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My name is ATTOUMANI Faize, I am in my final year of baccalaureate in professional

security professions. I completed a 4-week internship period at the fire and rescue service
(SDIS) during this internship period. I learned several things and acquired a lot of knowledge
and skills such as the missions of firefighters and means of rescue. And the machines and
materials that the firefighters use the number of firefighters who are on duty per day the
number of shifts they must do, the specialties presented by the fire and station commander.
The type of service there is among the firefighters (operational and administrative).

During my 4-week internship period within the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service
(SDIS), I had the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge and skills in the field of security.
My name is ATTOUMANI Faize and I am currently in my final year of professional security

First of all, I was able to discover the essential missions of firefighters. These dedicated men
and women are responsible for preventing fires, fighting fires, rescuing people in the event of
accidents or disasters, and protecting the environment. Their role is therefore crucial for the
safety of the population.

I also had the opportunity to familiarize myself with the different rescue measures put in
place by the firefighters. This includes specific machinery and equipment such as fire trucks,
emergency vehicles, personal protective equipment, etc. I was able to observe how these
tools are used to respond to different emergency situations.

One piece of information that stood out to me was the number of firefighters on duty per day.
It is essential to maintain a constant presence to ensure rapid response in the event of an
incident. I learned that they work shifts and that their availability 24 hours a day is crucial for
everyone’s safety.

I also discovered the role of the fire and station commander. The commander is responsible
for coordinating field operations and managing teams. The fire station is where firefighters
live, where they prepare, train and rest between their missions.

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