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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4

© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


1, 3
Faculty of Computing, University Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
UTM-IRDA Digital Media Center, Faculty of Computing,
University Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq



Nowadays, information hiding is becoming a helpful technique and fetch more attention due fast growth of
using internet, it is applied for sending secret information by using different techniques. Steganography is
one of major important technique in information hiding. Steganography is science of concealing the secure
information within a carrier object to provide the secure communication though the internet, so that no one
can recognize and detect it's except the sender & receiver. In steganography, many various carrier formats
can be used such as an image, video, protocol, audio. The digital image is most popular used as a carrier
file due its frequency on internet. There are many techniques variable for image steganography, each has
own strong and weak points. In this study, we conducted a review of image steganography in spatial
domain to explore the term image steganography by reviewing, collecting, synthesizing and analyze the
challenges of different studies which related to this area published from 2014 to 2017. The aims of this
review is provides an overview of image steganography and comparison between approved studies are
discussed according to the pixel selection , payload capacity and embedding algorithm to open important
research issues in the future works and obtain a robust method.

Keywords: Information Hiding, Image Steganography, Least Significant Bit (LSB), Different types of
Steganography, Spatial Domain.

1. INTRODUCTION technique to hide secret data in hosting media to

protect it from indiscernible by unauthorized access
In recent years, more research activities have or the intruder , in a manner of complete silence
been developed into information hiding because of and deceptive which make hosting media carry the
its gaining importance and due to the increase of secret data . Steganalysis is detect the secret data by
digital communication transferred over the network. analysis stego media [3][104].
Information hiding mechanisms can be applied to Watermarking is the method of hiding secret data
prevent the secret data from the intruder or the into a carrier media to provide the privacy and
malicious modification. Information Security is integrity of information. This method is used to
procedure of obtaining information secure with verify the credibility of the component or to
more integrity and confidentiality. There are two of recognize the identity of the digital content's owner.
information hiding techniques that developed to Digital watermark remains same constant even out
protect the information and which named of manipulation, compression and decompression.
Steganography and Watermarking. Both of Digital Watermarking is divided into two types,
steganography and watermarking are related to visible watermarking and invisible watermarking.
common concept [1][2]. Digital watermarking is used for different
Steganography is a high powerful security objectives such as copyright protection, Source
provider, steganography can be define as intelligent tracking, etc. [99][105].

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Variety of media carriers that includes audio, algorithm is used to achieve the objective of image
text, video image can be used with steganography quality (Imperceptibility) which is responsible for
that will explain later on. Steganography is a strong keep the quality of the image same of original.
security provider, especially when it is combined This is achieved by keep the pixels value same as
with digital images due of different types of digital original as possible. This work will describe
image formats that can be used. Image carefully only the spatial domain techniques,
Steganography is the mechanism of hiding the transform domain does not include.

secret data into carrier image. Steganography is The main contribution of this paper is to
interesting especially to applications in which the explore different image steganography
encryption cannot applied to protect the
techniques in spatial domain during
communication of confidential information.
Embedding of image steganography techniques can demonstrated , analyzed to the current methods
be classified into spatial domain and transform , identify the challenges and open research
domain. Special domain plays an important role in issues in literature that is interesting in this
all the applications of the image steganography area.
techniques in latest papers, so that the relevant The remainder of the paper is structured as
literatures that have been selected in this study follows sections: In section 2, Overview of
emphasizes on this significant subject only by steganography. Steganography techniques describes
analyzing the main characteristics and the in section 3. In Section 4, related work is given in
drawbacks also for the image steganography details. In section 5, Evaluation criteria of
techniques. Steganography is supported many steganography describes in details. In section 6, the
applications such as online transactions, military challenges and open research issues. Finally in
communication etc. [4][5]. section 7, Conclusion
Several review on steganography have been 2. OVERVIEW OF STEGANOGRAPHY
published within recent years, the most important
and popular one was published three years ago The first description of steganography is used
[109]. it focuses on a review of essential concepts , with the Greeks through Herodotus message to the
variety of evaluation measures , security side of Greeks. Steganography has been used also during
image steganography system and includes the the cold war period from USSR and US for security
literature that have been published until the time the communication. Nowadays, various algorithms are
paper was published. Nevertheless, this review used to protect confidential information along with
may be considered out of date due there are many different media carriers. Generally, a steganography
of contributions published from that date, these new is the process of embedding hidden messages in
publications necessarily to be collect within a new secret manner that no one, except the sender and
review paper. Briefly discussed some other surveys purposed receiver(s) can discover the existence of
the image steganography’s definition, domains as the messages as shown in figure 1. The result will
well as techniques in a summarized form without give file called stego object that has the secret
discussing the huge amount of contributions on this message inside it. This stego file is then sent to the
area [110][111], with respect to the review papers. receiver side, where the receiver restores the
While the difference in our work summarizes the message by applying the extracting algorithm [6].
current image steganography techniques in spatial The figure 1 is shown the general steganography
domain, also analyzed different problems and the process.
drawbacks of each method that have been
innovated from last few years.
The fundamental criteria that have been adopted
in this review for a comparison between approved
studies are discussed according to the pixel
selection, capacity and embedding algorithm. The
pixel selection is used to achieve the objective of
security such as sorting technique [19], Adaptive
image segmentation (AIS) [36]. Randomized
Secret Sharing (RSS) [26] while the second criteria
refers to the Maximum amount of secret message
which can be embedded into cover image without Figure 1. Block diagram of Steganography Process.
retraction of the image quality. Embedding

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

The basic model of Steganography consists of three steganography requires less memory as it can only
main components: store text files. Many formats are used in this
1- Media carrier: The cover image is also called technique. In text Steganography number of white
the cover object that will carry the secret message spaces, tabs capital letters are used to achieve
that will be hidden. message hiding. Text steganography is not
2- Secret data: A secret message can be anything commonly utilized as text files containing large
like data, file or image etc.
amount of redundant data [8].
3- Secret Key: A Secret key is used to encode
/decode the hidden message. Protocol Steganography. In this technique, the
4- Stego media (Y): it also called stego object. It is secret information is embedded within network
the result obtained after embedding the secret protocols such as TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP etc., where
message. protocol is used as carrier. A network packet
consists of packet headers, user data and packet
2.1 TYPES OF STEGANOGRAPHY trailers. So during some of the layers of the network
The steganography is applied practically with all model, steganography can be used. This term is
digital file formats but widely perform with digital known as protocol steganography [10] [106].
images because of their frequency on the internet.
There are five main categories of file formats which 3. STEGANOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES.
can be used for steganography, as be shown in Embedding of image steganography techniques
Figure 2. can be classified into two classes depends on
hosting places and image nature [9].

Figure 2. Types of Steganography.

Image Steganography. Digital images are most

used as the cover object for Steganography, as well
as that are also more popular over the internet. In
this technique, a secret message is embedded in a
digital image during an algorithm with the help of
secret key to create a stego image. Generally, in this
technique pixel intensities are used to hide the
secret information [7] [103].
Video Steganography. Hiding secret
information in a video format is known as video
steganography. Video files are consist a collection
of images as well as audio. Generally, most of the
proposed techniques on images and audio can be Figure 3. Classification of image steganography
implemented to video files too. The use of video techniques.
Steganography is more eligible instead of the other
multimedia files, because of large amount of
information that can be hidden inside video format
without noticeable by humans because of the
continuous flow of information. Many types of
video files can used such as H.264, Mp4, MPEG,
AVI or other video formats [6].
Text Steganography. Hiding secret information
in a text file is known as text steganography. Text

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Table 2 .Differentiation between image steganography Random pixel is generated by using Fibonacci
technique in spatial and transform domains. algorithm.
Domain Advantages Disadvantages Mapping pixel to hidden data method MP -
Low computational Vulnerable against the The mathematical function is applied in this method
Spatial complexity attacks
Domain High embedding capacity Lacking in statistical to embed pixels that based on pixel intensity value
High imperceptibility analysis techniques and its eight neighbors are chosen according to
High computational counter clockwise direction. Embedding data is
Transform High security against complexity done by mapping each two or four bits of the secret
Domain attacks such as Low embedding capacity
Geometric attacks and Lower controllable bits within each of the neighbor pixel based on
compression imperceptibility features of the pixel [100].
Pixel connectivity method PC - In this method
3.1 THE FUNDAMENTAL CRITERIA AND the cover image is transferred into binary form and
SPATIAL DOMAIN TECHNIQUES then labelled using the 4 connectivity or the 8-
Spatial domain or map Domain steganography, connectivity method. A group of pixels, which
the secret information is hided into the cover image is connected vertically, horizontally or diagonally
by alter the intensity of image pixel values within based on Connectivity types, called an object [101].
hiding data directly. Means several image pixel
values are converted directly through hiding data Gray level modification GLV - First proposed
using bit insertion with help of bit-wise operation, of this method was in 2004 by potdar et al. this
therefore sometimes characterized as “simple method is used to map data (not embed or hide it)
systems”. These techniques classified as following: by modifying the gray level values. This technique
Least significant bit LSB- Least Significant Bit uses the concept of odd and even numbers to map
is one of most common and easiest technique used data within an image. by mathematical function ,
in steganography. In this technique, secret bits is pixels are selected From a given cover image .The
hiding within the least significant bits of cover gray level values of those pixels are examined
image pixels. Hiding in least significant bit ensures and compared with the bit stream that is to be
less change in the image pixels value. This mapped in the image [14].
technique is generally called LSB substitution [11]. Texture based method (Texture) - In this
Pixel value differencing PVD - In this method, the secret and cover images are divided
technique, two sequential pixels are chosen in order into blocks of specific size and each block in secret
to hiding secret data. Payload capacity of hiding image is taken as a texture style for which the most
data is determined by checking the difference similar block is found among the blocks of the
among two sequential pixels, this is used to cover image. The embedding execution is carried
distinguish whether the two pixels belongs to an on by replacing these small blocks of the secret
edge area or smooth area [25]. image with blocks in cover image in such a way
Edge based data embedding technique EBE - that least distortion would be imposed on it [95].
This technique works with the edges areas because
Histogram shifting methods (HS) - To hide
the human eyes cannot recognize the hiding data
secret message into cover image histogram will be
within edges areas compared with smooth areas.
used. In this method location of the pixels used to
Therefore, secret data is concealed into pixels
embed the secret message that is represented by
around the edges areas of the image. The least
histogram that generated using shifting process of
significant bits (LSB) technique can be used along
the histogram. Histogram related with frequency of
with edge technique for more security and
the pixels in cover image, so generating of
Imperceptibility [12].
histogram most of the pixels have least frequent
Random pixel embedding method RPE - In will determined. To determine the different
this method, the secret data is embedded randomly frequency (high or low) raster scan is used in this
to increase the security inside image pixels. method. In term of histogram, the embedding will
happen in the high or low peak point. The

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

disadvantage of this method is capacity limitation area. Sensitivity of edge area allows hidden bits to
[66]. eclipsed form HVS attack will become less
Spread Spectrum Method (SS) - This method sensitive in this area. Illumination of pixels in edge
takes different action in embedding selection, wide area will be different from this point zap to design
band of frequencies took over the signal in new steganography system [9].
bandwidth of communication. New modulation Genetic Algorithm (GA) based on a tunable
choosing spread the frequency of the pixel used visual image quality was introduced by Kanan, and
here as a white noise to modulating the Nazeri (2014). Lossless data in special domain was
narrowband. During spread, the noise over used to optimize problems in steganography.
frequency the energy of narrowband signal will Experimental results show high embedded capacity
reduce. In this case, the signal become easy to with enhanced PSNR [13].
detect and the embedding behave like Gaussian
Al-Tamimi et al. suggested a novel method
noise on the image. Distortion of low noise cannot
embedding for color image steganography by using
be recognising by naked eye so embedding in this
Least Significant Bits (LSBs). The proposed
area is useful. Spectrum of secret embedding is
scheme has three levels of security, the various
spread multiplicatively of the hiding data suggested
number of possible stego-keys, and random pixel
by (Valizadeh and Wang, 2012) to predict the error
selection of first pixel where the hiding process
in capacity and security channel. Due to dealing
starts and the transposition applied to each 24-bit
with host signal this method is worth with
block of the message to be embed. The embedding
watermark rather than steganography for frequency
process start from first pixel position is calculate by
dependence reason [15].
using stego key [16].
Color Palette Based (CPB) method - Color
image behold in this method by inserting bit in An image secret sharing scheme using lossy
every color pixel. Random function generates the compression and Arnold transform (AT) for
numbers and these numbers reflected the pixels that grayscale images has been proposed by Das et al.
hold the secret bits. Stego key stores these pixels The secret image is encoded by block based on
numbers to use in extraction process for other part lossy compression technique. Arnold transform is
(receiver). Choosing or selecting pixels searching applying on each sub-image to obtain the scrambled
the nearest colors that are not affected during sub-images in order to increase the security level
embedding. High level of security produced in this and then shares are generated with the help of
method because of random algorithm dependency Shamir’s secret sharing [17].
(Wang et al., 2005). 24 bits represent the RGB Das et al. have mentioned that a new technique
pixel and 3 bits that host the secret message by of image steganography to concealing multiple
algorithm of cycle color. This method more robust secret images in a single 24-bit cover image based
against statistical attack than sequential embeds on LSB substitution and Arnold Transform. This
method [102]. method introduced a technique of multiple image
hiding inside a single color image of 24 bit using
Arnold transform taking three 8-bit secret images.
In this study, we conducted a review of image The proposed method gives the Low computational
steganography in spatial domain to explore the term complexity and high capacity compared to method
of steganography by reviewing, collecting and [18].
synthesizing different studies that related to this
A new approach proposed by [19], a spatial
area published from 2014 to 2017.
domain steganography method to conceal secret
Al-Dmour et al. have used edge area detection data inside the image based on canny edge detector
area and XOR function instead smooth area in a and 2k correction. This approach used Huffman
cover image to stop against HVS. This algorithm is encoding and coherent bit length to compress the
dividing the image into non-overlapping blocks that secret message. In order to improve security,
would be individually evaluated to get the edges sorting technique is utilizes to randomize the edge

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

pixels. This approach provides high security with An enhanced edge steganography approach for
enhanced PSNR. data hiding methodology is given by Mungmode et
An enhanced data hiding method by simple al. In this technique, the LSBMR and threshold
LSB substitution with an optimal LSBs method value is used to improve the quality of an image
relied on spatial domain, proposed by Mohamed et and modification rate of stego image. Embedding
al. The image is divided into two parts, one for process is used the threshold value in RGB
embedding the secret message and applies change components of the cover image as a parameter for
to the value of some bits that have the secret bits selecting the optimal frequency pixels and then
obtained by the simple form of LSB substitution hiding the secret data with the help of LSBMR
technique. The other part is used to indicate which algorithm. This method provides around 0.2 to 0.6
change is applied to each pixel exist in the first part. % of enhancement in the image quality and
The experimental results show that the proposed achieves around 4 to 10 % of enhancement in the
method provides larger embedding capacity and amendment rate of an image compared to Sobel and
better image quality [20]. Canny edge detection techniques [24].
Secure Image steganography through The Three levels of security is explained by a new
EMD (Exploiting Modification Direction) and scheme to hide secret message into a color Image.
spatial domain has done by Kuo et al. The proposed First layer, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
scheme has two main contribution make the system algorithm is used to encrypt the secret message by
more effective. First is only n/2 pixels will be accepting a 128-bit secret key. Generating number
modified and the value is +1 or −1 when the group of segments with different dimensions of an input
has n pixels. Secondly, the embedded capacity cover image by accepting the same secret key by
maintains at least 1 bpp when n is increasing. The using NUBASI algorithm and this is the second
cover image is divided into non-overlapping blocks layer. Last layer of security is by embedding the
by scanning each line of pixel from left to right and secret message into the segmented image by using
top to down manner to obtain optimal n-tuples to Randomized Secret Sharing (RSS) algorithm [26].
hide the secret message [21].
Sahib Khan et al. have used new study to
Rakesh Nayak et al. have used a new approach implementation of VLSB steganography, where
based on the combination of the steganography and variable numbers of bits for gray scale image is
cryptography. The new method mainly focused on used. The proposed study is called varying index
security by apply Bit stuffing BSS technique on varying bits substitution (VIVBS). The aims of this
secret message to inserting non information bits paper is to overcome the drawback of DDDB and
into data to break up bit patterns to affect the MDT methods in terms of SNR, MSE, and PSNR
synchronous transmission of information and then where these terms still not achieved as a perfect
used the RSA algorithm to encrypts the secret result. The proposed scheme is defines how much
message . The cipher text is embedded by using data which need to hidden in a pixel with specific
LSB insertion technique [22]. index by calculated either x-intercept or y-intercept
Muhammad et al. the authors presented an of pixel positions in cover image. The size of
imperceptible image steganographic scheme within proposed key can be changed by changing the
spatial domain for grayscale images. The pattern range of LSB used. In VIVBS algorithm, each pixel
based bits shuffling algorithm (PBSA) is used to is processed and hiding a number of bits into pixel
encrypted and shuffled the secret data with secret is depending to its index number [27].
key helping . While embedding encrypted data is Thakur et al. have carried out a novel security
done by M - LSB method in the cover image, method based on image Steganography with
hence making its extraction relatively more cryptograph to hide secret image. The idea of the
difficult for attackers. In this paper, results is presented method is to encrypt the secret image
evaluated by qualitative and quantitative analysis using the proposed encryption scheme at first and
[23]. then hides the encrypted image by Steganography

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

scheme. The algorithm consists of two main A General Exploiting Modification Direction
sections. The first is to proposed encryption GEMD-map scheme has been proposed by Kuo et
technique to encrypt the confidential image based al. The objective of present work is increase
on symmetric key concept. The second uses capacity by reduced spatial redundancy in cover
Steganography technique to hide the encrypted image. The cover image is partitioned into non-
image using randomization techniques and LSB overlapping blocks based on scanning left to right
insertion [28]. and top to down pixels and partitions the secret
Color image steganography system using hash message for each block using OGEs function [33].
function and edge detection technique in spatial A method for image steganography based on a
domain has proposed by Singh et al. The canny combination of Cryptography and steganography
edge has been applied on color image as a Edge has been described by Das. The objective of this
detection method and then hash function algorithm research is using LSB substitution to hide multiple
is used to hide text message into the image. The secret images in a single 24-bit. Before embedding,
proposed scheme can be applied on different types each message is encrypted using Arnold Transform
of image formats like-jpg, jpeg, bmp, tiff etc. [29] (AT) algorithm. The first three MSB bits of the first
encrypted secret image is embedded randomly in
Patel et al et al. have implemented and
the last three LSB bits of the red pixels and then
analyzed the steganography method and AES
first three MSB bits of the second and third
algorithm to make the evaluation and comparison
encrypted secret image is embedded randomly in
into different formats of Images and gives the most
the last three LSB bits of the green and blue pixels
suitable information with this technique. They are
respectively. The Stego-image is generated by
used LSB substitution algorithm in order to
combined the modified pixels [34].
implementation Steganography method. This
analysis and the evaluation is done with different Bhatt et al. Have used basic terminologies of
parameters such as delay, PSNR, MSE, and image steganography and Visible Watermarking
Absolute Mean Square Error (RMSE) [30]. based on LSB Extraction Technique and Scale
Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The ensures
A new reversible data hiding technique using
combination of both gives multiple layers of
Pixel Value Difference (PVD) and Difference
security and will achieve requirements like
Expansion (DE) has introduced by Jana et al. The
capacity, security and robustness [35].
secret message is first divided into sub-stream of
size n bits with proposed technique. Pixel Value A robust image steganography based on
Differencing (PVD) has been used to embed n−1 adaptive neural network with Genetic Algorithm
bits and 1 bit is embedded using Difference has been proposed by El-Emama. The proposed
Expansion (DE). Finally, according to shared system is more complexity to implementation due
secret key bit stream, these the two-stego pixel the deferent layers of security. The SPIHT
pairs are distributing among dual image. The algorithm has been applied to compress the secret
extract technique is the same embed technique in message and then encrypted it using AES
reverse sense [31]. algorithm. Adaptive image segmentation (AIS) is
used in this system as a new adaptive image
Secure color image steganography through
segmentation, this adaptive used to hide data
least significant bits (LSBs) has suggested by Al-
randomly instead of sequentially [36].
Tamimi et al. Asymmetric key for image
steganography is utilized in this scheme which is an In another method, a new scheme used to
array of 32 integers. Data hiding is inserted hiding information in order to comparing with LSB
randomly according to pixel selection generator and technique called DKL, has suggested by
in hiding message; the transposition is applied to Udhayavene et al., where both LSB and DKL
each 24-bit block. This helped to improved security algorithms is evaluated by using basis evaluation
on LSB substitution method [32]. such as MSE, PSNR, Relative Payload and Rate of
Embedding. The proposed work is implemented by

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

using S-tool, which successfully hide the data into parallel images. The idea of this paper is to
inside an image. In this work, different image increase the security with large payload capacity by
format is supported with this tool such as BMP, using parallel images. The embedding process is
WAV and GIF [37]. achieved by calculating the cost of embedding in
Khamy et al. have proposed a new each pixel by suitably distortion function and then
steganography technique to minimize and solve the secret message is embedded depending to cost. The
distortion on the stego -image. The proposed work proposed work can be improved security based on
is used two LSB steganography algorithms based cost embedding [42].
on NEQR. The cover image is divided into blocks A new approach towards the key generation to
and each block, hides one secret message bit. In conceal secret data into an image based on edge
first LSB algorithm , which embeds secret message detection and HSI color model has been introduced
bit by replacing the LSB’s bits of the cover image by Yadav et al. The Canny edge detection has been
with the secret message bits directly and then applied to fetch a true edge with threshold area and
second LSB algorithm is block LSB which embeds then 2LSB procedure is used for embedding. In HSI
a secret message bit into a number of pixels that color model can hide large amount of information
belong to one image block [38]. with compare to grayscale images. This method is
In order to design an effective image used RGB, and binary images. The results show
steganography system to safe data transfer scheme high security and capacity [43].
over Internet, Patil et al. has embedded secret data Bukhari et al. Used a chaotic map encryption
using Bits Difference Based on Most Significant along with grey scale image steganography . The
Bit (MSB) technique. Bit no.5 is used to store the first phase is the grey scale image encryption where
secret bits based on the difference of bit No. 5 and the Arnold cat map has applied as a chaotic map
6 of cover image. The result of proposed work is that gives randomizations in the original image to
secure and computationally efficient as well enhance the security. The second phase is the
because of using MSB [39]. embedding phase is done by using least significant
Devaraj et al. have used LSB substitution bits of the cover image to hide the encrypt message.
nonlinear riotous calculation (NCA) and DCT to Finally, generates the stego image with helping
suggest a chaotic algorithm. This algorithm is used from stego-Key [44].
to hide secret image into cover image where NCA Al-Omari et al. have done RGB coloring model
is used to observation capacity and before for secure data where secret message is replaced by
embedding DCT is apply on secret message to positions of image pixels utilizing predefined
increase the security. Three bits can be used to hide character-color mapping and the color value of
with every pixel inside the LSBs of every byte of a pixel. The secret message bits is distributed
24-bit image. The simple LSB algorithm is used to randomly in cover image with helping of key, this
hide the message with helping from secret key [40]. work is achieved within the embedding process.
Cemal Kocak has suggested a Couple Layered This scheme provides a better quality and robust
Security Model CLSM using a hybrid structure of stego images that resists against statistical attacks
cryptography and steganography. The cryptography [45].
procedure for secret message through using a 16 Sharma et al. have proposed a method to
character (128-bit) keyword that provides a higher overcome the limitation of time, robustness and
level of security. The encrypted message has been distortion in image steganography called the zero
embedded using two bits in LSB substitution distortion technique (ZDT). Different file formats
algorithm for G and B channels of RGB. CLSM were performed with this method. In order to
scheme show a better results by compared to Pixel enhance security, the chaotic sequence was
Value Differencing method and other methods [41]. employed as encryption algorithm for a better
An improved image steganography method randomize. The method can be considered as
based on two methods to embed the secret image

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

efficient algorithm in terms of time, capacity in categorizing the blocks into one of the four levels
comparison to LSB existing technique [46]. (lower, lower-middle, higher-middle, and higher).
A novel image steganography algorithm based The random selection positions is used to enhance
on LSB and Edge detection has proposed by security in this scheme. The extraction can be
Chaturvedi et al. The main idea of the presented applied simply using the 2LSBs of the 9th pixel in
work is to hiding the data in the 2-bits LSB of the every 3 × 3 block [50].
edge pixels only. The Canny Edge detection According to Roy research, the input is a
method was employed to distinguish the true edge carrier image and secret message and the output is
pixels. This method can be applied for various gray stego-image. The scheme process was started with
scale images with comparison on existing and converting the secret message into binary code and
proposed scheme. The PSNR value was evaluated then calculating its size. In this algorithm image is
by compared for EG-LSB and other techniques partitioned into non-overlapping blocks and Find
[47]. smooth and textured areas inside the block using
Gulve et al. have used a code conversion to the individual entropies. Variable embedding rate
improve the steganographic system performance. data hiding scheme is ensured both smooth and
This method mainly focused on modify the pixel textured areas in the cover image and this can be
difference value (PVD) where modification is done optimally used with high embedding efficiency.
before hiding the secret data. Here, the cover The method is shown optimally results in terms of
image is dividing into 2 x 3 block of pixels and stego- image fidelity and statistical imperceptibility
average (N) is calculated of the bits which can be [51].
hidden in five pairs of that block and then
According to the fact of achieving higher levels
converting the secret data into gray code before
of security for data transmission, solution is to
embedding to generated the stego image. Result
combine of Cryptography and Steganography has
achieved a better hiding capacity and improved
proposed by Ajin P Thomas et al. In this method,
quality of stego image [48].
the secret message is encrypted using Vernam
Vidya et al. have proposed a novel image cipher algorithms and then embed the cipher
steganography algorithm based on Ken Ken puzzle message dynamicity into an image by transforms
in the spatial domain. The proposed scheme is cipher message into bytes and divides each byte
carried out one of mathematical puzzle as Sudoku into pairs of bits and assigns the decimal values to
named the Ken-Ken puzzle. The Ken Ken scheme each pair, which is known as a master variable.
is constructed from a Sudoku scheme, but with The master variable value, hide the cipher message
extraction process, the Ken Ken scheme has to be into Least Significant Bit location, such as 6LSB
reconstructed by the intended extractor. This and 7LSB bit or 7LSB and 8LSB bit location or
algorithm has been compared with existing Sudoku 7LSB and 6LSB or 8LSB and 7LSB bit location
scheme using several statistical evaluation such as [52].
PSNR, Average Difference (AD) and Maximum A new method based on a combination of
Difference (MD) [49]. cryptography and steganographic to improve the
secure steganographic system performance. The
Gandharba Swain has suggest nine pixel cryptography scheme is done by using the Caesar‟s
differencing with modification of Least Significant algorithm to encrypt the secret message and then
Bit (LSB) substitution and pixel value differences LSB algorithm is used to hide the encrypted
(PVD) to get high embedding capacity with a message within an image though private key [53].
better imperceptibility. The proposed method
In order to enhance the security of image
design is start with dividing the cover image into
steganographic a new method has been proposed
3×3 non-overlapping blocks. based on average of
known as mosaic image steganography based on
pixel value differences in nine-pixel blocks , the
genetic algorithm and key random permutation. The
security has been addressed by hiding variable
concept of mosaic steganography was proposed by
number of bits in different blocks using

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Lai and Tsai (2011). In this method, genetic on square image dimension only and this is a weak
algorithm reduces the computational complexity in point. The results are measured using PSNR, MSE,
terms of time complexity, space complexity, used Correlation and Histogram [59].
to generate mapping sequence, security and The combined both steganography,
robustness enhances [54]. cryptography and genetic algorithm to give greater
A new methodology has been suggested for security with ensure improvement in the
image steganography. In this work the cover image steganography performance. The experiments result
is read and segmented into RGB channels and then have been shown the efficacy of the developed
if the 8th bit of the pixel are matched with the system. In other method, a new modified LSB
secret bit the pixel position of the image is noted in technique suggested for Image Steganography to
a separate file. The G component is chosen for hide the secret data. In this scheme, LSB technique
pixel matching in this work and if the secret is improved so files which have comparatively
message contains large capacity so the red and the large size as compared to text file can be hidden
blue component can be used also .In other method successfully [60-61].
to effectively secure the e-banking system that has Alsarayreh et al. have proposed a novel image
proposed by Devadiga et al. based on combination steganography system utilizing the exact matching
of cryptography, steganography technology and between the image’s pixel and the secret text
data mining. This method is carried out the values. The secret text is transform to ASCII
transaction using this image for more security as representation and then Blue channel value is
compared to the existing method [55-56]. selected in an image in order to matching with the
A new method of hiding data proposed based secret text value this is done by brute force
on steganography conjunction along with algorithm. The random key–dependent data
cryptography this method is named dual (RKDD) is utilized as a part of the separating
steganography. The main aim of this method is to procedure. The proposed system is abbreviated as
present two level of security using two cover EM-RKDD [62].
images and two different stego keys. In first cover A new design to improve the Imperceptibility of
image is using 4-bit LSB algorithm to hide secret the stego images based on an adaptive embedding
data with help from stego key 1, the stego image 1 technique. The new scheme offers different levels
is generated as a result. Then the stego image 1 is of complexity by using multi-resolution analysis to
considered as the secret data and embedding it ensure improvement in the steganography
within cover image 2 using 4-bit LSB algorithm performance. The multi-resolution analysis are
also by helping from stego key 2. At the end, the segmented into three levels and each level is
stego image is generated [57]. assigned different complexity measure, namely
A payment system for online shopping has been CPX1 and CPX2 regions. The CPX2 region is used
introduced by Rajendran et al. to embedding secret to hide the secret data via LSB algorithm [63].
text within colored image of any size using spatial
Sharif et al. proposed a robust image
domain. The proposed method is used the
steganography via three-dimensional chaotic map
combination of steganography, visual
LCA map along with strong chaotic characteristics
cryptography and LSB encryption. The
and high maximum Lyapunov exponent 20.58. In
experimental result is improved the steganographic
the proposed scheme strong chaotic is used to
system performance [58].
random selection with length of 2L and L is the
Klim et al. have improved a high payload length of secret message. The embedding process is
capacity method based on selected least significant used both LSBs and MSBs with three high level
bit SLSB that is applied on color images. The chaotic maps to select of desirable pairs to hide the
magic square order is applied to scattered among secret message [64].
the image pixels and secret bits and then using Mocanu et al have proposed a new robust
SLSB value for embedding. This method is works approach based on image steganography with the

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

help of cryptography algorithm. The Boolean based on MS to prove security and imperceptibility.
algebra and trigonometry are used to obtain this Finally, encrypted information is embedding using
algorithm that used to modify on pixel level with MS-directed LSB substitution method with random
helping from encryption key. The encryption key distribution bits in different areas of the cover
can be obtained by RSA algorithm. The encryption image. The qualitative and quantitative results
algorithm proposed in this research it was necessary achieved a better performance of the proposed work
to create a matrix containing pseudorandom values [70].
[65]. Khan et al. have presented a secure image
Rashid et al. introduced an image steganographic scheme based on SKA-LSB
steganography scheme based on LSB matching and substitution method along with multi-level of
LSB substitution scheme to embed secret data cryptography. The stego key is encrypted by a two-
within an image. The advantages of LSB is shown level encryption algorithm TLEA where a multi-
in this scheme in order to increase the capacity level encryption algorithm MLEA is applied to
while obtain a better image quality. Both of encrypt the secret data and then encrypted data is
grayscale and color images are used in this method. embedded into an image using an adaptive LSB
This scheme is called robust increased capacity substitution method with helping of stego key [71].
image steganographic scheme RICISS and the Islam et al. presented a novel data hiding
security analysis and robust analysis is carried out process using edges technique and LSB substitution
of this scheme [67]. technique. The canny edge detection technique has
Based on optimal pixel adjustment process been used to get true edges into gray scale images.
OPAP, Gupta et al. have carried out an image The edges selection for hiding is conditional on the
steganography technique where the secret data is length of payload capacity and the image. The
hiding into the moderately higher significant bits. proposed method is used two bits of LSB
In this scheme, color image is used. The proposed substitution for embedding in an image. In this
embedding scheme is used higher order bits for work pseudo random number generator PRNG is
embedding and therefore to stop distortion of the used created random secret message [72].
stego-image, authors mathematically restrict the Baghel et al. have used dynamic programming
amount of distortion to a maximum value 4. For method to improve the payload capacity and
this, two groups of pixels are maintained which are suitable image quality based on Image
used for selecting the pixels for 4th or 5th bit steganography. The dynamic programming is used
embedding [68]. to calculate cost based on energy where this cost
An improved in transparency and security on and energy is used to select pixels randomly. The
previous work of LSBMR with no need to another proposed method is simulated and mean square
object, this method called ILSBMR. This method is error and peak signal to noise ratio is calculated
hiding the secret message into cover image using [73].
the modification of LSBMR method. To this end, In order to carry out an effective and secure
the cover image is divided into blocks and then algorithm in colored image steganography based on
chosen the best block to embed secret bits by using sparse matrix encoding, Vipul shah is implemented
LSBMR. In order to increase security of the secret a LSB algorithm along with sparse encoded matrix
message, all bits are XORed with LSB (B) and then in this method that hide the data such as secret key
they are placed in the blocks created [69]. this useful to enhance the security of system [74].
A secure crystographic has been presented to A new symmetric key based on image
secure the secret messages in social media based on steganography technique has introduced by
MS-directed LSB substitution, HSI color space, Rajendran et al. the pixel position has been chosen
secret key and TLEA. The TLEA is applied to randomly to hide secret bits. The main issue of
encrypt secret information before embedding and proposed system is to selected pixel position
HSI color model is used for message concealment randomly from cover image using chaotic map to

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

increase the efficiency and security. Four different technique has done by Suryawanshi et al. The
grayscale images are used for testing and prove the proposed method is used to maintain the privacy
performance of proposed system [75]. and confidentiality of the data where the secret key
is applied to encryption and decryption the secret
A new enhance approach of information
data. The secret key is generate by the Rijndael
security in RGB Color Images based on
Algorithm (1998) [80].
steganography technique and hybrid feature
detection technique has suggested by Juneja et al. Imran Khan used a methodology to provide
the objective of this approach is to improve LSB large capacity with maintain image quality for
based steganography technique with high security novel steganographic method based on neural
where LSB substitution and adaptive LSB network along with random selection of edged
substitution technique have been used to hide data. areas. This scheme divided the image into non-
The detector technique integrating Canny and overlapping blocks and each block used to
Enhanced Hough transform for bifurcating an generates a number of edged regions. All these
image into edge and smooth areas. Before blocks are created by employ PVD differencing
embedding process secret text is encrypted using method. Before embedding a neural network is
the advanced encryption standard [76]. implement to obtain a stego-image. This paper
A random key generation and raster scan for concludes of proposed method is more efficient and
steganographic have been presented to improve more security [81].
security of the system. The original image pixels is Manaseer et al. proposed and tested a colored
scanning to support the security level of the secret image steganography for embedding the secret
text to be hidden. In this paper an optimal pixel message based on reference and two LSB algorithm
adjustment process OPAP is applied to obtain a versions where the versions called plain LSB and
better image quality. Before embedding the secret condition based LSB version. The main core of this
text is converted to integers by using extended work is to hide message within JPG image format
binary coded decimal interchange code EBCDIC, after dividing it into (R, G, B) matrices, then hiding
followed by permutation using the key. Finally, information in the reference of the data. The
stego-image is generated by using NOR (XNOR) proposed work is high security by compared with
operation with the secret key [77]. others method according to reference of data [82].
Sehgal et al. suggested a novel method to hide Yang Rener et al et al. have proposed a new
the secret message into an image with describe the image steganography technique along with pre-
different pros and cons by another authors. The processing of DES encryption technique to improve
general method has three phases secret sharing high security. The secret information is encrypted
phase, steganography phase and data extraction by applied the DES encryption technique and then
phase. The secret sharing phase is used to distribute LSB steganography is used to hiding the encrypted
secret data between the shares and then shares are information. Experimental result of the system is
embedding into an images within steganography obtain a higher anti-detection execution [83].
phase. The extraction phase is revers of up process
[78]. A new improvement method of LSB algorithm
Different carrier of image steganography used based on bit inversion schemes has introduced by
to encrypt the secret data proposed by Sneha Zeghid et al. Two LSB schemes of the method are
Bansod and Gunjan Bhure (2014). The secure data applied to enhance the security more than more
is hidden using some JPEG or BMP images, which than plain LSB method. In these techniques some
may be more helpful in this case and to keep the pixels of cover image are inverted in LSBs if they
data safe. The LSB modification is used to embed come within a specific pattern of some bits in the
the secret data [79]. pixels. The new scheme offers high security and the
bit inversion technique can be joint with other
Secure image steganography through Image
techniques to enhance the steganography further
Steganography for Criminal Cases (ISCC)

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Huang et al. have suggest an improved version generate the mottled image from a chosen image
of Ou and Sun’s (2014) to increase the hiding through morphing it and second stage embed the
capacity. In proposed scheme two secret message secure text using bitwise operators with multi-keys
has been used based on absolute moment block to enhance security [89].
truncation coding AMBTC where one of these
According to Bandyopadhyay et al. a novel
secret message is used to embedding into the
adaptive technique for constructing a secure data
complex blocks and the second embed into smooth
hiding technique in digital images where the secure
blocks. Result show high image quality higher than
data is encrypt using chaos theory system before
Ou and Sun’s method [85].
embedding. A secure LSB algorithm is used in the
Aydogan et al. have proposed a new scheme that helps to increase the security thought
methodology of image steganography via block the non-linear dynamic system (chaos). Embedding
matching and LSB algorithm to hide the patient procedure, secret image is Break into eight parts
data within medical images. This scheme is and then each of the eight parts will be generate a
employed to ensuring as minimize bit changes as bit sequence with encrypt all bits of the secret
possible where eight scanning orders are applied in image. Finally, the encrypted eight bits is
a block matching and six of these scanning orders embedded into four bits of LSB algorithm
are newly implemented. The stegdetect tool is used respectively and this operation will stop until
to test the proposed method. The data hiding is embedded all the bits of encrypted secret image
achieved a better robustness in this method [86]. [90].
Integrate cryptography and steganography in
An online voting system based on
order to secure the private patient data into medical
steganography and visual cryptography has suggest
image introduced by Al-Saiyd. In this work,
by Rura et al [87]. In the proposed system
random numbers are generated from primitive roots
techniques, the password hashed based on visual
of prime numbers that are used in cryptography and
cryptography, image steganography and threshold
steganography procedures. The block-ciphering
decryption cryptosystem. To achieve a better idea
algorithm is implemented to protect the patient data
and objectives of this proposed, the Software
using the random numbers which is generated and
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was used to carry
then embed the encrypted data into 2LSBs of Blue
out the eVote system. The SDLC method is known
and Alpha channels of the medical images. During
as the waterfall method. The suggest system is
the process of encrypting the patient data and
applied in Java EE with MySQL database server.
embedding it, random keys is generated to
Chakraborty et al. proposed an Edge Adaptive increases the cost and the complexity of the
image steganography to embed the payload method. The proposed method is used medical
capacity based on modified median edge detector image with PNG format [91].
MMED. In the proposed scheme cover image is
Hajduk et al. have used a novel cover selection
transformed into predictive error image with same
steganographic method to obtain an optimal cover
size using MMED algorithm and then divided the
image for a secret message from database. The idea
predictive error image into non-overlapping blocks
of this article is to overcome the drawback of time
of Ζ×Ζ pixels. Before embedding, secret message is
consumption in cover image selection and the basic
divided into three parts with names S1, S2 and S3
embedding methods is used. At the end , the
and then embed these parts in chosen area based
method is achieved a better efficiency with
edge adaptive. The edge adaptive proposed
decrease the secret message to 70% of original
increases the embedding capacity with minimize
vector length and then time consumption decreased
the detection property [88].
by half whereas the difference was only by 0.24%
Bajpai et al. have used two stages to construct a [92].
secure system with high payload capacity for image
Yu et al. have proposed a steganographic
steganography. First stage of proposed work is
algorithm via LSB and the second least significant

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

bits SLSBs that is used to increase payload capacity data. The RHT is used to recorded the position of
with low change rate. The method is employed to pixel value in the image, if the exists a pixel value
modify one pixel when three bits of secret message in image which is same as the pixel value of secret
is used to hide into three pixels of image. The image [98].
embedding procedure, local texture is defined in
this algorithm and then the image is divided into 5- EVALUATION OF STEGANOGRAPHY
blocks that size m×n with no overlap, and the Four objectives and the Common evaluation
texture of a block is used to hide the secret that must be considered when creating a
message. The proposed work is compared to other steganography method for measures the strengths
steganographic algorithms such as LSB, LSBMR, and weaknesses points , as shown in Table 1.
EPES and the result showed that the proposed Table 1 . Performance requirement
algorithm improved security and high payload
capacity [93]. Parameters requirement
Secure Image steganography approach through Capacity Must be High
two levels of security has suggested by AlWatyan Security Must be High
et al. in first level, Character Bit Shuffler CBS is Imperceptibility Must be High
applied on this method to encrypt secure data .Then Computational Complexity Must be low
in second level, embed the encrypted data into
image is done by Least Significant Bit LSB
1- Capacity . Refers to the Maximum amount of
algorithm that is changed the last bits of the image secret message which can be embedded into cover
pixels. This scheme has been tested with many image without retraction of the image quality. It is
images of size 100x100 and secret data size 1857 usually represented in terms of bits per pixel.
Bytes, which is automatically encrypted [94]. 2- Security. Security is one of the most important
evaluation standard in steganography. A good
Panigrahy et al. have carried out the image steganographic technique should be resistance to
steganography using secret key and the RGB steganalysis attacks.
channels of the cover image (JPEG). The idea of
proposed method is to hide secret data into a deeper 3- Imperceptibility . Imperceptibility means the
image transparency and quality for . After hiding
layer position of the selected RGB channel using
secret message into cover image, Transparency and
secret key with modify the LSBs components for quality will be degraded into stego-image as
Blue and Green channels accordingly that causes compared to cover-image. So the result of stego
minimum distortions [96]. image should be appears as possible as like the
orignal image. the performance of stego image can
Fouroozesh et al. have designed and analyzed be measured by peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR)
the LSBMR algorithm for digital images which can be calculated by the difference distortion
steganography. They have also used sobel edge between the cover image and the stego image.
detection to find edges the true edge that can hide PSNR is defined as:
the secret data. The 200 images are used to conduct
various experiments on this algorithm to improve
the technique for the region identification. The
gray-scale images is used in proposed method [97].
Where MSE indicate to Mean Square Error that is
In order to enhance the security and minimize defined as:
the distortion in image steganography algorithm
based on AES encryption and reference data table
RHT. In this work, a manner is used to structure
reference data that is processed along with the
stego-image to obtain the secret data and the AES Where x and y are the coordinates of cover
encryption method is used to encrypt the reference image, M and N are the dimensions of the cover

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

image, ( ) is the generated stego-image and 24 low Moderate High

26 low High High
( ) is the cover image. 27 high High low
28 Moderate High low
4- Computational Complexity. How much costly 29 low High low
and complexity computationally for embedding 30 low High High
and extracting a hidden secret message. 31 High Moderate low
32 low Moderate High
This proposed reivew has describe carefully 33 High High low
image steganography in spatial domain . Therefore,
35 High Moderate Moderate
the frequency domain will not include in this
reivew of image steganography. 36 Moderate high Moderate
37 Low high high
41 High High Low
There are many works on the image
42 Moderate Moderate Low
steganography in spatial domain, Few of these
43 High High Moderate
work focusing on better image quality, while others 44 Moderate High Low
aimed at payload capacity or provide more security 46 Low High Low
method. The aim of those works is to get a robust 47 Moderate Moderate Moderate
method .In addition some of these works having 48 Moderate High Low
49 Low High Moderate
impractical assumptions to secure the method,
50 High Moderate Low
while the others can be used only for checking the 51 Moderate Moderate Moderate
effect of the method on different attacks. 52 Low High High
53 Moderate Moderate Low
According to the related work, the challenges 54 High High Low
and open issues in this important research is to 55 Low High High
56 Moderate High Moderate
accept the existence of the image steganography in
57 High High Moderate
spatial domain and dealing with this fact by 58 Low High High
detecting the weakness points and drawbacks 59 High Moderate Low
during a new robust techniques. This open issue 60 Moderate High Low
motivates the researchers to suggest an effective 61 Moderate Moderate Low
62 Low Moderate Moderate
solution addressing this concern [107][108]. 63 High High Moderate
64 High High Low
The summarization of the main characteristic
65 - High -
features and the drawbacks of the image 67 High High Low
steganography techniques in spatial domain has 68 High Moderate Low
been shown in Table 3. and Table 4. Respectively. 69 High High Low

Table3: summarization of the main characteristic 70 Moderate High Moderate

Ref Capacity Security imperceptibility
9 Moderate Moderate High
13 Moderate High Moderate
16 Low High High
17 Moderate High Moderate
18 High high low
19 Low High High
20 High Moderate Low
21 Moderate High Moderate
22 Moderate Moderate Moderate
23 High Moderate Moderate

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

71 Low High high experimental Dataset is

72 High Moderate Low limited.
73 Low Moderate Moderate 33 GEMD Imperceptibility.
74 Low Moderate High 35 Watermarking and Need original watermarked
LSB image for extraction process ,
75 High High Low robustness
76 High High Moderate 36 Neural network, Robustness, Imperceptibility.
77 Moderate High - genetic algorithm
78 Low Moderate - and LSB
79 Low High - 37 DKL Computationally Complex.
80 Moderate Moderate Low 38 LSB and NEQR Computationally Complex,
81 - High Low capacity.
39 MSB High hidden capacity degrade
82 Low Moderate High
the visual quality and Dataset
83 - High Moderate is limited.
84 High Moderate Moderate 41 CLSM Imperceptibility, robustness.
85 Moderate Moderate - 42 LSB Experimental Dataset is
86 High Moderate Moderate limited.
87 Low High - 43 Edge Detection and Experimental Dataset is
88 Moderate Moderate Moderate HSI limited and detected by
statistical steganalysis.
89 High High -
44 LSB , Baker’s map Hidden capacity depended on
90 Moderate High Low and Arnold cat map Cover image pixel intensities,
91 Low Moderate Moderate Imperceptibility.
93 Moderate Moderate Low 46 LSB and ZDT Algorithm is complex,
94 Moderate High Moderate capacity.
96 Moderate Moderate Moderate 47 EG-LSB and canny Limitation in pixels selection
Edge Detector (low capacity), robustness.
97 Moderate Moderate High
48 LSB and PVD Robustness.
98 Moderate High Low LSB and Ken Ken Experimental Dataset is
Puzzle limited , Capacity
Table4: The Drawbacks of Image steganography 50 LSB and PVD Imperceptibility , robustness
Techniques in Spatial Domain. 51 Block Entropy Robustness.
52 Vernam cipher and Limitation in pixels selection
Ref Algorithms Drawbacks LSB in cover image (Low capacity)
Edge detection and and Experimental Dataset is
9 XOR coding
LSB and genetic 53 Caesar‟s Cipher and Experimental Dataset is
13 algorithm
Computationally Complex.
LSB limited, robustness.
16 LSB Works with color images 54 KBRP and GA Experimental Dataset is
only, Limitation in pixel limited and low
selection (low capacity). Imperceptibility.
17 LSB and AT Computationally Complex. 55 LSB Robustness and low capacity
18 LSB and AT Need the original image to 56 LSB and Data Experimental Dataset is
extraction process, Mining limited and Limitation in
Computationally complexity pixels selection (low
because of different keys. capacity).
19 Edge detection and Capacity. 57 4-bit LSB Computationally Complex.
2k correction 58 visual cryptography Experimental Dataset is
20 LSB Substitution Original image is need in and LSB limited.
extraction process, security. 59 SLSB Robustness.
21 LSB and EMD Computationally Complex. 60 LSB and GA Experimental Dataset is
22 BSS,RSA and LSB Imperceptibility, robustness. limited, Imperceptibility.
23 M-LSB and PBSA Robustness. 61 Modified LSB Experimental Dataset is
24 Edge detection and Capacity, robustness. limited, robustness.
LSBMR 62 RKDD Robustness, capacity.
26 NUBASI and AES Capacity. 63 Multi-resolution Computationally Complex.
27 VLSB and VIVBS Imperceptibility. images and LSB
28 LSB and Imperceptibility, experimental 64 LSBs and 3- Computationally Complex
cryptograph Dataset is limited dimensional chaotic and robustness.
Hash approach and Imperceptibility, robustness, map
edge detection capacity. 65 Pseudo random Experimental Dataset is
LSB and AES Computationally Complex. matrix limited.
66 GA and histogram Imperceptibility,
31 PVD and DE Imperceptibility, robustness.
shifting Computationally Complex.
32 LSB Support color image only and

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2018. Vol.96. No 4
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

67 Modified LSB Robustness. technique. Few of them work on better image

68 MHSBE and OPAP Imperceptibility, Robustness. quality, while others works on data hiding capacity
69 ILSBMR Imperceptibility.
TLEA, MS and LSB Robustness, Computationally
or security. All these techniques can be give more
Complex. efforts and vital for future research in
71 SKA-LSB, TLEA Capacity. steganography. Finally, the open issues of this work
and MLEA
72 Edge detection Experimental Dataset is motivates the researchers to suggest an effective
limited, Imperceptibility. solution addressing this concern.
73 Dynamic Robustness, Capacity.
74 sparse encoded Experimental Dataset is REFRENCES:
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75 Chaotic Map and Imperceptibility, robustness.
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76 AES and LSB Imperceptibility. Cruz-Irisson. "Steganography on quantum pixel
77 OPAP and EBCDIC Experimental Dataset is images using Shannon entropy." International
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79 LSB Experimental Dataset is 1650021.
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81 Neural network and Imperceptibility, "A Survey On Steganographic Methods Used in
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86 8 scanning orders Imperceptibility, experimental Numerical Simulation 19.6 (2014): 1898-1907.
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89 Mottling through Robustness, experimental and Applications 75.22 (2016): 14867-14893.
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