The Quantum Nature of Everything

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The Quantum Nature of Everything

An exploration of human consciousness and unexplained human experiences in the context of

quantum entanglement, oscillations, and sympathetic resonance.

By: William W. Warwick IV

Copyright 2021 – All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
The Quantum Nature of Everything ........................................................................................ 1
“Visions” and “Clairvoyance,” also “Remote Viewing,” ...................................................................................... 3
“Telepathy,” “Deja-Vu,” and “Sympathetic Emotional Attachment,” ..................................4
Biological limits on Bio-ferromagnetic interactions ...............................................................4
Non-equilibrium quantum phase transition[edit] ....................................................................6
Notes[edit] .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
References[edit] ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hematite and burial methods of the ancients using Iron based Substances .................................... 10
Red Ochre and Human Evolution ...........................................................................................13
Spooky Action at a Distance ..................................................................................................15
Recent studies in 2019, showed that my 1996 theory of human magnetoreception has been proven
at Caltech ...................................................................................................................................... 15
The Hopi Story .......................................................................................................................16
DNA Evidence of Psychic Abilities being passed down within certain Haplogroups .................25
What is missing from our Bodies that might cause Mental Disorders .....................................32
Magnetized materials[edit] .......................................................................................................................... 36
Curie temperature[edit] ................................................................................................................................ 37
Demonic Possession as un-organized quantum scintillations .......................................................... 42
“Visions” and “Clairvoyance,” also “Remote Viewing,”

– Quantum Energy from the past or future, which is energetic enough, (from the
sender) can create a Quantum Photonic firing of Synapses in the Pineal Gland,
of those whom the person is “Quantum Entangled” through touch or powerful
emotional force, a “vision,” or “glimpse” of past or future events is possible, as
the emotion of the events are translated into a 4 bit photonic pulse, which is
received through the pineal glands 4 photonic light receptors.

This 4 bit code, can contain huge amounts of information, which is then
translated by the neocortex and other specialized centers of the brain, until an
actual picture of what might be happening is seen, by the recipient, in a “vision,”
which is part of the recipients future or past time line.

The apparent Bio-chemical explanation of the extra-sensory abilities of the

human brain – and indeed – almost all other species of mammals and other
creatures on earth have tiny amounts of Bio-ferro magnetite which was found in
the brains of many animals, but not isolated in humans until 1993, when it was
found to be in every cell of the human brain and when taken as a whole, could
represent the biomechanical mechanism by which all animals, including human
beings, may be able to receive and transmit, “messages” to each other, whether
in the present, past or future.

These “Visions,” are sensed, by the pineal gland light receptors, and along with
the bioferromagnetite in each cell of the brain, form a very simple, and yet very
intricate transceiver which is capable of both sending out pulses of
electromagnetic wave energy, on a quantum level, as well as receive the same
from others – even themselves.

The intensity of extremely emotional events, causes biochemical reactions –

adrenaline etc, which we are all familiar with, whether it be road rage, or a
mother protecting its offspring, all mammalian species and other species, can
create and transmit bio-energetic quantum signals which can be received by
those with whom the sender has the most bio-affinity with. A mother and her
offspring have the highest quantum entanglement of all creatures, and thus we
find that a “mothers,” intuition is often much more than just careful observation of
dangers and threats, it can be related directly to the connection that is made
between the female and their offspring, as we know that many species are born
with the knowledge of how to run, or hide, or fly within very short periods of time.
This can be partially explained by genetic coding, but is that really all it is?

which are translated into images and emotions of places or things that the
recipient has no known prior knowledge or understanding of, or of people or
places that the recipient has never been to, or experienced.
“Telepathy,” “Deja-Vu,” and “Sympathetic Emotional Attachment,”

- The Quantum Entanglement of Mother (female) and Father (Male) and their
children (Offspring) and siblings, lovers, friends and acquaintances, all become
quantum entangled with only a touch of the skin, whomever one touches, is
entangled with their energy field, - forever.

Biological limits on Bio-ferromagnetic interactions

- The delicate balance that DNA structures have created, require that there are
limits on every species on the planet, in order to allow for the greatest diversity, it
would seem that nature itself has placed, “limits,” on the ability of its animals and
creature to see the future, otherwise the natural world balance would collapse.

- The natural chain of predator and prey, hunter and hunted, would be upset, and
as we have seen in places where Apex predators were removed, then nuisance
animals like pigs for instance have taken over and destroyed whole habits.

- In the “natural,” animal kingdom, if a prey animal were able to see or sense, or
have “visions,” of when and where they would be attacked, then the predators
would die off, and the prey species would get out of control, and likely destroy the
local habitat to the detriment of all species.

- Those creatures who have no real sophisticated communication ability, or ability

to communicate ideas or thoughts to their same species, probably also have a
biologically limited ability to see past or future events, and thus this capacity to
see or remember past or future events (lives) appears to be connected to those
creatures, who have higher functioning communication abilities, and are able to
communicate more complex ideas with each other. Examples of such creatures

o All Primates – Humans, Chimps, Great Apes – Sound, Speech, Sign

o All Cetaceans – Dolphins, Whales, etc. - Sound
o Bees – Scent and movement,
o Ants – Scent
o Some Reptiles and Amphibians

- This communication between the same species of animals creates the ability for
those species who have achieved complex communication patterns, to then form
the mental images necessary, to then create “memes”, or “visions,” which contain
quantum electromagnetic photonic energy and which can be deciphered or
“read” by the brains of those animals whose bioferromagnetic electron quantum
shells will resonate with the best, and because this energy is photonic and in the
quantum realm, these images or “feeling,” which lead to imagery are deposited
into the quantum realm, where time as we know it is merely a construct of human

A quantum critical point is a point in the phase diagram of a material where a

continuous phase transition takes place at absolute zero. A quantum critical point is
typically achieved by a continuous suppression of a nonzero temperature phase
transition to zero temperature by the application of a pressure, field, or through doping.
Conventional phase transitions occur at nonzero temperature when the growth of
random thermal fluctuations leads to a change in the physical state of a
system. Condensed matter physics research over the past few decades has revealed a
new class of phase transitions called quantum phase transitions[1] which take place
at absolute zero. In the absence of the thermal fluctuations which trigger conventional
phase transitions, quantum phase transitions are driven by the zero point quantum
fluctuations associated with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Within the class of phase transitions, there are two main categories: at a first-order
phase transition, the properties shift discontinuously, as in the melting of solid, whereas
at a second order phase transition, the state of the system changes in a continuous
fashion. Second-order phase transitions are marked by the growth of fluctuations on
ever-longer length-scales. These fluctuations are called "critical fluctuations".
At the critical point where a second-order transition occurs the critical fluctuations
are scale invariant and extend over the entire system. At a nonzero temperature
phase transition, the fluctuations that develop at a critical point are governed by
classical physics, because the characteristic energy of quantum fluctuations is always
smaller than the Characteristic Boltzmann thermal energy.
At a quantum critical point, the critical fluctuations are quantum mechanical in
nature, exhibiting scale invariance in both space and in time. Unlike classical
critical points, where the critical fluctuations are limited to a narrow region around the
phase transition, the influence of a quantum critical point is:
- felt over a wide range of temperatures above the quantum critical point,
- so the effect of quantum criticality is felt without ever reaching absolute zero.
Quantum criticality was first observed in ferroelectrics, in which the ferroelectric
transition temperature is suppressed to zero.
A wide variety of metallic ferromagnets and antiferromagnets have been observed to
develop quantum critical behavior when
- their magnetic transition temperature is driven to zero through the application of
pressure, chemical doping or magnetic fields.
In these cases, the properties of the metal are radically transformed by the critical
fluctuations, departing qualitatively from the standard Fermi liquid behavior, to form a
metallic state sometimes called a non-Fermi liquid or a "strange metal".
There is particular interest in these unusual metallic states, which are believed to exhibit
a marked preponderance towards the development of superconductivity. Quantum
critical fluctuations have also been shown to drive the formation of exotic magnetic
phases in the vicinity of quantum critical points.[2]

Non-equilibrium quantum phase transition[edit]

An intuitive guess of the effect of a quantum critical point being affected by noise would
be that the external noise defines an effective temperature. This effective temperature
would introduce a well defined energy scale in the problem and break the scale
invariance of the quantum critical point. On the contrary, it was recently found that
certain types of noise can induce a non-equilibrium quantum critical state. This state is
out-of-equilibrium because of the continuous energy flow introduced by the noise, but it
still retains the scale invariant behavior typical of critical points.

Therefore the biological mechanism by which a human being, and certainly other higher life
forms, who have developed more sophisticated communication abilities – such as cetaceans, and
octopus, Elephants, etc, are clearly using non-verbal communication, to send messages to each
other, the most well known is the “song” of the humpback whales, which changes every year,
and which can be heard thousands of miles away, through the infrasonic waves in the water - or
the Elephants that communicate through infrasound, through the ground via their massive round
flat feet, like 4 giant subwoofers in a car – with a 5,000 lbs elephant on top of them making them
creating the vibrations necessary to communicate to other elephants. Their massive ears may be
for cooling, but might they also be receiving some of that infrasonic energy as well?

Perhaps even – Quantum Energy?

So biology on earth tells us that we are not alone in the animal kingdom, in terms of being able
to communicate, or bio locate themselves through their sensing of the geomagnetic fields, or
quantum fluctuations and the stories of animals being able to “sense” danger, or an earthquake or
other disruption of the geomagnetic fields – seems to show that the more sensitive and tuned an
animals bio-ferromagnetite reception and transcribing centers are in the brain – the more able
they would be to sense the fields and navigate to their intended destination – be it a spawning
ground for salmon, or a homing pigeon or other creature who is going home, or finding food.

We know these centers exist because of the numerous experiments done with “homing” pigeons,
whose ability to return to a spot they were before, was so accurate and reliable, that they were
used as messengers in war – to send communication’s between two points, and also even as the
guidance system for bombs in World War II, so we know that bio-location via bio-
ferromagnetite in the brains of other animals, like homing pigeons exists, and it exists in other
animal brains.
- We as humans, did not find or discover bio-ferromagnetite in human brains until 1993, when it
was found in every cell of the hippocampus – and amounted to mere picograms of magnetite, but
it was there, and it was in every cell of the brain…

Therefore, it would violate the laws of physics to assume that these extremely tiny and sensitive
bar magnets, which is basically magnetite in this “biological” form – would be even more
sensitive to the external application or manipulation of natural or artificial electro-magnetic
fields, than the bio-mass of a pigeons brain.

If the Bio-mass of a pigeons brain, contains all the bio-ferromagnetite needed to navigate across
miles of battlefields to find a certain place, on the earth, day or night, rain or shine, - then that
tells us that the biological facilities’ needed to perform this feat, in the brains of a pigeon are no
bigger than a walnut. The human brain is perhaps 1,000x more complex and thus we would
assume 1000x more sensitive to the geomagnetic fluctuations and some people – seem to be very
tuned into these fluctuations in the fields, - one person of whom we would all know is Nikola
Tesla, the father and inventor of our modern age.

It was reported that Tesla, was born during an intense electromagnetic storm, and if this is true,
then it would explain why he was able to sense and see the patterns of electromagnetism, that led
him to develop and invent Alternating Current, as well as dozens of other inventions which we
still use today, because we have yet to fully understand all the things he invented.

Teslas abilities were on another level – and he said – he could see the energy fields, - why should
we not take him at his word? Can anyone deny his Genius – could be more than just more

What would be the cause of this incredible ability and sensitivity to electromagnetic fields?

I would suggest that the cause of Tesla’s unique abilities were due to his mother giving birth to
him during what was described as an “intense thunder and lightning (Geo-Magnetic) storm.”

Because the need to geo-locate in humans has been suppressed (not needed for daily survival
anymore) most humans are born with an “amorphous,” hippocampus cell structure, with each
cell of the preborn fetus, having their tiny little bar magnets unaligned, they are randomly
aligned, and thus – unless exposed to an intense external geomagnetic disturbance which is
natural or artificial in nature – the brains of human beings will remain largely “un-aligned,” or
without any strong abilities to sense any geomagnetic or other artificial created electro-magnetic

A “lightning and thunder storm,” is when there is an abundance of un-balanced positive and
negative charges between the earth and sky or space and which causes the “short” circuit of the
atmosphere, a positive charged leader is sent up from the earth, looking for a negative charge
from the cloud to connect with and when they do, the cloud sends as much energy as it can back
to the earth – to ground the negative charges in the cloud back to a less “unbalanced” state.
This intense voltage of lighting flash or direct earth to sky strike – is a DC - Direct Current (Non-
Alternating current like a car battery) which produces intense flashes of light and sometimes
sonic booms, as the energy is splitting the ground or air, and the intense thermal energy which is
released whenever ever it strikes something that is conductive to electrical current.

Human beings are “semi-conductors,” meaning we can conduct electricity, but we have
“resistance,” – we have electricity flowing in our bodies, which can be measured with EKG, and
other sensitive equipment, so without “electrical,” (DC) currents in our body, we would not be
alive or “conscious.”

If you deprive a body of “electrolytes,” the essential metallic minerals needed to sustain
biological functions, the body will die. Synapses would not fire, biological catalysts, and
essential amino acids and enzymes would not be created and DNA could not replicate itself,
without the polarization of the cells, which would lead to cellular mitosis and division of the
cells, we would all die.

Therefore – although never scientifically proven, we can safely assume that a child that was born
like Tesla, in the presence of intense DC electromagnetic storm, with currents of highly charged
negative particles in the surrounding atmosphere, then everything that was touching the ground,
or grounded to the earth, including the mother and child, would begin to accumulate positive
charges in one direction, making all the “amorphous” bio ferromagnetic cells, in the child’s
brain, aligned with the positive grounded earth field.

Therefore it is not necessarily the lighting itself that would have “created” the alignment of
Tesla’s magnetite in his brain, but the intense external DC – (Direct Current) electrical flow,
through the surrounding earth, and the unbalanced negative charges in the atmosphere, that
would have been created by the storm, which would have created an equally strong, Positive
leader stream from the ground, which would accumulate in those points highest in altitude, or
closest to the negative energy density of the thunderclouds.

These effects would only occur of the child and mother were connected and touching the ground,
as in an bed made from raw materials, wood, straw, fibers, and no metals which would act as
conductors. The effects would further be enhanced on the child, if the house in which the child
was born was not made from conductive metals, and made from wood or other non-metallic
materials, and was in a clearing or a higher altitude or area where perhaps the geology under the
house would act as a strong conductor of electromagnetic energy…

Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia, his father was a priest in the Serbian
Orthodox church and his mother managed the family’s farm. In 1863 Tesla’s brother Daniel was
killed in a riding accident. The shock of the loss unsettled the 7-year-old Tesla, who reported
seeing visions, therefore suggesting that the trauma of losing his brother caused quantum energy
to be released upon his brother’s death, which Tesla, being of an “aligned” nature in his brain’s
Bio-ferromagnetic chemistry, was able to sense, and pick up on, even after the death of his
brother. The fact that they had a “family” farm, and probably ate all natural foods, and lived in a
house made mostly from wood, with little or no metal in it, and been born, perhaps on or near a
prominence, or area of geologic conductivity – all of these things make sense, its all logical.
Of course, Tesla was able to sense and have “visions,” of his brother’s death, perhaps even
clairvoyant visions, and other communication’s with his brother after his death, who wouldn’t be
troubled by such a thing, especially a 7 year old child. I can identify with Tesla’s mental anguish
as it was my own visions of the future and the loss of loved ones, that led me to investigate all
these things in the first place, to try to understand and try to explain how – I was seeing all these

The ability of siblings to be “in” tune with each other has been documented in cases of both
fraternal and other twins, and one possible cause of this clearly is genetic, but stories of twins
reading or sensing each others feelings, emotions, or even thoughts or images, have been studied
for centuries, one such explanation for this would be that the twins share – perhaps 99.99% of
the DNA structures, not just the looks, but in the case of two twins born from the same woman,
we would EXPECT that the hippocampus of the brains were also 99.99% the same, and since
BOTH were born at the same time and within the same electromagnetic fields conditions, then
their amorphous bioferromagnetite would be aligned - not to the earths positive or negative
poles, but to each other!

From an electromagnetic standpoint, the overall amorphous structure of each of the two brains
would be nearly identical – nearly – carbon copies of each other, and unless one of the twins
experienced an intense DC shock or something which would cause their bio-ferromagnetite to
“align,” to an external magnetic field, after birth, then each separate entity’s brain chemistry
would be quantum entangled and stronger – or as strong as the mother to child quantum

Much of Quantum mechanical theories and effects apply to magnets which can be cooled to at or
near absolute zero, however the Qson and other more advanced Quantum Computers and ion
traps may be able to operate at higher temps, closer to room temp.

I am sure that Tesla, and Cayce, were both having a hard time, and which troubled him, just as it
troubled myself, until he became an adult and was better able to understand and appreciate his
abilities – I am sure he was able to understand the nature of his abilities, - just as I have. Perhaps
they understood it but were unable to find the technological language to describe it.

The lightning storm would emit a corresponding magnetic field of high strength and intensity –
which could have aligned all of Tesla’s tiny little bio-ferromagnetic receptors, so that rather than
being randomly aligned or amorphous like most humans, his magneto receptors were likely
aligned with the field of the earth and this what allowed him to sense and see and imagine the
electric fields, that he used to invent Alternating Current motors and dozens of other things, that
one could only have done, if they could see the electromagnetic fields as he said he could.

Certainly the magnetite in each cell at birth is unorganized and un-aligned in the brain of the
developing entity, but it is energized, and the magnetite, no matter how small, and tiny it is – will
always form either a non-aligned or “aligned” structure with the end of each node, of these
miniature bar magnets, either being parallel to each other (Aligned and Polarized) or not aligned,
and unpolarized (Amorphous).
Ferromagnetic materials spontaneously divide into magnetic domains because
the exchange interaction is a short-range force, so over long distances of many atoms
the tendency of the magnetic dipoles to reduce their energy by orienting in opposite
directions wins out. If all the dipoles in a piece of ferromagnetic material are aligned
parallel, it creates a large magnetic field extending into the space around it.
As any student of radio and electricity can attest, most forms of radio waves or
electromagnetic waves, of energy, can be transmitted and received by the same types
of devices, for instance an antenna that is made into a certain shape to capture certain
frequencies and wave lengths of energy – can also trans-mit those same frequencies,
because the antenna itself, and the sensing electronics are acting as a “quantum trap”
in which two things made in the same shape and type of materials etc, will be tuned to
vibrate or react the same way, when the same energy is transmitted to each…
In other words, although we see radio waves as being blocked, and decaying, over time
and length and distance, and photons can be scattered, we know that quantum
entanglement experiments have shown what Einstein called “spooky action at a
distance,” is a real effect, however in the case of our study of clairvoyance, (Seeing the
light photons from the future) and communication with those entities who are no longer
in their bodies, the primary mechanism that connects us all – is quantum and
dimensional in nature.
Its not the radio waves, its not the photons, or any other energy that is released from the
body, it is simply part of our very existence, that we are forever quantum entangled with
everyone and everything else around us, but in the case of humans, the most powerful
entanglements, are between mother child, Father and Child, and Then between siblings
of the same mothers, first, and fathers 2nd.
This explains why clairvoyance and other abilities – throughout history were almost the
exclusive domain of women, - and their “secret” societies, like the cult of Diana and
Mithras, which dealt with bear cult worship and female procreation rites, that only the
women were allowed to participate in.
Perhaps the sacrifice of bulls or other animals could have been to drink of the iron rich
blood, and other hormones and other things like testosterone, etc, which would be
needed to provide their children with the necessary biogenic magnetite needed to
ensure that their offspring were able to utilize their visionary powers to protect
We think of it as a barbaric thing we cannot understand, but it might have been
something which the women knew they needed, after millennia of trial and error and
observation, the women who came to us from the remnants of the aptly named
Magdalenian societies that existed back to 25,000 BP.

Hematite and burial methods of the ancients using Iron based Substances
Another interesting ancient practice is the use of Hematite, a red colored iron substance
that was used throughout the world, in burials of honored people – and used to create
“red ochre” which has been used in cave paintings and drawings which have been
carbon dated back more than a 100,000 years BP.
So why did the ancients use hematite (red ochre) in their graves and sprinkled this red
powder over their deceased ?
Was it just because the color of the substance was red and looked like blood?
Why did the ancients believe that the solid forms of Hematite would help them in their
grieving process?
How would the Hematite help somehow with their grief ?
Is there some unique property of Hematite, that is iron based, and how it interacts with
the Quantum States around the dead body?
Is there something about the Hematite that creates a more stable ion field with the body
and thus allows the quantum energy to be more coherent, more contained and intact?
Is the semi-ferromagnetic property of the Hematite being used in this case to block or
contain the Quantum Energy ?
Perhaps they found over time that this form of Iron - hematite would help the body or
soul stay together longer in a coherent quantum state, so that the spirit or soul or
quantum energy could reside in peace, in the body, until it was re-incarnated into a new
Hematite is iron based but mostly non-magnetic – it is only weakly coupled to magnetic
fields, and in certain cases is paramagnetic, at different temperatures than we would
find a grave or on an amulet.
Therefore this suggests to me that the ancient people of the world, understood that
using a semi-magnetic iron substance would help the spirit or soul (Quantum Energy) of
the deceased stay together longer, and be more coherent, this would also explain why
ancient people put so much emphasis on burial and keeping the body and even the
blood intact with the body – upon death.
The sprinkling of ochre hematite over the dead body and things in the grave of the
deceased, can thus be seen as a way to create a veil of sorts, that would be mildly
blocking the quantum energy fluctuations, or perhaps a better way to view it would be
that the red ochre powder would create a semi-reflective layer that would in effect reflect
the quantum vibrations, thus in a sense keeping them more coherent, - again the idea in
this case is that the living are hoping to preserve the “Soul,” or quantum energy of the
person, intact, until such a time as the quantum energy “soul,” can find a suitable host
body to reincarnate back into.
If we follow this line of thinking then using hematite ore to make amulets and other
objects which were used to help people through the grieving process, may also be used
to deflect or dampen the quantum vibrations of the loved one, who is still in a real
sense, alive, even after the body dies.
Even though the body has passed, and is no longer “alive,” the quantum energy of that
person is “alive” it has consciousness – it just doesn’t have form.
Therefore when one is going through the grieving process, it makes sense that the
ancients used hematite jewelry and other objects to be worn in order to help them with
the healing process, and so I think in this case, the use of hematite is the same as
perhaps Red ochre in the graves, is being used to “block” or reflect or deflect quantum
vibrations from the deceased, so that the living and deceased may move on in their
lives, not to forget – but simply to “dull” the emotion so that the living can function.
How did the ancient people acquire this knowledge of the use of Hematite in its various
We know from cave paintings and petroglyphs that mankind has been using hematite
for hundred of thousands of years, first in red pigment for drawing on rocks, and then
later it was used in burials around the world, therefore it’s not limited to one culture or
area, so I would imagine it was simply our ancestors paying attention to certain things
and making the connections needed to the minerals needed to achieve certain
outcomes. They did not need to know about Quantum Mechanics to see its effects.
They just needed a very long period of observation to realize what the cause and effects
were when they did certain things.
Many high cultures and civilization’s of the past were capable of feats we can barely
accomplish today and they were mostly matrilineal based, they would not have to know
about quantum mechanics, they would only need thousands of years of observations, to
see the cause and effects of nutrient deficiencies, just as the Milk Maids, who milked
cows, were immune to certain things, the women would have known this and passed
these observation’s down, to their children.
In fact it is this cult of the “Grail,” – as I will call it - that was passed down to the Egyptian
Ptolemies through the Greeks and Spartans, and Alexander the Great – who was
claimed to be born from “gods” and imbued with special abilities, - perhaps some of
those abilities came from his families use of the “mystery” religions knowledge of the
forces I just outlined to produce the birth of a child – whose abilities would be
“enhanced,” under certain conditions?
So, in that case its no surprise that the mother of Alexander, was reported to have put
off the birth of Alexander until an astronomical alignment and other things were
This would indicate that Alexanders mother had some knowledge of the very quantum
effects we have been discussing. The mother of Alexander was waiting for certain
alignments in planets and we may assume places on earth in which to be born, such as
a proper “Temple” in which to create Alexander and make him “greater,” than he would
have been, had these elements not been present at his birth?
Alexander would certainly go down in history as being remembered for his military and
other conquests, but for a child of only 26 –perhaps he could have been “enhanced”
with perhaps extra-sensory abilities – which helped guide him in his battles and
conquests – and which have simply gone ignored and or unrecorded and
- and before the age of drugstores, and medicine as we know it -
The practice of “killing,” an animal and drinking its blood immediately after death, is a
common practice and rite of passage among many indigenous human groups across
the earth, even modern hunters who fancy themselves emulating native warriors.
The maya believed that blood from the royal families, which was spilled over a fire,
would create smoke or a transition of the blood into something which would “carry”
messages back and forth between the quantum realms, aka – the “underworld,” to the
Maya and to the “after” life for modern scholars.
It could be argued that the iron in human blood, would be heated by the fire, and cause
quantum vibrations – which would allow communication between the lineages of Royal
Families, and it might have been the reason why these families were considered “royal,”
or sacred in the first place, in other words, all human societies, recognized the abilities
of people to communicate with or receive messages from ancestors as well as from the
The maya considered Hematite to be the mineral representation of blood in the human

Red Ochre and Human Evolution

Some of the places where red ochre has been found and used as a pigment, date back
over 300,000 year ago. 1

Ochre was part of the first art of the Middle Stone Age (MSA) phase in Africa
called Howiesons Poort. The early modern human assemblages of 100,000-year-old
MSA sites including Blombos Cave and Klein Kliphuis in South Africa have been found
to include examples of engraved ochre, slabs of ochre with carved patterns deliberately
cut into the surface.

Spanish paleontologist Carlos Duarte (2014) has even suggested that using red ochre
as a pigment in tattoos (and otherwise ingested) may have had a role in human
evolution, as it would have been a source of iron directly to the human brain,
perhaps making us smarter.

The presence of ochre mixed with milk proteins on an artifact from a 49,000-year-old
MSA level at Sibudu cave in South Africa is suggested to have been used to make the
ochre liquid, probably by killing a lactating bovid (Villa 2015).

Thus the idea of a secret mystery cult like the cult of Mithras, which was known to
conduct sacrifices of cows (Bovine) might have been directly related to the females
wanting to create and control their ability to produce offspring which were “enhanced,”
with additional bio-ferromagnetic materials which either the pregnant mother or the child
could ingest through the mother’s milk, but either way it would seem that the worldwide
cults of worshipping a cow and sacrificing the same, could have been directly related to
these Red Ochre and hematite being used in tatoos or other ways to help the offspring
of the cults that knew about these things to be smarter, or perhaps even more psychic
or in tune with the quantum vibrations needed to clearly see future or past events, or to
communicate with and receive guidance from the quantum realm (ancestors from the
past and yourself from the future).

Ruling out Hypnagogic Hallucinations

A hypnagogic hallucination is a vivid, dream-like sensation that an individual hears,
sees, feels, or even smells and that occurs near the onset of sleep.

As the individual falls asleep they experience intense hypnagogic hallucinations and
may imagine that there are other people in his room. These episodes are usually brief
and may also occur as someone transitions from slumber to wakefulness (a variant
called hypnopompia).

"Illusions occur while awake, and are classified as a sensory misrepresentation of an

external stimulus, while hallucinations occur in the absence of any external stimuli,"
according to the American Sleep Association.

The ASA notes that these hallucinations are common, with at least 10 percent of the
population experiencing such sensations. They also noted that Teens, young adults,
girls, and women are most likely to have these hallucinations.

This would be expected since the bonds between children and their mothers are
arguably the strongest and most established, we are forever linked, on a quantum level,
to every mother, through our mothers, all the way back to the 7 original females, that
some of the ancient texts speak of. Modern DNA research has confirmed, that all the
humans studied to date, break down into 7 families of 33 haplogroups.

We never lose the bonds to our mothers, and fathers, but especially our mothers, as we
are quantum entangled to all the fathers and mothers who came before us, and to all
the people we meet in life, and previous lives, so even when the body is passed, our
quantum energy is still intact, so when we “pray” and we "remember," our loved ones,
it’s as if there was no time, no space and no distance, because we are essentially
creating a quantum tunnel to our loved ones, in which we may be able to communicate,
if under the right conditions, - such as meditation, or being asleep.

One must be put into a Stage 3 and 4 REM sleep phase in order to properly sense, the
photonic quantum pulses which the pineal gland and bioferromagnetite in the brain is
capable of sensing, and translating those quantum pulses and vibrations into a “a
vision” or picture of what the pulse is trying to convey…usually emotions, which are then
matched by the recipients brain to previous memories, and a “mental,” picture of what is
being represented by the pulses is created in the brain of the recipient, and this would
explain why “REM,” – Rapid Eye Movement is experienced, because the brain is
processing unfiltered information from the Quantum Realm, and any large disturbance
to that quantum energy is felt, regardless of when in time it happens.

It is only when we can shut off our conscious filters, that we can properly access the
pineal glands information and decipher its messages more accurately, this is why
dreams, clairvoyance, and communication between the deceased and living people,
most often occurs while people are asleep, because our pre-frontal cortex is not pre-
occupied processing all the information that is coming from the eyes, ears, and other
senses, the pineal can then function as the receptor, and translated by the rest of the
brain, as if it was a real event.

Spooky Action at a Distance

This is Einsteins, "Spooky action at a distance," explanation to understand Quantum mechanical
entanglement - when two particles can be affected by each other, through the sympathetic resonant
frequency of their vibration, which - according to quantum theory, would allow for -
"communication," between two particles, should those particles be able to be communicated into a
variable frequency and amplitude, and pulse, and then received by the same super-sensitive,
instrument, capable of sensing photonic - polarized (Magnetized light that has a spin) coming from
the quantum realm, and which can be sensed by the human pineal gland which has 2 sets of light
receptors, for 4 total photonic reception sites, within the pineal gland.

The photonic quantum pulses are eternal, once created with emotions of love, ❤ they are embedded
in the holographic universe and become a spiral fractal in time, which - once created - can never be

But we and our loved ones will re-incarnate into your children and other family members, our
quantum essence, does not "die," once it is created, it can only be concentrated or diluted...

Hence, death is only but an illusion. ...and Love is Eternal, our souls and “personalities,” as Ian
Stevenson called them – carry on into new bodies.

Recent studies in 2019, showed that my 1996 theory of human magnetoreception has
been proven at Caltech 2

On the other hand, the assumption that magnetite is not only sensitive to magnetic fields, but also can
take part in the inheritance of magnetosome polarity has been raised a long time ago. It was the first
possibility to ‘‘heredity without genes” namely, that the process of information fixation did not take
place only within the DNA but in biomagnetites, and yet this fixed information could be manifested
at the DNA level.

In the present paper, we propose that brain magnetite maybe a component of the
mechanisms, conserved during evolution, to detect and transduce magnetic fields generated inside the
cerebral neocortex. Specifically, we propose a possible role for magnetite nanoparticles, distributed

neuronal and astroglial membranes, inperception, transductionandstorageof information that arrives
to the neocortex.3

The Hopi Story

The Hopi stories speak of the Brother that went east - and would return some day - from the Northern
part of Europe or Britain, with a "shield," symbol, and would be from the "bear" clan.

I believe that "shield," can have the same meaning as "to guard or protect," and if so - then it is my
belief that the shield symbol is a “chevron,” on an actual shield that the Hopi likely are describing.

One of the mottos of our (Warwick) family - which contains a bear symbol that goes back at least
1500 years that we know of - to the time of Arthur and its clear that the stories about a king Arthur
Arth means bear in welsh - are related to the bear families - (Warwick) aka - Guarensis.

The Warwick Motto - one of them is "we are the Guardians of Future Generations"

In ancient times - it was not called Warwick - it was called Guarensis which contains the root word
for Guard - or Protect - which is the GU prefix, and it can also mean, to make a BOND or a PACT -
as in Guaranty and Warranty.

There was no W in the english language prior to the 7th century - the W is arabic in origin, and was
imported from pilgrims from the middle east.

It is or could be rightly called a Double V - is a Double U - VV

That the V or chevron symbol became a symbol of both a "shield" and could have become
synonymous with Guard or protect is possible, since it is assumed that the Hopi interaction spoken of
goes back thousands of years, before the Spaniards and others came and could have influenced their

In my opinion, one likely explanation of Modern DNA shows that the most likely lineages of the
person we know of as Jesus - comes from Egyptian Druze ancestry, and the Haplogroup X family.

It just so happens, that isolated groups of peoples from the Navajo, Dineh, Sioux and other people
from the Orkneys, and parts of Scotland, all seem to share this rarest of Hapologroup X - Mtdna - so
is it so far fetched, then to think that the Hopi stories of the brothers who went east - are untrue?

The "out of africa" theory to scotland can be explained by the influx of the Tuatha de Danon - and
Queen Scota from Egypt, from which the modern scots and celts and associated ancient clans -
derived their "ruddy" red or blond hair and complexion.

Haplogroup X, is thought to have originated or traced back 25,000 years, to 35,000 BP - right around
the time of the "Magdalenian" cultures flourishing...

How Aptly named this was....

Given these Unique and rarest of lineages, in all the 33 haplogroups, X is the rarest.

Just because Hopi is not listed or known to be Haplogroup X, this may only be because no one has
fully tested all the lineage of the Hopi - of which there are several - and from whom, they're not all
the same. Only the Hopi from First Mesa, - have claimed to be the original Hopi, with other influxes
of other tribes over the centuries, who would bring other DNA types and Haplogroups.

According to what I have been told, only the people from First Mesa, are truly Hopi, as the others
from other mesas, were largely just absorbed by the original Hopi over time, thus each mesa has its
own - traditions, cultures and identities, but not all people who call themselves - Hopi - are true
aboriginal Hopi from Oraibi from 5,000 BP and assumably older, which is the oldest known
continually inhabited city in North America.

The Navajo or Dineh tribe, surrounds the Hopi reservation, completely such that the current Hopi
lands, are only a fraction of what they used to be, so that the Hopi lands are entirely surrounded by
the Navajo reservation, hence the Hopi lands are a reservation, within a reservation.

Some of the teachings of the elders, that have been published - speak of a person who came and
promised to return and used the phrase, “I am the first, and shall be the last.”

Modern scholars assumed incorrectly that the Hopi have somehow absorbed Christian teachings and
let it infiltrate their core beliefs, but this does not have to be the only possible explanation, since its
clear that enough DNA evidence in the X1 and X2 haplogroup strains, would indicate - absolutely
shows, a direct link between lineal groups that existed in Egypt and the middle east during the time
of Jesus, and which also exist in north American tribes, who have stories, and teachings passed down
from generation to generation - which use the same words and concepts and ideas, that the person we
call Jesus or Yeshua - cannot be explained in any other way.

If there were no genetic links, then we would surmise that these stories of jesus teachings that seem
to match the teaching of Hopi stories, were merely imported from Christian missionaries.

Although the Indian schools as they were called did all they could to break the spirit of the native
peoples, and especially the ancestral Hopi, the fact is that the Hopi of First Mesa, have never
surrendered to the USA, they never signed any treaties, and never gave up their ancestral - lands of
Oraibi and First Mesa - at least in the sense that Oraibi and First Mesa and other original Mesas, that
their god "Massau" - brought them to - are still in the possession of the Hopi Elders, even if other
lands were lost to the Navajo/Dineh or repatriated the other mesas with other tribes, over time.

I have been in contact with several groups of native Americans - including Hopi, Navaho and
Sioux/Lakota, and it has been my sincere belief that we were all related, and this is even more
bolstered by the fact that my lineages all derive from the locations listed in the X1 and X2 lineages, -
namely Scotland/Britain - and Newfoundland/Nova Scotia founded by my ancestors - the Earls of
Warwick and in Scotland, the Sinclair - or by their ancient name - the Saint Clairs - with Clair being
an ancient name for light as in Claris - or to see clearly - as in - Clair-Voyance. - "To see the light
Furthermore, I would assert that the search for the "holy grail," is in fact the search for the
descendants of Haplogroup X - as the "grail" is the X lineages.

I believe the word Grail is a Corruption of the ancient name of Warwick - called Guarensis. The
meaning of this ancient word was lost during the dark ages, and the assassination of Grail lineages,
most likely because the competing ruling monarchs, did not want the psychic and clair-voyant X
families - seeing or peering into their affairs.

Any advantage that the Clair-voyant X families had, would have been seen as a direct threat to the
Roman/Catholic Churches' and other families hold on society, and certainly in battle, as we have
surmised from Alexander the Great’s birth and exceptional accomplishments on the field of battle,
would it be out of the realm of possibilities, that the Haplogroup X families abilities may have been
much, much more powerful, with better, all natural diets, and an abundance of biogenic Magnetite in
the environment with no artificial chemicals or pollutants to dilute those abilities?

Nor would ancient X families, have had their quantum vibrations blocked or trapped or deflected by
metal and concrete buildings, which had not been invented yet.

If we look at the construction of the Temple that housed the Ark of the Covenant, it was made
entirely from non-ferrous materials, and specifically with only Gold and non-ferrous metals – but no
iron, nothing that could or would cause any magnetic disturbance’s or fluctuation’s, in fact, you can
see the use of gold and silver being the ultimate pure conductors of electricity, as Gold and Silver are
#1 and #2 best conductors of electricity, and have the least resistance to electron flow and thus,
perfectly suited to conduct or insulate the Ark as needed from electromagnetic waves which could
over-run the reception of the quantum fluctuations.

The arks and temples construction materials had to have been chosen to both insulate and concentrate
the quantum fluctuations into the Ark of the Covenant.

We can assume from the instructions given, to the priests of the Temple, that the construction of the
“Temple,” or Holy of Holies, as it was aptly named, was to create a double harmonic concentrator of
energy in which the non-ferrous rectangular “temple” structure, acted as a quantum harmonic
resonator, in which the Ark was tuned to harmonically resonate and amplify, the captured quantum
vibrations from the Temple, so that they were received and “amplified” by the “Tablets” which were
placed inside the rectangular Ark, or resonant cavity.

That the Temple and the Ark were made to rectangular precise specifications and the “Empty”
sarcophagus of the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid, are in fact, examples of the same quantum
concepts, with the so called sarcophagus, likely housing the same type of “tablets,” as the Ark, as
both derive from Egypt in the first place.

Given the precise manufacture and nature of both the great pyramid chambers and the Temple built
to “house” the Ark, it would seem they are both utilizing or trying to create a form of a quantum trap,
or quantum insulating Transceiver, using the likely radioactive, or other special elements which
would be placed inside the “kings” Sarcophagus, or Ark - which is almost the same size and
dimension’s as the Ark of the Covenant.
In addition, the cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of
Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the
same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King

This corbelled passage soars to a height of 8.74 m (26 feet) and leads up to the King's
Chamber, which is constructed entirely from red granite brought from the southern
quarries at Aswan.

average sarcophagus of the Old Kingdom era.

Actual Dimensions of King chamber’s entrance wall:

Entrance wall’s depth (or entrance passage length: 4.89ft (2.56m)

So-called Sarcophagus’s internal dimensions:

•Internal Length: 1.977m x Width: 0.677m x Height 0.872m.

•External Length: 2.28m x Width: 0.98m x Height: 1.05m
One can see that the external length of the sarcophagus is slightly shorter than the
entrance wall (northern wall) of the King chamber (2.28m vs. 2.56m).

Moreover, all the four walls of the King chamber were made each of five courses of
granite blocks with the same height of 1.19m.

So, the so-called sarcophagus could have been made by taking any granite block of the
four walls of the King chamber and chisel it out slightly on all sides then the bowels of it.
Was it a pure coincident?

The larger Ark in the Kings Chamber, may have been needed to dampen the higher
energy vibrations or waves, that would be created by the more powerful great pyramid,
whereas the lower power – portable Communication Arks, needed only highly
conductive gold and non – conductive wood, to function properly.

Both could have been used to channel and direct quantum oscillation’s and frequencies,
with the Placement or movement of the kings Ark – in the Great Pyramid, around the
chamber, until it was perfectly in “tune” or resonance with the Star system they wanted
or were pointing it towards.

This would explain the changes of the elevations of the so called – “air shafts” in the
Great Pyramid, as a form of resonant cavity tuners, which would attenuate and
concentrate the quantum oscillations created by the “tablets” of radioactive or other
special elements, which were placed inside the Arks, to make them function.

These rectilinear “air shafts,” are not for air – they are for the proper attenuation of the resonant
fields which would emanate from the Ark in the Kings Chamber.
Thus the so-called “sarcophagus,” could be moved around the room, until it was in perfect resonance
with one of the 4 star systems which the 4 “shafts” or more accurately – “Wave” guides were pointed
towards, and the quantum energy would be concentrated in the (air shaft) “wave” guide, and then
emanated in the direction of the star system you wanted to send messages to and receive messages

Moving the ark around the kings chamber would allow for the Ark to be tuned to the frequencies,
simply by sliding the ark around the chamber, until it resonated like turning a dial on a radio to get
different frequencies, there is no difference, the only difference is that the waves they were trying to
send and receive were quantum and thus – able to travel through space time, the only way to
communicate across the star systems to be faster than light, is to use quantum vibrations, which are
timeless, once created.

Thus the frequencies or quantum vibrations would then be tuned, by the movement and placement of
the great pyramid granite ark container in the great pyramid, until it resonated with the proper
attenuation, so that one of the 4 star systems could be communicated with – instantly - via quantum
tunneling creating an intense Einstein Rosen-bridge wormhole, potential, using the entire earth as a
cavity resonator itself, this is why the pyramid was built in the dimensions it was built to collect the
resonant energy of the whole entire planet and concentrate it.

Thus the structure of the Great Pyramid was to make the pyramid a huge cavity microwave resonator,
which could transmit or receive quantum vibrations and then, likely – resonate those through the
pyramids so called “Ben-Ben,” stone which was supposed to be encased in gold, and sat atop the
pyramid – to then transmit those quantum fluctuations – to the surrounding “temples” and pyramids
thus allowing for smaller more portable transceivers like the Ark of the Covenant to then receive
these transmissions and provide “guidance” to the people who possessed it.

Thus the Ark of the Covenant can be seen as a portable Great pyramid – quantum communication
device, literally a portable miniature great pyramid cavity resonator. Thus the story of the Exodus
becomes more clear, for after suffering the 12 plagues of Egypt, the pharaoh let the Israelites, leave
Egypt freely, but then decided to chase after them, so perhaps the story of the parting of the Red Sea,
has more to do with the pharaoh wanting to recover his portable quantum communication device and
technologies, should the humans rebel against their oppressors, as the Hopi stories tell us…

See the tablets, were then given to Moses on the mountain, so that they could activate the Ark, and
what did Moses do when he saw the people worshipping the old gods? He broke the tablets, and then
eventually had to get new ones, from the god of the mountain who had led them to this place.

So we can see pharaohs chasing the humans in a whole new light now.

And thus we can also assume that the “mist” which was reported between the cherubim, of the ark,
likely were condensing quantum energy, and were using quantum energy and quantum tunneling to
“communicate” with another being or entity in another place, planet, dimension and or time.

This would explain why people have sought this device for so long, and wanted to control it, even if
they did not fully comprehend how to use it – as the Babylonians found when they took possession of
it, they had to return it to the Israelite’s, because it made them sick.
This is exactly what we would expect to happen, if a tablet were made from a low thermal nuclear
slow decay power source that could amplify the incoming quantum oscillation’s, then we might be
able to reconstruct, or build miniature scaled models based on the Hebrew and other descriptions, and
our knowledge of the Great Pyramid dimension’s, an interesting series of experiment’s, not unlike
Tesla’s work with Very high Frequency waves, to transmit energy wirelessly.

Using the earth itself as a capacitor to accumulate and then release the raw – dark or quantum energy
that exists everywhere all the time – an experiment could be designed to try to capture quantum
oscillations, and channel them, just as the “air shafts,” did, except build the pyramid on a much
smaller, exact scale, - the exact dimension’s might have to be adjusted in order to resonate correctly
but theoretically – I see no reason why this could not be done with enough capital.

Alternately according to the most recent physics discoveries in Quantum Oscillations published on
1/11/21 Quantum Oscillations may lead to (Artificial) Quantum Computing (communication)

“It’s possible that neutral fermions could be used in the future for encoding information that
would be useful in quantum computing,” he said. “In the meantime, though, we’re still in the
very early stages of understanding quantum phenomena like this, so fundamental discoveries
have to be made.”

Since we appear to be on the cusp of artificial quantum communication, researchers at Princeton,

were able to observe quantum state oscillations in non metallic materials, which have very high
insulation values, and resistant to any previous quantum oscillations. 4

This might indicate that the materials used in the Great Pyramid (basalt, granite, mortar, Limestone,)
could have been used as semi-conductive insulating materials which had limited permissivity, thus
acting as a type of faraday cage, to absorb and channel and deflect cosmic and other waves, into the
ground, thereby allowing the quantum oscillations to be more easily received, and channeled by the
air shafts, wave guides, and then amplified by the interior resonant cavity of the Kings chamber, and
then pulsed to the Ben Ben Stone on top of the pyramid, which transmitted this quantum energy to
local pyramid’s, and Arks in other Temples.

Thus the same mechanisms as before, - just using the mass of the pyramid as an insulating semi-
conductor, and since we know that quantum – neutral Fermions have been detected, in very highly
resistant insulating materials, we can only surmise, that the Pyramid’s mass of granite and other
materials, are just as important to the overall functioning of the Great Pyramid and other Arks,
utilizing the same quantum tunneling structures.

The same can be said of the “Temple,” structure that was built to house the Ark of the Covenant, as
the highly conductive gold and silver in the temple structure could have acted as insulators as well, in
place of the heavy granite etc, as a more portable – and affordable structure, hence the need for large
amounts of gold and silver and the lust for it, could have been deeply rooted in a much more
ephemeral way, with ancient man only knowing that the gods used it for their “temples.”

Ion Traps at Room Temperature

Recent developments in Ion Traps5 used to study the effects of Quantum computing and other
communication advances use lasers to manipulate QSCOUT’s ytterbium ions to generate qubits,
the computational units of quantum computing. This new development in Ion Traps for Quantum
research, uses trapped ytterbium ions that don’t need the expensive cryogenic cooling most other
quantum technologies need to reach the quantum critical temperature’s, which are usually close
to absolute zero. The ions interact at about room temperature inside a vacuum chamber as the
interplay between direct current and radiofrequency fields detain them on a chip.

I would submit that if such a development exists today, in its infancy, we can only imagine how
advanced this technology would be in a decade or two, given moors law for computing, we
would expect that an ancient technology which used quantum communication and computing
technologies need not have been housed or used complex technological devices, to operate, they
could theoretically work at or near normal room temperatures, just as the QSCOUT device can.
Perhaps the core “tablets” which were given to Moses, by the Elohim – and placed into the Ark
of the Covenant, utilized a form of Ytterbium and other materials, that supplied the energy
needed to communicate when heated up with only mild radioactive elements.

These materials could be pressed into “tablets” just as we make super-conducting materials in
round petri dishes, so the “tablets” which were reported to have been placed inside the Ark, by
Moses and which was heated by a mildly thermal radiative element which was also placed or
kept inside of the ark and protected from reacting by a shielding metal like lead or something
like that – that was removed, and it melted the ytterbium and this could possibly have created the
“mist” that was reported to have formed between the “cherubim” of the Ark, which was wear
“god,” communicated somehow with the high priests of the Israelites.

The Cherubim were likely simply effigies that created a potential difference between the two
poles, or end points of the two cherubim, and allowed the charges to accumulate and condense
into a photonic image with sounds, or other vibrations, which could be seen in the mist above the
Ark between the cherubim as the yttrium melted…or ionic charges caused water vapor to
condense or both.

This would explain why the Ark made the Babylonians sick, they probably opened the lid and
tried to see what was making it work, and likely removed or dislocated the shielding materials
and thus exposed themselves to thermal and other radiation which was not properly shielded.

“Qubits” in current Quantum Computational research are generated by the behavior of quantum
particles, such as photons, electrons, and ions, and can exist in different places simultaneously
and act as both a wave and matter. As a result, qubits in a quantum state can multiply themselves
as 1‘s, 0’s or complex mixtures of both in the same computational calculation.

Ytterbium is less sensitive to magnetic field noise in general and like the Temple which housed
the Ark, and the Ark itself, the builders of QSCOUT went to extensive effort to shield it from
other electromagnetic “noise” sources, which would interfere with the quantum oscillations,
especially any external magnetic fields.

Another benefit of using Ytterbium atoms is that they can be trapped in electric fields just by
heating a chunk of the element and letting it convert directly to a “vapor.”

Lasers can then strip away some electrons in a two-step process, transfiguring atoms into
positively charged ions. All of these devices and functions could have fit inside the Ark
dimensions and performed the necessary tasks to create a portable nuclear, powered thermal-
electric generator, which in turn allowed the quantum communication device to be turned on
simply by removing or adjusting the shielding materials or the distance between conductor and
radioactive elements, just as nuclear reactors vary the amount of shielding materials, usually
water – allowing the heat from the nuclear reactions to be controlled.

The “Ark of the Covenant,” as we know it – was merely a shielding resonant container, inside of
which were placed the “tablets,” of radioactive elements, which provided the thermal nuclear
power to run the small devices needed to make the Ion Trap operate.

This device would work, theoretically as long as the half-life of the materials it was made from.
If it was made from Uranium or Plutonium, it could last hundreds or even thousand’s of years,
therefore the use of solid gold and silver and other low resistance materials makes perfect sense,
because any resistance or corrosion in the conductive metals, could be catastrophic as it would
cause a heat build up and short, which could cause the radioactive elemental tablets to overheat
and go critical, - causing an uncontrolled nuclear reaction.

This is likely the reason why only certain families of Israelites were allowed to work on or
around the Ark, as they were trained in the handling and safety protocols, just as a modern
submariner is trained in how to maintain their nuclear powered equipment.

It is likely the materials were made from solid state natural materials, such as the high priests
fabled “tablets” of destinies which were made from various “jewels” and placed on the priests
chests when they entered the holy of holies to communicate with their god.

We have enough information and details from both the great pyramid and the Ark descriptions
from the Torah to reconstruct these devices, and try to reverse engineer their operation through
the application of trial and error, using the Ark and Great pyramid harmonic dimensions to try to
understand what their true purpose was for…they most certainly were much more than just holy
relics made to appease or appeal an imaginary god or gods.

This may seem like a trivial side track in our search for communication with those who have
deceased, or the transmission of information between those who have died, and those who are
still alive, however it’s important to understand that the ancients had to adhere to the same
physics, we have to adhere to as well.

The idea that ancient people were in possession of both knowledge of and understanding of
Quantum mechanical concepts has been demonstrated by Laird Scranton, after studying Dogon
and Egyptian linguistic similarities to quantum and classical physics descriptions of elemental
particles and forces, which the primitive humans of the time period could not have developed an
understanding of by themselves.
DNA Evidence of Psychic Abilities being passed down within certain
I am sure that if we were able to obtain DNA from the descendants of the personages we call Jesus
and Mary – we would find that they are Haplogroup X – and that the 3 children of Fatima from
Portugal, and from Bernadette Soubirous and Berenger Saunieres families - we would most likely
find the X2 Strains – which would prove additional proof that my hypothesis is correct as we would
expect genetic descendants of middle eastern peoples, to eventually spread from middle east, or
Northern Africa, as the Haplogroup X data seems to indicate, the branches of the genetic tree spread
from North Africa (Egypt) to Europe, and North America and perhaps back to Europe as the Hopi
stories of the brother who went east from the 4 corners area, who is to return someday.

95% of all Native Americans possess the sub-haplogroups A2, B2, C1b, C1c, C1d, and D1.

The remaining 5% possess the sub-haplogroups X2a, X2b, D2a, C4c, and D4h3a. Because these
sub-haplogroups are so rare, most studies exclude them, due to lack of available data, for their
studies, but we know that these lineages exist.

X2a: is found in North American tribes, Ojibwe, Toanan, Sioux, and of all places, Nova Scotia and
Newfoundland and Northern Africa.

X2b: found throughout Europe (incl. Sardinia and Orkney), in Morocco, among the Druzes and in
parts of Central Asia / found in Eary & Middle Neolithic France, (Bernadette (Bernade) Soubirous -
Rennes Le Chateau - Berenger (Berengar) Sauniere), Both of these ancient names “Berengar” male
and “Bernade” female, in their native languages, literally mean “Bear-Spear.”

Late Neolithic England, Spain & Portugal (The 3 children of Fatima were all related to each other
they were cousins) A rough translation of Lucia's Mothers maiden name means "Light of Jesus from
the Holy or Sacred Rose."

Lucia name here again alludes to LIGHT and Portugal's ancient name -was itself in roman times
called “Lusitania” or "Land of the Lights"

A Dogon mythological character named Dada (which means "spider") weaves matter. Also
referred to as Nana, which is a term for the nonmaterial feminine or a mother. The
symbolism ties to Neith in Egypt, who has no known spider associations, and to surrogates
of Neith such as Athena in Greece, who does. Symbolically, the Egyptian hieroglyphic name
of Neith reads, "Weaves matter", followed by the criss-crossing dynamic of angular impulse,
which is the catalyst for how material forms emerge. Scranton
Furthermore, if MPD, is caused by previous life memories which were stored in a quantum state of
consciousness, in side our DNA and Magnetite, then it would make sense that people who have been
abused are more likely to revert back to their previous lives, or even future lives, as the conscious
mind works hard to block the abusive stimuli in the brain, this forces the brain into a more quantum
state of being, where the other states of consciousness are tapping into the primordial memory in the
DNA and magnetite which is receiving the quantum energy of that soul or being.

If we look at how the forces of nature work, everything is in balance. But what if we create a
“negative,” quantum energy state, by accident or unnaturally – as when killing someone or
something…before they are ready or someone is tortured and killed? What happens to that quantum
“negative” energy?

I suggest that it comes back…everything wants to find balance, and equilibrium, the 2nd law of
thermodynamics and heat – require the conservation of energy –

Therefore I think that the quantum energy created - looks for “sympathetic,” and other “resonant,”
vibrations – it looks for people (Souls/Personalities) who have similar violent or other tendencies, as
their frequency and vibration will be similar to theirs. So, this could be how Karmic action or what
Einstein calls spooky action at a distance works…

The evil that is done to one person may not come back as just another person who does evil – it may
be split up into different areas – different people get parts of it, but it’s there, haunting us all to some
extent, even if we didn’t partake in any violence - we may all suffer a loss.

Therefore, the idea of a “discarnate,” spirit, or “personality,” may be nothing more than an
unorganized, or dis-organized quantum state which exists, either naturally due to underlying
geomagnetic anomalies or in certain places, due to violent or extreme acts which caused the quantum
entanglement of objects such as the structure of the house, which was covered in blood, for instance
in a murder, to be trapped in the matter around the event.

If the cause of the “demonic,” disturbance was geomagnetic, it might not be sensed, directly as the
quantum state that is created by geomagnetic anomalies’ may be creating quantum bridges or
wormholes to open and close periodically – and without the proper instruments to detect such things,
and to know what to look for – we might have a hard time understanding what is really going on…

But lets assume this quantum energy found a sympathetic body to vibrate or inhabit – a child usually
or pre adult girls etc, because their Pineal glands which receive this quantum vibrations is still very
open to signals from the Quantum Realm before puberty causes changes which will make it harder
for the Female to see clearly.

This may also explain why virgins were considered so prized in ancient times (Like the oracles of
Delphos) for their ability to see the quantum vibrations more clearly and that after sexual intercourse,
their quantum energy pattern would no longer be “pure,” it would be mixed with the man whom the
female had intercourse with…thus the ancients did not have to know about quantum mechanics to
see the end result and outcome of it.

Another observation I have made is that if we consider the possession experience as a quantum
“disordered” state, then we might begin understand the “negative” aspect of what we call ‘demonic,”
is largely because of the gross and offensive behavior of people who appear to be “possessed.”
Swearing and using foul language is not exclusive to “demonic possession,” in fact, a quite common
syndrome called turrets syndrome – often cited in comedies, occurs when humans cannot control
their speech, and randomly blurt out obscenities…

If we look at turrets syndrome from a new quantum “disorganized” point of view, this could be
explained by a lack of bioferromagnetite in the brain, or its not polarized to be back in sync with the
earth geomagnetic field of Resonance, such as the Schumann resonance.

The current ideology of doctors and psychiatry – is to use drugs to try to change brain chemistry to
achieve a desired outcome, with only moderate success and in some cases, I would say negative
effects on society.

Here take a pill, this will solve all your problems – clearly is not working, it can be part of the
solution – but I would argue that a lot of what we call “diseases,” of the mind, or depression or
schizophrenia and other seemingly “mental,” disorders could be explained if we simply accept that
once created, when a sperm meets an egg and penetrates the egg wall – a burst of light is emitted –
and once that energy is “emitted,” a new soul or entity or personality is created, but its not really a
new soul – or entity – it’s not really “new” energy – because that violates the law of conservation of

Therefore, I would submit that the “light,” which explodes in the cell when the sperm pierces the
wall of the egg, is the soul or spirit or INCARNATION of “quantum energy,” from a previous life or
experience. This explains why souls or “personalities,” as Stevenson calls them – tend to incarnate in
the same families over time. If every person on earth is quantum entangled through DNA structure
and mtDNA and entangled through their biomagnetism concentration and makeup – or vibrations,
then we really are all connected through at least 1 of the 33 known Haplogroups of mtDNA lineages.

When two people are making love to create a child, the combination of the two, can only be seen as
the greatest act of quantum entanglement we can find in nature!

If Love is “organized” Quantum Entanglement with a “positive,” outcome then does that mean that
what we perceive as “evil,” or “demonic,” feelings are nothing more than a “negative” outcome from
“dis-organized,” quantum energy…?

So the idea of a demonic or other possession – we are observing as “evil” or of the devil or satan, etc,
may only be because its “disorganized quantum energy” – which is stimulating random – thoughts
and processes in the brain to fire – just as the people who suffer from Turrets Syndrome, or

Thus the “possessed,” person is really just getting mixed signals in their brains, so if the “regular”
world we see or perceive, as being mostly positive, because most of the world is populated with
people who do actually love and care for each other (Positive quantum energy geometric formation)
– then we don’t see the side of “disorganized” quantum energy (Negative Quantum Energy
Geometric formation) – that often…

So when we do get to witness extreme cases of “disorganized” quantum energy (Negative Quantum
Energy Geometric formation) in people – it comes out as serial killers, war lords, and demonic
possessions, when its viewed in the context of religion or society norms.
Which brings us to the next aspect of “demonic,” type events, is that they seem to be in direct
connection to the beliefs of the people who are effected.

So if a child in a catholic home seems to be acting oddly then they call the local priest, etc, and so
before the subject is even begun to be diagnosed, they are flooded with religious ideas, and so if
Love and Compassion create – what we call a positive Quantum energy state (geometrically solid
and organized) and the person who is being flooded with “disorganized,” quantum fluctuations, or is
“receiving,” these disorganized impulses in the quantum realm, and trying to decipher them in the
usual geometric realm we are used to – would create a schism in the personality of the person being
affected by this influx of “disorganized quantum vibrations,” which could be from random local
geomagnetic fluctuations and or a combination of quantum entanglement’s of other people who lived
there etc or died there, etc.

Or the recipient of these quantum fluctuation’s simply has an ungrounded or disorganized bio-
ferromagnetic structure in their brains, and because of this “disordered,” magnetite composition –
these people are more likely to be effected by “disorganized,” quantum fluctuations when they
occur…thus the seemingly random events that go along with some extreme “possession,” cases may
be just the outcome of a disorganized quantum fluctuation.

Thus a child would see a priest, and think – possibly here is someone to help me I can trust, but the
disorganized quantum state of his mind sees a reflection of that – it’s the opposite of that…

Thus the child is mirroring everything that is presented to them, by mirror I mean whatever is being
projected onto the child through external stimulus, is being received and then “disorganized,” by the
quantum fluctuations and then spit back out – through external speech etc, as – “negative,” swearing,
etc, because its not being filtered by the regular conscious mind pathways…

The “possessed,” person is merely mirroring whatever the stimulus is in front of them – so if a
catholic priest walks into the room and starts to chant lines from a Latin text to the person who is
“possessed,” and whose mind is receiving impulses from a quantum realm, that is “dis-organized,”
then the possessed person is likely shutting off all cognitive functions, to process this influx of
overwhelming quantum energy that they are not familiar with.

When I witnessed that UFO – Boomerang shaped craft on March 12, 1997, my eidetic memory went
through every single image of any craft I had ever seen – in my life, in the movies, while working for
Civil Air Patrol – like a flash card deck, I went through everything in my mind and experiences and
came up with nothing…

Ok I said, to myself, do it again – so I went through all the images in my mind of what it could be
and again I got nothing …

Ok I say to myself, “it must be a hang glider, its silent,” – then when I saw the Craft illuminated by
the streetlights from below – and could see its shape and form I realized it was not anything like I
had ever seen anywhere – ever before and I was in shock.

I was paralyzed with shock and awe and so based on that experience, I can only imagine what a
“normal” person would experience if they were suddenly exposed to a “disorganized,” quantum state
for even a micro second of time? Would this not create disorder in the bioferromagnetite alignment’s
in the brain? We know that they can be aligned and manipulated…externally with external DC fields.

Why does Lithium – an metallic element help treat some disorders?

Is it the lithium that is helping the body or is the Lithium merely a metallic component that is
assisting the bodies other bioferromagnetic operations to work better – somehow -?

Is it the lithium – or the biogenic field and quantum arrangement of the magnetite in the brain – that
is more or most important to treat and diagnose?

Perhaps the answer to treating many of the hardest to treat “mental,” disorders, may lie not just in the
use of drugs alone, but if we better understood how the Pineal gland and our DNA and the Bio
magnetite nanoparticles in our brain and our bodies worked, then I truly believe we will be able to
diagnose and treat a number of incurable mental or physical disorders, which may have their origins
in understanding the delicate and sensitive quantum states of energy that our bodies are tuned to
receive signals from.

Our brains and pineal gland form a little miniature quantum ion trap, in which the Pineal Glands
photon receptors, are coupled with the rest of the brain, so that quantum energy fluctuations can be
sensed by the pineal glands and magnetite in the brain, and then transmit those pulses of information
into the rest of our brain for processing and output of images or emotions or even speech, words or
ideas into a conscious or sleeping person.

When the subject is asleep these come through as dreams of loved ones or other things which we
often forget by the time we wake up and thus these events tend to not effect our daily conscious lives
that much unless we want to explore our dreams and what they are trying to tell us.

So what if the only difference is that perhaps a schizophrenic or MPD person, simply has a chemical
imbalance that allows that stimuli to occur when the person is awake and conscious?

When the subject receiving quantum fluctuations is asleep, they are paralyzed from acting out on
their impulses, but the conscious and awake person that is receiving these quantum impulses, may
hear voices in their head, so people or things that are not real, in this world or time, or have
conversations or appear to be someone else – that they are not!

Perhaps some of these effects could be explained if we approach the diagnosis and treatment of these
people from a geomagnetic point of view, for instance – “electro-shock,” therapy used to be used to
control or try to cure certain “mental,” illnesses with limited success, and is largely been outlawed
for its deleterious effects when used improperly.

However what if this treatment could have been better if we simply understood the delicate
nanostructure of our bio magnetite and how to subtly re-align our magnetic brains to be more in sync
with the earth for instance?

We are made from over 70% H20, water, and some scientists have shown that water seems to have a
“memory” effect which can be changed or morphed by sonic and other influences to create various
geometric or “organized,” states, while negative thoughts or energies seemed to create “dis-organized
structures,” and that this can be proven scientifically to occur with different words creating different
geomagnetic patterns in the water – it’s also been shown that water molecules react to sound and
other EMF waves, to create geometrical solid shapes in liquid or frozen form as the famous fractal
snowflake that is never the same – seems to demonstrate…

If no two fractal snowflakes can ever be the same geometry- then does this also mean that humans
made from mostly this same water are also – singular creations in a quantum sense?

If no two water based snowflakes are the same, due to quantum fluctuations which are unique to all
matter which is created, then wouldn’t this same principle apply to water molecules which become
conscious of themselves in a human body and container?

This ties in perfectly with the Quantum Entanglement theory – as when “Holy Water” is brought by
priests, to bless or drive out the devil from possessed people, the water is theoretically vibrating in
sympathetic vibration with the people who “blessed,” the water with their words and thoughts, thus
the water would be in a “organized quantum state,” geometrically its covalent bonds would be
stronger, from the form created by the “positive” energy imbued by the chanting and thoughts and
perhaps even dipping fingers in the water, as well – drinking a cup of wine made into the blood of
christ – etc.

These can all be seen as religious cultural events, but they can also be viewed from a quantum realm
of wanting to create a positive energy field, that all the people who perform those rituals can benefit
from equally.

The positive energy is contagious, because we are “re-enforcing,” positive quantum entanglement’s
with music, with chanting etc. that creates quantum vibrations which do connect us with the past and
perhaps future – self.

The reaction of a “possessed” child with no conscious filter to stop disorganized quantum thought
impulses would merely mirror whatever the priest said or did, with profanity – just as a person who
suffers from turrets is unable to filter their words, when excited or nervous, etc.

– and what comes out of the person in terms of speech and everything is the exact “opposite,” or
“mirror” of whatever stimulus is before them at that time.

Thus a priest elicits a “satanic,” response, but what it is triggering what here?

Thus, the priest is simply getting the response of a person who is in the midst of a quantum
fluctuation disorder, and who is simply parroting and mirroring whatever stimuli is presented to
them. It’s really just a more extreme form of Turrets Syndrome where the mind of the person is
unable to properly process the incoming stimuli and the person simple shouts out obscenities, and if
objects seem to fall off the wall or beds levitate, this can also be explained by the excess quantum
energy that is in the area, causing Bloch Wall neutral spin on the magnetic domains and causing what
appears to be levitation, when in fact it’s just a normal function of a localized disorganized quantum
fluctuation that is “spilling” over from the body into the bed or surrounding objects.

So, if we view the “possession,” events that do seem to occur as a physiological reaction to a
disordered quantum state of consciousness, or a quantum fluctuation that causes a disordered state of
consciousness, then it would be logical to assume we would notice other effects of a fluctuating
quantum field.
Such effects could be levitating beds, yelling and screaming, swearing, vomiting, defecating etc,
these may all be explained if the person being possessed was exposed to a mini-worm hole, or an
area where the geomagnetic conditions concentrated that “disorganized quantum energy” and
allowed it to accumulate, by chance, or because some other “disorganized,” event occurred there like
a murder or something to create the “disorganized,” quantum state to begin with.

This would explain why some places seem to be “haunted,” or where some people are able
experience things that are beyond the normal 4d state that we observe regularly.

Here again, just as with clairvoyance or being able to speak or see future events, from our future, we
would be foolish to ignore the mysteries that quantum mechanics presents to us. We used religion to
try to explain the things we simply did not understand, now that we have science and we can measure
more things more accurately we finally have the vocabulary and scientific understanding of some
Quantum fluctuations to begin laying the foundation we will need to fully appreciate and understand
and explore the intricacies of our death and rebirth and how we came to be, and why we are here…

I am reminded of my native American teachers who I once asked why they walked around bare foot
when they had shoes they could wear and they said – “your feet should touch the earth every day,
because it grounds you to the earth, and if you wear shoes, your body cannot be in sync with the

So what if they are right ? What if the act of walking on earth and soil in bare feet, does actually help
to orient the bio magnetite in the brain and help to create a sense of calm and balance within? Is it so
far fetched, in the face of the evidence we have already gathered?

What is missing from our Bodies that might cause Mental Disorders
What if we just put some patients suffering from mental disorders on a diet rich in iron, with spring
water and allowed them to walk around barefoot for a few hours a day, maybe smoke or ingest some
CBD or THC to help balance the newly discovered Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in humans that
needs to have CBD in order for the human immune system to work properly?

The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is a body-wide signaling network that promotes homeostasis.
In other words, as your external environment changes, the ECS keeps your body's internal processes
stable. When life stressors increase, for example, the ECS helps maintain neuroplasticity to reduce
the risk of depression and anxiety. In a similar way, the ECS helps balance processes that resolve
inflammation and regulate the immune response.

The two types of ECS receptors are called CB1 and CB2. As threats to your biological balance arise,
signaling molecules called endocannabinoids, or eCBs, bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors, triggering
cascades of signals that help maintain homeostasis. Our bodies naturally produce eCBS, but poor
diet, lack of exercise, and other factors can disrupt eCB production, contributing to biological
imbalance and conditions such as chronic inflammation, poor immune response, depression, and
anxiety. 6

The ECS system plays a primary function in the brain allowing the formation and destruction of
synaptic connections, which are the basis of the brains ability to “think,” and process information and
stimuli and to create balance or “homeostatis,” in the body in all kinds of ways, but if we look at just
the effect on the brain chemistry, we can see that it needed to help the body respond to all kinds of
things, and is considered an Adaptogen which helps the body adapt to stress.

I would submit that psychologists and therapists should consider the combination of CBD and ECS
treatments with electro magnetic induction treatments, to help re-balance and orient the Magnetite in
the brain so that the patient can “ground” themselves, orienting their magnetite so it’s more aligned
(More or less Perpendicular) with the earth’s magnetic field, and thus more organized, and might be
kept in that state because it’s in tune with the earths magnetic quantum field.

I hope that some young student who wants to help heal people will take up this study and try to learn
more about the combination of natural plant based drugs, such as CBD and how these treatments
might be used in conjunction with weak DC magnetic fields, to help organize or align the Magnetite
in the brain, so that the patient my get some relief from certain mental disorders and or ailments.

The next step in psychology should be to conduct experiments with other metallic drugs, or plant
based drugs and see for instance if increasing iron in the diet will yield any better mental health in
certain people, and possibly also some DC current stimulation of certain wave types etc, but if these
magnetite nanoparticles, do indeed give humans and other animals the needed receptors and
transmitters for Quantum Communication and other types of Electromagnetic reception and
interaction, then these nano-sized Magnetite particles would be subject to all the known laws of
quantum or other mechanics that govern the bio-ferro magnetite particles as well as laws of physics
that only apply to particles when they are in a nano-size.
In The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop associated the bee with the Essenes, Diana and also
with Mithraism. It seems that this insect typified the 'Word' and the 'Seed of the Woman' in the
various pagan religions:

“ identify the Sun-god with the Great Revealer of the Godhead, while under the name of
Mithra, he was exhibited in sculpture as a Lion; that Lion had a Bee represented between his
lips... The bee between the lips of the Sun-god was intended to point him out as 'the Word'; for
Dabar, the expression which signifies in Chaldee a 'Bee,' signifies also a 'Word'; and the position
of that bee in the mouth leaves no doubt as to the idea intended to be conveyed…

“...the 'Bee' was set up as the substitute of the light of Dabar, 'the Word'. Thus the apostates
turned away from the 'True Light,' and set up a shadow in His stead… In Asiatic Greece, the
Babylonian g-d was evidently recognized as the Light-giving 'Word,' for there we find the Bee
occupying such a position as makes it very clear that it was a symbol of the great Revealer. Thus
we find Muller referring to the symbols connected with the worship of the Ephesian Diana: 'Her
constant symbol is the bee…the chief priest himself was called Essēn, or the king-bee.' The
character of the chief priest shows the character of the g-d he represented. The contemplar
divinity of Diana, the tower-bearing goddess, was of course the same divinity as invariably
accompanied the Babylonian goddess: and this title of the priest shows that the Bee which
appeared on her medals was just another symbol for her child, as the 'Seed of the Woman,' in his
assumed character as Dabar, 'The Word' that enlightened the souls of men.” - 156:194-5

In his book, J. R. Church makes a compelling case that the Merovingians are descendants of the
Tribe of Dan. In the book of Judges, Dan's most famous judge, Samson, proposed a strange
riddle about bees who made honey: "Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came
forth sweetness." (Judges 14:14)

"Four symbols are used in the Bible concerning the Danites — a serpent, an eagle, a lion, and the
bees. In the story of Samson, we find the famous riddle of the bees who made honey in the
carcass of a lion which had been killed by Samson. The symbolic nature of the bees could
represent the concept that the descendants of the tribe of Dan would one day try to bring about
the destruction of the tribe of Judah, whose symbol was the lion, and from the carcass of the lion
the tribe of Dan would attempt to produce the golden age of a world empire, symbolized by the
honey. The Merovingians claim of coming from the tribe of Judah (through Mary Magdalene
and Jesus Christ) is not true. The lie may have been advanced because the symbol of Judah was
the lion. However, I believe the Merovingians were from the tribe of Dan." - 127:82,103,109

X1a: found in the Levant (Druzes) and Egypt
X1c: found in the Levant (Druzes) and Tunisia.
Isolated samples have been reported in Italy, Ireland and Norway.

X2a: found among Native North Americans
X2a1a: found among the Sioux and Tanoan speakers
X2a1b: found among the Ojibwe people
X2a1c: found among the Ojibwe people
X2a2: found in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
X2j: found in North Africa

X2b: found throughout Europe

(incl. Sardinia and Islands of Orkney),
in Morocco, among the Druzes
and in parts of Central Asia
and in Early & Middle Neolithic France,
and in Late Neolithic England, Spain and Portugal.

X3a: found in the Levant (Druzes), Tunisia and Spain (Asturias)
Ferromagnetic materials spontaneously divide into magnetic domains because
the exchange interaction is a short-range force, so over long distances of many atoms
the tendency of the magnetic dipoles to reduce their energy by orienting in opposite
directions wins out. If all the dipoles in a piece of ferromagnetic material are aligned
parallel, it creates a large magnetic field extending into the space around it.

This contains a lot of magnetostatic energy. The material can reduce this energy by
splitting into many domains pointing in different directions, so the magnetic field is
confined to small local fields in the material, reducing the volume of the field. The
domains are separated by thin domain walls a number of molecules thick, in which the
direction of magnetization of the dipoles rotates smoothly from one domain's direction to
the other.

Magnetostatics is the study of magnetic fields in systems where the currents are
steady (not changing with time). It is the magnetic analogue of electrostatics, where
the charges are stationary. The magnetization need not be static; the equations of
magnetostatics can be used to predict fast magnetic switching events that occur on time
scales of nanoseconds or less.[1] Magnetostatics is even a good approximation when
the currents are not static — as long as the currents do not alternate rapidly.
Magnetostatics is widely used in applications of micromagnetics such as models
of magnetic storage devices as in computer memory. Magnetostatic focussing can be
achieved either by a permanent magnet or by passing current through a coil of wire
whose axis coincides with the beam axis.

Magnetized materials[edit]

Moving domain walls in a grain of silicon steel caused by an increasing external

magnetic field in the "downward" direction, observed in a Kerr microscope. White areas
are domains with magnetization directed up, dark areas are domains with magnetization
directed down.
Thus, a piece of iron in its lowest energy state ("unmagnetized") generally has little or
no net magnetic field. However, the magnetic domains in a material are not fixed in
place; they are simply regions where the spins of the electrons have aligned
spontaneously due to their magnetic fields, and thus can be altered by an external
magnetic field. If a strong enough external magnetic field is applied to the material, the
domain walls will move by the process of the spins of the electrons in atoms near the
wall in one domain turning under the influence of the external field to face in the same
direction as the electrons in the other domain, thus reorienting the domains so more of
the dipoles are aligned with the external field. The domains will remain aligned when the
external field is removed, creating a magnetic field of their own extending into the space
around the material, thus creating a "permanent" magnet. The domains do not go back
to their original minimum energy configuration when the field is removed because the
domain walls tend to become 'pinned' or 'snagged' on defects in the crystal lattice,
preserving their parallel orientation. This is shown by the Barkhausen effect: as the
magnetizing field is changed, the magnetization changes in thousands of tiny
discontinuous jumps as the domain walls suddenly "snap" past defects.
This magnetization as a function of the external field is described by a hysteresis curve.
Although this state of aligned domains found in a piece of magnetized ferromagnetic
material is not a minimal-energy configuration, it is metastable, and can persist for long
periods, as shown by samples of magnetite from the sea floor which have maintained
their magnetization for millions of years.
Heating and then cooling (annealing) a magnetized material, subjecting it to vibration by
hammering it, or applying a rapidly oscillating magnetic field from a degaussing
coil tends to release the domain walls from their pinned state, and the domain
boundaries tend to move back to a lower energy configuration with less external
magnetic field, thus demagnetizing the material.
Commercial magnets are made of "hard" ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials with
very large magnetic anisotropy such as alnico and ferrites, which have a very strong
tendency for the magnetization to be pointed along one axis of the crystal, the "easy
axis". During manufacture the materials are subjected to various metallurgical
processes in a powerful magnetic field, which aligns the crystal grains so their "easy"
axes of magnetization all point in the same direction. Thus the magnetization, and the
resulting magnetic field, is "built in" to the crystal structure of the material, making it very
difficult to demagnetize.
Curie temperature[edit]
Main article: Curie temperature
As the temperature increases, thermal motion, or entropy, competes with the
ferromagnetic tendency for dipoles to align. When the temperature rises beyond a
certain point, called the Curie temperature, there is a second-order phase transition and
the system can no longer maintain a spontaneous magnetization, so its ability to be
magnetized or attracted to a magnet disappears, although it still responds
paramagnetically to an external field. Below that temperature, there is a spontaneous
symmetry breaking and magnetic moments become aligned with their neighbors. The
Curie temperature itself is a critical point, where the magnetic susceptibility is
theoretically infinite and, although there is no net magnetization, domain-like spin
correlations fluctuate at all length scales.
The study of ferromagnetic phase transitions, especially via the simplified Ising spin
model, had an important impact on the development of statistical physics. There, it was
first clearly shown that mean field theory approaches failed to predict the correct
behavior at the critical point (which was found to fall under a universality class that
includes many other systems, such as liquid-gas transitions), and had to be replaced
by renormalization group theory.[citation needed]
Egyptian Concept of Souls

The five parts of the Egyptian soul were the Ren, the Ba, the Ka, the Sheut, and the Ib.

• The Ren was the name given to a person at birth. Egyptians believed it was part of a
person's soul and that it would live for as long as that name was spoken or the person
• The Sheut was the person's shadow or silhouette. Egyptians believed that the shadow,
somehow, contained part of the essence of the person.
• The Ib was a metaphysical heart and to ancient Egyptians it was the focus of emotion,
thought, will and intention. They understood it as the seat for the soul.
• The Ba was the notion of personality. Everything that makes a person unique.
• The Ka was the vital fire or spark, that distinguishes living people from dead (warm vs.

The ancient egyptians believed the five parts of the soul were the Ba, the Ren, the Ib, the Ka,
and the Sheut.

• The Ba was the personality, whatever makes them unique.

• The Ren was the secret name, the identity of the person. They still exist even if they die
if their name is remembered.
• The Ka was the life force that leaves the body when it dies. The ka can also power
spells, but doing so can be deadly.
• The Ib is the heart, the record of good and bad deeds. It is weighed against the feather of
truth. If the spirit passes the test, it was blessed with Aruu, the Egyptian paradise. If it
failed, the heart was eaten by Ammit the Devourer.
• The lais the last part of the soul is the Sheut, or the shadow. It could be used to perform a
shadow execration, even more powerful than a standard execration. It was the silhouette
of the soul, a backup copy.

• Egyptian Soul Economy

• Three directive souls: Akh, Ba, Ka Three Intermediary energies: Ran, Jab (Hati), Shut
(Khaibit) Three executive elements: Sekhem, Sanhu, Nacht (Sat)
• The interpretation and translation is based on Wiesław Bator’s, scholarly work
Religion of Ancient Egypt: Perspectives from Religious Studies (Jagiellonian
University Publications: Cracow, 2012)
• Akh (bright, illumined) directs the whole intellectual sphere of a human being, and contains
all his or hers intellectual potential (that may be trained). The hieroglyphic determinative and
logogram of the concept Akh was the walking bird. This element returned to Yaaru (heavens)
considered the house of Gods and Goddesses, it was this element that was the ‘messenger’ of
the Gods that worked in accord with the laws of Maat, Akh of the deceased was identified
with Stars across the universe, because Akh was also the source of all wisdom, the living
wrote letters ‘to the stars’ or to the Akh of their ancestors, leaving them in their graves, where
the statue (tut) of the deceased was erected, they awaited the reply in their dreams.
• Ran/Ren (the name), nefer, it meant “beautiful”; “happy”; “joyful”; “glorious”; “splendid”.
It was the mirroring of the universal creative word (kheru, medu), the name was considered a
natural link in-between creative soul and Akh and its passive executive form (Sekhem), but
also an inter-mediary element between the Necher (Gods and Goddesses) and affective-
emotional domain of the being, called “hhekau” (represented in case of human being by triad:
Ba, Yab, Sahh). Name, understood in such a way, was associated with all governing forces
over energy, and thus the physical world. The power of the name Ren depends on the quality
of Akh of its beholder;
• Sekhem was considered the primal, unspoiled form of a human being – the ideal prototype of
his body residing in the divine sphere of Nerchru. Visually, Sekhem reminded of earthly
body, but it did not have any defects, nor did it undergo the effects of time. Observing
representation of phenomena of time-less youth in artistic impressions conjured by Egyptian
masters of Sekhem of immortal beings, as they were considered artistic ideations of the
Earthly mirroring of Sekhem. This kind of idealistic portrayals were considered earthly
mirroring of Sekhem and they were given the name Tut, which were included by some
researchers into the fundamental elements of one’s personality. Egyptians did not deny tut
(the figure) a form of “life” (Tut Ankh or “living image”) , but always considered Tut an
Earthly substitute of Sekhem. Many researchers sought in Sekhem some active force,
working in an autonomous manner, which might not be completely accurate, because the
same element was equal in a determinative of a standing mummy, which may be found
amongst the concepts of other bodies: Sahh and Djet. Thus, all three elements of human
nature belong to the same category of receptive, or passive forms. This hypothesis is
supported by Egyptian mythology, that the Goddess Sekhmet, of personified Sekhem of the
highest being, is seen as a passive executor of the will of the King of Gods – Atum-Re-
Chepri, who, according to the Stone of Shabaka, is understood as the “heart” and “word” of
the panenteistic God Ptah; The above-mentioned elements of the human personality which
work in the divine sphere of Necheru were considered the most perfect prototype of a mortal,
thus the numinous mirroring of his Earthly nature.
• The next triad of the elements of a human being are:
• Ba, Yab, and Sahh, which belong to the inter-mediating sphere of the whole being.
Here, all weight of afterlife of a human being rests, because it is them that determinate
what will one do living one’s life, and what was the intention of his doings. Thus, they
are the main protagonists of the judgment over the dead, because they are responsible
for a human beings conscious actions and submit to the judgment over the dead.
• They are as follows:
• Ba: This element is most closely associated with the understanding of a ‘soul’ in the Western
occidental civilization. Ba may be the reflexive, passionate element, responsible for life
choices. Egyptians held that Ba was a loyal servant, thus a soul of one was his loyal servant
(bak). Ba is described in writing by two different determinatives: the older one is a black
stork, the younger one falcon with a human head. The reflexive soul was thus considered an
inseparable companion, which suggests motives and way of acting. Ba was not responsible
for creative thought, but advised how they should be applied, it resided in the “heart” (yab),
and its inclinations influenced the active heart (Hati).
• The heart commanding separate senses and movements decided which of the Ba-influences
to execute, and which one should be rejected. When Ba is recommending inner tranquillity,
moderation, care for oneself and others, or it “persuades Maat”, then it has a chance of
attaining the state of divinity and it awaits a reward in the afterlife. This happy fate met
him/her only when they conducted themselves as above. When the Ba-soul contradicted the
order of Maat and influenced the human being to act against his con-science (co-feeling), or
the voice of the Yab-heart which was inscribed with unfaltering laws and principles
stemming from Ren in the Necheru sphere – then it must have been punished with other
elements of the deceased, belonging to the sphere Hhekau, dying in cruel condition in the
Underworld; The advices of the soul might be completely contradicting con-science, and
even may put afterlife in doubt, in the scripture ‘Conversation of a suicide with his Ba” we
may note a complete contradiction between the Ba-element and inner consideration of a man.
• The soul or Ba in this case seem to be a synonym of sobriety and at all costs it attempts to
silence the burdened con-science. The Ba, attached to all pleasantries of life conjures its
image and recommends idleness. Operating on rational arguments the Ba negates afterlife,
just to protect the protagonist from suicide. It knows that it leads to the extermination of
consciousness in the afterlife. To the life in opposition to Maat it portrays a noble death,
which is saving from wickedness and assures existence in the afterlife. The con-science
suggests that a person living in accord with Maat has more influence in the world than the
living body, attaining a degree of post-mortem divinity and the ability to conjure miracles. In
the light of Egyptian narrative, the Ba is not only belonging to the human existence, also
Gods and animals possess it. Yet, Gods are not limited to having just one Ba as the ‘rational
friend’, the Ba may undergo transformations. Of course, a Ba belonging to a Deity is of much
higher hierarchy than that of a mortal or an animal, it is higher, perfect, and infallible. In
essence, the Deity-Ba is similar to human Akh, Ba of the divine is a manifestation of
Necheru, may inhabit the bodies of many animals and this fact is the basis of Egyptian
zoolatry (for example the Deity Horus, as the God of Life, may be emanating through all
living beings in the positive aspect of their expression).
• Yab/Hati, or ‘heart’ is the main concept of Egyptian anthropology and the key to the active
human being, Egyptians believed that that it is the ‘temple and store-house’ of thoughts, and
thus they assigned it a role similar to this that we are assigned to the brain nowadays (it might
be said that the brain and associated cognitive processes and affective states and feelings are
modulating the essential heart, thus experiences, and pain, suffering, influences or cleanses
the heart alike to karmic inclinations, when a heart ‘drowns’ in its despair, or becomes alike
to stone – different from detached abiding – it grows cold – but it may not be limited to
biochemical physiological brain functions, it works with the components that give the feeling
component authenticity, and the genius its proper, spiritual function, thus also it might be
said that apart from a regular heart pumping blood through the organism, there is a hidden
layer, a spiritual heart and its circulation, through which all states of being are carried
throughout thus some believed that in blood therein is also contained the vital force of the
‘heart’, it is a violation thus to abuse the blood of one’s ‘heart’, as it develops a parasitical
dependence, and reliance on someone else’s ‘heart’ thus rejecting one’s own as an
independent being). The heart was divided into the passive form (con-science) called yab,
and directive active part (desire, or rather – direction) – hati. As “con-science” the heart (yab)
is never bribed and it may be a witness against the deceased in the world of the dead. Some
researchers believed that “yab” is directed towards the meta-physical worlds, while hati
directs the doing of a human being in the world of the senses, for “hatia” means also “ruler”.
It thus also has in Egyptian texts a function alike to defence-double (ka) controlling the
visible physical body. According to Egyptians they are different in the sense that “hati” is
guided by conscious working of our body, and Ka controls only the physiological functioning
of our organism that is not guided by our will (in essence Yogins of the East, by establishing
Hati-Hatia command over Ka, they could be in charge of the emotional, affective, cognitive
and other functions of the mind and body, thus establishing a seat of consciousness linking it
with the ‘true will’ or the higher image) . The “hati” heart, as a collection of active desires,
emotions, also commands the passive form (“body”) related to the sphere of Hhekau, also
called Sahh
• Sahh: is a passive being of the human being, which is at disposal of the heart and executed
through the meditation of the Sahh(-body) the will of the Ba-soul. It works without the
interference of the senses and as a signal to act it is enough to think (emanate or vibrate) a
“word” (any directed thought-form, or act, voice etc.). It may be called “soul-body”, “subtle-
body”, or “emotional body”. Because its determinative is also a standing mummy, a corpse, it
is said the true process of mummification was an attempt at turning a regular body into Sahh
(perhaps an astral double). These concepts, however, are not identical because the mummy is
described with the Egyptian word “Ui” although equipped with identical determinative. In
any case Sahh was the principle tool (and perhaps a protective carrier-shielding) in working
of the Ba-soul through mediation of the heart, and it could take any shapes and infiltrate
physical matter. It could also shape it into proper, visible imaginations; It is her that could
morph its being into notions, or representations of Deities (modern idea of ‘godforms’,
‘masks’ or ‘illusions’, unlike true Deities), animals, plants, and symbols. It could also change
things into another (transmutation, for example modifications on the mental-astral plane, or
endowing physical objects with various kinds of energy – consecrated, or ‘cursed’ objects).
That is why Sahh was an element, without which no magical work could be performed, that
was considered obvious and common. The third sphere of the world, in which a human being
played was the physical world, called nachtu.
• There are three functional elements here: directing – Ka, intermediary (Khaibit, Shu)
and executive (Djet), from all listed elements of personality only the last one is captured
in a sensual way, khaibit (shadow-being) is a delicate substance, and Ka is considered
an invisible care-taker sustaining the human body in a good condition.

• Ka – It is not commonly agreed, but some speculate that it is closest to the form close to
‘platonic ideas’, others that it is a blind instinctual force without any form of spirituality (it
might happen that in fact it is blind, instinctual at first, but undergoes refinement into the
divine, numinous ‘ideas’ that penetrate this world as interpretable powers, or eternal grammar
of the world, which understood, becomes reflected in it). The main function of Ka is
providing nourishment to the physical body. The female version of Ka, or
• Hemsut proves that this component has a role in sexual differences and regulated
physiological needs. Ka has also some relation with the ancestors and heritability, Ka might
look like a double (perhaps an astral double, representing the image of the person at a given
time). Ka most likely was not responsible for psychic and moral traits of a human being. The
energy-basis which Ka operates in , governing the physiology of a human being is khaibit
(shut). After death, Ka resided (with two other elements) in the grave, still having physical
• Djet: One of the many names of the physical body. In Egyptian texts there are several
synonyms: “kat, sat, hha”. As the most sensuous of them all and the only fully accessible
sensuous element that played a major function. The most important function of Djet was to
execute the commands of “heart” or hati. In such a way the physical body realised in the
world ideas of purely conceptual element – Akh descending from the divine sphere of
Netcheru and through Djet the effects of conscious choice of man and his decisions which he
makes in the sphere of hhekau. No wonder that caring for the body was a fundamental
responsibility for every Egyptian, moreover aversion towards ascesis was on par with
aversion to lack of moderation in submitting to physical lusts. Both stances led, according to
Egyptian wise-man to the destruction of an organism, and thus criminally limited the
potential acting of the Ba-soul and divine particle Akh in the physical world. After death,
Djet was transformed into a ui-mummy for Khaibit and Ka to live further
Demonic Possession as un-organized quantum scintillations

I am not an expert in demonic possession, I don’t like or watch horror movies, as a child with a
eidetic memory, (Photographic) I would avoid all such genres, because once I saw the images – I
could not get them out of my head.

What I know or understand is limited to movies, popular culture, a little bit of research into catholic
priests who performed exorcisms, and a little bit of what some other scientists have written, but
based on some simple observations which seem to be in common with all cases of “possession,”
cases, and from reading Ian Stevenson’s book about “personality,” being transferred from one person
to another as the end effect of “reincarnation,” and the possibility of what I would call “Soul,”
splitting or what Stevenson calls “Personality Splitting,” it would seem that if we follow the quantum
entanglement theory of “life after death,” then it would seem that the levels of bioferromagnetite in
the new body which is in the best sympathetic quantum vibration to the original host body, through
matrilineal or other similar mtDNA structures, might play a pivotal role in helping the “quantum,”
energy to find a “space” to occupy again in the 4D world.

In most of the few cases that I have studied, it would seem that the onset of “demonic,” activity was
always geo-located to a certain place, or events, such as the “haunted,” house of age old stories
where someone met a violent or untimely death and the “discarnate” spirit roamed the premises for
years after…we have all heard these Ghost stories. My first girlfriend and her friend told me a story
about a bed that would levitate, and other strange things that frightened them…

Actually this makes sense if we look at possession from a Quantum standpoint, and ask a simple

What if all these cases of “demonic,” possession are in fact – nothing more than a soul, or
personality, that for some scientific reasons, which we have yet to fully understand, due to our lack
of understanding of quantum mechanics, have been “trapped” just as the Ark of the covenant or a
Quantum computer uses electromagnetic fields to create an “Ion trap,” to create and study Qbits of
energy which are in a quantum spin state below room temperature as the QSON quantum computer
array research has done.

The rapid cooling in temp, the frost or cold that often is reported to accompany “demonic”
possessions can be explained by the cooling needed to create a quantum bridge. The cooler the
ambient air, the easier it is for Quantum energy to manifest with Absolute zero or close to absolute
zero being the ideal temperature for quantum vibrations to be measured and or detected.

Thus the loss of heat from a dead body, releases the quantum energy, until it reaches an equilibrium
with the earth itself in the vaccum of space, between the earth and ground itself and the ionosphere,
the earth itself may be a kind of Ion Trap, in which quantum energy is stored and or reflected or
trapped within our biosphere. Just as long wave radio waves can reflect off the ionosphere, could the
same thing be happening with Quantum Energy packets of consciousness that are somehow
disconnected from their body or ancestors etc, and are “roaming” or unable to find another host body
to incarnate into?
The rumbling or floating of non metallic objects or being thrown around a room, can also be
explained by the unorganized quantum state of the soul, or spirit or “personality” – as Stevens calls
it,7 that has been split from themselves.

Thus a person who has true “schizophrenic” condition or episodes will speak as though they have
“split” personalities, or even multiple personalities, but what if it’s not a chemically based imbalance,
but a magnetite based imbalance where the soul or personality simply is been split between two
bodies, by accident, or perhaps two bodies had the same DNA and quantum vibration pattern and the
energy just filled the void so to speak…without regard to whether the new body had the whole
vibrational pattern and then you would have two people, separated by time and space, perhaps even
born at different times, or the same time in different places, but which had only half or a portion of
the overall personality of one person.

This is an interesting concept because if this is true, it might be possible for psychologist’s to try to
find the twin personality of the person who is suffering from Multiple Personality disorder, and pair
them together somehow and see if these people may benefit from any kind of sharing of their
quantum fields with the other for the purpose of healing or learning how to properly communicate
with the “other” self.

Ian Stevenson - Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects

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