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1. What is justice, according to philosophy? Proper proportion be-

tween merits and for-

2. What is the etymological origin of the term "jus- Latin word "Justicia"
tice"? meaning fairness or

3. Who proposed the definition of justice as obey- Thrasymachus

ing the will of the stronger in "The Republic"?

4. According to Thrasymachus, what defines jus- Advantages to the

tice? stronger

5. What did Thrasymachus consider advantageous Justice

to the established government?

6. Who distinguished between justice in the distri- Aristotle

bution of wealth and justice in reparation?

7. What is the key element of justice according to Treating similar cases

Aristotle? similarly

8. What is John Rawls' theory of justice described Justice as fairness


9. What are the two principles of justice according Equal basic liberties;
to John Rawls? Social and economic in-

10. What is Nozick's entitlement theory of justice Historical principles

based on?

11. According to Nozick, what determines whether a History

distribution of goods is just or unjust?

12. What are the three kinds of principles Nozick Acquisition, Transfer,
mentions for determining justice? Rectification

13. Social justice

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What type of justice deals with duties and re-
sponsibilities towards the state?

14. What is social justice often called in certain Legal justice


15. What does social justice aim to achieve? Common good for all

16. What is violated when certain groups are exclud- Social justice
ed from getting their fair share of the common

17. What does commutative justice deal with? Interchanging of goods,

such as in contracts

18. What type of justice regulates dealings between Commutative justice

private individuals?

19. What virtue does commutative justice promote Sincerity and honesty
in dealing with others?

20. What is considered in determining objective Equality of exchanges

rightness in commutative justice?

21. What must be fostered in exchanges among Objective rightness

members of society according to commutative

22. What is the primary concept in justice according Treating similar cases
to Aristotle? similarly

23. What does Aristotle distinguish between in Distributive and retribu-

terms of justice? tive justice

24. What does John Rawls' theory of justice priori- Equal basic liberties

25. What are the two principles of justice according Equal basic liberties;
to Rawls? Social and economic in-
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26. What is John Rawls' theory of justice referred to Justice as fairness


27. What concept does John Rawls' theory of justice Free and equal citizens
revolve around?

28. What does Nozick's entitlement theory of justice Historical principles

emphasize in determining just distributions?

29. What principles does Nozick propose for deter- Acquisition, transfer,
mining just distributions? rectification

30. What does commutative justice regulate? Interchanges of goods,

such as contracts


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