Question Bank Class 9

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Major Prophets

I) 1 Mark questions
a) The name Isaiah means ---------------------
b) Book of Isaiah is containing ---- ------Chapters.
c) The first period of Isaiah’s prophesies belongs to the reign of King --------.
d) Isaiah gave the message of hope of redemption through faithfulness to Yahweh, -------------------and
preparation for a righteous life.
e) Isaiah foretold that people will invite punishments through injustice, pride, and --------------.
f) The book of Jeremiah contains -------chapters.
g) The book of --------- describes the struggles of a man of God raised by Jehovah to greatness.
h) The name Ezekiel means -------------.
i) --------- was a Major prophet who worked in the palace of the Gentiles
j) A gentile king, ----------, who helps the people in captivity is presented as the messenger of Jehovah
k) The “suffering servant of God” is identified as-------------.

II) 2 Marks questions

a) What is the mission of Prophets?
b) Why did God become angry with His people?
c) Compare and contrast life in a free country and life in exile.
d) What is the incident referred to in Isaiah 6:1-12
e) Which chapters of Isaiah give hope to people who lived in exile
f) List the biblical passages which prove the priestly vocation of prophet Ezekiel.

III) 3 Mark questions

a) Who are the Major prophets? List the number of chapters in each book of the Major Prophets.
b) Name the different parts of the Book of Isaiah? Mention chapters
c) Messages of Major prophets in the books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel
d) ‘Songs of the servant of Jehovah’ describe the theme and related bible verses
Chapter 2
Minor Prophets
I) 1 Mark questions
a) Amos who proclaimed -------
b) Hosea who practiced ----- for God
c) -------- announced the supremacy of God.
d) -------- Book of Prophesy gives great insights into the relationship between God and humans in times
of trouble.
e) The period of the ministry of minor prophets begins from..........
f) ----------- declares the response of Jehovah “for I desired mercy and not sacrifice; and the knowledge
of God more than burnt-offerings.”
g) The name Hosea means ----------.
h) Solomon the Wise became wayward because he established a relationship with --------.
i) ----------, King of Persia liberated Jews from captivity and allowed them to return to their homeland
j) -------- prophesied that it was God’s will to restore the Temple
k) -------------- predicted the destruction of Nineveh on account of the cruelty it unleashed.
l) Habakkuk raised his voice against love for wealth, lack of mercy, idolatry, and --------------.
II) 2 Marks questions
a) What is meant by minor prophesies? What is the significance of minor prophets
b) How do we classify the period of prophetic ministry? Which are the categories?
c)What is the significant message of the prophecies of Amos, Hosea, and Micah?
d) What was the reason for the waywardness of Solomon?
e) What does the prophet ask the sinful to do?

III) 3 Marks questions

a) What are the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah

b) What are the three stages of deterioration mentioned in Hosea?
c) What are the prophecies of Nahum and Habakkuk?

Chapter 3
1 Mark
1. The local place of worship of the Jews was known as..........
2. .............. teaches us that one should rather depend on God's greatness and mercy than one's effort.
3. Name the king anointed as the first king of Israel?
4. During which period did stories of God become a written document?
5. HOW many years did the People of Israel live in Babylonian captivity?
2 Mark questions
1. How important was the temple to scattered Jews?
2. What was the result of Babylonian captivity?
3. Factors that played a great role in the spiritual life of Israelites?
4. Popular belief about the rulers who sat on the throne of David?
3 Mark questions
1. what were the changes that came to Israelites during the exile.
3 Mark
1 Babylon captivity and its effect?

1. Greek civilization ascended under..........
2.. One of the important characteristics of Greek civilization was the flourishing of philosophical schools
beginning with......
3. which was the Global power during the time of JESUS?
4. How many scholars reached Alexandria for the translation of the Bible to Greek?
5. When did Greek domination reach its Zenith?

2 Marks questions
1. What is Septuagint? For whom was the version made?
2. Name the major civilization that influenced the world?
3. What became a great cultural shock to the Jews?
4. Who came under the influence of Greek thought?

3 Marks questions
1. How did the Greek language and culture influence the scattered Jews?
2. What were the changes visible in the new generation of Israelites due to Greek influence?

1. In which year did the Church got divided into the Easter & the Western?
2. “To err is human. But to persist in it is devilish.” Whose words are these?
3. What were the official languages of the Eastern & Western churches?
4. When and where did Emperor Constantine shift his empire to?
1. What were the theological differences between the Eastern and Western churches?
2. Give any two consequences of the early division in the church.
1. What were the causes of the division of the church in 1054?
2. How did the division of the one church happen?
Chapter 22

1. What is meant by Dogmas of our faith?

Ans: The word Dogmas means principles or tenets or doctrines, set of beliefs, or philosophy.
Therefore, when we say Dogmas of our faith it means the principles, doctrines, beliefs, and
philosophy of our Christian faith.
2. What does the word Creed mean?
Ans: Creed is a symbol of faith widely used in Christian Liturgy.
3. How do we demonstrate our belief in the Holy Trinity?
Ans: We demonstrate our belief in the Holy Trinity by chanting the Creed of the Church. The Creed
of the Church is a prayer that affirms our faith in Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit as well as in the
4. When do we recite the Creed of the Church?
Ans: We end prayers of all Canonical Hours, and Holy Sacraments with the recital of the Creed of the
5. Why is the Creed of the Church called the Nicene Creed?
Ans: There have been heresies in the church since the New Testament Period. Most of the heresies
were centered around Jesus Christ. Emperor Constantine convened a General Council at Nicea in AD
325 which was attended by 318 Church Fathers from various provinces of the Roman Empire, to
resolve the dispute. Even though the Creed of the church is called Nicene Creed, the Creed that we
follow in the Church today is an outcome of the Great Council of Constantinople in AD 381 and
Ephesus in AD 431.
6. Can you give a synopsis of the Creed of the Church?
Ans: The Creed of the Church is a symbol of faith since the New Testament times. Here we proclaim
in the Triune God (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit), the Holy Church, in one baptism, in the
resurrection of the dead and in the new life in the world to come.
7. What is a Heresy?
Ans: A Heresy is a Belief or Theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs.
8. What is the Heresy of Arius?
Ans: During the fourth century AD. Arius, a priest of Alexandria a scholar, and an orator propagated
monotheism. (the existence of only one god that created the world). He argued that God the Father
alone is the One Eternal God; and that Son and the Holy Spirit are less in age and eternity when
compared to the Father and therefore not equal to Father. Arius logically argued that if the Son is
born out of Father, the Son has a beginning and there was an age in which the Son was non-existent.
9. Who opposed Arianism?
Ans: Deacon Athanasius, the secretary of Bishop Alexander of Alexandria argued that the Son is
equal to God the Father in divinity, eternity, and substance (essence).
10. Who argued for Arianism?
Ans: Bishop Eusebius of Nicomedea argued for Arianism and they interpreted that the word “of the
same substance with the Father” implies that the Son is not equal to Father.
11. What was the outcome of the Council of Nicea?
Ans: The first two paragraphs of the creed were drafted in the Council of Nicea. The first two
paragraphs speak about Father and Son. Since the main issue of the debate in Nicea was centered
around Son’s divinity and equality with Father, the second paragraph of the creed dealing with the
Lord Jesus Christ is the longest.
12. What is the essence of the first part of the Creed?
Ans: We proclaim the faith in one True God who is the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth
and all things visible and invisible. The Father is the source of the three persons in the Holy Trinity
and the basis of their unity. The proclamation of faith regarding the other person in the Holy Trinity
is also made by pronouncing the name Father.
13. What is the description of God given in the creed?
Ans: God the Father is called – The Father Almighty, Maker, and One True God.
14. What are the other several epithets attributed to God the Father?
Ans: God the Father is – Self Originated, self-aware, and self-sufficient. He is the Maker and
Preserver of all things visible and invisible. He is self-originated without a beginning or end and
inscrutable. He is of one Nature comprising of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and is one True
God with single authority and single mind.
15. How can we practically express our belief in one God in our Spiritual life?
Ans: When we confess that God is Father, we recognize that all people are children of God and
hence our brothers. Our faith in One True God, the Father Almighty becomes meaningful only when
we take care of and help other people.
Chapter 23 – The Creed of the Church: Lord Jesus, the only Begotten Son of God
1. What is the uniqueness of the second paragraph of the Creed?
Ans: The second paragraph of the creed is written as a reply to the heresy of Arius. Four important
statements regarding Jesus Christ are made here.
Statement 1: Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. Jesus was begotten of the Father before all
worlds, in a manner incomprehensible to human intellect. There was no time in which the Son was
nonexistent. The Son is not created. He is equal in divinity essence to the Father.
Statement 2: Jesus Christ, Son of God is the creator of everything. God the Father created everything
through His Son.
Statement 3: Jesus Christ was incarnated for the salvation of human beings according to His will. He was
incarnate of Holy Virgin Mary. He was crucified and buried during the reign of Pontius Pilate. He got
resurrected on the third day. Here the reference to Pontius Pilate is mentioned to show that Christ's death
and resurrection are historical truths. The statement that Christ suffered and died shows that he was truly
human in Nature. The statement that he resurrected and ascended to heaven shows that he was truly God.
Statement 4: Christ will come again at the end of the world for the Last Judgment. His kingdom is
eternal. Here we confess our faith in the Last Judgment and eternal life.

2. What is heresy of Appolinarios?

Ans: After Arius, a person named Appolinarious of Laodocia taught that even though Jesus Christ
was fully God, he was not fully human. Though Jesus Christ took the human form He did not possess
a human soul.
3. How was the heresy of Apollinaris opposed?
Ans: The Great Council convened in Constantinople in 381 Ad declared that the teaching of
Appolinarios was a heresy and to show that Jesus Christ had a fully human form, the statement that “He
became Man” was added to the Creed.
4. Who introduced the practice of reciting the Creed in the Holy Eucharist?
Ans: The practice was introduced by Patriarch Peter the Fuller in 488 AD of the Syrian Church of
Antioch. This is to show that the Church clings to the Nicene Creed.

Chapter 24

1. What does the third paragraph of the creed proclaim?

It proclaims our faith in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Church.

2. When were, the parts related to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Church added to the Creed?
It was added to the Council of Constantinople in AD 381.
3. What was the heresy of Macedonius the Patriarch of Constantinople?
Macedonius the Patriarch of Constantinople taught that the Holy Spirit was a creation of the Father and
hence not equal to Father. According to him, the Holy Spirit was lower in status than the Father and the

4. How did the council justify that the Holy Spirit was equal to the Father and Son.?
The Holy Spirit is the Lord and the Giver of Life to everything which means that the Holy Spirit is the
creator, the True God, and equal to Father and Son. Hence, he is worthy of being adored along with
Father and Son. He proceeds from the Father (St. John 15: 26) and takes from the Son. He has provided
divine revelations through prophets and apostles, that is the Old and New Testaments.

5. What was the controversy which originated in the 6th Century?

The Creed states that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and is worshipped and glorified along with
the Father and the Son. In the 6th Century AD, the Roman Catholics church altered it as proceeds from
the Father and the Son. In the Latin language, the word for From the Son is the filioque. The Orthodox
Churches opposed the inclusion of this word in the creed. This is known as the Filioque controversy.
This is one of the reasons why the Byzantine (Greek) Orthodox Churches severed its Fellowship in the
Holy Eucharist with the Catholic Church in AD 1054 is the inclusion of this word in the creed of the

6. Is the Nicene Creed amendable?

No one has the right to delete or add anything to the Nicene Creed, which remains the sum and substance
of the Apostolic Faith of the Church. Even Ecumenical Councils do not have the authority to alter this
fundamental creed.

7. What is unique about the Orthodox Community?

Adoring the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is a tradition that exists since the New Testament times. The
community that praises in this manner is called Orthodox. This Greek word means praising God in the
right manner.

8. How do we distinguish the presence of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit makes human beings good and makes them claimants for the kingdom of God. We the
Holy Spirit through the anointment of Holy Chrism during the Holy Baptism. The Holy Spirit purifies us
and resides in us through the Holy Eucharist and other sacraments.

9. What is the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Holy Church?
The New Testament describes the Holy Church as the body of Christ the bride of Christ.
10. What are the four descriptions given to the Church in the Creed?
The Church is Catholic, Apostolic, One, and Holy.
Here the word Catholic originates from the Greek Word Katholike which means regarding the whole and
11. What does the word Apostolic Church mean?
Apostolic Church means the Church that preserves the Faith and Tradition of the Apostles. Ours is the
Church founded by Apostles St. Thomas. We follow the faith and tradition received from him.

12. What does it mean when we confess that we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins?
This means that baptism cannot be repeated. Apostolic Churches acknowledge the Holy Baptism in the
name of the Holy Trinity.

13. How does Orthodox Church admit members from other Apostolic churches?
Orthodox Church admits members from Marthoma, CSI, and Anglican Churches as members only after
anointing them with the Holy Chrism.

1. Give any one reference from the Holy Bible that says the importance of agriculture.
1. Why is it not right to lay the land fallow?
2. Give any two advantages of engaging in agriculture.
1. Why should we develop a natural affinity with the Earth?
2. Agriculture provides us with the experience of fellowship. Explain.

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