Iste Certification - Alignment Map - Binitapatel

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ISTE Certification
Updated June, 2022


Note that the foundational expectation is that artifacts meet the ISTE Standards for Educators, which is to say, your
artifacts should reflect strong pedagogy and professionalism that makes thoughtful use of technology or digital resources.

Portfolio submitter (Please provide name, title, and a brief description of your primary role and responsibilities.
Additionally, if you serve in a position other than classroom teacher, describe who your “students” are within the
context of your artifact):

Name: Binita Patel

Title: Computer Science Teacher
Primary Role and Responsibilities: I am a teacher in the IT Department at a STEM Magnet High School in Fulton
County Schools, Innovation Academy. Currently, I teach Introduction to Software Technology and AP Computer Science
Principles. I am the lead advisor for the Technology Student Association (TSA), a national student organization.

Link to artifacts folder/space: Binita_Patel_WeeblyPortfolio

Link to reflection document/artifact: BinitaPatel_Reflection

Artifact(s) Links Contextualization of Artifact &

ISTE Criteria Please use naming Description of Implementation
Standard convention Please provide 1 unique contextualization per each criterion.

1. The educator reflects Patel_Reflection My reflection presentation offers insights into my

on his/her application of professional growth and evolving instructional practices
the ISTE standards and subsequent to completing my degree in Instructional
goals for using them in Technology at Kennesaw State University (KSU).
the future. Throughout the document, I explore various facets of my
educational journey, including my role as an instructional


technology specialist at FCS Innovation Academy, the

prevailing culture of professional learning within our
institution, the transformative influence of ISTE standards
on my instructional methodologies, and the future
directions I envision for further growth and development.
My experience in the Instructional Technology program at
KSU has been instrumental in honing my ability to
seamlessly integrate technology into instructional
practices, thereby enhancing student learning outcomes
and fostering academic success.
1. Learner 2. Set professional Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
learning goals. Computer Science course

I set two professional learning goals in Artifact 1 to

improve my teaching through a stronger focus in
instructional technology at my STEM Magnet high school
to implement a Digital Citizenship Project and to improve
Digital Literacy. As a Computer Science teacher, it is
important for me to explore different pedagogical
approaches and implement them in my classroom to
engage students in thinking like programmers. In my
artifact, I showcase the design and implementation of my
project and the grant proposal I constructed to increase
digital literacy as a means to represent my journey in
strengthening my teaching. The artifact also shows how I
have reflected on the effectiveness of my plans and my
role as a learner; thus I will continue to pursue my goals
Patel_Artifact1 in my teaching career.

Criterion 2 is present in the video from 0:12 to 2:58.


3. Actively participate in a Learners: Adults that teach at a STEM Magnet high

local or global digital school learning to implement Project-Based Learning
network. (PBL) more in their classrooms

In Artifact 2, I was able to leverage different digital

networks on both a global and local level to increase my
participation and interaction with my Professional
Learning Networks (PLNs). In my artifact, I show various
posts that I created as well as responses that I posted
for others to contribute to my network. It was most
beneficial for me to engage through Twitter as a global
network because I was able to access a wide variety of
materials and resources. The digital tool that I used the
most was Microsoft Teams because I created multiple
posts to request support in learning from my network
and I also replied to others to support them in their
learning. I will continue to engage through various digital
networks so that I can stay connected to my PLNs and
both offer and receive support as we work to create
Patel_Artifact2 authentic learning experiences for students.

Criterion 3 is present in the video from 0:00 to 2:59.
4. Report changes made ​Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
to teaching practice Computer Science course
based on timely,
research-based best Artifact 3 showcases the opportunity I had to research
practices. and compile notes in an annotated bibliography so
that I could make changes to my teaching in order to
Patel_Artifact3 motivate my own Capstone project on digital portfolios. In
my artifact, I show specific peer-evaluated research
that I investigated, and I commented on its application to


my own implementation of digital portfolios. Most notably,

I shared some examples of my previous teaching
practices and beliefs and discussed how the research
has provided me with new insight to shape my
teaching practice with educational technology. For
example, I now encourage students to add components
beyond images and text to their portfolios such as
podcasts, which I learned about in more depth from
Kulkarni & Whitworth’s (2022) article linked here. Now, I
implement digital portfolios with options for different
formatting so that students can be motivated to showcase
their work.

Criterion 3 is present in the video from 0:00 to 2:59.

Kulkarni, S., & Whitworth, B. A. (2022). Podcasts in
science classrooms: Storytelling for all ears! The Physics
Teacher, 60(6), 419–421.
2. Leader 5. Promote a shared Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
vision. Computer Science course, teachers and educators in my
Patel_Artifact13 department and at my school, and social media followers
Artifact 13 showcases my shared vision, which I
developed with others and am promoting to a larger
audience than my own learners in the classroom. As a
leader, I have sought out ways to promote the vision and
policies of my school and community, guiding me in the
evaluation and adoption of new instructional strategies for
learning with technology. In particular, I directly state the


shared vision for learning with technology in my

artifact when I share my presentation of an
infographic that I shared at a department meeting as
well as on Twitter/X. The shared vision in my artifact
was created and supported by multiple stakeholders,
including my assistant principal, Career Technology
teachers, English Language Arts teachers, and me.
Together, we determined the importance of learner
agency and teacher empowerment as well as engaging
learning experiences. The artifact shows how I promoted
this vision beyond my own learners through the
collaboration with stakeholders and the post to social
media, which is how I led the promotion of the shared
vision to a larger audience.

Criterion 5 is present in the video from 0:00 to 2:57.
6. Advocate for equitable ​Learners: High school students in the IT Pathway and
access. 10-16 year-old learners in Lima, Peru
Artifact 4 showcases how I was an advocate for
equitable access for a disadvantaged group of
learners, which I selected as a K-12 school in Lima,
Peru. In my artifact, I show the grant proposal that I
created requesting a class set of microcontrollers, which
are the digital tools and resources that I request to
support the learners in Peru in gaining 21st century skills
in the field of technology. Most notably, this project is
sustainable because it involves my students from the US
training the students in Peru on using the microcontrollers
so they can have the opportunity to continue to use
the devices throughout the school year. If accepted, this


grant proposal will allow the school in Peru the access to

a class set of microcontrollers and the training from
like-aged students to use the microcontrollers for learning.

Criterion 6 is present in the video from 0:00 to 2:58.
7. Model new resources ​Mobile App Evaluation: Podcasts by Spotify
or tools.
Patel_Artifact5 ​Learners: Teachers at a STEM, magnet high school

Artifact 5 shows the evidence of how I modeled a new

resource or tool by engaging with my colleagues.
The tool I modeled was Podcasts by Spotify, and I
developed an Evaluation Instrument that I then used to
review the tool before I delved into learning about and
modeling the tool for myself, in my classroom, and for
colleagues. Specifically, I addressed the instructional
use of the tool as a platform for student and teacher
engagement in the course by developing audio to
present ideas. Overall, by using the tool and sharing my
learnings in a blog post, I was able to model for my
colleagues this new digital tool so that we can expand
the implementation of digital tools in the classrooms in
our school.

Criterion 7 is present in the video from 0:00 to 2:59.
3. Citizen 8. Implement learning ​
experiences for students Patel_Artifact6 Digital Citizenship Project
to be empathetic and
socially responsible. Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
Computer Science course


Artifact 6 displays the mini-lessons that I developed on

Social Responsibility and Empathy to help my students
understand how to exhibit empathetic behavior online.
Through the lessons, I introduced guidelines that I
encouraged my learners to use as they build their
skills for empathy and social responsibility when they
are on online platforms. In particular, we used a
worksheet with guided questions as well as an in-class
scenario-based activity for students to use the protocols
in practice. The mini-lessons on Social Responsibility
and Empathy helped students practice how they respond
and interact appropriately online.

Criterion 8 is present in the video from 0:47 to 2:53.
9. Promote student Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
behaviors that encourage Computer Science course
curiosity as they critically Patel_Artifact7
identify/examine online Artifact 7 presents evidence of my guidelines for students
resources. to evaluate online resources. During the main lesson, I
focused on promoting student behaviors to encourage
curiosity while my learners critically identify and examine
resources online. Through the review of a blog post, I was
able to address the overabundance of information with
which we are inundated, and I discussed with my
students the importance of deciphering if information is
valid, accurate, and relevant. In particular, we used the
example blog to evaluate online information and
resources for author bias, information accuracy, and
relevancy. I guided learners to understand digital
literacy as a guiding principle, and Artifact 7 shows


evidence of the guidelines I built with my learners to

evaluate online resources and information critically.

Criterion 9 is present in the video from 0:01 to 3:00.
10. Mentor students in ​Digital Citizenship Project
safe, ethical and legal Patel_Artifact6
use, including intellectual ​ earners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
property. Computer Science course

Artifact 6 includes a review of the mini-lessons that I

created and implemented for my learners on Online
Safety and Ethical & Legal. In the lessons, I demonstrate
evidence on how I mentored my learners through
discussions, instruction, and handouts so that they could
understand Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative
Commons as well as the use of intellectual property. In
particular, we focused on these three concepts with the
support of a review of past legal cases as well as the
words of a guest speaker. The mini-lessons on Online
Safety and Ethical & Legal helped students be attentive to
how to manage their learning online and the importance
of proper and ethical use of intellectual property.

Criterion 10 is present in the video from 2:54 to 5:27.
11. Model responsible ​Digital Citizenship Project
use, including protection
of digital identity and Patel_Artifact6 Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
personal data. Computer Science course

Artifact 6 showcases the evidence of the emphasis in my

classroom on protecting digital identity and data privacy.


During the lessons, I instructed learners to protect

their personal data and manage their digital identity
online, and the lesson snippets and descriptions explain
the format in which I engaged students in the lessons.
Furthermore, I demonstrate how I modeled the
protection of digital identity and personal data for my
learners through my own examples, and I mentor them
over time with the assistance of my media center
specialist. Through my modeling and discussion, I
discussed and demonstrated how to protect one’s
own digital identity and personal data. The
mini-lessons on Online Safety and Digital Identity and
Data Privacy were not simply a one-time learning
activity, but rather, they are integrated into many
aspects of learning in my classroom.

Criterion 11 is present in the video from 5:28 to 7:25.
4. 12. Collaborate with ​Learners: 8th Graders 12-14 years old in the 8th Grade
another educator. Patel_Artifact8 Mathematics course
Artifact 8 showcases the Engaged Learning project, which
involved the implementation of an outreach activity for
students in 8th grade. My colleagues, the high school
students, and I set aside planning time so we could work
together to create this authentic gaming learning
experience with the use of Scratch, an online block-based
coding tool. Collaboration is such a vital element of
pedagogy for innovative instruction and learning from
each other, so the artifact shows how colleagues and I
worked together to design this coding learning
experience using educational technology. After


establishing roles and responsibilities as a team to design

and then implement the project, we reflected on how we
collaborate intentionally. In particular, the artifact shows
evidence of each educator’s role as we developed the
Scratch activity and how each of us contributed to
the instructions, design, and execution of the
learning experience for our learners.

Criterion 12 is present in the video from 1:14 to 3:14.​
13. Co-learn with students Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
about a new digital tool. Patel_Artifact1 Computer Science course

In Artifact 1, I utilized various digital tools as a co-learner

with my students to encourage their critical thinking skills
with programming projects. In Computer Science teacher,
it is increasingly important for students to understand how
to organize and present their work from the brainstorming
to the ideas and prototypes. In my artifact, I share my
experience as a co-learner with students as we
implemented different digital tools such as
MindMeister, a mind mapping tool that was a new digital
resource for me. It was most interesting for me to help
students integrate their mind mapping with other tools
such as video recording and podcasting because it
offered me the opportunity to support them in discovery
and troubleshooting. By the end of the lesson, I grew
my understanding of how to collaborate with my
students and continue learning alongside them.

Criterion 13 is present in the video from 2:58 to 5:59.


14. Facilitate students’ Learners: 8th Graders 12-14 years old in the 8th Grade
virtual meetings with Patel_Artifact8 Mathematics course
experts or students.
Artifact 8 showcases the Engaged Learning project,
which involved the implementation of an outreach activity
for students in 8th grade. My colleagues, the high school
students, and I used digital tools and input from an
outside expert so that we could collaborate to create this
authentic gaming learning experience with the use of
Scratch, an online block-based coding tool. First, we
were able to facilitate a virtual Microsoft Teams meeting
with an outside expert during a guest visit from the music
professor at Georgia Tech, so my learners could
synchronously and virtually deepen their learning
experience with the conversation online. The artifact
shows evidence of this meeting to which my learners and
I would not normally have access, and it also shows how
the experience enhanced learning through deep
conversation. Another virtual meeting with a K-12
student helped high school students refine their lesson
activity while we were present with the 8th grade
learners, and this virtual call brought a new
experience and learning opportunity to all learners.

Criterion 14 is present in the video from 3:16 to 5:12.
15. Demonstrate effective ​ earners: 8th Graders 12-14 years old in the 8th Grade
communication with all Patel_Artifact8 Mathematics course
students’ supporters.
Artifact 8 showcases the Engaged Learning project,
which involved the implementation of an outreach activity


for students in 8th grade. My colleagues, the high school

students, and I communicated effectively with learners
and their supporters so that we could collaborate to
create this authentic gaming learning experience with the
use of Scratch, an online block-based coding tool. To
begin, we identified the 8th grade students as
learners and then determined that their supporters
are parents/guardians, counselors, and colleagues,
specifically their teachers, the collaborating teachers on
this activity, and the high school students helping lead
the activity. The artifact shows evidence of effective
communication with these parties focused around
their learning goals and the use of educational
technology. Since effective communication is an
ongoing process, I also provided multiple examples of
my effective communication to show how we worked
together from the planning of the activity through the
feedback after its execution.

Criterion 15 is present in the video from 5:12 to 6:44.
5. Designer 16. Accommodate learner ​Learners: High schoolers 14-17 years old in the AP
differences. Patel_Artifact9 Computer Science Principles course

Artifact 9 showcases the Plan for Personalized Learning,

which helped organize plans for Competency-Based
Learning and Student-Driven Projects. The artifact shows
how I design learning using technology to access
content in various ways that fit individual
consumption, especially with a focus on the Universal
Design for Learning (UDL) principle, Representation.
Learning activities such as the medical terminology


cross-curricular application and the Internet and

Cybersecurity review assignment include pictures,
audio, video, contrasting colors, graphics, and
clarifying vocabulary for learners. The learners also
benefit from multimodal content delivery that uses
educational technology for information consumption,
which also leads them to more voice and choice as they
create products for evaluation.

Criterion 16 is present in the video from 0:45 to 2:39.
17. Align to content area Artifact 8 showcases the Engaged Learning project, which
standards. involved the implementation of an outreach activity for
Patel_Artifact8 students in 8th grade. My colleagues, the high school
students, and I collaborated so that we could align
content area standards as we created this authentic
gaming learning experience with the use of Scratch, an
online block-based coding tool. As we designed the
learning activity, we as educators specified targets
and standards to measure learning by focusing on
specific content and subject area standards to which
the learning experience is aligned. We drilled down to
specific standard objects and not solely the
high-level standard name so that we could use
educational technology when aligning the learning
activity in Scratch.

Criterion 17 is present in the video from 6:45 to 8:28.


18. Design a digital Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
learning environment. Computer Science course

Artifact 10 showcases the Google Sites digital learning

environment that I set up for students during the web
design unit to engage and support student learning. The
artifact shows evidence of the various activities that I
created in a digital learning environment, including
tutorials and access to resources so that students can
learn and apply web design with different options. The
Google Sites space shows how the digital learning
environment can be used wholly or in part to support
learning, and the artifact is able to show evidence of
how learners receive feedback, access resources,
and interact with other learners in a digital learning
environment. Overall, for his unit, I designed an
interactive learning experience using digital tools and
Patel_Artifact1 apps that focus on how I engage the student-to-teacher,
student-to-self, and student-to-student experience.
0 ​
Criterion 18 is present in the video from 0:00 to 3:00.
6. Facilitator 19. Facilitate and guide Learners: High schoolers 14-17 years old in the AP
learning as students take Computer Science Principles course
ownership of their Patel_Artifact9
learning goals. Artifact 9 showcases the Plan for Personalized Learning,
which helped organize plans for Competency-Based
Learning and Student-Driven Projects. The artifact
demonstrates my role as a facilitator and supporter in
learner agency in which learners take ownership of
the setting and meeting their learner goals. The


artifact also shows evidence of how I support my

learners in setting, working to achieve, and meeting
their learning goals through the introduction of
cross-curricular activities, rubrics, and Personalized
Learning Plans that help guide their progress. Artifact 9
shows the evidence that the learning goals and
outcomes are with the use of educational

Criterion 16 is present in the video from 2:39 to 4:36.
20. Manage the use of Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
technology for learning in Computer Science course
a nontraditional Patel_Artifact11
classroom setting. Artifact 11 showcases the Creative Computing Project in
which learners developed their own medical terminology
to serve as a quiz-like experience and provide feedback
on matching medical definitions and terms. The artifact
shows evidence of how I kept learners engaged and on
task while they were learning in a non-traditional way,
especially as students learned through inquiry-based
learning by designing their app first and then working to
develop it. Throughout the activity, I outlined the rules,
guidelines, and parameters regarding the use of
technology that I use with my learners in a
non-traditional learning environment, which was
beneficial as students engaged in individual

Criterion 20 is present in the video from 1:03 to 3:24.


21. Create opportunities Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
for students to use a Computer Science course
design process and/or Patel_Artifact11
computational thinking. Artifact 11 showcases the Creative Computing Project in
which learners developed their own medical terminology
to serve as a quiz-like experience and provide feedback
on matching medical definitions and terms. The artifact
shows evidence of the design and implementation of a
recognized design thinking or computational thinking
process, which is the Creative Play process outlined
with the steps Inspire, Imagine, Create, Play, and Share.
Each step explains the learning activities and process
for learners to complete.

Criterion 21 is present in the video from 3:25 to 5:30.
22. Model and nurture Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
creativity. Computer Science course
Artifact 11 showcases the Creative Computing Project in
which learners developed their own medical terminology
to serve as a quiz-like experience and provide feedback
on matching medical definitions and terms. The artifact
shows evidence of nurturing creativity for my learners
with peer feedback on their apps and with their
opportunities to showcase the final product to an
authentic audience. While learners were able to nurture
and express their own creativity throughout the app
design project, the artifact also demonstrates my own
creativity in designing opportunities for my learners
to be creative with digital tools and technology.


Criterion 22 is present in the video from 5:32 to 7:17.

7. Analyst 23. Provide alternative Learners: High schoolers 14-17 years old in the AP
ways for students to show Computer Science Principles course
competency. Patel_Artifact9
Artifact 9 showcases the Plan for Personalized Learning,
which helped organize plans for Competency-Based
Learning and Student-Driven Projects. The artifact shows
evidence of how I provided my learners with voice
and choice in how they showcase their learning in the
development of their final product through alternative
and formative assessments with different options and
formats. In the artifact, I identify the choices my
learners had using educational technology,
particularly with the assistance of the Canvas LMS and its
various features and description spaces for assignments,
resources, and announcements. As I design and
implement projects and learning experiences in which
learners choose how they want to demonstrate their
learning, I evaluate learner work in meeting objectives or

Criterion 16 is present in the video from 4:36 to 6:30.
24. Use assessment data ​Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
to inform and guide Patel_Artifact12 Computer Science course
instruction based on
individual student needs. Artifact 12 showcases the Summative Assessment
Analysis which covers my review of the data and the
feedback resulting from the R Programming Major
Assessment, a project that invited students to select and
present a data set. The artifact shows examples of graphs
that I used to analyze student interest and performance,


and as an educator, I drew on this data along with my

own experience so that I could analyze learning and
inform a change in my instruction to ensure my
learners are progressing in their understanding. In the
artifact, I show and explain the process that I use to
collect and analyze data using technology, and the
Excel graphs helped me review assessment data of my
learners’ performance. I also show and explain the
adjustments that I made to my instruction based on
the data that I collected and analyzed, such as the
support for struggling students that were outliers in my
data set and the focus on critical thinking skills when it
comes to presentation of work.

Criterion 24 is present in the video from 1:00 to 3:27.
25. Provide opportunities ​Learners: Freshmen 14-16 years old in the Introductory
for students to reflect on Computer Science course
their own learning data. Patel_Artifact12
Artifact 12 showcases the Summative Assessment
Analysis which covers my review of the data and the
feedback resulting from the R Programming Major
Assessment, a project that invited students to select and
present a data set. The artifact shows the use of
reflection, which is a key part of learning for students and
educators alike. In the artifact, I show and explain how I
provide opportunities for my learners to reflect on
their own learning data using digital tools and
technology, especially with the given class time to review
their rubrics and feedbacks and update their Personalized
Learning Plans (PLPs). My artifact also shows the
learning data used for reflection and the reflection on


that data for learners and for me as an educator, and I

noted the importance of immediate feedback and the use
of data so that technology tools can allow for reflection
and adjustment of work.

Criterion 25 is present in the video from 3:30 to 6:01.


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