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Past Simple Regular Verbs

V+ ed
play+ed-ed /d/played -ed /t/ -ed /id/
help+edwateredhelped washed dusted
like + d ironed
liked helped painted
mop+p+ed mopped liked
hoovered visited
cleaned cooked

3 правила правильного произношение –ed в английском

1) [ d ] – после звонких согласных (кроме [d]) и гласных звуков

[b, g, v, ð, ʒ, dʒ, Z, G, m, n, ŋ, l, j, w, r + гласные]:

inform [ın'fɔ:m] сообщать - informed [ın'fɔ:md] сообщил; информированный

2) [ t ] – после глухих согласных (кроме [t]) звуков

[p, k, f, θ, s, ʃ, h, tʃ]:

place [pleıs] помещать – placed [pleıst] поместил; помещенный

3) [ ıd ] – после звуков [d] и [t]:

invite [ın'vaıt] приглашать –invited [ın'vaıtıd] пригласил; приглашенный

end [end] заканчивать – ended ['endıd] закончил; законченный

1. Add –ed and write the verb.

1. I (water) ___________________the plants yesterday.

2. Mother (iron) ______________ the clothes1 last Saturday.
3. Father (hoover) ______________ the carpet last weekend2.
4. Brother (clean) _______________ the window last week.
5. My little sister (wash) _______________ the dishes yesterday.

clothes / kləʊðz / - одежда
weekend /ˈwiːkˈɛnd/ - выходные
Past Simple Regular Verbs

He cleaned the window.

did not = didn’t
He didn’t clean the window.

2. Make the sentences negative.

1. Father washed the dishes.

2. Mother hoovered the carpet.
3. Sister cleaned the windows.
4. Brother ironed the clothes.

3. Write the sentences about choirs your family members didn’t do

on cleaning day.

Example: My mother didn’t hoover the carpet.

1. My mother ___________________________________________
2. My father ____________________________________________
3. My brother ___________________________________________
4. My sister _____________________________________________
5. I ___________________________________________________
Past Simple Regular Verbs
Questions / short answers
He cleaned the window.
Did I/he/she/it/we/you/they V?
Did he clean the window?

Yes, I/he/she/it/we/you/they did.

No, I/he/she/it/we/you/they didn’t.

4. Ask and answer the questions.

1. Ann watered the plants.
___________________________________________ ? Yes, ________.
2. David hoovered the carpet.
____________________________________________ ? No, ________.
3. They cleaned the windows.
____________________________________________ ? No, ________.
4. You washed the car.
____________________________________________? Yes, ________.

5. Answer the questions.

1. Did he clean the widow?

a) Yes, she did. b) No, you didn’t. c) No, he didn’t.
2. Did she iron the clothes?
a) Yes, I did. b) Yes, she did. c) No, she did.
3. Did they clean the flat?
a) Yes, we did. b) No, they did. c) No, they didn’t.
4. Did Mike water the plants?
a) Yes, she did. b) No, he didn’t. c) Yes, I did.
5. Did your parents wash the car?
1. Yes, we did. b) Yes, you did. c) Yes, they did
6. Read the text about Amy.

Cleaning Day

It was Friday yesterday. It was cleaning day. I and my family were very
busy. My parents cleaned the flat3. I helped them.

My mother washed the dishes in the kitchen. She also4 ironed the
clothes. My father hoovered the carpet in the living-room. My brother
cleaned the windows in the flat. I watered the plants.

We were tired5 but happy. The flat was clean.

6.1. Answer the questions.

1.Who cleaned the windows? 1._____________ cleaned the windows.

2. Who ironed the clothes? 2. _____________ ironed the clothes.
3. Who watered the plants? 3. _____________watered the plants.
4. Who washed the dishes? 4._____________ washed the dishes.
5. Who hoovered the carpet 5. _____________hoovered the carpet.

6.2. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. It was the weekend yesterday. T F

2. The family was busy. T F
3. Mother hoovered the carpet. T F
4. Mother ironed the clothes. T F
5. Father watered the plants. T F
6. Brother cleaned the windows. T F
7. They weren’t tired. T F

7. Complete the chart about your family. Tick the responsibilities

flat /flæt/ - квартира
also /ˈɔːlsəʊ/ -также
tired /ˈtaɪəd/ - усталый
they shared.

water the mop the clean the hoover the dust the
plants floor windows carpet furniture
My mother
My father
My sister
My brother

8. Write about your last cleaning day.

It was cleaning day yesterday. My mother ______________________.

My father ___________________________. My sister __________
___________________ . My brother ______________________.
We were tired but happy.

9.Are the sentences true? Correct the false ones. (see ex.8)

1. Your mother hoovered the carpet.

2. Your father mopped the floor.
3. Your sister cleaned the windows.
4. Your brother watered the plants.
5. You dusted the furniture.
10. Ask the questions.

1. Your mother mopped the floor.

2. She dusted the furniture.
3. Your father cleaned the window.
4. He hoovered the carpet.
5. Your brother mopped the floor.
6. He washed the dishes.
7. Your sister dusted the furniture.
8. She watered the plants.
9. You helped your parents.

10. Answer the questions from exercise 10.

1. Yes, she _______________ . No, she _______________.
2. Yes, _____ _______________ . No, ____ _______________.
3. Yes, he _______________ . No, he _______________.
4. Yes, _____ _______________ . No, ____ _______________.
5. Yes, _____ _______________ . No, ____ _______________.
6. Yes, _____ _______________ . No, ____ _______________.
7. Yes, _____ _______________ . No, ____ _______________.
8. Yes, _____ _______________ . No, ____ _______________.
9. Yes, _____ _______________ . No, ____ _______________.

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