government, as the
as the case may be case may be

As determined by the
Central Government or By the Central Government or
the State Government, the State Government, as the
as the case may be case may be
Acting, Ad hoc and Retired Judges

A President can appoint judge of supreme court as acting CJI of

India OR CJI can appoint a judge of high court as Ad hoc Judge
OR can Request retired Supreme/ High Court to act a Judge for
Temporary period

A President can appoint judge of high court as acting CJ of high

court OR President can appoint duly qualified person as additional
judge (Max 2 Years) OR President can appoint duly qualified
person as Acting Judge of High Court OR Request Retired High
Court to Act as a Judge on consent of President

In Candra Kumar Case, the Aggrieved person will have to first go

to High court and then Supreme Court

Classified as National Consumer Disputes Redressal

Commission, State Consumer Disputed Redressal
Commisson(>=4 Members), District Consumer Disputed
Redressal Commisson(>= 2 Members)
Pressure Group Type Pressure Group Name Formation Year
Business Group Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) 1909
Trade Union Maharashtra Trade Union Congress (MTUC) 1948
Trade Union Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) Maharashtra 1957
Agrarian Group Maharashtra Kisan Sabha (MKS) 1936
Agrarian Group Shetkari Sanghatana 1972
Professional Association Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) 1960
Professional Association Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa (BCMG) 1961
Professional Association Maharashtra Teachers' Association (MTA) 1935
Student Organization Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) Maharashtra 1963
Student Organization All India Students Federation (AISF) Maharashtra 1957
Student Organization National Students Union of India (NSUI) Maharashtra 1975
Religious Organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Maharashtra 1925
Religious Organization Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Maharashtra 1984
Caste Group Maratha Seva Sangh 1937
Tribal Organization Gondwana Samudaya Sangh 1978
Linguistic Group Marathi Sahitya Parishad 1932
Ideology Based Group Vidarbha Janvadi Parishad 1969
Ideology Based Group Shashthi Gram Swaraj Abhiyan 1986
First President Affiliated Party Current President
D. K. Kirloskar None Viren Shah
S. A. Dange Communist Party ofAshok Dhawle
Vasantrao DeshpanRashtriya SwayamsD. M. Kulkarni
P. K. Salve Communist Party ofAshok Dhawle
Shripati Hiwale None Sharad Joshi
Dr. B. N. Kulkarni None Dr. Jayesh Lele
M. C. Setalvad None A. M. Sapre
D. V. Gokhale None A. V. Sawant
Balraj Madhok Rashtriya SwayamsDr. Surendra J. Singh
H. D. Kamath Communist Party ofSandeep S.
V. K. Malhotra Indian National Co Neeraj Kundan
K. B. Hedgewar Bharatiya Janata PaMohan Bhagwat
Ashok Singhal Bharatiya Janata PaMilind Parande
B. R. Ambedkar None Deepak Gaikwad
A. K. Vaidya None Dr. Rameshwar Pardhi
P. S. S. Iyer None V. D. Kulkarni
Vasantrao DeshpanNone Dr. Sanjay Pawar
Anil Gavde None Anil Gavde

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