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SUBJECT: Literature In English
TOPIC: Reading And Summary of chapters 1-5(summary of prologue)
DURATION:35minutes each (70mins)
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Students have been introduced to text.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Past questions and answers on SSCE/NECO
REFERENCE BOOKS:Julius Abiodun et al,"Success Pen Literature In English"pg 145-
9,Agilpen Publishers Limited 2021,Lagos Nigeria. S.O. Faniyi,"Exam Reflection Literature In
English"pg 90-5,SOF Niyi Press 2021 Lagos Nigeria. E.O.Osajie,"Complete Guide To Literature
In English"pg 65-9,J&S Communications,2021,Lagos Nigeria
OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to:
a.mention the characters involved in text. and summarize content of chapters read.
c.answer questions on what is taught
It is a complex story of how an unnamed man discovered his invisibility. This is real, the
prologue tells how the life of the narrator will be before the epilogue. He is invisible because of
people's reaction to him. He assumes they do not see him. He almost killed a white man across
the street. He continued his attack on the man so long as he did not apologize. The man kept
insulting him,he realizes that the did not see him.
The narrator took revenge on the society through quiet and cunning ways. He steals electricity
from NewYork grid. He loads his underground room with bulbs. He claims that light and truth
complement each other. To keep himself abreast of sense of time,he listens to the music of
Louis Armstrong. When he smokes marijuana one day, the music assumes a new meaning and
he sees deeper. He blames the society for his irresponsibility and admits he was a coward.
Chapter 1. Narrator takes reader back to his experiences as a simple innocent and
inexperienced high school student. The focus was in the gathering of most influential while
citizens that took place the day after narrator's graduation. He was asked to repeat his speech
at a gathering. This is because of the narrator's moving oration. To him it was a great honour.
On arriving the ball room,he learnt that before the speech delivery,he must participate in the
contest of "battle royal" where they are blindfolded to fight to fight each other- several hired
blacks. In the hall were lots of drunkenness of the town's most respected members. Half naked,
the boys were only for amusement. They were brought to the full view of a naked blond woman
who dances for the crowd. The scene was an incredible humiliation to the boys and they want to
run away but were pushed in, the whites chase round the woman.
The next event was that of the narrator and other boys, blindfolded to enter the boxing ring.
Voices from the smooky room jeers and taunts to incite the boys to a fight. It became tough, the
narrator opened his blind small enough to see and control his fights. He was left with another
entirely in the ring until one wins . His interest was on the speech and wonders if he will have a
chance for it. He pretends to fall with a punch. The white men three in gold coins on the carpet
and encourage them to grab the money. Unfortunately, the carpet is electrified which makes
anyone picking jolts . As for the narrator, he tried picking as much without touching the carpet.
He almost threw a white man to the carpet by holding unto his chair leg. He was finally allowed
to give his speech, though the men were not bothered about listening to it. At the end of the
night,he received a scholarship, excitement made him forget about the shame and the voice of
his grandfather that haunts him in the dream.
2. The description of the college the narrator attends was given. Then the founders day.
Multimillionaire trustees visited the campus. The narrator had the honour of driving one of them
around the school. Mr Norton by name asked him to drive him since he was early for his next
event. He pulled off to the high way to an unknown road,Norton was busy speaking about his
interest in the school and the students. He feels he has affected the school and lives of the
students. He told the narrator that he is Norton's fate and feels strong as he does because if
losing his beautiful daughter years ago when they were toring the world. He showed her picture
to the narrator and explained her death. He talked so much about his fate. He saw the fruit of
his labour in the school and believes he is creating a memorial to his daughter.
Narrator was not really paying attention to where they were going, and soon drives past a poor
region of shacks and log cabins. Unfortunately,he regretted going that area but he could not
stop Mr Norton from wanting to see the log cabin. It belongs to Mr True blood. True blood was
shunned recently by the college for commiting incest. Mr Norton demands to speak to him
having been spoken of. True blood told all what happened, thinking he was in a dream, only to
wake up astound on finding himself on his daughter, she was crying and did not bother waking
his wife for the sin he committed. But she woke and struck him with an axe on his face. He
impregnated wife and daughter, the black community scorns him but the white supports . Norton
gave him a hundred dollar bill,then they both left. Norton asked the narrator to find him whiskey
as he was feeling ill.
3. Narrator brought Norton to Golden Day in an attempt to get him some whiskey since going to
town will take some time. The narrator drove past the veterans-mental patients on their way to
the bar. He convinces the patrons to let him in as he was with a n army general. Narrator was
angry with True blood as well as the environment, he left Norton in the car to get the whiskey.
He was not allowed to take the whisk outside. On returning to the car Mr Norton was
unconscious and afraid of dying,he ran inside for help. On bringing him in, the veterans
surround him calling him names, jerking his head,Halley pours whiskey into his throat to revive
him. He stares around,they spoke rudely to him until they were shouted at by their attendant
The patients charged at their attendant, disregarded him,threw the bar in disarray. Narrator
looked for Mr Norton who was unconscious, someone helped him to make him have a little rest.
Prostitutes flock around him. It was a disgusting sight.
Narrator was frozen in fear, the veteran doctor attended to him. They had a talk afterwards,
they later left and drove back to the campus.
4. Narrator is filled with fear driving back to meet Dr Bledsoe the college President not knowing
how he would react over the whole event. He drops him at his room with orders to bring Dr
Bledsoe to him. Facing Bledsoe ,he was forced to explain that Norton had a fainting attack. He
was angry with him for taking Norton to poor quarters, blaming him for taking him to places,they
don't wish him to see.
Seeing Norton's condition,Bledsoe countenance changed. He assumed the posture if a
concerned and appeasing grandfather. He apologies es for the narrator's action, refusing to
hear Norton's and narrator's protest. Narrator was asked to go back to his room until chapel.
Norton promise to explain. In his room,he was worried,pondered over Bledsoe's lecture in the
car. He was later called by Dr Bledsoe expecting him in Norton's room but was told he could be
in his office,he also told him he believes Bledsoe understands the reason he has given him
about the drive.
5. Narrator moves along a long with other students towards chapel. He was tormented by the
thought of meeting Bledsoe and moves with trepidation. He recalls the hymns they sang for the
visitors that they love, illuminating speeches that enlighten them to their root and world. He
recalls given speeches to lead the students body. He recalled some many things,then shifts to
Dr Bledsoe who sits solemnly up front with the trustees but felt more by the students. His
reputation is untarnished, his part to the top gave him power.
The ceremonies begin with a young girl singing,prayer and more songs. He could realize a
guest speaking with amazing command Rev Barbee, looking a little like Buddha and speaks
about the founder and the dream of the college in such a moving manner that the narrator feels
awes and more in love with college and what it stands for. He tells how the founder excaped
slavery,his tearful tragic end witnessed by Barbee and Bledsoe. Bledsoe took over after his
death and becomes the new leader, paying homage to his friend and picking up where he had
left off. Barbee ends with deep praise of the school and progress Bledsoe had made in
continuing the founders mission.
Barber falls over at the end only for the narrator to realize that he was blind. More sungs were
sang after that. He fears that Bledsoe would be more harsh with him for slightly endangering
and disdaining the school.
PRESENTATION: STEP:1. Teacher reviews previous lesson with students, thereafter engage
them in random reading on their rolls.
STEP: 2. Students read with full concentration as teacher moves around to supervise.
STEP:3. Students underline new words they come across, for contextual and literary
STEP:4. Students explain chapters read to the best of their understanding.
STEP:5 Teacher gives detail information on the chapters read, discuss the new words,note
important information in the chapters read.
EVALUATION:1.Mention the characters in the text.
2. Read and summarize the chapters read.
3. Answer questions from the chapters read.
SUMMARY: Teacher reviews the chapters with the students for better understanding.
CONCLUSION: Teacher rounds off the lesson by encouraging the students to read on other
chapters. Students copy note on the lesson taught.
ASSIGNMENT: Read through chapters 6-10 for the next class.

TOPIC: Reading And Summary of Chapters 6-10
REFERENCE BOOKS: E.O.Osajie," Complete Guide To Literature In English" pg 70-72,J&S
Communications, 2021 Lagos Nigeria. S.O.Faniyi,"Exam Reflection Literature In English",pg 96-
9,SOF Niyi Press 2021,Lagos Nigeria. Julius Abiodun et al," Success Pen Literature In English"
pg 150-3, Agilpen Publishers Limited,2021,Lagos Nigeria.
OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to: the selected chapters
b.summarise the chapters read
c. answer questions on the lesson
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Students are familiar with the text.
Narrator fearfully goes to Bledsoe's office after chapel. He was reproached for going to the
quarters and the Golden Day. He also mocked the narrator with the incident of True blood, and
for giving in to Norton's desire. He yelled at him poured his anger on his naive, simple nature
and expect him to have told a lie or make excuses than stop at the slums. He then demand to
know who directed his driving. Narrator was amazed,he called him names and even enraged
the narrator by calling him "nigger", narrator attempt denying the allegations,Bledsoe then said
the doctor was behind it.
Narrator became more desperate and mention that Norton understood it was beyond his
control,he snapped at him, regarding the incredible harm the narrator had caused. Bledsoe was
determined to expel him, being naive,he threatened he will tell Norton of it. Bledsoe made him
understand that he amounts to nothing no matter who he told. He Bledsoe is in full control,a big
power breaker within the government. His getting to the top was by manipulation if "playing the
nigger" and acting tough to others.
He pretends to be impressed by the narrator's spirit,he agreed to give him letters to important
friends in New York where he can get a job then pay his way back by next semester. His leaving
was in two days time. He was humiliated and ashamed, early next morning,he was in Bledsoe's
office for the letters,catches first bus and out of town.
7. Incidentally, the doctor was in the same bus. He blamed the vet as an omen to his
misfortune. He tried to avoid memories of that day with Norton. Narrator tried knowing if the vets
movement,he told him,he has been transferred to Washington in connection with Norton. He
alights at first stop and adviced the narrator to discover the world and leave the Norton's if the
world alone.
Narrator was determined to get the contacts to represent his school and the people well. Off
he went to Harlem on arriving New York, the subway shows a lot of black people than he
expects. He encounters Ras,loudly yelling to a crowd. Fearing a riot and the police inability to do
a thing but showed him men's house where he finds a room.
8. Narrator sits in his room studying his surroundings and pondering over his life. With the
letters he feels important so decides to plan strategy for next morning. For his love for
Bledsoe,his role model,he plan being a young and better Bledsoe by impressing his employers
to be a charming and diligent man to be employed. His first office to visit was at Mr Bates. He
enters to find a lone secretary, much more amiable than he could think. She took the letter in
and came to tell him that Mr Bates is busy but they will contact him. He had same experience in
all the places he went on the first day without success. He decides to hold that of Emerson
because he heard,he was out of town.
At a later time,he suspects Norton and Bledsoe may be part of the scheming over him and the
employers but does not know how to manipulate. He finally receives a letter from Emerson.
9. He went to Emerson's office with high hopes. Entering Emerson's office,he was impressed by
the luxuriousness of the office. His letter was taken from him by a man . He invited him in later
ask him questions. Shocking he was asked if would consider attending another college and if he
had opened the letter from Bledsoe. The content reads that he would never be enrolled at the
college again but help him Bledsoe keep him so as not to return. It says he poss a danger to the
college and has gone astray. Narrator feel inferioriated and confused. He wants to leave but
Emerson called him and told him to keep the content secret. He told him of job at Liberty Paints
and wishes him luck. He felt betrayed and compares himself to a robin picked clean. Deciding to
back and kill Bledsoe for playing him,he resolved to get any job to fund his revenge. He was to
report the following day.
10. At the plant,he was sent to Mr. Kimbro his new boss. He is very harsh and demanding. He
puts him to job immediately with very few instructions and ordered him not to ask questions. It
was a pure white paint the company is known for. For fear of asking questions,he mixed wrong
ingredient into the paint,it turned dulo gray underneath the white. On noticing,Kimbro transferred
him to Brockway. Brockway is an engineer had worked with experience. He asked the narrator
many questions about his past. Delegates duties to him. They got along well for a while.
After narrator returns from getting his lunch. In the locker room he runs into a union
meeting,where men that call themselves brothers stare at him suspiciously and ask if he could
be trusted. He was later allowed to his locker, but lost appetite. He explains his delay to
Brockway,he explodes in anger at his participation in a union. Brockway physically attacked
him, refusing to hear him, narrator gets angry and hits him back, knocking out his teeth. That
was the end of peace they both enjoyed.
PRESENTATION: STEP:1. Teacher reviews previous lesson with students, thereafter introduce
the lesson for the day.
STEP:2 Students are picked at random to read in paragraphs for general participation.
STEP:3. Students note new words they come across as they read for contextual meaning.
STEP:4. Students explain the chapters read to the best of their knowledge.
STEP: 5. Teacher gives detail meaning in relation to ssce questions
EVALUATION: 1.Read selected chapters.
2. Summarize the chapters read
3. Answer questions on the chapters read.
CONCLUSION: Teacher reviews lesson with students using past questions and answers.
SUMMARY: Teacher rounds off the lesson by answering students questions and encouraging
them to copy note on the lesson taught.
ASSIGNMENT:Read up chapters 11-15 for the next class.

TOPIC: Reading And Summary of chapters 11-15 of Invisible Man
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Students are familiar with the text
REFERENCE BOOKS: Julius Abiodun et al,"Success Pen Literature In English",pg 153-
5,Agilpen Publishers Limited,2021,Lagos Nigeria. O.M.Iluibe,"Excellent Performance In
Literature In English"pg 211-13,2021Noble Power Concept Benin City Nigeria.
OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to: and summarize the chapters read.
b.mention important events that happened in the chapters read.
c.anawer questions on the lesson taught.
11. Narrator woke up in the hospital to see a doctors leaning over to examine him and giving
him things to swallow. They think he should be under observation for a few days. He was
completely blank, could not even recall his name. He swims in and out of conciousness.
Electric current was sent through him to get some reactions. He was told he would no longer
work at the plant but will receive ample compensation. He was asked if he knew Norton, feeling
Bledsoe and Norton are against him and he begins to laugh.
12. Still in the process of managing to get himself, he stumbles back to himself on the street
where he is helped by a strong, kind woman names Mary Rambo. She disperses the crowd and
inquires after his health. He was very weak, she took him in, not letting him go over to Men's
house until he is fully recovered. She feeds him and ask him some questions about his
condition. She has good intentions and urges him to do something purposeful for the black race.
She warns him to watch out for corruption and offers him a place to stay.
He feels inferior and humiliated by what happened and feels he can no longer reside there. He
stayed with Mary. He lost sense of meaning and direction and spent time thinking. He remained
in pensive for a while.
13. Narrator is able to resolve his pent up agitation. Still feeling alienated from society,he
wanders street to keep warm. He remembers home, smell of baking yams in the air. He finds
himself verbally attacking Bledsoe and laughing aloud. As he gets down the street, he meets a
crowd and hears a woman sobbing. He also realizes the streets are filled not with junk but the
woman's personal belongings. The old woman with her husband were bee sent out of their
apartment to the disapproval of the crowd. He watches and recognizes a self conscious shame
evident in the crowd. White men continue carry items on the str5, ignoring the cries if these
couples. They said they were carrying a legal work and it is beyond their control. The couple
attempts pushing back their items,it became emotional and the crowd were ready to attack the
evictors but the narrator came forward and took control. He spoke for several minutes and
advises them to go inside and pray. The couples belongings were taking inside and narrator
went out s well,a white girl told him to leave over the rooftops undetected.
On his way,he noticed someone is after him. The man was back talking to him about being
impressed by his speech and how it affects the crowd. They went for a coffee, and the man
talked about employing him s a spokesman for his people. He went back to Mary's house to
think about his discussion with Jack.
14. On getting back to Mary,he remembers he has some bill to settle,yet he turned down a job
offer. He feels ashamed when Mary told him to make sure he eats. He called Jack to find out
more about the job. Jack not being surprised at the call,tells him to meet them. He was picked
up and taken to Chthonian where other Brotherhood were meeting.
At the party, narrator felt a strang familiarity, Brother Jack took him around and introduced him
to other members,many of which have heard of his rousing speech at the eviction. They attempt
to explain his mission. The narrator accepts the offer, and was asked to start the next day. He
was given money to cover his debt,pay his rent and assume a new identity. He later returned to
Mary's wondering about the organization.
15. He wakes up to the sound of loud banging. He hurries out of bed, only to see an angry
man. Mary wants to know if he's alright,he quickly joined her for coffee. He wanted to pay Mary
but he didn't know how to go about it. He finally convinced her that he won money from playing
numbers. He gave her a hundred dollar bill and says he's going to see about a job.
He left to shop for new clothes before calling Jack. On getting to the stores, he bought
expensive suit and accessories, contacts Jack, and he is shown his new apartment.
PRESENTATION: STEP:1 Teacher reviews the lesson with the students thereafter, introduce
the chapters for the day.
STEP:2. Students read in rolls to get everyone involved,as the teacher observes to ensure
STEP:3. Students explain the chapters read.
STEP: 4. Students ask questions on what is not clear to them.
STEP:5. Teacher explains the chapters in detail and answer students questions.
EVALUATION: a. Read and summarize the chapters read.
b. Mention important events that happened in the selected chapters.
c. Answer questions on the chapters read.
CLASS WORK: Answer these questions.
1. Discuss why the narrator fell out with Dr Bledsoe?
2 Do you think that Norton and Bledsoe have a hand in narrators experience at Harlem?
3. Discuss the event that brought the narrator and the brotherhood together.
ASSIGNMENT: Read up chapters 16-30 for the next class and summarize them.

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