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MARKS: 100

These marking guidelines have 7 pages

Page 1 of 7
Question 1
1.1.1. A√
1.1.2. B √
1.1.3. C √
1.1.4. C √
1.1.5. B √ (1×5)
1.2.1. Gender based violence √
1.2.2. Deforestation √
1.2.3. Incest √
1.2.4. Accountability √
1.2.5. Admission point score √
• Scholarship √
• Bursary √
• Study loan √
• Learnership √
Any three (3×1)
• Prepare the body and mind for the activity. √
• Avoid injuries √
• Loosening of muscles or stretching before taking part in sport activity. √
• Relaxation of muscles after the activity. √
Any two (2×1)
1.3.3. It can lead to diseases, √ for example cancer/heart diseases, hypertension,
obesity, antibiotic resistance. √ (2×1)

• They develop self confidence. √
• They gain respect in their communities. √
• They are seen as equals. √
• They work in partnership with the men. √
• They can take part in the family and community meeting. √
Any three (3×1)
Page 2 of 7
Question 2
• Air pollution √
• Water pollution √
• Land pollution √
• Noise √
• Light √
Any three (3×1)
Natural Disaster Human made disaster
• They happen naturally on earth √ • They are caused by human
e.g. flood and earthquakes √ activities √ e.g. green house
gasses and pollution √
Any suitable example (2×2)
• Floods √
• Volcano √
• Earthquake √
• Typhoons √
Any three (3×1)
• Develop strong disaster recovery plan, √ which will manage human made
disaster. √
• Test your disaster recovery plan √. To see that it good and read to manage
human disaster. √
• Hold semi annual or annual refresher courses √. To educate people about
human made disasters. √
Any two (2×2)
• Identify possible hazards and risk in your area that could cause disasters. For
example storms and storm damage, flooding, veld fire. √ √
• Know the emergency number for the fire brigade, hospital, ambulance, the
police and the municipality’s emergency centre. √ √
• Gain knowledge of basic first aid, fire training and CPR. √ √
Any suitable answer. (3×2)

Page 3 of 7
Question 3
• Detrimental /damaging √
• Romantic √
• Friendly √
• Formal √
• Casual √
Any three (3×1)

• Majobo: find a friend, who does not gossip about you, √ or talk to Tina and
explain this is her last chance. Tell her how you feel about it. √
• Tina: never gossip about your best friend; always be loyal. √ Apologise to
Majobo and don’t do it again. √ (2×2)
• Everyone has rights and responsibilities. √
• Everyone is loyal √
• Everyone is truth worthy and respected √
• Everyone is protected √
Any three (3×1)
• It is detrimental because Majobo’s best friend gossiped about her, she cannot
be trusted. √
• She make Majobo feel sad; this harms her well-being. √
• It is detrimental because Mosiuoua does not want to accept that the
relationship is over, so he put pressure on and manipulate Nthati to feel guilt.

• His threats may also mean he could become violent toward Nthati, he put too
much responsibility on her and she does not feel free and this harms her well-
being. √ (2×2)
3.5. Changing relationship:
• May course a person to be abused by older partners √ √
• May course person not to trust any person that he/she is in a relationship
with. √ √
• May course a person to be infected with disease or even get HIV/AIDS. √ √
Any suitable answer. (3×2)

Page 4 of 7
Question 4
Paragraph 1
• Fever √
• Headache √
• Cough √
• Sweating√
• Vomiting √
• Diarrhoea√
Any three
Paragraph 2
Reasons why Covid 19 is regarded as pandemic:
• Affects many people prevalent in the whole country and the whole world. √
• National health crisis √
• It kills people at an alarming rate. √
• Cripples the country’s economy. √
• Creates a high rate of unemployment. √
Any three
Paragraph 3 (3+3)
• Restriction on the movement of persons and goods. √√
• Prohibiting the eviction of people. √√
• Social distancing measures are implemented. √√
• The closing of alcohol and cigarette sales√√
• Closing of schools and public gathering √√
• Early detection of infection √√
Any four (4×2)
• Restriction of freedom of expression can be justified when it has a legal basis
is strictly necessary based on scientific evidence√ and neither subjective nor
discriminatory in application of limited duration respectfully of human dignity
subject to review and proportionate √ to achieve the objective√.
• The scale and severity of the COVD-19 pandemic clearly raised to the level of
public health treat or causing unnecessary panic amongst people√ could
justify limitation to freedom of expression as long as careful attention to
human right such as none discrimination, transparency√ and respect for
human dignity can be foster on effective response and when scientifically
warranted and necessary for the reassurance of the people. √
Any suitable answer (2×3)

Page 5 of 7
Question 5
Paragraph 1
• Conquer or stop poverty √
• Create employment √
• To create stable society √
• To reduce the impact of fire danger. √
• I will not place my (candle) near the curtains √
• I will educate all my peers about not to through cigarette that can create bush
fire. √
Any suitable example. (3+3)= 6
Paragraph 2
• Do not take more from the earth today that you cannot replace. √
• Do not destroy natural resources like water and land. √
• Do not take all the natural resources today and leave the future without. √
• You must leave natural resource for the future use. √
Paragraph 3
• I will not destroy natural resources. √
• I will not destroy resources for my own wealth, e.g. causing pollution. √
• I will do recycling. √
• I will replant natural resources √
Any suitable answer. (4+4) = 8

Question 6
Paragraph 1
• Study regularly √
• Set up a study routine √
• Set up your goals√
• Don’t procrastinate √
Any 3

Page 6 of 7
• Perseverance√
• Hardworking √
• Well self – motivated √
• Determined √
• Well self disciplined √
Any 3 (3+3)
Paragraph 2
• Mpo came from a poor background and had the potential to succeed of which
finance was needed. √√
• Mpo faced many obstacles in her way but she had persevered to get the
deserving academic results. √√
• Mpo was self – disciplined and determined to change her circumstances. √√
• Mpo was well self motivated to strive for better education as she would study
by candlelight at night and travelled 10 km from home to school. √√

Paragraph 3
Study loan Bursary
• You can work for the company • You don’t have to pay it back
after you finished studying. √ unless you fail. √
• Guarantee of employment. √ • Guarantee of employment. √
• Have lower interest rate than • Take away worries and financial
private loans. √ concern since you won’t be
• You don’t need a credit history paying back the money offered to
for a study loan. √ you. √
• Student loans offer financial • You may contract with the
support who would otherwise be company after graduation to work
unable to attend collages (need for them, which is called contract
of financial assistance) √ bursary. √

Any three (3+3)


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