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- Spin off>Women’s Hour -

context - 2015>twice a week, 2016>Once a
month>BBC Radio 4 at 11pm
- Lauren Laverne>First host>Emma Barnett
took over in 2018.
- Features female guest>female production
- Topics consists of topics women relate to >
guests now choose topics to discuss.
- 1930-40s > time of change for women
>Women’s Hour started in the 1940s
- Regulated by BBC >publicly funded >licence - Power and media industries
Industry fee >’inform, educate and entertain ‘>ten >Curran + Seaton>diversity
national radio stations >public service in ownership = varied and
and broadcasting. adventurous content
- LNWH meet the remit> impartial news + - BBC>funded by gov>not
regulation info, educated professionals profit driven.
- OFCOM >office of communications - Advantages> they can take
>broadcasting code >prevent harmful + risks, editorial independence
offensive content, protecting privacy, and long-term funding
ensuring impartially, accuracy + fairness. - Disadvantages > the BBC
isn’t accountable for the
audience really wants.
- varied> ages, ethnic +
cultural backgrounds,
content, musical genres,
arts, and format.
- Adventurous >niche
audience, specialist music
genres, live sports, speech
- PSB+BBC=target audience needs to consist - Audience response >Hall’s
audience of everyone to ‘reflect, represent and serve reception theory>preferred
the diverse communities of all of the UK ‘s reading >LNWH is
nations and regions ‘ >can be argued that informative as well as
LNWH do not meet this aa the person with entertaining, adventurous,
the most power, the host, is exclusively and relatable>middle class,
has always been a white middle class educated, early 20s/late 30s
women, which isn’t representative of the will get this reading
UK - Negotiated reading >topics
- Audience appeal>brand>spin off>Same are good, but the delivery Is
font/logo, artwork (thumbnail)>Brings outdated, boring,
original success of WH to a new programme monotone>age could be a
> reduces risk>differences >subject topics, reason for this reading.
WH=tame, LNWH=taboo - Short life of programme
- Appealing to the young and >audience were mostly
educated>taboo/sensitive topics, oppositional and/or
presenters, all female show + feminine negotiated reading
values, late + adventurous, intimate mode
of address + educated tone.
- Audience appeal>presenters>Lauren
Laverne>outspoken+ alternative +
educated>presented BBC Radio 6 + BBC
Radio 4>brought a younger
audience>>Emma Barnett>serious, well
educated, political, respected female
journalist>presented BBC 5 Live + made
documentaries for BBC Radio 4>educated

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