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Berikut adalah rangkuman minimal 50 kosakata bahasa Inggris beserta artinya yang

berkaitan dengan dunia kerja perkantoran:

1. Office - kantor
2. Employee - karyawan
3. Boss - atasan
4. Manager - manajer
5. Team - tim
6. Meeting - pertemuan
7. Deadline - batas waktu
8. Task - tugas
9. Project - proyek
10. Report - laporan
11. Presentation - presentasi
12. Email - surel
13. Communication - komunikasi
14. Collaboration - kolaborasi
15. Schedule - jadwal
16. Agenda - agenda
17. Goal - tujuan
18. Objective - objektif
19. Performance - kinerja
20. Evaluation - evaluasi
21. Feedback - umpan balik
22. Improvement - perbaikan
23. Training - pelatihan
24. Skill - keterampilan
25. Responsibility - tanggung jawab
26. Authority - otoritas
27. Decision - keputusan
28. Initiative - inisiatif
29. Leadership - kepemimpinan
30. Motivation - motivasi
31. Efficiency - efisiensi
32. Productivity - produktivitas
33. Innovation - inovasi
34. Creativity - kreativitas
35. Problem-solving - pemecahan masalah
36. Adaptability - adaptabilitas
37. Flexibility - fleksibilitas
38. Organization - organisasi
39. Time management - manajemen waktu
40. Stress management - manajemen stres
41. Work-life balance - keseimbangan kerja-hidup
42. Networking - jaringan
43. Career development - pengembangan karier
44. Promotion - promosi
45. Salary - gaji
46. Benefits - manfaat
47. Vacation - liburan
48. Sick leave - izin sakit
49. Overtime - lembur
50. Retirement - pensiun

Narasi percakapan antara Caca dan atasannya:

Caca: "Good morning, Mr. Smith. I'm Caca, the new employee in the marketing department."

Mr. Smith: "Good morning, Caca. Welcome to the team! We're glad to have you on board."

Caca: "Thank you, Mr. Smith. I'm eager to contribute and learn more about my role here."

Mr. Smith: "Great to hear that. Your role as a marketing assistant will involve assisting with
market research, preparing reports, and supporting the team in various projects."

Caca: "I understand. I'll do my best to fulfill my responsibilities and meet your expectations."

Mr. Smith: "That's the spirit, Caca. We value initiative and dedication in our team members.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask. We're here to support you."

Caca: "Thank you, Mr. Smith. I appreciate your guidance. I'm looking forward to working

Mr. Smith: "Likewise, Caca. Have a great first day!"

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