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Rubric for Discussion

Score Listening Understanding Pronunciation Fluency

Comprehensive, Outstanding ability Excellent mechanics, Smooth and fluid

speech, no
in-depth, and to grasp concepts sentence structure,
hesitations, volume is
5 wide-ranging and theories and organization

Smooth and fluid

Up-to-date and High level of Significant mechanics,
speech, few
relevant ability to structure, and
4 conceptualize organization
inaudible word or
essential ideas
and theories

Some ability to Some grammatical Speech is relatively

conceptualize errors use emotional smooth, some
3 Relevant but not essential ideas and responses instead of hesitations and
comprehensive relate theories relevant points volume wavers

Limited superficial Limited ability to Poor grammar, weak Speech is frequently

knowledge/respon draw out concepts communication hesitant with
se and relate theories incomplete
sentences. Volume is
2 soft

Little Minimal awareness Lack of clarity, poor Speech is slow and

relevance/some that external presentation of hesitant, the volume
1 accuracy concepts exist thinking is inaudible

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