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Ethan Dailey

Professor Gonzalez


29 February 2024

Annotated Bibliography

1. Rogers, Richard, and Sabine Niederer. “The Politics of Social Media Manipulation.” The

Politics of Social Media Manipulation, edited by Richard Rogers and Sabine Niederer,

Amsterdam University Press, 2020, pp. 19–70. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Feb. 2024.

Summary - This chapter discusses how social media has influenced politics with fake news, and

sources that are regarded as fake news that are actually real political news. Throughout the

chapter the author uses examples and discussions to explain the different sides and evaluations of

news being claimed to be real that is indeed fake news. On the contrary, he also does with

sources that are claimed as fake news by the public, but are actually indeed real. This source

provides different ways to look at the effect of political propaganda on social media.

Why I selected the source - I selected this source because I feel as if the information gained can

help with my research for the project. Using this article it can help me detect different signs of

fake news on social media and how I can better evaluate it. This source also provides me with

the information needed to identify a piece of information that is claimed to be fake news, may

actually be real.

2. Prier, Jarred. “Commanding the Trend: Social Media as Information Warfare.” Strategic

Studies Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 4, 2017, pp. 50–85. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Feb. 2024.


Summary - This article is important to my research that I plan to discuss in my paper thoroughly.

This article provides information on how social media is being used as a tool for a type of

modern day information warfare. One of the key 3 things this article talks about in particular, is

propaganda through social media, and ways that it is put out and spread. This information will go

a long way with my writing as it can help explain how propaganda reaches people and works


Why I selected the source - I selected this source because the information that it helps provide is

very important to my research. This scholarly article will help me access key pieces of

information that can backup the topics that will be used in my paper, and will further my

credibility. The talk of propaganda in this article is exactly what I was looking for, which will

provide me with adequate information to write my paper.

3. YERLİKAYA, TURGAY, and SECA TOKER ASLAN. “Social Media and Fake News

in the Post-Truth Era: The Manipulation of Politics in the Election Process.” Insight

Turkey, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020, pp. 177–96. JSTOR,

Accessed 4 Feb. 2024.

Summary - This article talks about how social media has come to affect the world of politics and

the effect that social media has on politicians. This article narrows down on Facebook and

Twitter, and how these two social media apps have been able to affect voters and their

preferences. This article also goes into depth on manipulative factors that are brought forward

through social media and how they can be affecting people. This article as a whole also speaks

about how social media has become a threat to democracy.

Why I selected the source - The reason that I think this article is perfect for me is because of the

way that it discusses social media and the influence that it has on politics. This is important

because not only does it speak about politics in social media, but it focuses on the negatives and

how the author believes that social media is stripping away democracy. I believe that this source

can help validate my claims on fake news and how it is affecting politics simply because that

what the aim of this article is as well.

1. Yes, his bibliography contains a clear and concise summary of each source as they go in depth

and explain what the source is.

2. Yes, this annotated bibliography does contain many relevant sources to the peer's research as it

contains academic resources.

3. The annotation style is appropriate for the most part but there is no hanging indent and header.

Other than that it's good.

4. Yes, the annotated bib does represent and show an understanding between the sources and

research topic because the peer thoroughly explains why he picked the source.

5. The annotations are very informative and helpful as the peer does a really good job explaining

how these sources connect to the research question.

6. Although the annotated bib does have good sources, they all have the same view from reading

the summaries about how social media is affecting politics.

7. Yes the sources are relevant to the peer's research topic and the sources are recent

8. Yes, when the peer is explaining why he picked the source he does provide information for

further research as he explains it in his annotations.

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