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Building a Culture
of Experimentation
by Stefan Thomke

This document is authorized for use only in Murugan. P's Business Experiments for Decision Making at Indian Institute of Management - Shillong from Jan 2022 to Jul 2022.
Harold Edgerton was known for his
experiments with high-speed photography
and used stroboscopic equipment to
capture moments in time.

Building a Culture
of Experimentation
It takes more than good tools. It takes
a complete change of attitude.
I N D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 , just before the busy Gillian Tans,’s CEO
holiday travel season, Book­’s at the time, was skeptical. She worried
Stefan Thomke director of design proposed a radical that the change would cause confusion
Professor, Harvard
Business School experiment: testing an entirely new among the company’s loyal customers.
layout for the company’s home page. Lukas Vermeer, then the head of the
Instead of offering lots of options for firm’s core experimentation team,
hotels, vacation rentals, and travel deals, bet a bottle of champagne that the test
Harold Edgerton ©2010 MIT. Courtesy of MIT Museum
as the existing home page did, the new would “tank”—meaning it would drive
one would just feature a small window down the company’s critical perfor-
asking where the customer was going, mance metric: customer conversion,
the dates, and the number of people or how many website visitors made a
in the party, and present three simple booking. Given that pessimism, why
options: “accommodations,” “flights,” didn’t senior management just veto
and “rental cars.” All the content and the trial? Because doing so would have
design elements—pictures, text, but- violated one of’s core
tons, and messages—that tenets: Anyone at the company can
had spent years optimizing would be test anything—without management’s
eliminated. permission.

2 Harvard Business Review

March–April 2020

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This document is authorized for use only in Murugan. P's Business Experiments for Decision Making at Indian Institute of Management - Shillong from Jan 2022 to Jul 2022. runs more than 1,000 “In an increasingly digital world, if that succeeds, nearly 10 don’t—and in
rigorous tests simultaneously and, by you don’t do large-scale experimentation, the eyes of many organizations that
my estimates, more than 25,000 tests in the long term—and in many industries emphasize efficiency, predictability, and
a year. At any given time, quadrillions the short term—you’re dead,” Mark “winning,” those failures are wasteful.
(millions of billions) of landing-page Okerstrom, the CEO of Expedia Group To successfully innovate, compa-
permutations are live, meaning two told me. “At any one time we’re running nies need to make experimentation an
customers in the same location are hundreds, if not thousands, of concur- integral part of everyday life—even when
unlikely to see the same version. All rent experiments, involving millions of budgets are tight. That means creating an
this experimentation has helped trans- visitors. Because of this, we don’t have to environment where employees’ curiosity
form the company from a small Dutch guess what customers want; we have the is nurtured, data trumps opinion, anyone
start-up to the world’s largest online ability to run the most massive ‘customer (not just people in R&D) can conduct or
accommodation platform in less than surveys’ that exist, again and again, to commission a test, all experiments are
two decades. have them tell us what they want.” done ethically, and managers embrace isn’t the only firm to But in studying more than a dozen a new model of leadership. In this
discover the power of online experi- organizations and analyzing ano- article, I’ll look at several companies that
ments. Digital giants such as Amazon, nymized data on experiments from have managed to do those things well,
Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have upwards of 1,000, I have seen that Book- focusing in particular on,
found them to be a game changer when, Expedia, and their ilk are the which has one of the strongest cultures
it comes to marketing and innovation. exception. Instead of running hundreds of experimentation I have found.
They’ve helped Microsoft’s Bing unit, or thousands of online tests a year, many
for instance, make dozens of monthly firms run no more than a few dozen that
improvements, which collectively have have little impact.
boosted revenue per search by 10% to If testing is so valuable, why don’t Everyone in the organization, from the
25% a year. (See “The Surprising Power of companies do it more? After examining leadership on down, needs to value sur-
Online Experiments,” HBR, September– this question for several years, I can tell prises, despite the difficulty of assigning

October 2017.) Firms without digital you that the central reason is culture. a dollar figure to them and the impossi-
roots—including FedEx, State Farm, and As companies try to scale up their online bility of predicting when and how often
H&M—have also embraced online test- experimentation capacity, they often they’ll occur. When firms adopt this
ing, using it to identify the best digital find that the obstacles are not tools mindset, curiosity will prevail and people
touchpoints, design choices, discounts, and technology but shared behaviors, will see failures not as costly mistakes
and product recommendations. beliefs, and values. For every experiment but as opportunities for learning.



In an increasingly digital world, Culture—not tools and technology— Create an environment in which curiosity
randomized, controlled A/B prevents companies from conducting is nurtured, data trumps opinion, anyone
experiments are an extremely the hundreds, even thousands, of can conduct a test, all experiments are
valuable way to create or improve tests they should be doing annually done ethically, and managers embrace a
online experiences. and then applying the results. new model of leadership.

4 Harvard Business Review

March–April 2020

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It’s actually less risky to run a large number of experiments than a small
number. If a company does only a handful of experiments a year, it may have
only one success—or none. Then failure is a big deal.

A classic example concerns an inci- number of experiments than a small

dent at Amazon involving a revision of number. At, only about
Air Patriots, a game for mobile devices 10% of experiments generate positive The empirical results of online exper-
in which players defend towers from results—meaning that “B,” a modifica- iments must prevail when they clash
attack with a squadron of planes. When tion that attempts to improve something with strong opinions, no matter whose
Amazon launched a new version of it, (sales, repeat usage, click-through rates, opinions they are. This is the attitude at
the development team was taken aback or the time users spend on the site,, but it’s rare among most
by the response: The seven-day user-­ for example), performs better among firms for an understandable reason:
retention rate dropped by an astonish- randomly assigned users than “A,” the human nature. We tend to happily
ing 70%, and revenue fell 30%. The team control, which is the status quo. (In accept “good” results that confirm our
discovered that it had inadvertently addition to A/B tests, also biases but challenge and thoroughly
increased the game’s difficulty by about runs more-complex tests that assess investigate “bad” results that go against
10%. Amazon quickly shipped a fix, but more than one modification at the same our assumptions.
the developers wondered if making the time.) But when you conduct a large vol- The remedy is to implement the
game easier could produce large gains ume of experiments, a low success rate changes that experiments validate with
in retention and revenue. To find out, still translates into a significant number few exceptions. As one director at Book-
they ran a test with four new levels of of successes, which, in turn, diminish told me, “If the test tells you
difficulty, in addition to a control, and the financial and emotional costs of the that the header of the website should be
learned that the easiest variant did the failures. If a company does only a hand- pink, then it should be pink. You always
best. After some further refinements, ful of experiments a year, it may have follow the test.”
Amazon launched a new version—and only one success or, if it’s unlucky, none. Getting executives in the top ranks
this time users played 20% longer and Then failure is a big deal. to abide by this rule isn’t easy. (As the
revenue increased by 20%. An accident At the companies I studied, the American writer Upton Sinclair once
had led to a surprising insight, which success rate for ideas tested early in the quipped, “It is difficult to get a man to
became the starting point for new development of a brand-new offering understand something, when his salary
experiments. is even lower. Early failures, however, depends upon his not understanding
Unfortunately, this kind of reaction allow developers to quickly eliminate it!”) But it’s vital that they do: Nothing
is an anomaly. At many companies unfavorable options and refocus their stalls innovation faster than a so-called
the risk associated with experiments efforts on more-promising alternatives. HiPPO—highest-paid person’s opinion.
makes managers reluctant to allocate In experimental cultures, employees Note that I’m not saying that all man-
resources to them. But the gains enjoyed are undaunted by the possibility of agement decisions can or should be based
by companies that have made the leap of failure. “The people who thrive here are on online experiments. Some things are
faith should give others the courage to curious, open-minded, eager to learn very hard, if not impossible, to conduct
follow them. and figure things out, and OK with being tests on—for example, strategic calls on
Many organizations are also too con- proven wrong,” said Vermeer, who now whether to acquire a company.
servative about the nature and amount oversees all testing at The But if everything that can be tested
of experimentation. Overemphasizing firm’s recruiters look for such people, online is tested, experiments can
the importance of successful experi- and to make sure they’re empowered to become instrumental to management
ments may encourage employees to follow their instincts, the company puts decisions and fuel healthy debates.
focus on familiar solutions or those that new hires through a rigorous onboard- Sometimes, those discussions might
they already know will work and avoid ing process, which includes experimen- result in a conscious choice to overrule
testing ideas that they fear might fail. tation training, and then gives them the data. That’s what happened with one
And it’s actually less risky to run a large access to all testing tools. decision involving a comedy series at

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Netflix, which has built a sophisticated chose to use images that included both and processes like user recruitment,
infrastructure for large-scale experi- actresses, even though customer data randomization, the recording of visitors’
mentation. According to a Wall Street didn’t support the decision. However, behavior, and reporting are automated.

Andreas Feininger/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images

Journal article published in 2018, the the experimental evidence made the A core experimentation team and five
company’s executives were torn when trade-offs more transparent. satellite teams used to provide training
tests showed that a promotion featuring and support to the whole organization,
an image of only Lily Tomlin, one of the but because the firm’s needs evolved,
stars of Grace and Frankie, resulted in DEMOCRATIZE EXPERIMENTATION that structure was recently changed to
more clicks by potential viewers than As I’ve noted, any employee at Book- four central teams that report to Vermeer
promotions featuring both Tomlin and can launch an experiment on and specialists (“ambassadors”) that are
her costar, Jane Fonda. The content team millions of customers without man- placed in product teams.
worried that excluding Fonda would agement’s permission. About 75% of its To get things rolling, individuals or
alienate the actress and possibly violate 1,800 technology and product staffers teams fill out an electronic form, which
her contract. After heated debates actively use the company’s experimenta- is visible to all and includes the name of
that pitted empirical evidence against tion platform. Standard templates allow the experiment, its purpose, the main
“strategic considerations,” Netflix them to set up tests with minimal effort, beneficiaries (customers or suppliers),

6 Harvard Business Review

March–April 2020

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they see anything that strikes them as

questionable. Just as anyone can launch
an experiment, anybody can stop one.
However, this happens only on the rare
A long-exposure photograph
by Andreas Feininger captures occasion when an experiment has gone
the light trail of a helicopter. catastrophically awry—for example, if
someone is alone in the office at night and
sees that an experiment is causing a key
related past experiments, and the metric like the customer conversion rate erupted. Facebook’s data science team
number of modifications to be tried out to plunge and will cost the company mil- had been running experiments on unsus-
in A/B, A/B/C, or A/B/n tests. Once an lions of dollars in revenues if it continues. pecting users for years without contro-
experiment is up and running, the team This system gives teams the auton- versy, but the emotional manipulation
watches it closely for the first few hours; omy they need to try out new approaches struck a nerve. Critics raised concerns
if its primary or secondary metrics tank they believe are valuable and allows peo- about whether the participants’ consent
quickly, the team can stop the test. After ple throughout the company to monitor to Facebook’s general data-use policy
that initial period, the platform continues the experiments and provide feedback sufficed; they felt the company should
to automatically run data-quality checks in real time. It truly liberates everyone have made it clearer that users could opt
and sends warning messages if some- to test any idea about how to improve out of testing and that data was collected
thing is odd. To encourage openness,’s business. for research. From a learning perspec- maintains a central search- tive, the experiment was a success: It
able repository of past experiments, with found that emotional contagion existed
full descriptions of successes, failures, BE ETHICALLY SENSITIVE online, though the effect was very small.
iterations, and final decisions. And When contemplating new experiments, But some users felt that Facebook had
everyone can see the real-time informa- companies must think carefully about exploited them in the name of science.
tion generated by ongoing experiments. whether users would consider the Research suggests that companies
“Somewhat ironically, the centralizing tests to be unethical. While the answer that test new ideas first face greater
of our experimentation infrastructure is isn’t always clear-cut, organizations customer scrutiny than competitors
what makes our organizational decen- that fail to examine this question risk that implement new practices without
tralization possible,” Vermeer explained sparking a backlash. Take the weeklong conducting any experiments. In a pub-
to me. “Everyone uses the same tools. experiment that Facebook ran in 2012 lished analysis of 16 studies in domains
This fosters trust in each other’s data and to learn whether emotional states were such as health care, vehicle design, and
enables discussion and accountability. contagious on its platform. Facebook global poverty, bioethicist Michelle
While some companies, like Microsoft, rejiggered its news feed—an algorith- Meyer and her collaborators concluded
Facebook, and Google, may be more tech- mically curated list of posts, stories, that participants considered A/B tests
nically advanced in areas like machine and activities—to see whether viewing to be more morally questionable than
learning, our use of simple A/B tests fewer positive news stories led people to the universal implementation of an
makes us more successful in getting all reduce their number of positive posts. untested practice (A or B) on the entire
people involved; we have democratized The network also tested whether the population—even when both treatments
testing throughout the organization.” reverse happened when people were were unobjectionable.
Democratization, of course, has its exposed to fewer negative news stories. Clearly, ethics training and some
challenges. One is the risk that teams The experiment involved nearly 690,000 kind of oversight are necessary. The
or individuals could break something randomly selected users, about 310,000 challenge is conducting the latter in
on’s high-traffic website, of whom were unwittingly exposed to ways that don’t make people overly
causing it to crash. Another is that manipulated emotional expressions in cautious or tangle them in red tape. For
each team has to set its own direction their news feeds, while the rest were those precise reasons, has
and figure out which user problems it subjected to control conditions in which shied away from imposing rules from
wants to solve. That requires extensive a corresponding number of randomly on high about what kind of tests can be
training and ongoing discussions among chosen posts were omitted. run. Instead, it encourages employees to
team members about what the right When researchers from Facebook and ask whether an experiment or proposed
problems are. Debates are encouraged, Cornell University published the results practice would help or hurt customers.
and people reach out to colleagues if in an academic journal, public outrage “I’d rather stay away from policing or

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change a company’s culture. In decen-
tralized testing, firms spread specialist
teams throughout different business
units. While this approach expands
experimentation to more parts of the
organization, it can hinder knowledge
sharing and lead to conflicting goals and
poor coordination among specialists.
ethical review boards,” David Vismans, Set a grand challenge that can be Decentralization may be needed to get’s chief product officer, broken into testable hypotheses and the broader organization involved at
told me. “That’s not a scalable solution. key performance metrics. Employees first, but after that, firms should turn to
You’d create a bottleneck, and testing need to see how their experiments improving their experimentation capa-
police don’t make people feel like they’re support an overall strategic goal. Say bilities. That’s what did.
empowered.” Instead, the company’s senior leaders challenged It initially used satellite teams to spread
encourages debates in internal online employees to design the best online experimentation across the company
forums that are open to all employees. experience in the industry. They might but found that they were too busy
The debates can be vigorous and have expect that a superior experience would supporting users to focus on building
tackled issues like the use of techniques generate more customer traffic, which firmwide capabilities. To address that
to persuade customers to complete would attract more suppliers to Book­ problem and align the teams better,
transactions (for example, messages’s platform, helping expand the Book­ recently switched to a
such as “Please book now or you will lose customer base and activity even more. center-of-excellence model that supports
this reservation” or “Only three rooms To discover ways to pursue that goal, business units, standardizes the com-
left”). “I would rather have a commu- employees could devise hypotheses pany’s approach to experimentation,
nity that is self-correcting,” Vismans and related metrics—for instance, and makes sure that best practices are
explained. that underlining important text would adopted and followed.
To that end,’s onboard- increase conversion rates by making crit- Be a role model. Leaders have to
ing process also includes ethics training. ical information easier to find, and that a live by the same rules as everyone else
LinkedIn, another company with a large “one click, no cost” cancellation option and subject their own ideas to tests.
experimentation program, takes a slightly would boost user return rates without “You can’t have an ego, thinking that you
different approach. It has created internal causing net hotel bookings to drop. always know best,” Tans told me. “If I, as
guidelines that state the company won’t Put in place systems, resources, the CEO, say to someone, ‘This is what
run experiments “that are intended to and organizational designs that allow I want you to do because I think it’s good
deliver a negative member experience, for large-scale experimentation. for our business,’ employees would
have a goal of altering members’ moods Scientifically testing nearly every idea literally look at me and say, ‘OK, that’s
or emotions, or override existing mem- requires infrastructure: instrumentation, fine, we are going to test it and see if
bers’ settings or choices.” data pipelines, and data scientists. Sev- you are right.’” Bosses ought to display
eral third-party tools and services make intellectual humility and be unafraid to
it easy to try experiments, but to scale admit, “I don’t know.” They should heed
EMBRACE A DIFFERENT things up, senior leaders must tightly the advice of Francis Bacon, the father
LEADERSHIP MODEL integrate the testing capability into of the scientific method: “If a man will
By democratizing experimentation and company processes. Doing so requires begin with certainties, he shall end in
following test results where they lead, striking the right balance between cen- doubts; but if he will be content to begin
companies can enable employees to tralization and decentralization. with doubts, he shall end in certainties.”
make good decisions on their own and In centralized groups, dedicated spe- Recognize that words alone won’t
accelerate innovation and improve- cialists such as developers, user interface change behavior. Ultimately, being a
ments. But if most decisions are made designers, and data analysts can run leader in an experiment-driven organi-
this way, what’s left for senior leaders to experiments for the entire company and zation means letting go and empowering
do, beyond developing the company’s focus on introducing state-of-the-art employees to perform their own tests—
strategic direction and tackling big methods and tools. But if testing is lim- which doesn’t happen by simply telling
decisions such as which acquisitions to ited to a small group of specialists, it will people that they can do so. It requires
make? There are at least four things: be hard to scale up experimentation and a concerted effort like IBM’s.

8 Harvard Business Review

March–April 2020

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How Experiments with Site Improvements

Every day, employees at the company use A/B tests to try out their ideas for tweaks. Below are two examples.


Hypothesis Hypothesis
Highlighting a neighborhood’s walkability helps users make better Displaying the checkout date when
decisions about property location. users select the age of children in their
party improves their experience.

The Control The Treatment The Control
Shows the site’s current practice Adds walkability information Shows the site’s current practice

The Treatment
Adds the checkout date above children’s ages

The Result The Result

The treatment had no significant impact on the key metric. The treatment had a significant
The current practice is kept in place. positive impact on the key metric, and
the change is implemented.

In 2015 experimentation wasn’t a core Then, Ari Sheinkin, IBM’s head of mar- offered training for everyone, and made
activity at IBM; the company’s IT func- keting analytics at the time, took over online tests free for all business groups.
tion offered to run tests, but they were experimentation and, with the backing He also conducted an initial “testing
costly, were charged back to business of the chief marketing officer, empow- blitz” during which the marketing units
units, and had to follow a rigid process. ered over 5,500 marketers worldwide had to run a total of 30 online exper-
The testing capacity consisted of just one to conduct their own tests. To induce iments in 30 days. After that, he held
specialist, who was also the gatekeeper them to do so, Sheinkin took a number quarterly contests for the most innova-
and who rejected many proposed exper- of steps. He installed easy-to-use tools, tive or most scalable experiments. He
iments because he felt that they weren’t created a center of excellence to provide also employed more-forceful tactics:
strong-enough candidates. As a result, support, introduced a framework for IBM tied part of marketing units’ budgets
the company ran only 97 tests that year. conducting disciplined experiments, to experimentation plans. These efforts

Harvard Business Review

March–April 2020 9
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worked. By 2018, the number of annual
tests had surged to 2,822.

power of experimentation requires
a sustained commitment. Over time
experiments will result in thousands
of small and not-so-small changes that
collectively generate huge benefits.
Providing the right tools, while essen-
tial, is the easy part and isn’t enough
to make experimentation a way of
life. Vismans put it best: “If I have any
advice for CEOs, it’s this: Large-scale
testing is not a technical thing; it’s a
cultural thing that you need to fully
embrace. You need to ask yourself two
big questions: How willing are you to be
confronted every day by how wrong you
are? And how much autonomy are you
willing to give to the people who work
for you? And if the answer is that you
don’t like to be proven wrong and don’t
want employees to decide the future of
your products, it’s not going to work.
You will never reap the full benefits of
The lesson is that it’s not so import-
ant whether any one experiment
succeeds or fails; what matters is how
decisions are adjudicated under uncer-
tainty in an organization. They should
not be based on faith or personal opinion
alone. If they can be put to the test, they
should be. HBR Reprint S20021

STEFAN THOMKE is the William Barclay

Harding Professor of Business
Administration at Harvard Business School
and the author of Experimentation Works:
The Surprising Power of Business
Experiments (HBR Press, 2020).

This article is part of a series. The complete Spotlight package is available in a single reprint. HBR Reprint R2002B

10 Harvard Business Review

March–April 2020

This document is authorized for use only in Murugan. P's Business Experiments for Decision Making at Indian Institute of Management - Shillong from Jan 2022 to Jul 2022.

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