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Paris Summer Olympics 2024


By:Jayden Thirumal

General Facts:
 Formal name: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

 Capital City: Amman, capital and largest city of Jordan

 Language: Arabic is Jordan’s official language.

 Population: The current population of Jordan in 2024 is 11,384,922, 0.42% increase from

 National Anthem: The Jordanian National Anthem is known as “As-salam al-malaki al-
urdoni” or, Long Live the King of Jordan.”

Map of the Jordan


Chief of State: King Abdallah II

Head of Governmnet: Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh

Government Name: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Constitution: Adopted: 1947, but revised and ratified in 1952; Established a constitutional
monarchy, Separation of powers among executive and legislative and judicial remains

Government Type: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy

Political parties: Jordan has 31 official registered political parties, but few play real role due ro
lack of organization and clear political platform.

The National current party: Hizb Al-Tayar Al-Watani is a political party established in Jordan in
2009. The current leader of the party is Rsheedat.

Currency: Jordanian Dollar (JOD)

Jordanians are the citizens of Jordan. Around 94% of Jordanians are Arabs, while the remaining
6% belong to other ethic minorities, including Circassians, Chechens, Armenians and Kurds.

The dominant majority of the country’s population is Sunni Muslim, with a mostly Arab
Christian Minority.

Jordan became independent in 1946. Jordan captured the West Bank in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war
and annexed it until Israeli forces took it during the 6 days war in 1967. Jordan gave up its claim
to the territory in 1988, an in 1994 became the second Arab state to sign a peace treaty with

Way of Life
Jordanians typically respect those who are kind, friendly and hospitable. They are generally
socially conservative. Family values and honor are very important. Jordanians are proud of their
rich cultural heritage.

Food: Authentic Jordanian cuisine can range from grilling shish kebabs, shish taouks and to
stuffing vegetables. Jordanian famous for. freshly made local yogurt and cheese., Also Jordan is
one of the largest producers of the olives in the world and Olive oil is the main cooking oil used
throughout the country.

Popular dishes include:

Mansaf: This is the national dish of Jordan, It includes lamb that has been seasoned with herbs
and then cooked in yoghurt and served over a bed of rice.

Mahshi Waraq ‘inab: This dish involves vine leaves stuffed with rice, minced meat and spices.

Musakhan: Chicken is cooked in olive oil and onion sauce and then roasted on Arab spices.

Baklava: A popular dessert, this is a pastry filled with nuts and honey.

Ataif: This dish is traditionally eaten during Ramadan and consists of small pancakes filled with
nuts or cheese.


Drinking Arabic coffee is ritual in Jordan. Coffee tends to be very strong and is served in a very
small cup.

Buklava Mahshi Waraq ‘inab

Mansaf: This is the national dish of Jordan

Land and Economy
Jordan, officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is situated geographically is West Asia,
South of Syria, west of Iraq, northwest of Saudi Arabia, east of Israel and the Palestinian
territory of the West Bank.

The territory of Jordan now covers about 91,880 square kilometers. Jordan is landlocked except
at its southern extremity, where nearly 26 kilometers of shoreline along Gulf of Araba provide
access to the Red Sea.

The country also has mountainous region and valleys consist of the fertile wetlands.

Economy- Jordan is classified by the World Bank as a “lower middle-income country.”

Economic growth reached 2.7 percent in the first half of 2023. This is due to growth in service
and agriculture.

The top three industries in Jordan are Clothing, Fertilizers, Mining of potassium and Phosphate.

Jordan’s top exports are Potassic Fertilizers and textile products. Top imports of Jordan are Cars,
refined Petroleum.

Climate: Relatively rainy season from November to April and very dry weather for the rest of
the year. With hot, dry, uniform summers and cool, variable winters during which all the
precipitation occurs, the country has a Mediterranean-style climate.

Petra is one of the most precious cultural properties of the world. Petra is a symbol of Jordan, as
well as Jordan’s most -visited tourist attraction.

Dead sea is the lowest point on earth and though to form par of the Great Rift Valley that
stretches from southern Africa to Syria. Famous for having highest salt content of any water
body in the world.

Bethany Beyond the Jordan is the a major religious site and important place of Christian
pilgrimage. Where Jesus was baptised and Elijah borne to heaven.


Animals: The Arabian Oryx is the national animal of Jordan. Mammals like the Asiatic jackal,
the desert fox, the striped hyena as well as wolves and camels are some of the larger species that
can be found in Jordan.

Plants: Black Iris is the national flower of Jordan and can be found all across the country.

Jordan is famous for forest of oak and pine, as well as pistachio and cinnabar trees. Jordans dry
climate is specially allows olive, Eucalyptus and cedar trees to thrive throughout the highlands
and the Jordan valley. Olive trees cover 72% of Jordan’s agriculture land.

National holidays and celebration in Jordan

One of the biggest Celebrations and holiday in Jordan is Eid Al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan.
This celebration can last for several days.

Muharram is the Islamic New Year and it is celebrated all across Jordan, the specific date of the
holiday changes on a yearly basis. Other national holidays of Jordan are labour day on may 01,
Independence day on May 25, Christmas day Dec 25 and New Year’s day on Jan 01.

The Olympic Sport Judo in Jordan

The Jordanian Judo Federation was established in 1988. Currently it includes about 292 male and
female players. The Federation includes 6 centers and 10 clubs.

With the support of International Judo Federation, In September 2019, the Jordan Judo
Federation joined “Judo in Schools”, with 46 countries that have already started this program.

Jordan first participated at the Olympic games in 1980, and since then they have send athletes to
compete every Summer Olympic games.

Jordanian Olympic Athletes in Judo: Jordan has participated in 2 Summer Olympic games.
They have not won Olympic medals in Judo.

Athletes Ibrahim Khalaf in 2016 Middleweight and Younis Eyal Salman in 2020 Lightweight
has participated.

Jordan qualified three Taekwondo athletes to compete at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
Jordan did not quality for Judo at the current Olympic.

Interesting facts: Jordanian International Judo coach Suleiman Al Arini has taken on a mission to
train the first blind Judo team. The team is made of five athletes and they began training in June


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