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Viz - Prem Mandal Power BI Desktop BMI Level __

Diabetic Patients Analysis Normal Weight Obese Overweight Underweight

Total Patients Average Age Average HbA1c Average BMI Average Blood Glucose Age Group Glucose Level
level level Level
100K 41.89 5.5 27.3 138.1
All  All 

No. of Patients w.r.t Diabetics No. of Patients w.r.t Smokers No. of Patients w.r.t BMI & Diabetic
Pre-Diabetic 7.03% No Info former curre…
Select Gender 
Normal 21.12% 40K  Female
 Male
32834  Other
never 20K
9.35K 9.29K
17547 15542
not cur… ever
4982 5933
Diabetic 71.86% 0K
35.10K 6.45K 4.0… Overweight Obese Normal Weight Underweight

Diabetic Normal Pre-Diabetic No Info never former current not curr… ever Diabetic Normal Pre-Diabetic

No. of Patients w.r.t HbA1c Level No. of Patients w.r.t Age No. of Patients w.r.t BMI
Unknown 7.66% 15330
Moderate Risk
41.35% 15K 13694 13648 Overweight 25K 21K
High Risk 11674
20.8% Obese 14K 9K
9460 9108 8933
Normal Weight 15K 7K
5K Underweight 4K 4K

Low Risk 30.2%

0K 20K 40K
Moderate Risk Low Risk High Risk Unknown 50-60 60-70 40-50 30-40 20-30 70-80 80+ 10-20 0-10 Female Male Other
Viz - Prem Mandal BMI Level __
Power BI Desktop

Diabetic Patients Analysis Normal Weight Obese Overweight Underweight

Total Patients Diabetes Normal Patients Total Pre Diabetic Age Group Glucose Level BMI Level
100K 72K 21K 7025 All  All  All 

No. of Patients w.r.t Diabetic & Age group Count of Patients by smoking_history and Gender
50-60 11.1K 3.2K 1.0K Select Gender 
60-70 10.2K 2.6K 0.9K  Female
30K 12K
40-50 9.5K 3.1K 1.0K 16K  Male
30-40 9.0K 2.9K 1.0K  Other
20-30 8.1K 2.7K 0.8K
70-80 7.2K 1.7K
10K 20K
80+ 6.8K 1.7K 5K 4K
10-20 6.2K 2.0K 5K 5K 4K
0K 5K 10K 15K No Info never former current not current ever

Diabetic Normal Pre-Diabetic Female Male Other

No. of Patients w.r.t Diabetics No. of Patients w.r.t Age and BMI
Pre-Diabetic 7.03% 20K

Normal 21.12%
10K 6786 6725 6351
4987 5166 3836
5K 4903 4754 4127 3184
2361 3418
Diabetic 71.86% 4581 2865
2706 2049 2660 3177 2086 2408
50-60 60-70 40-50 30-40 20-30 70-80 80+ 10-20 0-10

Diabetic Normal Pre-Diabetic Normal Weight Obese Overweight Underweight

Power BI Desktop

Viz - Prem Mandal

Diabetic Patients Analysis

Key Insights Recommendation Conclusion:

1. High HbA1c Levels: A considerable number of patients This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the
have HbA1c levels indicating moderate to high risk. diabetic patient dataset, blending DAX powered insights
Recommendations include targeted interventions and closer with traditional analytics. The utilization of DAX enhances
monitoring. the granularity
2. BMI Distribution: A significant percentage of patients fall and specificity of the analysis, offering actionable
into overweight and obese BMI categories. Encourage lifestyle insights for healthcare professionals and
modifications and weight management programs. policymakers. By leveraging these insights, targeted
3. Age and Diabetic Status: Diabetic patients are distributed interventions can be implemented,
across various age ranges, indicating the need leading to improved patient outcomes and contributing to
for age-specific diabetes management strategies. the broader goal of public health.
4. Smoking and Diabetes: Explore the impact of smoking on This report aims to showcase not only the traditional
diabetes. Consider implementing smoking cessation programs analytics but also the power of DAX in extracting granular
for diabetic patients who smoke. insights from the dataset. The combination of both
approaches enhances
the depth and accuracy of the analysis, providing a
robust foundation for data-driven
decision-making in diabetes management.

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