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All living things have cells that share fundamental structural parts, which include:
 Cell membrane/Plasma membrane - regulates the passage of materials
into and out of the cell. It separates the contents of the cell from its
environment and permits communication with other cells.
 Cytoplasm - a gel-like substance making up the cell’s internal environment.
Various metabolic reactions like protein synthesis and breakdown of sugar
into ATP take place in the cytoplasm. Organic materials such as glucose,
amino acid, nucleic acids and etc. can be found and dissolved in the
 Nucleus - a central genetic region containing the genetic material in the
form of DNA that provides instructions to make proteins, regulates,
activities, and enables cells to reproduce. It is the control center of the cell
that regulates and coordinates all activities of the cell.

An organelle is a subcellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to

perform in the cell, much like an organ does in the body. Organelles are found and
perform their functions in the jelly-like substance called cytosol in the cytoplasm.
The following are the basic organelles found in the cytoplasm:


Mitochondria Supply energy to the cell. They
are the sites for the breakdown
of sugar molecules into
adenosine triphosphate or ATP,
which is the main source of
energy in the body.
Ribosomes Are the sites of protein synthesis.
The coded message from DNA as
to what kind of protein is to be
synthesized and carried by the
mRNA from the nucleus to the

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Consists of flattened sheets,

sacs, and tubes of membranes
that extend throughout the
cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It
is structurally continuous with the
nuclear membrane, and it
specializes in the transport of
lipids and membrane proteins.

Golgi Apparatus A system of flattened,

membrane-bound sacs that looks
like stack of pancakes. Its
function is to modify, sort, and
pack macromolecules (protein)
for secretion or for transport to
other organelles. Rounded
vesicles are associated to the
Golgi apparatus that pinched off
from its flattened sacs and carry
the materials to other parts of
the cell.
Lysosomes Produced by the Golgi apparatus.
It is a membrane- bound
organelle that comes in various
sizes and shapes. It contain
numerous hydrolytic or digestive
enzymes for the breakdown of
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
within the cell. Thus, they are
known as “digestive sacs. ”
Destruction or repair of defective
parts of the cell is another
function of lysosomes.
Peroxisomes Contain digestive enzymes for
breaking down toxic materials in
the cell and oxidative enzymes
for metabolic activity.
Peroxisomes are oxidative
organelles. Their enzymes break
down fatty acids and amino
Vacuoles Are large storage sacs in cells. In
animals, some vacuoles function
for storage of water or food,
while others are for excretion of
waste materials. Plants have a
central vacuole which is a single
large vacuole that takes up most
of the space inside a plant cell.

Cytoskeleton Provides the cell’s structura

support. It is responsible for cell
shape and motility. it also
provides mechanical support that
enables cells to carry out
essential functions like division
and movement.
Plastids Plastids are large membrane-
bound organelle found in plant
cells. Some classification of
plastids are chloroplast, the
green-colored plastid which is
caused by the green pigment
called chlorophyll and is the
site for photosynthesis.
Chromoplasts, pigments such
as red, orange, and yellow.
Leucoplasts, the colorless
plastid that contain stored food.
Cell Wall Another organelle found in plant
cells only is the cell wall. It
protects and supports the cells of
the plants.

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